Oh dear, oh dear. I see that the SNP’s Westminster leader has opened his cavernous cakehole and let his enormous belly rumble yet again. The gigantosaurus gobshite has accused a broadcaster of ‘silencing the case for remaining in the EU’ after the SNP lost a High Court judgement concerning participation in a televised debate between BoJo and ‘Catweazle’ Corbyn.
In spite of the fact that every other party leader is also excluded, the whinging whale just couldn’t wait to play the SNP’s grumble, grudge and grievance card. ‘The result of the decision is to discriminate against Scottish voters, and to effectively treat them as second class citizens’, griped the whining windbag, as he played his broken record yet again.
As if being Chairman of the Lard Council of Great Britain wasn’t a big enough weight to labour under, the fat fuck has now inherited the mantle of his erstwhile leader, Alex ‘Oldest Swinger in Town’ Salmond. Yes, Bigbelly Blackford is now officially the most boring, pompous fart in Britain.
You’ve almost got to feel sorry for someone who’s such a monumental cunt.
Nominated by Ron Knee
Cunt. I’m going to have to stop popping by. I’m feeling that Anyuerysm coming back.
The only thing I’ve wondered about this bellend in the last few weeks was whether he had the balls to go commando at the Cenotaph or whether he was wearing a discretionary G-String to avoid `Hanging Brain’ in front the Queen?
A true cunts cunt.
The SNP or the socialist nationalist workers party, whatever their called? Well past time when we had an English Nationalist party. Truth be told much as I dislike their red politics I admire their determination to exist and never give up on their quest for independence.
In England we are told anyone espousing English nationalism is a Hitler loving fascist and nationalism is a disgrace. Welsh, Irish and Scots nationalism is to be admired as they are fighting for freedom from the English overlords.
I suspect the only way round this is for the old kingdoms such as Wessex to start their own nationalism in earnest.
Why Ian Blackford and co don’t understand that England committed suicide by multiculturalism using uncontrolled immigration as the mechanism of its own demise is beyond me.
You’ll remain part of the Caliphate and offer praise to be that is most high like it or not you in fidel cunt.
Wessex the last truly English kingdom and very successful by all accounts, what did the Danes ever do for us, altered true Englishness and gave us shit furniture and Carlsberg is a shit beer as well fuck off
sorry about this but quickly off topic.. did anyone see this yesterday? minutes after David Duckinfield was found not guilty the BBC were showing interviews with some of the relatives. one of them ( who strangely could be heard but seen ) made a startling allegation against DD. she stated that everyone knew he was guilty and whats more she stated that for a number of hours after it became clear that many had died he ‘ went missing’ and couldnt be found, she also alleged that he doesn’t appear on any video in the hours following the tragedy. then a another strange thing occurred, in mid-flow she was cut off and we were returned to the studio, where the announcer stated that they had to leave the interviews for ‘ legal reasons’. very very odd. does anyone here from Liverpool agree with the ‘not guilty ‘ verdict?
Please God there is another referendum on Scottish independence but this time let only the English vote and the question should be Do you think Scotland should be an Independent nation ? There should be 2 answers No and Yes but only if that fat cunt Blackford and that gobshite wee Jimmie Krankie impersonator fuck off They can forget about using the £ and we are going to rebuild Hadrians Wall except it we will rename it Harridans wall after Nicola Sturgeon.
And they can pay for it from all the money they seem to think they will have when/if they gain EU servitude, I mean independence.
I couldn’t agree more. The trouble is, as we have seen, if people are only offered a yes or no option, for years afterwards wankers like Blackford, Swinson and probably even Alastair fucking Campbell will be saying “ah yes, but they didn’t know what they were voting for”.
It will never fucking end. Guy Fawkes had the right idea. We should blow parliament up with all the useless, deceitful fuckers in it.
Seriously, I’ve always believed we should have a say in this. I worked in Scotland for many years, loved the jocks, never stopped laughing. These dour cunts keep getting power, time to say goodbye. The EU will look after them for a time as a political stance, then they will become another Romania. Why are we so fucking keen on keeping them in the UK?
Corbyn has promised the Jocks £100 billion if he wins the election. No kidding!
Hopefully he will one day share a (potential) prison cell with another fat member of the Buckfast Mafia.
