Kellogg’s deserve a monumental cunting!
Can you believe they have released an LGBT cereal? As if these cunts aren’t pandered too enough already by the BBC and the Facebook/Twitter generation. These fuckers are just mentally ill. Do you really think you are gender neutral? Binary? Identify as a man in a woman’s body?
What’s next? A person born a female but identifies as a man but is a homosexual and only sleeps with men who will fuck her arse and stay away from the pussy?
Old sheila is on the home stretch – maybe ten years till I pop my clogs and I cannot wait. I am so fucking sick of what society has become. A populous addicted to phones with ruthless, narcissistic tendencies who think the world revolves around them because they have four Twitter followers and a post on Instagram that got twelve likes.
Nominated by sheilas shitty knickers
Just don’t buy anything from the cunts. It’s all about money. So don’t give them yours. The rapacious cunts.
I drove through Taylor Square, Sydney today en route to a new site. Taylor Square is the gateway to city’s “gay strip”, Oxford Street. A huge rainbow fucking flag was flying full bloody mast right in the middle of a pedestrianised zone.
Were I silly enough to bother expressing my less than flattering opinions about the way “celebrating” homosexuality is practically forced on non-homosexual folk I would probably be called a “homophobe.” The word “Homophobe,” it seems, is just another made up word used by queers to defend their deviant desires to fellate boy’s considerably younger than themselves.
A phobia is an irrational fear. There’s nothing irrational about fearing expression
….of your opinions of what an open sewer our society has become…or the liberal thought police.
Nah, not buying it. I don’t mean the cereal but the whole story. I think Sheila is trying to wind us up, taking the fucking piss.
Nice try but fuck off Sheila ok?
Sadly Freddie SSK isn’t taking the pee. A quick Google search of “Kelloggs LGBT” verifies the story. Corporate marketing strategists scraping the underside of the barrel again in search of a quick buck. Hopefully the right wing Christian influences in the good ol’ US of A can organise a boycott of Kellogg products to negate any pôôfter dollars they might attract.
Fuck me sideways and upside down, you are right! My profound apologies to Sheila and her shitty knickers. Has the world gone fucking mental or what? I very much think it has.
The only comfort I can draw from this is that the more benders there are the more lonely women there are who’s knickers I can get into, preferably not as shitty as Sheila’s.
Please don’t ruin my day by telling me there’s a special cereal for lezzas…..not Shreddies for fucks sake…..they’re my favourites!!
Kids spit it out!!!
The only surprise is that anyone’s surprised…
Wake up and smell the LGBTQXYZ BAME coffee!
Oh ye of little faith, Freddie !
You must learn to look beyond the shitty knickers and find the truth within.
Step away from the Kellogs muesli bar !
Good morning.
I like Special K red berries Freddie
… doubt they will change the name to Special Gay…
I don’t think it will be that long before all products will be made LGBTXYZ friendly.
Fucking weirdy weirdos
Blimey, top stuff that!! Didn’t realise any septic tanks were self-aware enough to see through this kind of retarded shit, good for him
There’s definitely already been “men born as women but is homosexual” so you’re behind the curve there
Was covered in some Government literature that I saw being laughed at on Twitter, that said something along the lines of ” it’s ok for a man to feel sexual pleasure from his vagina”
This meant for people who don’t actually have vaginas so not sure how that works but I’m sure Kellogg’s of all firm will be able to tell us.
To get my custom back, they’ll need to go more 70s and get the Exec Team to fuck the staff.
Like McDonald’s.
I was really rooting for that McDonald’s CEO but no, wouldn’t have done to potentially anger the #metoo cabal.
No doubt it will come out that they are in a perfectly consensual relationship.
You think they’d be more grateful for the billions he’s put on their bottom line whilst being in charge.
And that she would be grateful for everything he has done on her bottom.
Yeh and the fact he was shagging a female employee shouldnt have med any difference fucking narrow minded fucking cunts fuck mc donalds too en all
No, a quick Google confirms it is the real deal.
Kellogg’s has gone all James Bond on us. I don’t tend to buy Kellogg’s wood shavings anyway as it is no better than the equivalent shop branded cereal, but usually three times the price.
“They’re cuuunts!”
No, a quick Google confirms it is the real deal.
Kellogg’s has gone all James Bond on us. I don’t tend to buy Kellogg’s wood shavings anyway as it is no better than the equivalent shop branded cereal, but usually three times the price.
“They’re cunts!” as Tony the Tiger wouldn’t say…
Cunts have had my last penny after hearing this. Let Millennials and other cunts get arse fucked by this communist style re-education, I am resigned to being yesterday’s man (at 44) and slowly drift towards being more offensive and out of touch as I age, like my Granddad.
It’s funny how that happens, we’ve all had the racist Grandpa no doubt and all shaken our heads at him (well maybe not my fellow cunts on here) but fast forward 25 years and can quite easily see my grandchildren (which I shall discourage my kids to have) having to apologise to someone in Tesco on my behalf because I’ve said something to the non-binary gender unidentifiable prick kissing a toaster in front of me (or whatever is de rigueur at that point).
