George the Poet


A gold medal cunting for this cretinous looking arsehole who turned down an honour because of the “evil British Empire”. The little wanker was lucky to be offered one. His doggerel is a firm favourite with Wireless 4, the BBCs bastion of wank. One of those negro sing-songy voices spouting bollocks:

He had originally agreed to accept it, (how gracious) but he changed his mind. I always thought that was a woman’s prerogative, bruv.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

A massive cunting for George Mpanga, aka George the Poet.

This cunt turned down an MBE because of the “pure evil” of the British Empire. Apparently, bringing an end to the stone age, intertribal warfare and Slavery was evil. What has this cunt done since voluntarily coming to this land, apart from poncing off the BBC licence payer? His kind have turned a once great capital city into a gangland bloodbath.

Get to fuck, Mpanga. Cunt.

Nominated by Smug cunt

76 thoughts on “George the Poet

  1. Shelley said that poets were the “unacknowledged legislators of the world” but having seen this clown’s “work” I doubt he could spell ‘world.’

    He probably does his “poetry” with splayed, fingery gangsigns that he thinks are cool but just make him look like an arthritic cunt.

  2. I’m sure he used to be on the save the children adverts looking at the camcorder while the kaffir budgies feasted on his eyeballs.

  3. Evil Empire seems to be a buzz statement with these cunts of late, but you dont see any of them trying to board a ship or plane to another destination…oh no!

    • Surely, ‘evil empire’, refers to Darth Vader, the emperor etc.

      Darth Vader: “George, I am your father, probably. Everyone tupped your mother, mind”.

      • Is that Philip from Rising Damp?
        Love this cunt,
        Hey Philip Rigsbys putting yer rent up!
        Ms Jones is looking for you!

      • I thought the New York Yankees were the ‘evil empire’ which is a bit ironic as ‘poets’ like this cunt are often seen wearing NYY baseball caps at ‘gangsta innit’ angles on their heads

  4. How this khun be a poet? Poetry based on one syllable?

    Somebody should explain to this simian slugbrain that OBE is for the civilised. What this primate was offered was the “Observation of Baboon Evolution”.

    I think it once picked a knife up when nobody was within stabbing distance. Some poor misguided fool probably thought it was going to use it to try and eat. Bless!

  5. Oh yes! I am not alone! I heard this arrogant, self-adulating mutilator of the English language the other day on Radio BAMELGBTWimminz, plugging his drivel (it’s on BBC Sounds, apparently – Lord Reith is on fast spin cycle ). I don’t know enough about him -apart from “Poet” being an outright lie – to add to the headline cuntings, so thank you, Wikipedia, for this:

    In March 2018 it was announced that Mpanga had been elected as a Member of the National Council of Arts Council England.[21] Shortly after, in June 2018, it came to media attention that Mpanga was stopped and searched by police in an incident which was video recorded. [22]

    Stopped and strip-searched, indeed.

    Nice to see the police paying attention to murderers of the language, I’d say.

      • I couldn’t bear to miss the Archers*, with which I am deeply emotionally involved. I also have to listen to Today in order to be able to argue with you.

        *A story of multiethnic multigendered country folk supplying the organic vegan market

      • You might not be able to argue with me anymore, but I guarantee you’ll feel a whole lot better otherwise. ?

      • No telly, radio, your not amish are you Komodo?
        Cant remember last time I listened to the radio!
        Although took Ian Curtis’s advice and danced to it!
        Loved Joy Division

      • The Archers can indeed be a moment of sanity amongst the increasingly dire output of R4, who is your favourite Archer totty then, I confess to being beguiled by Kirsty, Elizabeth and Lily (realise this won’t make much sense to most of you) but some womens voices can paint an erotic image

      • “Archers” – my arse, try turning up at the BBC studios with a bow and fucking arrow, the security chaps will probably be rude to you as well!

      • I binned it five years ago and have felt strangely cleansed ever since.
        Smug lefty cunt central.

      • To a brace of esteemed cunters –
        1. No, not Amish, though I have seen them on their home ground and there is something magnificent about using a pony and trap daily in the snarled traffic of a Midwestern town. They seem to do pretty well with Old Testament kit, and I am sure that boredom and sleeplessness are not major features of their lives. They practise as they preach – or rather don’t preach, as the last thing they want is idiot Gentiles lowering their moral standards. I decline to laugh at them.

