John McDonnell (6)

John McDonnell is a malevolent cunt. It’s scary to think that in a couple of weeks time, this wanker might be in a position of power.

He sounded perfectly reasonable on Radio 4 this morning, as long as you didn’t try to understand what he was saying. Get rid of billionaires, state own this, a never ending supply of money and staff for the NHS. All funded by the billionaires that he wants to eradicate. His contempt for anyone who doesn’t agree is barely containable, as he tries to come across as some modern day Robin Hood.

Fucking Zhukov more like.

I think most of the young and the stupid who idolise Corbyn probably haven’t heard of McDonnell, as their only political education comes from sharing ‘love Corbyn’ posts on Facebook, and believe all the shite they spout. They have little idea of how many jobs this cunt will destroy, as anyone who hasn’t already relocated to Eastern Europe will do, happily helped with EU funding.

Nominated by Gutstick Japseye

73 thoughts on “John McDonnell (6)

  1. Corbyn McDonnell want to emulate Venezuela yeah see how that’s going you cunts, socialism is ok in principle but you get a greedy fucker who screws everyone’s else.

    What do you say millionaire socialist Corbyn fucking hypocrite

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