I didn’t know who he was either, but after seeing him on Good Morning Britian I had to look him up. He’s a 22yr-old former call-centre worker from Essex who was the runner-up on a Channel 4 reality TV show called The Circle. Yesterday he was on GMB claiming that learning about World War II harms millennials’ mental health. See for yourself:
It seems like it’s ok to teach young children about transgenderism, but not about historical events that gave him and his generation the easy lives they have now. And these are the same entitled little cunts who think that “old” people shouldn’t have been allowed to vote in the EU Referendum?! Basically the people who helped to build their safe little world don’t matter.
This is Generation Snowflake, right here, and they WILL be the end of us.
Nominated by Cunt me in
An iron-clad, turbo-charged, gonad-splitting nomination please – if he hasn’t already had one – for Freddie Bentley.
This is the cunt who – first off – claims his job is “Instagram Influencer”, shorthand for vacuous bellend if ever there was one.
Secondly, this is the prick who has publicly stated that children in schools should no longer be taught about WWII (or any wars for that matter) because it’s too damaging to their mental health to hear about. Let THAT fucker sink in for a second…..
So in his life of middle-class twottery he sees no irony in the fact that countless poor fucking Tommies (and many other nationalities let’s not forget – don’t worry about the flag-waving French cunts though, “French Resistance” – only resistance they have is to personal hygiene) were shot, eviscerated, gassed and blown to shreds in order to give him the ability to whine about mental health issues 70 years later.
Where is this selective teaching of history going to end – what will we ban next? The Ice Age? Slavery? The Great Plague?? Get to fuck you simpleton.
Nominated by Cunting virgin
I would like to see this cunt’s parents(if they exist outside of a test tube) paraded on MSM to account for where they went wrong and why they didn’t apply for the creature to be taken in to care.
Bleeding hell, he had only managed three words and I thought CUNT, but I persevered and all I could think was it’s like listening to an Ali G sketch where the interviewer is keeping a straight face even though they are thinking over and over in their head Cunt, cunt, cunt!
It’s a good job they didn’t teach him about the slave trade, he would have topped himself, second thoughts that would have been a good thing.
I blame the cunts running GMB for actually giving this waste of space any airtime at all.
It’s a pity Piers Morgan wasn’t in the chair, the soft little cunt would pissed his knickers.
What a CUNT.
What’s he doing in that photo?
Sort of a marilyn Monroe pose?
Why are people doing this nowadays?
Weird as fuck!
Black guys famously scowl in photos,
Dunno why?
If im having my photo took i just smile say ‘cheese!’ Thats it!
Fuck acting like a pin up of stage & screen.
The latest thing the soshul meeja cunts are doing now to get this kind of look is the lip gluing; you literally pull your top lip up and superglue it to your philtrum so it makes your lips look massive. I. Kid. You. NOT.
Jesus! Seriously Cuntan?
Millennials are obsessed with having their photo took arent they?
My daughter has pictures on facebook an her an her mates pull this daft face.
If she wants some Gorilla glue from the shed she can help herself, anything for a laugh…..
I reckon we were fucked the minute the first selfie was taken, and the person responsible (was it old fat-arse Cumdashian, not sure), instead of thinking “nah, bit cuntish and narcissistic that”, went and stuck it on the internet instead.
I’ve got an industrial staple gun in the shed, that’ll last longer than the gorilla glue
I reckon we were fucked the minute the first selfie was taken, and the person responsible (was it old fat-arse Cuntdashian, not sure), instead of thinking “nah, bit cuntish and narcissistic that”, went and stuck it on the internet instead.
I’ve got an industrial staple gun in the shed, that’ll last longer than the gorilla glue
I usually say Cunt through gritted teeth, MNC….
I think Jo Swindleson should actually let her moustache flourish to cover up the car crash thats happened in her mouth.
I reckon a full Lord Kitchener would do the job.
Big tits big tash KC?
Like Freddy Mercury in ‘I want to break Free’?
I want to break heads MNC, but being a mild mannered janitor, I’d rather fuck Rosemary the telephone operator…??
Nice one MNC,yet a sharp one for sure.?
*yer…..Spazz autobollox.