People who shout loudest and make the most pointless noise generally hit the ground harder.
‘ heard but NOT seen’.
To give them their proper title The Scottish Nazi Party
Nicola Sturgeon (unelected leader of them) is the biggest winger of the lot of them Referendum Lover
This Ian Blackford was laughing and speaking to anyone who would listen when the SNP took the Government to the High Court and got the result they wanted Funny when the judgement goes against them they start moaning and crying foul It’s about time this fat fucker shut the hell up
Blackford is an obnoxious fucker just like his predecessor Alex Salmon that’s why he’s been put into Westminster to cause absolute mayhem and block Brexit good luck it won’t work.
I really didn’t know you could stack shit that high !
This fat tub of lard has been grinding my gears for some considerable time.
Always up the front in Parliament shouting his fucking shite. Bercow was always calling on him to open his cunt gob ” thank yew mester speaka! this consertive government has been subjegating the people of Scotland…blah, blah, bollocks”
Lets hope the new speaker ignores the fat fucking haggis muncher – or better still, they vote for some other arsehole & get Blackford his P45, the cunt.
How the fuck has the UK managed to have so many hyper cunt politicians, it was bad years ago but at least people like Geoffrey Howe and Norman Lamont weren’t gobby ,hateful, incoherent assholes . Kick him in the cunt.
Lovely bloke.
Loud, fat, full of his own importance.
Swaggering little shopfloor know it all.
Hates the English.
Still weepy over culloden.
Look you silly little cunt,
Help your country, stop sowing division!
Thats my job!
Help your countrymen, an get out of krankies shadow.
Wouldnt waste a bullet on this sack of shite.
If anything its the English who are second-class citizens in this relationship, pissed on by the constant moaning, like a knackered bagpipe, of this tartan ringpiece.
Och eye (black eye) the fuck off cunty cunt. Sick to the death of the cunt. Boot out scotchland from the Union. Fuck em. Id like to drop a piano filled with excrement on the cunt.
To misquote a Pythonesque line…
What have the SNP ever done for us?
Apart from given us all a headache you mean
Blackford is a monumental fat cunt. Mind you I did enjoy his role as Fat Bastard in the Spy Who Shagged Me. He’s also put on more weight since then.
I’d actually like to see him and Sturgeon get their wish for another Independence referendum. Hopefully they’d lose again which might finally shut them up and if they won,well…if the majority of Scottish people want it,let them have it and all that it will entail.
Anything to shut this fucking windbag up.
You may, by default, be able to stick a spanner in the works in the HOC, but you are Scottish and therefore anything you have to say politically is absolutely irrelevant! No one cares, deal with it Scotland!
Fuck off!
Jocks treated as second class citizens? They should be so lucky, Jockaroaches are the scum of the Earth. Like the Taffs and the Micks, they’d be back living in a tree, if not for largesse of the English. Cunts, the lot of ‘em.
Thing is I love scotland, an like the scots.
This little fucker tries to stir up shite,
Why not work together, try and sort this island out, hes a little knobhead,Dunno what he is but if I was a scot id be embarrassed by him.
Leave his corpse in the heather.
I’m with you MNC. Never been to Glasgow but I’ve been to Edinburgh a few times. Lovely place, great people. It’s just these loud mouthed fuckers in the SNP that give the rest of the country a bad name.
Agree RB, hes a bad apple, like all the SNP, but scots are great people and weve fought 2 world wars shoulder to shoulder, as have the welsh,
And the country is truly stunning.
Next year i fancy a highland roadtrip, walking with the dog, tickle few trout,
See some eagles!?
Sounds like bliss. I’ve only beed to the Borders, Edinburgh, St Andrews and Stirling, but it is really all quite lovely.
I hope to one day go up the coast to visit the area where Local Hero, one of the best films ever made was filmed.
If you happen to see Blackford on your travels make sure your dog has a nibble on him before you throw him in the loch for Nessie to eat?.
The border are lovely not so much the A1 route but the A68 through Jedburgh beautiful certainly get a feel your in a different country
Scots are fine, the SNP are cunts
This cunt should get himself down to London Bridge to meet the Muzzies.
And if they are not operating peacefully there try the local primary school, benefits assessment centre, Mercedes dealerships, dinghy and fertiliser suppliers..