        2. I wasn’t entirely serious about The Archers, but as you say, compared with most of R4’s output, it’s almost sane.
        Elizabeth, for as long as I can remember. Silvery-voiced posh totty is still a weakness of mine. Although Geordie Ruth is not without charm. My ideal is rich, silvery-voiced, fairly posh rural totty. Sadly I am not hers…
        The younger wimminz are definitely woke material, and along with the gay adoption subplot, I turn them off, though.

      • Ah a quaker then! Good man!?
        Joking aside Komodo, quite envy the Amish!
        Take the religious aspect out of the equation, id happily give up modern day technology and live a agricultural lifestyle.
        They only in America?
        No european settlements ?

      • 1. My mother was a Quaker, and I’m a pretty austere individual myself, so, half right!

        2. ‘No motorbikes’ is the killer for me. Good point.

    • The little motherfucker has a very high opinion of himself from the article Komodo cites:

      Imagine if my nephews woke up and saw their big famous uncle getting handled like this. What seeds would that sow in them?”

      Big and famous – such modesty. I am sure Lammy is a friend….

      • Seen him before, bi curious George,
        On a kids show on telly, i think?
        Whats his fuckin issue?
        Evil empire? Seriously?
        George that was soft as shite if I had my way!
        Fuckin ell, I got my way Nazi germany would look great to you!
        Think youd enjoy watching the mushroom clouds over china, and youd get a chance to see the hold of a cargo ship like your great great grandad!

    • Funny how the Guardian feels it necessary to tell us that this gift to us all went to Cambridge; from my experience of Cambridge students they would do well to keep quiet about it.
      BTW, he turned down an MBE ? I had now idea that they were given to such young persons.

  6. Sorry George reading poetry in the English language is cultural appropriation so is wearing western garments instead of your flowing Nigerian robes and living on English soil also . So fuck off and knife one of your cunt mates.

  7. I regret slavery too. We’d have less of the fucking moaning cunts here if slavery had never happened. This utter twat would still be in some rat infested shithole eating monkey brains. Cunt. Get the fucking chip off your shoulder and crack on you silly boy.

  8. George the cunt is just one of the latest in the long cavalcade of non Anglo Saxons who came to live here and instead of being grateful for what the UK has done for them they spout their hatred of their adopted country whilst forgetting the shortcomings of their own races and toilet countries that they couldn’t wait to desert. They would rather try to steadily destroy parts of our culture, our history ,social and political norms and so on ,think of cunts like Darcus Howe, Tariq Ali, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Sami Chakrabarti and recently Afua Hirsch, Kehindi Andrews , Jamila Jamil etc ad nauseam.

    • Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Owen Jones went off to some shithole in Africa and started to lecture them on their short comings. I think that we would all buy tickets to see how that turned out.

  9. Me have da fried chiggun,please
    Me also have nice rice’n peas
    Den I goes shove sum blow up me hooter
    Before stealing some poor Cunt’s scooter

    Me go stab rival trainee architect
    Now me racist Met. Police suspect.

    PS where da white wimmin at?

  10. Consider this bullshit:

    Perhaps someone more knowledgable on these matters like Komodo can correct me here.

    “Your [British] forefathers grabbed my motherland, pinned her down and took turns. They did that every day for a couple hundred years and then left her to treat her own burns.”

    This cunt was i) born in London, and ii) to my knowledge, his ‘Motherland’ of Uganda was never, ever colonialised. In addition, out of about 34 million populations, a handful (tens of thousands) are white.

    Also, from my reckoning, in the 18th century, Uganda formed a profitable partnership in the Sudanese slave trade. That would be a full 100 years minimum before ‘muh empire pillage’.

    And if you look at the website entry for Uganda (website currently down at time of cunting), you can actually read that the British Empire actually, in the late 19th century, helped to STOP the ongoing slave trade in Uganda, when the Empire made Uganda a protectorate; building the cunts a railway and helping Ugandans become freeholders.

    This is the fucking problem with shit arserags like the Graun and the Al-BBC: print reactionary shite first, think later. But too late – the lie is peddled and everyone buys into Britain being the all-bastard bad guys.