That or I’ll just kill myself now
More than 12 likes for you, Sheila. All of us on this site understand your frustration with the state of the world today. I hope we put a smile on your face even when you’re considering your mortality!
My mum, a teacher for her working life, recognised that there would be the odd child that was, in her words, “in the wrong body.” Of course, in the old days, these people would become the bad trannies that we would stare at in town. Somehow this 0.01% of the population (what are the real figures RTC?) have taken over MSM.
Chin up!
I was just asking my mrs the other day if anyone had seen old Cedric in town lately!! The famous local trannie you speak of, face like a badger’s arse, old navy tattoos all over his arms and more often than not spotted wearing a cerise cocktail dress, fishnet stockings and 6-inch stilettos. How we laughed and pointed…. be up on charges for that now, he was a trailblazer! No doubt the AIDS has got to him
Oh and I remember the local legend now – he got sacked from his job at the abbatoir in the ’80s for being a bit too “intimate” with the piggy corpses….
Good nom Sheila. I feel your pain, I’m only in my forties and the thought of dragging out another 30 or 40 years into the existential pit of fuckwittery that society has become (and is obviously only going to get far worse) is actually worrying, don’t think I have the stomach for it. Ah well, fingers crossed Kim and the Don will turn on one another and start flinging nukes about – that’ll give Gretchel Thundercrackers something to moan about 🙂
Perhaps The Gays find it an easier way to feed the collection of small rodents that they hide up their tattered rings? After can’t be easy shoving a funnel up yer hoop before tipping in a few handfuls of hamster feed.
I.of course,don’t eat cereal of any type. I have no desire to be mistaken for a Gerbil-harbouring knob-jockey…or,equally as bad,a fucking Veggie. It’s Full-English every morning for me,or occasionally kippers.
Fuck Off.
Well im straight out to the shops an buying it!
Bet its lovely!
All little sprinkles, and bits of choc choc, and you get a toy in the packet!
Whats this?
A butt plug? Mum?
I believe they are bringing out a fudge flavour shortly too
It was the “Chocolate Hoops..they’reee Greatttt” from Tony, the todger-touching tiger that gave the game for me.
Will be well packed no doubt
I would love to be a fly on the wall at Durham University (anyone who says ‘uni’ should be subject to instant execution) when you summit your PhD thesis on The Gayness to that seat of learning.
Already done, Mike….alas,like so many visionaries I have been mocked,derided and persecuted.
Apparently I am now the subject not only of a Police investigation,but also a newly introduced Honours Course….”Fiddler…What a Cunt”….already massively oversubscribed,apparently.
Fucking Snowflakes.
I shall apply to Durham for a place on that course. My weekends will be spent observing the subject in the pub and rugby club. I am sure I will be able to get a great deal of information for my dissertation from the landlady of ‘the other pub.’
If I can write fast enough, I am sure my book ‘The Fiddler No-one Knows’ will be a Christmas hit in 2020.
I’m also planning a sequel called ‘I, Fiddler’ which will mostly consist of my (somewhat edited) versions of Dick’s philosophical musings.
Saucy cunt CMC. It was the fucking Aussies who invented the word “uni”. It’s not our fault that students spend all their time watching daytime Aussie soaps. (when they’re not out saving the planet and fighting the cause of Deutsche fucking Bank obviously)
I don’t know a single cunt , no matter how educated they are, who doesn’t use that word. Like you, it fucking winds me up.
Ah kippers, can’t be long before the lezzas claim them as their own…
“Anyone who says uni should be subject to instant execution” I say Uni all the time cunts mate…
True about the aussie uni connection freddie Canadians say uni alot too I notice but Uni probably sounds a tad more annoying from a Australian accent
Good news. I’ve just googled Shreddies and found they are made by Nestle who, as far as I know, haven’t turned gay yet.
However, I fear it is just a matter of time before those cunts jump on the bandwagon……that’s how these things work.
How long before they start producing gay beers for fucks sake? Surely good old Belgian wifebeater won’t turn queer?
Today ain’t going to be your day, Freddie. Search “Nestlé LGBT” and you”ll find they are also on the Corporate Bûmbandit Wagon. Suggest you avoid the “frosted” Shreddies.
Sugar Poofs
Coco Pops your cherry… ???
A high fibre diet gives a regular bowl movement so the bum bandits know when to insert a new Tampax up the shoot for a less soiled knicker experience. Makes perfect sense.
This cereal makes it’s own ‘milk’?
Sublime cunting Mrs /Mr /Ms Shitty Knickers. ?
The business of Business is business. Anyway there’s only 11 years left till the end of the world so fuck ’em.
Great observations Sheila.