I despise this Cunt with a passion. Definitely Cunt of the year. Like Sturgeon, he is hell bent on Scottish independence, regardless of what the majority of Scots want. Therefore, he is an anti democrat and a hypocrite, as he keeps banging on about democracy.
He is also a repulsive, fat windbag, who’s doing very well, thank you. Rich and with no concern for his fellow countrymen, a parasite.
Off topic, it’s been reported that sadly, two members of the public have died,
following this afternoons terror attack.
Families that should have been enjoying the weekend, will now have a lifetime of grief.
It fucking sickens me.
Evening Jack, (all)
Just got in from work, having my tea,
News on, saw this.
Feel sorry for anyone caught up in it, also their families.
Glad the cunt got a bullet, hope paradise is worth it Mustafa.
Truly awful, JTC.
Glad the Snackbar cunt is a dead cunt and won’t cost this country money in jail.
Utmost respect to the public who overpowered the cunt.
I see war.on the streets in the next 5 years as this won’t stop.
Good evening B+W Cunt. I’m glad he’s dead too. I must say it’s heartening to see ordinary folk standing up to these Cunts.
That’s the fucking spirit .
Rule Brittania !
Hear hear, JTC.
Apparently, a member of the public kicked the terrorist cunt in the head. Bloody good thing too.
Mindful of “incitement to violence”, and the fact that I don’t want to lose this haven of sanity that is ISAC, I shall keep other thoughts to myself !
Works for me! (as the peacefuls will be saying about us in forty Years)
I raised a glass to the fellas and the police for hammering this fucking cunt.
Delighted he was shot dead.
Fuck him and the other vermin who need a bullet.
What’s the betting Steptoe will be bleating about the terrorist should have been taken alive and given a fair trial….
The cunt got as fair as he gave, and more should get the same.
Fuck him, the terrorist loving Cunt.
Evening RTC.
And he’s absolutely right. Everybody knows that all of Britain’s police officers are highly trained explosives experts so they should have had absolutely no problem disabling his bomb before he had a chance to press the button. Obviously.
All I can say is thank God for the brave police and members of the public and that there were no police involved who were of the stature and as weasel worded as the Dick woman.
This creepy woman? when interviewed comes across as a politician which in effect she is.
Let’s promote the good coppers who can do the job and not the arse licking politician types.
Agreed. The guys on the ground dealt with the problem very quickly and very effectively. They are a credit to the police.
I fear that the days of senior police officers being true coppers are long gone. I remember Peter Imbert, former Commissioner of the Met Police. A highly respected man, he was at the rank of Constable for ten years before he first got promoted. Nowadays they just fly up the ranks and become politicians.
Evening Blunty, has Suckdick piped up yet with a well worn cliché? All part of living in a big city? Diversity makes us stronger? Or maybe The Donald will politicize the attack and cause the inevitable rise in hate crimes?
Evening LL.
? London Bridge is turning brown,
turning brown, turning brown. ?
Some poor old defence lawyer is going to miss out on the trial fees now he is dead
The cunts should be killed for that alone.
The cunt looks a bit simple in that picture…he also looks like he’s shat himself.
‘Scotland this and Scotland that’ fuck off.
Scotland voted to stay in the United Kingdom and the UK voted to leave the EU.
Go fuck yourselves…
Reminds me Chrimbo is coming and I need to get some Shortbread…All butter of course…what you think I’m some cheap cunt?
Bloody hell…that Verasamy bird is on the weather.
I’d love to eat a few shortbreads that had been up her bumhole.
Go fuck yourself. ???
Garam masala shortbreads – count me in ! Makes a change from my usual Welsh leek.
How about a good bicultural Garam masala rogering with an outside leek
Outsize dammit not corrected to outside.
She’s mouthwateringly good
Pretty lass but she turned sideways once and disappeared!
Thats one of the things about you b&w c i see you have great taste in weather girls!id knock the fucking back out of it en all!
O/T. Just watching the news and footage of the moment when said terrorist got his comeuppance.
Fucking ITV news blacked out the image.
Fuck me, I want to see this cunt blown away!
The full video is on WhatsApp, great viewing
Bang!!! and the cunt is dead
Bound to show up on best gore sooner or later
Thank you George.
I shall watch it at my liesure.