    George, you truly deserve to be drowned in a septic tank of your own considerable bullshit, you utter, utter fucking arch-cunt.

    • Nothing to correct that I can see, Empire. Just like to add that after 57 years of independence, Uganda, formerly tribal, with a measure of corrupt self-administration, rather richer after the railway and economic reforms came, is now tribal, corruptly governed, brutal, poor and dependent on foreign aid (>$1 Bn annually). Mr M’Panga would more usefully be employed mouthing off on his (non-)”homeland’s” behalf.
      And if George were of Baganda extraction, his was the tribe that eagerly welcomed the British presence, and profited most from it.

      (good old Wikipedia)

      • Might like to ask Ugandan Asians about their former brethren, write a poem about that you cunt

      • Beat me to it there ES. The asians being kicked out of Uganda by Idi was the cause of a big influx of asian migrants to the UK.

  11. Problem with these fucking umbongos is they don’t like to admit that their countries of origin are total corrupt shit holes, it’s always easier to blame the evil white man rather than the cunts who are in charge over there.

    Fuck off cunt!

  12. Damn site more poetic than anything this raging shit flinging ape could ever comprehend!

    IQ that needs to expressed in complex numbers. NQ off the scale. Free stab vest to whoever can guess what the N stands for.

  13. I hope Nelsons Column falls over on him.
    Then they rebuild it with his bones under it.
    Poet? No,CUNT.
    Fuck right off.

  14. Update on cunting. Cambridge University has decided to return the Benin bronze cock to Nigeria because of historical slavery. Completely unaware that it does in fact belong in Nigeria because it is made of bronze obtained by melting down the bronze coin obtained by selling off fellow Africans into slavery. Maybe it should go to Portugal who provided the technology to stone age people.

    • As well as the bronze cock any chance of sending back the other 2 million cocks especially those who come here on scholarships and bursaries (who inevitably turn around and bite the hand that feeds them)

  15. Another example of an arrogant, entitled kaffir of low intelligence. The continent his forbears escaped is ruled by them. Corrupt, cruel, greedy sub-humans.

  16. He is of Ugandan decent (although born in England). Uganda was never a British colony, although it was a British protectorate, allowing it to trade freely without fear of some other grabby Africunt nation taking over (and ruining it as per usual).

    But like most modern “poets” of his ilk, historical fact is pretty low on da agenda bruv, in’it!

    Oh, and by the way George, you’re welcome!


  17. What’s he doing wearing the white man’s raincoat? Culturally appropriating cunt should be in a grass skirt.

    • Bone in the nose, AIDS, only moving from his begging spot to shit in a rival well, let him have the whole cultural experience!

  18. I just noticed, this cunt looks a little bit like the Parking Pataweyo character, but then they all look the same to me.

    The Umbongo film that is in the cinemas at the moment is causing as much trouble as the stabbing cunts themselves and why don’t these cunts have normal fucking names, this pile of gangsta shit made by some cunt called Rapman!


  19. He will be one of the guest presenters on Radio 4’s Today programme over Christmas, along with St Thunberg, Grayson Perry, Baroness Hale and Charles Moore (the only one worth listening to amongst these cunts).

  20. Wole Soyinka
    “Telephone Conversation”

    The price seemed reasonable, location
    Indifferent. The landlady swore she lived
    Off premises. Nothing remained
    But self-confession. “Madam,” I warned,
    “I hate a wasted journey–I am African.”
    Silence. Silenced transmission of
    Pressurized good-breeding. Voice, when it came,
    Lipstick coated, long gold-rolled
    Cigarette-holder pipped. Caught I was foully.
    “HOW DARK?” . . . I had not misheard . . . “ARE YOU LIGHT
    OR VERY DARK?” Button B, Button A. Stench
    Of rancid breath of public hide-and-speak.
    Red booth. Red pillar box. Red double-tiered
    Omnibus squelching tar. It was real! Shamed
    By ill-mannered silence, surrender
    Pushed dumbfounded to beg simplification.
    Considerate she was, varying the emphasis–
    “ARE YOU DARK? OR VERY LIGHT?” Revelation came.
    “You mean–like plain or milk chocolate?”
    Her assent was clinical, crushing in its light
    Impersonality. Rapidly, wave-length adjusted,
    I chose. “West African sepia”–and as afterthought,
    “Down in my passport.” Silence for spectroscopic
    Flight of fancy, till truthfulness clanged her accent
    Hard on the mouthpiece. “WHAT’S THAT?” conceding
    “DON’T KNOW WHAT THAT IS.” “Like brunette.”
    “THAT’S DARK, ISN’T IT?” “Not altogether.
    Facially, I am brunette, but, madam, you should see
    The rest of me. Palm of my hand, soles of my feet
    Are a peroxide blond. Friction, caused–
    Foolishly, madam–by sitting down, has turned
    My bottom raven black–One moment, madam!”–sensing
    Her receiver rearing on the thunderclap
    About my ears–“Madam,” I pleaded, “wouldn’t you rather
    See for yourself?”


