loopy Jo Swinson, PM
That’s right folks, Potty Jo Swinson thinks she will be the next ‘Pryme Minahstah’
Mad as a box of frogs, country bumpkin Jo (39) Member of Parliament for East Dunbartonshire, believes she will lead the shit for brains Liberals to a storming victory on 12th December, gaining 310 new Parliamentary seats.
Whilst you may suspect that the harebrained Miss Swinson is not playing with a full deck, she is completely serious in her belief the Millions will buy into her demented delusions, & accept that we all need to bask in the embrace of Junker & his EU stormtroopers.
Barking mad Jo may have been born under the zodiac sign Aquarius, but she clearly doesn’t have both oars in the water. Pass me a duffel bag full of whatever this mouth foaming Loony Tune is smoking, because it’s ‘grade A’ Whacky Baccy.
Call the men in white coats, as an emergency ambulance is needed to transport Crazy Jo to ward 7 (ask for Lord Nelson when visiting) – ? ? ?
Nominated by Lord of the Rings
She was the mayor of Amityville an tourism suffered after a few shark attacks, spoons.
She had a shark killed but its not the one killing!
She told everyone its safe, hence-“get in the sea.”
Farewell an ado all me fine spanish ladies,
Farewell an ado all my ladies of Spain,
Heres to swimming with one legged wimmin eh chief?
“We’re gonna need a bigger boat”…
Cheers, Krombupulous, MNC.
I was thinking of the film Jaws.
“We’re gonna’ need a bigger boat!”
I thought the EU had a ruling to keep out of elections ? Is this another one rule for you and we do as we like? Donald Tusk should keep his mouth shut and his nose out of the UK Elections.
Joe Swinson is an absolute nutcase her husband took the 30 pieces of silver from the EU so he who pays the piper calls the tune.
I see Mr David Cameron now he’s published his book has gone back to ground Mr Referendum.
Tusk is a horrible, genetically and intellectually stunted little Ponzischeme cunt, and Hamerong is a pig-fucker.
Great cunting M’Lord. Swinson is a waste of a half decent set of bangers.
Someone rid me of this troublesome, yellow dressed, crooked toothed, loony, disingenuous, saggy boobed, hyena faced woman!!!