Is there a Scottish politician that isn’t a massive cunt? I don’t know if it’s the accent, or the overblown sense of entitlement, but I hate every last fucking one of them. I don’t particularly want to see the break up of the Union, but if it means we can be free of Scottish politicians, can we vote too? Bye fucking bye, and I say this as a Welsh cunt who’s part of the U.K. has its own fucking bellend politicians, but thankfully they are a minority, despised by most of their fellow countrymen.
On a brighter note, I’ve just seen a video of today’s festivities on London Bridge, where the wannabe jihadi got cashed out. Great to see Londoners getting stuck in, and bringing this cunt down. And fair play to the armed cops, they didn’t leg it when they saw the suicide belt, they stood firm, and dealt with the threat. They didn’t know the cunt was wearing a fake belt. Saying that, probably that Akunje cunt who represents those cunts will make a fuss, and a load of cash, about him being unarmed when they shot him.
No doubt Steptoe will be on the telly over the weekend saying the terrorist should have been arrested and not shot. Cue Dawn Butler playing the nodding dog.
That’s exactly what I’ve been thinking, although it would be political suicide to say so now, steptoe will still weigh in with his fucking two pence worth. Fuck him, one less cunt on planet earth, and one less piece of shit we don’t have to pay to keep in jail. It’s win win, any way you look at it.
A Glasgow kiss for the fat pompous blowhard. Whenever I see him I think of deep fat fried Mars bars and Irn-Brew. I bet he smells worse than Margaret Beckett’s piss stained bloomers.
Talking of cunts…that David Attenborough is waffling on abaaaht climate change.
How much environmental damage have you done filming the same old shite since before I was on earth? Driving abaaaht in your Land Rovers, pissing off the locals and wildlife, flying equipment everywhere?
Now the old cunt is going on like he’s the authority on climate change.
Another hypocrite.
Go fuck yourself.
The poor old sod only wants to get into Ms. Thunderbox’s nappies.
I nominated that cunt the other day, not a sniff yet though (shame Dave can’t say the same about Greta’s knickers)
Dirty EU loving bastard. Sick and tired of hearing this whining fucking cunt. Who votes for these wankers?
Scottish cunts, apparently. They only have themselves to blame.
I always found it amusing that to the SNP, English nationalism is divisive, reactionary and populist, the voice of ‘the far right’ (yes them again). Scottish nationalism, or ‘civic nationalism’ as they like to call it, is of course the opposite. It’s progressive, inclusive, enlightened, almost virtuous; in fact it’s so damn good that anybody who thinks otherwise is obviously a Scot-hating knuckledragger.
In an ideal world a tramp could brain him with a litre bottle of Bells as he waddles to McDonald’s.
A sausage dog could eat his raddled brains.
Kranklie commits suicide by purple tinnies at taxpayer funeral.
Napalm the job lot and fuck off.
Waste of a decent bottle of Scotch Unkle. Make it Buckfast, that’s about the fat fuck’s level.
They should never have shot that poor peaceful. They should have tossed him over the bridge and used him for target practice as he bobbed about in the water. If he managed to swim all the way back to Parking Stanley then good luck to the cunt.
Couldn’t do that Fred. Against the cunt’s human rights innit.
Is Ian Blackford actually a robot pre-programmed with set phrases? One wonders.
Indeed he is Cunto; and most begin with ‘thu peepul o’ Scawtlund’. Apparently the SNP speaks for every man, woman, child and animal north of the border.
Let’s have a quick review of the Blackford bot’s programming:
This Tory Government is a disgrace
The people of Scotland
An independent Scotland
No respect for Scotland
Scotland overwhelmingly voted to remain
Not very extensive vocabulary!
You forgot to add “ gimme a deep fried mars bar”.
Deep fried pizza
Sadly that is a thing
Just heard on the news the cunt who is now two bullets heavier was a convicted terrorist out on licence.
Shoot then all!
Funny, that…
On the ITN News at 18h30, he was “not known to the authorities” IIRC.
I think that, once a witness on a bus described the cunt as brown and beardy, their game was up.
Three mudslimes have rung into Nick Abbott on LBC tonight all claiming that the terrorist attack in London today was faked by the Tories.
Camel shagging,carpet kissing death cultists
Yes I’ve seen that on several websites!! Utter fucking fruitcakes