John McDonnell is a malevolent cunt. It’s scary to think that in a couple of weeks time, this wanker might be in a position of power.
He sounded perfectly reasonable on Radio 4 this morning, as long as you didn’t try to understand what he was saying. Get rid of billionaires, state own this, a never ending supply of money and staff for the NHS. All funded by the billionaires that he wants to eradicate. His contempt for anyone who doesn’t agree is barely containable, as he tries to come across as some modern day Robin Hood.
Fucking Zhukov more like.
I think most of the young and the stupid who idolise Corbyn probably haven’t heard of McDonnell, as their only political education comes from sharing ‘love Corbyn’ posts on Facebook, and believe all the shite they spout. They have little idea of how many jobs this cunt will destroy, as anyone who hasn’t already relocated to Eastern Europe will do, happily helped with EU funding.
Nominated by Gutstick Japseye
He is a sinister looking and sounding cunt. Would fit well in the old East Germany.
I see you’ve been promoted Cunstable.
He managed to tease a blow job from confirmed rug muncher, Cressida Dick – hence his promotion for going beyond the call of duty!
Typical. You assume I got promoted by giving favours to Cressida’s Dick, not for my dedication to racist policing.
I’m starting a petition to lynch John McDonnell.
Give him a taste of his own medicine.
I’d like to break both my hands on his face.
Seriously I’d love to put an 8 hour shift on this cunt.
A truly nasty piece of work, he would be the Master of the Gulag’s.
Steptoe is a cunt,but McDonnell is far more sinister and dangerous – but away with melancholy, come with me to a better world, a world of freebies, and cornfields and ballet in the evenings – a world that exists in the roseate if warped minds of the Labour mincers and benders:-
“I have seen the future and it works!”, was Ghandi’s first impression of Russia, he was catastrophically wrong and lived to see it, as will the poofy “uni” students and poofters who might be daft enough to give this shower a taste of power.
But John McDonnell’s give-away bonanza will provide FREE prescription meds and FREE broadband for all MPs & former Prime Ministers.
Tony & Gordon are struggling to make ends meet on their meagre government pensions, don’t you know
He just looks like a bleary-eyed cunt you can’t trust. I swear if I met him in a pub my glass would end up being wrapped around his head.
*beady-eyed cunt. Fucking auto-correct again!!
No CMI you got it right; “bleary eyed” describes his demeanour very well. He’s the archetypal “New Unhappy Lord”,who “regards our loves and labours as a tired man looks at flies”, utterly indifferent to the reality his dogma might inflict, now physically tired of peddling the same old shit that in his heart he knows is laden with a legacy of failure, opression and death.
They say the eyes are the window to the soul and when you look into this cunt’s you know that (like the true Trotskyite that he is) there’s a cynical, soulless, autistic vacuum behind them. His years spent in the benthic depths of the labour party have long expelled any vestige of real world humanity from him. To him ideology is not just a means to an end but the end itself, his very raison d’etre. I look at him and know that in his mind is churning 24/7 the international revolutionary socialist inner mantra…
There is no peace
There is no love,
There is no rest
Only “The Struggle”
Corbyn’s exactly the same.
He’s a fucking cunt cunt, his politics is cunt, his personality is cunt, when he was born he was a bigger cunt then the cunt he just fell out of.
Not a fan.
It looks as if Comrade McDonnell and Steptoe will need to black up!:-
I am sure that is a girl with a beard.
It’s a country of White people you silly ho’, Africa has many black nations if that’s what want you want.
You just know it’s the silly cunt having a hissy fit, she might grow out of it, but it so accords with the BBC distorted view of the world. Send the girl to the fields – that cotton won’t pick itself.
They get very little representation in African countries where rigging and corruption is the norm. Not a single kaffir leader gives a fuck for his people.
Sixdog, are you the same as the sixdog of yorkshire?
Or that a relative?
TWO people live in Yorkshire? – did you count the ASOS warehouses?
Although the tin roof will remind the workers of home and will be a useful umbrella for all our “Yorkshire sunshine”
There are already too many BAME MPs, too many ‘bandit’ MPs, too many fucking stupid women in Parliament which is why it’s fucking useless.
And don’t get me started on the SNP!
Couldn’t agree more – Lloyd Russell Moyle was on TV yesterday – the epitome of the screaming queen. Most of the poofters are remainers.
In 2003 McDonnell proclaimed:
“It’s about time we started honouring those people involved in the armed struggle. It was the bombs and bullets and sacrifice made by the likes of Bobby Sands that brought Britain to the negotiating table. The peace we have now is due to the action of the IRA”.
Marxist scümbag.