  21. Cunt looks like George Agdgdgwngo to me.

    “Gooood evening Sir, I am calling from your credit card company”…

  22. Another uppity ungo bongo twat. Do like the evil whites fuck off to an all black country you ill educated buffoon. Hope you’ll enjoy bathing in a river and getting some aids you cunt

    • Didn’t he play D’Angelo Barksdale in The Wire? The one who got strangled in the prison library?
      Fuck off to Uganda and see how you like it there, you uppity warg.

  23. This is what this country has become, letting cunts like this, who despise us, continue to spout their racist, bigoted shit. Stevenson didn’t design his Rocket with a fucking stick in the sand of a mud-hut floor & the spinning jenny wasn’t built from giraffe & lion shit.
    Dark Key boys ancestors were running around like cunts, killing each other in an undeveloped shit-hole, whilst mine were applying education, science & modern thinking into improving the world for everyone.
    What Georgie boy needs to reflect on is where we would be if his ancestors had held the whip hand. Grovelling around in the shit still…
    Life is better – the cunt even has a pen & been taught to use it, to actually WRITE his shit poetry, rather than daubing the walls of some fucking cave with the end of a lions tail, using his own shit & piss as paint.
    Be thankful, Cunt.

  24. This is what this country has become, letting cunts like this, who despise us, continue to spout their racist, bigoted shit. Stevenson didn’t design his Rocket with a fucking stick in the sand of a mud-hut floor & the spinning jenny wasn’t built from giraffe & lion shit.
    Dark Key boys ancestors were running around like cunts, killing each other in an undeveloped shit-hole, whilst mine were applying education, science & modern thinking into improving the world for everyone.
    What Georgie boy needs to reflect on is where we would be if his ancestors had held the whip hand. Grovelling around in the shit still…
    Life is better – the cunt even has a pen & been taught to use it, to actually WRITE his shit poetry, rather than daubing the walls of some fucking cave with the end of a lions tail, using his own shit & piss as paint.
    Be thankful, Cunt.

  25. George you do seem to have a jaundiced opinion of the Empire,as a result I feel duty bound to provide some illumination to your good self in order that you will see how very wrong you are. I feel this is best accomplished by introducing you to Sir Percy Buggeringham a soldier of Empire, nay a true guardian of Empire.
    The honourable gentleman was much given to patrolling his parish with a benevolent eye, but became greatly flumuxed by the habits of the native menfolk to conspicuously lounge about under the umbongo trees, alas gentle persuasion proved fruitless so a more severe remedy was duly sought, namely a robust thrashing with ones parasol, admittedly such lessons could be prolonged and robust but as Sir Percy oft remarked it was necessary to instill a sense of purpose and endeavour into a man, without which he would be a man in name only. I hasten to add this was done with much personal cost to Sir Percy, owing to the destruction of countless parasols he developed skin cancer in later life.

    Alas these days it is plain to see that with the demise of Empire and the regular admonishment of a stern word and hefty smote of the parasol across a pair of buttocks, that the young native has regressed into an indolent yet uppity youth.

    In these times of gender equality mention must be made of the native womenfolk who were much given and indeed hungered for several strokes of the imperial sword.

    Finally I close with a question to you George, why are you called George ? in memory of so many of our past monarchs or do you have delusions of royalty yourself, as there is no doubt you are a right royal cunt

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