This shitstick minces on about that ww2 shouldn’t be taught in school, but at the end he admits he wasn’t taught it in school, only a little bit in primary. Still, he managed to get his over made up head on the telly, job done as far as he’s concerned. Let’s shield this little pansy from all the evils of this world, so when he gets drafted into the cannon fodder battalion of the EU army in a couple of years, he will be blissfully unaware that his sole purpose is a lure for the Russian artillery.
YouTube has a lot to answer for, making detritus like this famous, but so does the young idiots who watch whatever shit he spouts.
On the other side of the coin, there is a guy going by the name of Tik on YouTube, and he does documentaries on World War Two, and fair play, they are shit hot.
People like this pish me off.
*Internet off*
“Errh mehhhh gerrhd! I like, can’t get on the net to insta blog about like stuff cos like the internet like doesn’t work! Oh emmm jee my life is like totes over! I’m like so trigger! Where’s my safe space?!”
Forrrk offffff generation of brainless, spineless, vacuous cans of can’t!!!!!!
I reckon sales of Bentley cars will plummet because of this twit.
Isn’t he from that old comic? The side kick of Denis the Menace? Soppy Walter was the name……well by fuck…he hasn’t aged at all.
Naw that’s Jack rees mogg.
This cunts Rocky Horror.
A rounders bat would be overkill; a swan’s feather is enough to see off both of them.
I predict Bentley will man up and have no trouble in wresting the bat from you and man up further still by shoving said bat up his arse
Size 9, with maximum force, right in its Mangina.
This cunt speaks that Esturian, Cod Essex accent like those vile, plastic, walking yapping STDs from TOWIE.
He presents an argument with a depressing paucity of any logic or merit.
He looks like he spends far too much of his time admiring and preening himself in front of the mirror, this being far more pressing than having the intelligence of curiosity to learn about the different facets of WW2.
I bet he sucks yards of cock too. If the cunt was my son, I would have done the noble thing 20 years or so previous and drowned the hopeless fucker in a plastic bucket.
If the cunt was mine, I’d still do it now.
As predicted all the guff we hear from the media about mental health is a cover fo stop facts from hurting the fees fees of Freddie the Bender and his insta-mong chums. Those who do not learn from history get tortured and firebombed.
‘I’m someone who can hold my own’. Who would have guessed? What a cunt.
I shouldn’t think anyone else would hold it for him – unless washing machine engineer Keith would oblige – perhaps to help him tighten up his nuts.
Great cunting
What a sorry excuse for a human being his father must be so proud,
Fucking rylans love child another cunt who needs sterilising
This limp wristed Gaylord needs to man up. Pardon the pun.
Silly little cocksucker.
My esteemed associate Sir Stanley Cuntford-Henley Regatta Trust Fund Monocle told me recently that “volunteering” for war is a highly acceptable way of getting factory workers to stay sober!
However, he is a cunt! Joking aside, I think members of my family who have died to give us our freedom so f*cking pricks like this can pretend it never happened would be a tad miffed – but we can now invade any Country with the most whimsical of ease – just scramble their Iphones and invade while they try to get an adult to write “needy”, that will confuse them right up to the next LGBT and wimmins rights meeting, and they can claim compensation for the trauma of never having experienced trauma – because let’s face it, the Waitrose and Laura Ashley shops (sorry, “retail experiences”) in Knightsbridge and Muswell Hill do not open 24/7 and the dirty working claaaars poor do tend to mug any good hearted Oxbridge chappie who strays outside a gated community these days – but surely if they made chlamydia an imprisonable offence and only sold knives with bottles of Chateau Pape De Neuf (don’t beef at me, I can’t find the superscript!) the situation would surely be addressed! Failing that, just bomb Aldi on Giro day!
Or failing that, just sign a document that condemns us to slavery in perpetuity to Europe – oh, that’s right – Boris is just about to do so!
Job done, will the last one out please turn off the lights and pay the EU lightbulb carbon offset tax, I say, is that a river I see myself being sold down?..
Jamie Oliver came running in to our local garden centre in real panic, shouting, “You’ve gotta help me, some thugs have destroyed all my lettuce.”
I said “Here, use my phone, you can call the cops.”
He said, “That’s a bit over the top, I just need some thug pellets”….
Someone should tar and feather this little turd…
This Bentley looks a bit of a “blower”…
Formerly known as Frederica ?
Listening to him, he sounds as if he’s got a good gobful of pork sword…
Freddies got me thinking, i used to be a good looking lad, when i was younger an single did a fair share of tomcatting.