The scumbag continues to display a plaque in his study dedicated to Bobby Sands and other IRA terrorists who died during the 1981 hunger strikes.
Bobby Sands phone number was:
Was that the number for Deliveroo?
Moderation is like placing your foot in a pile of shit. You know what you’ve done, but you still stumble into the next pile.
You succümbed to it Bertie…. ?
Afternoon Ruff one. There’s no fool like an old fool I’m afraid!
It’s all a plot by the Fourth Reich to enforce the use of the umlaut!
If this dickhead ran a business it would tits up within three months. He hasn’t got a fucking clue. The Flabbot is better at Maths.
Like his oppo, Corbyn, McDonnell spent years openly sucking IRA cock. Now he’s doing it with the likes of Hamas and Hezbollah. And JUST like his oppo, this piece has NEVER stood up for the UK or the British people. Labour is now a party of traitors. And with their brain dead thugs in Momentum, they are also the new Nazi party. I never thought I’d see the day where scum like this would be so close to forming a government, instead of swinging at the end of a rope, where they belong. Even though they despise Blair, should be grateful to him. It was Blair who got rid of our treason laws.
Lost friends to the IRA, family left Ireland after armed conflict with “The Black And Tans” many Years ago, McDonnel the IRA lover would have a different opinion if he saw the result of a bombing committed by these “freedom fighting heroes”..
If you’re not a socialist when you’re young, you are automatcally a cunt. Have a gander at William Hague at the Tory conference as a teenager. I’ve never fully trusted the Tories, but could never vote for this bunch of deluded Marxists. As for under represented minorities, what does she want us to do? Force the cunts to stand?
Nasty, IRA-fanboy thug cunt who would do more damage to Britain than Brexit ever will. The reality is that there will always be The Haves, The Have Nots and The Have Yachts but this human skidmark doesn’t seem to grasp it. Before bankrupting GB, admittedly McMao will have given the country free porn, courtesy of no-cost-broadband -for-all, though….
According to the Guido Fawkes website his IRA callsign/nickname was the Quartermaster as he was able to provide things they needed.
I was looking at GF just now and he is standing next to a lady. Either she is an Amazon (she is of Afro-Caribbean origin) or he is such a short arse that if he was any shorter he would be insanitary.
What I find disturbing is that to anyone with the slightest degree of intelligence knows that it would be physically and fiscally impossible to raise the sort of money that Corbyn & Co pledge they will spend – nationalisation, free education, free prescriptions, now they add to it, this morning the old arsehole has promised £100 BILLION(!) in their first year of office to Scotland. We all know they haven’tgot a hope in hell of these ridiculous spendong plans, and it makes you wonder why they continue to advance them. I suppose IF they gain power thanks to Swinson, and Corbyn Communications comes on line, pointing out these spending plans will be verboten. Its Orwell’s Ministry of Truth in the making.
£100 billion for Scotland? Fuck me, a high price to pay for SNP support. Mavis only needed £1 billion to get the DUP onboard. Unnecessarily as it turned out.
Why do they continue to advance these ridiculous spending plans? Because they believe the infantilised, economically illiterate electorate will bite.
Corbyn suggesting he would cancel all student debt in 2017 worked pretty well for Liebour last time around…
It all makes sense in Unicorn cloud cuckoo land where Messiah Jeremy lives
Fl at a darts match !
Jesus – that link has fucked off across my PC screen, and burst through into the bog in the next room..
Kindly have more respect for my stud walling. What if I was sat in there having a shit and it’d taken my eye out, dammit ?
I am very unclear how Grandpa and McMao intent to nationalise Openreach. This is a Plc, so they will need to implement new laws to enable the government to compulsory puchase the company and its assets.
How this will benefit the taxpayer, I am abjectly unclear, as all that will happen is that the current shareholders will inherit a fuck off great windfall and cunts like us will still need to pay their telephone broadband/line rental bill, the cost of which will inevitably go through the roof to pay for this wankery.
Plus there is the small matter of competition law. Openreach are not the only infrastructure provider out there now. Will all of these companies also have to hand over their companies to Grandpa and McMao? If not then it would be a trifle unfair on Openreach and there will likely be some competition legislation breached.
You know what? I don’t think these pair of Marxist pricks have the first idea of how that industry operates. All they see is a Marxist wet dream where a large Plc is taken over by the commie government. This pair of cunts should have white hot pokers inserted in their ringpieces for making promises that simply have no chance whatsoever of being delivered.
What’s next, McMao will pledge Labour will be the first to put a man on Uranus.
That’s more befitting of this commie wanking party.
Pair of cocksucking cunts.
Free Broadband, Yipee!!
