Jack Chapman aka Tank Hafertepen

I am speechless at this one.

You’re not the only one, mate. I need fuckin’ therapy after Googling for a photo to go with this nom – Admin

I understand body modification is popular in quite a few circles, but injecting your bollocks with silicone is a trifle odd, even for me.
Below is the tragic story of a Ginger (in more ways than one) who shacked up with his muscle man bum buddies and died from silicone abuse.


Why would you want bollocks the size of a soft ball?

Nominated by lord benny

76 thoughts on “Jack Chapman aka Tank Hafertepen

  1. Just another bloated symbol of the sickness that seems to be pervading the world today – this fucking look at me ma, see how grotesque I am attitude. I wonder if Gaylord Adonis and Mangledbum have ever thought of doing stuff like this?

    • Surprised it doesn’t now have to be taught in schools as being “normal”. Like that fucking Drag Rave cuntishness. Stupid perverted cunts.

    • Been going on for at least 20 years mate. Used to be saline, now a more permanent fluid. There’s a lot of bored wierdos out there.

  2. Apart from the beard colour and the over inflated ballbag, i look a lot like ginger Jack, bit embarrassed.
    Fucking bandits copying my look, spoil everything!
    Mirrored sunglasses
    White vests
    Leather jackets
    Cowboy hats
    Leather chaps with the arse hanging out
    All appropriated by the sausage fondlers!

    • Better keep clear of Seattle Miserable, they might attempt to recruit you into this cult and end up with some bollocks like wrecking balls.

      • Dont worry LL i will!
        Same goes for canal st in manchester,
        Never knew I was such a trend setter!
        Ill have to inflate my gonads,
        Mine look like 2 new potatoes in a melted carrier bag!

        Enjoy your breakfasts!???

      • LOL.

        My foot-long Cumberland spicy- banger also stuck in the throat somewhat I must admit,LL.

      • Swear to god sixdog,
        If I was ginger and bandit, and obviously the bollocks full of silicone sealant, its fuckin me!
        Gonna have a long hard think about my style, but why should i stop being a me just because the gayboys worship me?
        Not my fault im so iconic is it?
        No fuck em i was a modern day viking first the fuckin copycats!!

      • If I’m ever up your way and see a giant bearded fellow with Viking horns and being led around by a dog collar, I’ll give you a shout out Miserable, Son of Giant Knackers.

  3. If his brains were half the size of his silicone inflated testicles this idiotic weak minded simpleton would probably still be alive …
    It doesn’t take a staggering intellect to work out that you may be in serious strife if you repeatedly pump silicone anywhere into your body let alone your Crown Jewels!
    Surly a far safer bet would to have had a donkeys tackle transplanted, Imagine how popular that would have made him with his freaky fairy tea cake munching mates!!

  4. Holy. Fucking. Christ. Let’s hope his bumchums keep pumping themselves full of silicone in his honour until they all explode, Mr Creosote-style.

    • Well, they will only stop when “Master” tells them to. I never realised Noel Coward was into that sort of thing 🙂

  5. I almost vomited on my fucking bacon and egg sarnie when I saw that fucking photo just a few minutes ago. Fucking Christ on a bike, I’m still coughing and struggling for breath eve now!

    Mad stupid cunts doing mad stupid things and come over all surprised when they end up either with their bits amputated, or dead.

    Perhaps I should sue ISAC mods for near-death choking, vomiting & trauma after looking at distressing photos? How much have you got in the bank, Admin, millions?

    Barking up the wrong tree there, you would have to go for Lord Benny or the Metro, one lives on a council estate and the other is a free newspaper so I think you are on a hiding to nothing.

  6. I know that some thai kick boxers push their nuts inside them before they fight to protect themselves from a nasty kick in the bollocks.
    Maybe this could be some new technique that I have not heard of a nice protective silicon cushion around them? who knows maybe air bags for bollocks might be the next thing?

  7. What happened to getting people sectioned? The ‘man’ was obviously a giant spastic, and should have been shipped off to the house of the daft lads.

  8. Looks a spitting image of Mike Love of the Beach Boys from around 1974.

    Aside from the swollen knackers, of course.

    I thought you used silicone in a cartridge gun to seal building and sanitary joints, not to fill up your scrotal sack to the size of a medicine ball.

    What a supremely daft (and now dead) cunt.

    Darwin’s Law at work.

  9. Attention whoring as a mental illness.

    Cunt needs a kick in the nuts, but rather you than me cunters!

    Maybe somebody needs to start a “cunt pool”. Cunters can suggesting inconceivable stupidity and when some cunt does it we get a winner.

    I think this has finally convinced me that there is actually NO limit to stupidity!

    • Wasn’t it Zappa who said that it was not hydrogen that was the most common thing in the universe but stupidity.
      PS these nutters take oddness to a hitherto unexplored Level.

      • Correct Guzziguy.

        “Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe.”

        And that was 35+ years ago. How much truer it must be today!

      • Isn’t stupidity something you should / would try and hide ..?
        … as my Dad would say … ‘Better to keep your mouth closed and let folk ‘think’ you’re an idiot … than open your mouth and let them know you’re an idiot’ …

        It’s incredible the lack of thought these people (don’t) process … and the consequences.