It was only a matter of time before the never ending LGBTQWERTYUIOP story was cerealised…
Ba-dum tish! 😀
The founder of Kelloggs would be pissed off turning over in his grave that the gayness has taken over his company. The Kellogg brothers were SDA Christians. They wrote abunch of health and spiritual related books His original corn flakes cereal had no sugar, because he thought sugar was the stuff of the devil and gave you impure sexual thoughts
Good one TS, somechap told me that the cornflake was invented as an anti wanking food. They were invented around the time that personal abuse was seen as the great evil. I believe books were published for young men showing upstanding young men in heroic poses white English of course with captions basically inferring that not indulging in the beastly act of self pleasure would ensure a virtuous and heroic life. These images would be followed by further images and captions highlighting the fate both physical and mental which awaited the serial cat stabber. From my interpretation of the wanker images it appears that the youth would shrink have a hunch back, skin would become swarthy the wanking hand would be larger than other and round thick lens glasses worn. This was the fate envisioned by church and state for wankers. Thank heaven for Kellogg he attempted to save the World from deviants
What an ignoramus. Circümcision never stopped me wanking 5 times a day from the age of 13.
Boris has likened Corbyn to Stalin…
Yeah, In Corbyn’s and Seumus Milne’s dreams! ?
Corbyn hasn’t genocided anyone yet or sent political dissidents to harsh treatment in the gulag prison system tho
Neither had Stalin before he came to power.
Give it time…
Wasn’t he the cause of the ‘liquidation’ of millions? He worked the peasants to death with his 5 Year Plans I know that. Sent dissidents to the Gulags in Siberia. Then they were ‘show trials’ of his political rivals,; the rumours of them being hanged with piano wire….
Is that what Jeremy is planning while down on his allotment?
Woke companies with their woke corporate bollox are becoming a major pain in the ass. So now Kellogg’s joins Gillette and Marks and Spenser with their LGBT sandwich. They are targeting a minuscule demographic with these campaigns and alienating a far larger demographic, as Gillette found out to their cost. There’s only one response – don’t but the products of cunt woke companies any more. So no more Kellogs for me at breakfast. I shall switch my loyalty to other, saner companies like Nebisco.
Fuck off.
MMCM, If you mean Nabisco then to avoid disappointment don’t Google search for “special LGBT-Edition Oreos”. Corporate Bûmbanditry strikes again. There is no avoiding it. They are all at it.
Damn. Toast for breakfast then !
I thought this was a wind-up, but should have known better. The pic is of a very old Kelloggs product – at least 60 years on the market and sold under that name throughout. The reality is far, far worse:
Add to the choking horror of the concept the notion that the target demographic for multicoloured breakfast crap is the under-5’s ( as for Froot Loops ) and the realisation penetrates that we’re all fucked and death will be a merciful release.
And it’s £15.50 for less than 200g.
At that price Elton John will be the only buyer.
And why? That’s a mixture of their standard products in the same box. Froot Loops on Amazon are £15 for 481 gm. Wow. Value added? Nil.
Ps I must props – as our dark key brethren say – to the admin fellas for the photo, top stuff
And ladies!
Of course, sorry!! You don’t mean to say there are members of the fairer sex willing to submit themselves to this parade of degenerate filth?!?
I thought there already was a gay cereal; honeyed nut clusters.
They’ve had a large cock on their cornflake box for years…
I’m fucking missing a trick here all it is is a variety pack stacked a fucking different way in a box!!!! So your paying £18 for a box? £18 FOR A FUCKING BOX!!!!
Right I’m getting on this bandwagon I wonder if I can get five finger of fudges fused together and brand it as a “fist of fudge” then put it in a colourful ass shaped box.
It’s a great Idea, target the gays with a cereal just for them laced with Fairy Dust, or better still a sprinkle of arsenic!
They can eat Tony the Tigers shite as far as I’m concerned.
Fuck me what a panto.
In the comments section of that news buster website link, someone wrote something like, ‘I support LGBT – Liberty, Guns, Beer, Trump’ haha.
All this LGBT stuff written on products and advertisements, to me, is another way to get people to buy stuff. Taking advantage of what is popular at the moment.
I don’t begrudge anyone of their opinions, lifestyle, what they eat etc etc.
But something like this, a particular lifestyle choice, sexuality, shouldn’t be something advertised, but be something to discover naturally in life even just an awareness of it.
Children, particularly young children probably think LGBT is about people who wear bright clothes, but in reality it isn’t.
P.s does that make sense?
After a quick edit yes.
Cheers, Admin. 🙂
You know that “Day admin” is still in hospital after your cock splitting comment, I doubt they will ever be the same again.
You should be ashamed of yourself, posting shit like that 🙂
Reminds me of Life of Brian.
Man: “All I said to my wife was ‘that lovely piece of halibut was good enough for Jehova”
Group of stoners: “He said it!” *throws stone*
“Where shall we fuck off O Lord?”
Hilarious! I need to watch that film again 🙂
I feel like we have corrupted you Spoony!
That is a possibility, Harold.
Couldn’t agree more; it’s the sheer cynicism on display that fucks me off as much as the pandering to poovery. Like these companies are doing it for any reason other than profit…. oh and phone – stop correcting “poovery ” to “poverty” or I’m cunting you
An LGBT cereal? Ah, bless!!
Sugar Puffs lure, KO…
That covers most of the action, methinks…
Kellogg’s cuntflakes..
Kellogg’s can produce as much LGBTQZXVGFV shit as they like. But I refuse to buy any more of their products on the basis that Ricicles, the very food of the Gods, has been discontinued on the basis of ‘sugar’ but they still make Frosties which are shit but covered in…sugar. Illogical cunts.