It’s unclear, are they just saying that the line rental will be free or will it be the whole package, it’s just a fucking gimmick to grab votes from the thick cunts.
They have already pulled in Students on free tuition, I bet they haven’t said that there won’t be money to send the to University in the first place.
I’d settle for line rental. Fucking extortion, and before you’ve downloaded a byte. While mobile BB is priced to match. Shark cunts.
If you think things are expensive now, just wait until they are ”free.”
Prepping the pokers in the forge at Fox Towers as we speak, Butler complaining “his feet hurt” – well buy yourself some shoes then!
F*cking ungrateful servants..
Not to disagree with any of this: pre-election promises are ( regardless of party) outright lies these days. But if I thought that those “fuck(ing) off to Eastern Europe” were our very own Eastern European economic migrants, that wouldn’t distress me unduly.
I have friends in the Czech Republic, they keep saying I should move there, if we get Steptoe I may just do it.
What makes Slovakia unique in the EU….
No fucking Mosques!
There are only a handful in the Cz, Prague and Brno.
I occasional go to Kosica (slovakia) and stay with my mates in laws, Lovely people lovely place, but I am pretty fluent in the lingo and know that 40 years ago smiling father in law chucked a kid off a balcony for being gobby in a police raid (its how things were done then) so yes the surface of the lake is calm but there is a lot of turbulence under the water) so as a guest things can be fine but as a local they can get pretty nasty.
To put it mildly one of the last conversations I had in Croatia involved the phrase “I can not be held responsible for your safety” which is code for “If I were you fuck off now and don’t come back” which I never have.
I have never had any issues in the Czech Republic, my friends live in Moravia close the Slovak border, the only time I felt a little intimidated was when I travelled to Bratislava, the train station is definitely on the doggy side.
I haven’t had problems in slovakia, or the czech republic, nor poland (Hungary was arse) the Balkans and I just don’t seem to get on any more.
From my own experience Train stations the world over are dodgy so don’t worry.
As a billionaire I’m poised over my money button and ping off it goes elsewhere in the world.
Worst possible nightmare is a coalition government of Steptoe/Mcdonell, Jo Swinson, and Jimmie Krankie.
If that ever happens all decent law abiding, tax paying indigenous citizens of this once great country may as well emigrate or jump off a cliff because with these cunts in charge the underclass and the gimmecrunts and the rich will kill this country stone dead.
He’s just waiting for Magic Grandpa to fail so he can step in to run the commies.
I don’t think most of them give a fuck if they win so long as they can talk shit on the telly and max out the expenses.
It’s a very cosy club that only cunts can join.
Fuck off.
I forgot to mention what a colossal cunt he is.
Silly me.
It seems incredible that we have even to consider the prospect of a Steptoe government – even 10 years ago these absurd spending “pledges” would have been laughed at, and every politician outside Labour would have just assumed that the gruesome twosome had taken leave of their senses. Even today Labour politicians are warning of the dangers of Labour (e.g. Ian Austin)
The trouble is the education system and universities especially are now so highly politicized and they are not adverse to electoral fraud. Also the snowflakes, according to a recent report are not that keen on freedom of speech as it might “upset” them. That must be music to the ears of the Marxists.
A couple of years in the services or prison might make them grow up. I did 6 years in the RN and only wish it had been 12 – then I wouldn’t have met Mrs. Boggs.
Even at the ripe age he is, like most Labour politicians he tried a proper job, each one lasting a butterfly’s lifetime, and then thought “fuck that for a game of soldiers” and became an advisor to the mineworkers union. Despite my faintly socialist leanings, I can’t vote for these cunts
Vote Corbyn and you will get McDonnell.
Frankly Corbyn did not look well in the TV debate and it is thought that the glasses he is wearing our signs that he has had a mini-stroke.Whatever the case it will be McDonnell calling the shots and there will be a Soviet style putsch to get rid of Corbyn if there is a left-wing Labour/SNP/Liberal coalition.
McDonnell and Seumus Milne, the other malign cunt behind Corbyn.
Seamus Milne, the posh boy Stalinist, who sent his children to private school – a cunt of the very highest order. Even some the cunts who used to work for that Guardian toilet rag described him as arrogant, always expecting people to move out of the way for him. A poisonous cunt who should have a rendezvous with a fast moving bus.
Any of you cunts seen the clip of Lily Slagheap “crying” with emotion over the Labour manifesto? It’s the most shamefully bad piece of acting you’ve ever seen. Dick van Dyke’s Cockney accent is more convincing than this.
Can somebody post it please? I don’t know how to do that shit.
Your wish is my command…
I fucking despair.