  10. I had no idea about any of this shit, I could of continued in my ignorance happily enough.

    There’s nothing in this story that belongs in my life, normality is variable but this shit is so far away from how the majority of us live these cunts seem to be begging for a bad outcome.

      • He looks more like Ruff Tuff Creampuff.

        And I don’t mean our own RTCP, distinguished and learned contributor to these hallowed pages, but the original RTCP cartoon character created by Robert Crumb.

  11. I only just recently heard of anal bleaching. How dare you.
    Fuck me sideways with a pineapple, cunters. We are fucked.

  12. I have commented previously that there is a steady progressive cultural Marxist push to put the ‘P’ in the LGBT do-re-me rainbow. However, whereas I previously intended that ‘P’ to stand for a specific thing, that thing which interests the likes of the Podestas, Joe Biden and moose limbs, I think I should broaden the definition now to cover one general theme – Perversity.

  13. As I expected and feared… The Gay virus is evolving. No longer will normal men just have to be on the look-out for packs of frilly-dress clad,stiletto-heeled,heavily made-up Rump-Riders when going for a shit in a public toilet,now he will have to beware gangs of ‘roid-rage Crafty-Butchers with enormous testicles trying to batter their way into the stall as the poor normal man is at his most vulnerable…pants down and bomb-doors open.
    Imagine the horror when all The Gays move onto the inevitable next stage of The Gayness. No longer will it be safe to shout abuse and chuck Mr. Kipling Fairy Cakes at any Nancy-Boys who are seen out in public….these new Terminator-style Fudge-Packers look like they could do a bit more damage than just ” Oooohhh,er, Duckie. I could crush a grape”.Luckily I have my trusty sword-stick and electric cattle-prod with me at all times. They have proved effective in the past..many a Fudge-Packer has been mincing along the street pretending to be minding his own business when really he is engaged in The Gay relentless search for victims,when I have pounced..a jab with the sword-stick..”That’s one little prick you didn’t enjoy eh, Gervaise?” followed by the sensation of 2.thousand volts coursing through their nutsack is enough to deter even the most rampant of Fruity Gentlemen….that’s a thought…I wonder if the silicon that these Bum-Boys are injecting into their nuts is a good conductor of electricity?…I do hope so.

    They’re all Mental.

    Fuck Off.

    • You can counter an anal probing attack by a fudgeinator with comments such as “Your eyebrows are a little bushy today dear” or “You seems to have lost some tone around your abs sweetie”

      Stay safe Dick

      • I wish we had the old gays back like Larry Grayson and Melvin Hayes. This new generation of gays are a bunch of mentally sick freaks only fit for the loony bin.

      • The Cunt was shacked up with Cliff Richard in a double-decker bus in some old documentary that I saw…I think that it’s a fair bet that old Mervyn treats any hole as a goal…if Cliff had sweetcorn for his dinner,Mervyn’ll hae been picking the kernels out from under his foreskin the next morning.

      • You have a gift with words and images, Dick. That one had me gagging over my mid morning cup of Earl Grey.

      • One of the wives was Wendy Padbury ; total stunner to me as a teenager. I must look her up to to if time has ravaged her as much as it has me.

    • Imagine that you are autographing your gusset you make it to the public bog. Stiff legged through the door, and there are a group of muscle head men with massive bollocks gurning and drooling with one thing on their mind Crystal Gayle (makes your brown eye blue and red and bloody sore) and it could be you. What would you do next?
      As the Hon Dick Fiddler stated earlier thin wood stalls, massive balls and roid rage (artistic licence building on the Hon DF’s scene setting)
      Would make for a memorable dump. How would you preserve your dignity and your rusty sheriff’s badge.?
      These are the problems that persons like us have to face as the World goes mental around us

  14. If any of youse cunts are of particularly strong stomachs and you want further proof of just how mental the never ending quest for rampant poovery is, I suggest you Google the term “cock splitting”. Not safe for work obviously; or for the human eyes and brain either to be honest



    Fuck it gets worse!


  15. I thank you all for actually making me cry with laughter this morning with all the comments on this. I too clicked the link but alas a colleague saw it and now she requires therapy.

    • Some of these simple cunts actually get little padlocks put through the two halves so only their “master” can have access…. I know this only because I erm, had a project to research or something, you understand

  16. These bastards know they’re not men in the real sense of the word but try to disguise their inadequacies by displaying big bodies, big balls and big beards.
    What sad, big fuckin’ cunts and a psychologist’s dream.

  17. Looks a right gormless cunt. On first glance I thought “Fucking hell, Frankie Boyle has piled on the pounds”.
    You could easily fill an old pub ashtray with that ballbag.

    • Hardly an excuse for genital mutilation. None of the He-cunts had grotesque, deformed nads! Oh, well, one less mental cunt out there. I feel bad for his actual relatives, but the ginger got what was coming. Same for those (usually black) bitches who inject industrial grade silicone into their asses and end up similarly situated.

  18. Give it five years and we’ll have freaks like this invited into our primary schools, so they can provide the kids with demonstrations on how to turn their nads into space hoppers. Then they’ll ask the kids if they ‘feel’ like they should have nads like watermelons too. And if any parents don’t let these freaks turn their kids into Buster Gonad from Viz, then expect the 3am bang at the door, you Nazis.

    All in the name of gender inclusivity, you understand?

    We are fucking doomed.

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