Ahhh……wonderful Lily crying over the poor again. Don’t worry Lily we’ve got nothing for the politicians and gimmegrants to take off us. It’s rich cunts like you they’re coming after.
You can get a nice extended Roma family in that big London house of yours. That’ll cheer you up you fucking bitch.
This piece of marxist filth shouldn’t be in charge of a fucking ice cream van, let alone the country’s finances. If Catweazle got elected, this cunt would have his homomentum goons round to the Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Islingtonstan quick as a flash to knock the cunt off (no bad thing, but hang on), then proclaim himself the General Secretary. Sinister shitrag reminds me of Lavrenti Beria. It wasn’t so long ago that this arsewipe would’ve been at the end of a fucking rope- and rightly so.
This vile man is a treacherous fucker who will also have a prime spot in the pantheon of cunts. In his diseased mind he thinks we have an equivalent of the Gestapo who are just going to march in to the utilities companies and take control of them for “the people” and to confiscate billionaires wealth and take over their businesses too. Sounds a bit like what the Nazis did to wealthy Jews in the 1930,s I fucking loathe the cunt.
Smarmy cocksucking fucking cunt, I genuinely can’t believe this fuckwit believes his own bullshit, and in his arrogant turn thinks the electorate believes his bullshit. I want to shake this silly cunt until his teeth rattle and his common sense penny (if he still possesses one) drops. His particular form of obtuse bluster is either (hopefully put on), or worst case scenario a manifestation of a borderline personality disorder beyond cuntishness and way into the realms of `don’t follow that cunt he’ll get you killed’ and then blame you for following him.
In an ideal world, he’ll be nominated here every day until the 13th of December, and become famous on social media for just being the national-cunt, and therefore even more unelectable … if that’s possible.
Relax, oligarchy apologists. Labour can nationalise fuck-all if they keep us in the EU. EU competition rules rule…
They can nationalise under EU rules, but they can’t subsidise.
It’s actually not that simple;
And now for time for the bleeding obvious by everyones id love to shag mp(yeh i would to)pretty patel .Shes just stated it not the goverments fault or the fault of the goverment as regards the issue of poverty.well ffs what a crock of shit /no u imagine magic fucking pixys spent it all/it might and im guessing here all been put on useless things no cunt wanted.theres always some barmy bastard idea costing in the millions going ahead(councils etc)not to mention 3 years of brexit bullshit
The chilling aspect is when he is interviewed apart from getting a far to lightweight critique or grilling by some acolyte pretending to be a journalist, he comes across as your favourite Uncle John what possible harm could he do. The man is potentially the most dangerous man in Britain, his politics are based on hate for anybody or anything that doesn’t conform to his viewpoint, it is pointless to debate his economic theory you may as well talk to a bucket of sand, the fact that millions will vote for this can only leave the rest of us dumbfounded
This cunt & Dirty Grandpa are an anachronism. History has shown us that hard Left politics doesn’t work, because it goes against human nature. This pair of utter twats are desperate to foist it on us to give credentials to their own Lefty political ideals – ‘See, I told you I was right..’
I notice Flabbot has been kept out of the limelight in the run up to the election – presumably the diabetes has flared up again (though it obviously hasn’t stopped her helping the Marxist cunt with his sums.) No doubt, should the populace vote to properly fuck itself over & put Pinky & The Brain into No10, the daft mare will be Home Secretary. Should that happen, I may have to give my position serious consideration…
I like their broadband for all in the UK mainland policy and can’t wait to see these helmets digging up vast tracts of land in remote NW Scotland . The stupid fucking cunts
They cant have ever been there is all I can say
“And we’re going to make sure that the balance shifts!”
Any chance you could put your thumb on the scales for the folk who actually belong here and who actually work for once please John?
No? Right you are. Just the 1,200 miles and 62hrs this week John. No, no, I insist. Please take 60% of my hard earned to give to the Calais boat people, and LaToya and her xylophone of “never the same Dad twice” kids.
Yes just leave my enough for fuel so I can go out and earn for the cunts again next week.
What’s that John? Oh yes, you’re too kind. Yes I only have to eat every other day but thanks for thinking about that.
No no, M’Tembe and Kylie need all the money you can gift them John. You should introduce them. Who knows – after the Dominoes and White Lightening feast I’ve paid for – in 9 months time you could have another dependent little commie voter in your ranks.
And yes it will be my pleasure to pay for that little cunt as well! I wouldn’t have it any other way…
Unfortunately, the majority of those considering voting for these cunts are complete imbeciles who clearly have a very poor grasp of human nature, not to mention arithmetic.
That said, I, personally, want free beer to be piped into every house in the UK, along with a free daily massage that includes all the “extras”. Can we also have free ice cream in the summer?