I need to smarten meself up, concentrate on me looks,
Ive polished my rigger boots,
Changed my ripped old ‘iggy & the stooges’ t shirt for a posh clean ‘Motorhead England’ one,
tied my beard into a plait and dug myself a mudpack up in garden!
Gonna practice my pout now….
‘Luv where do you keep yer makeup?’
This may be apt MNC….
Clean yer teeth, put on yer best clobber
Tonight’s the night yer going to knob her
Vauxhall Viva’s covered in rust
But you can’t shag a bird on a 29 bus
Beer and sex and chips and gravy, its all that MNC wants
Beer and sex and chips and gravy, and a tasty bit of clump
Get up off the floor, finish your chips, we’re going to sup some more
Pulled the bird down the Fox & Grapes
Game of darts and a lot of beer
‘Can you hold your liquor (licker) love?’
‘Yes I can, always by the ears.’
Haha nice one KC! Macc lads!
Sometimes go on the piss in Macc!
My best mate lives there,
Many years ago, stockport marched armed on Macclesfield over potato prices!!!
I remember bringing home a bird when I was younger and my dad saying, “She’s definitely a keeper.”
“Why do you say that dad.?” I asked.
He said “She fucking stinks of elephant shit”….
Millenials. The very reason I will do my very best to contribute to global warming until my dying day. I’ll go to death bed happy in the knowledge that these cunts will drown/roast. And who wants to grow old anyway? These self centred turds aren’t going to lift a finger to help me in my old age despite my military service. Fuck every single one of them.
According to this queer sounding shit stain of an excuse of a real person “world war 2 was a difficult situation” ?
This utterly weird sack of dog shit should be marched out Dawn, stood in front of a wall, offered a cigarette, then blindfolded a fucking shot!!
Ignorant self obsessed wanker and a national embarrassment to boot …..
my piss is boiling ?
I’m feeling the long arm of the moderator……..
I’ve been mugged by the moderators
Blindfolded and shot ……..
I fear he would rather be bumbed to death , the dirty little piss stain
Imagine this fairy facing the krauts?
Why any TV broadcaster would give this absolute cunt any platform is cause for National debate …..
This limp-wristed cretin is even too fey for It Ain’t Half Hot Mum.
You’ve had your brief moment in the limelight Sir, no doubt feeling pleased with yourself, but the reality is you show yourself up for being a worthless, clueless individual who has rightly earned the disdain of many, no doubt this may offend you somewhat but just ‘fuck off’
I am surprised because he looks just like the stiff upper lip, well backboned type that would excel in either the Paras or Royal Marine Commandos.
Only an idiot wants war (Bush, Blair and Killary) but sometimes, unfortunately, war is necessary.
Thank fuck WW2 was 80yrs ago and not now where most the useless cunts of today can barely muster an anonymous nasty tweet!
Beating the shite out of Owen Jones and Bender Bentley. Not only an extremely satisfying morning’s work, and one that will elevate you immediately to hero status in the eyes of most normal folk, BUT if you make sure you get a mate to video it, you’ll also get a rather tasty £250 from You’ve Been Framed, in what would surely be their “Video Howler Of The Week”
So learning about reality is harmful? I guess it jolts him out of his fluffy land of unicorns and fairy’s.
Strikes me that the leaders on all sides that lived through war were the ones most loath to repeat it. That includes the Russians and Germans. Bush and Blair knew the history but not the horror.
What does this cunt think will happen if the world is run by cunts who know nothing of war?
They’ll find out when the Chinese walk in and slap the unicorn rainbow dreams out of their arses.
The increasing number of these useful idiots is alarming – no doubt schooled in BBC etiquette, realised he was famous when he woke up one morning, thinks his parents are fuckwits and that people are mere additions to his own, self-inflated bubble – fuck of cunt – that’s just for starters as I shouldn’t be up this early FFS!!!!
and just think – this vacuous arse can vote …… aagggggghhhhh f’kin hell??????
This cunt is the very definition of a snowflake soyboy. A total waste of oxygen. Stupid, vapid, little poof.
Jesus H Christ – I simply cannot believe what I just watched. What a pathetic cock – no self awareness, no sense of reality. I’m fuming just watching that irreverent self obsessed mincer.
And yet the ironic thing about young delicate cunts like Bentley is that i have no doubt he loves/loved played shoot-em up video games on his PS4 or X-Box.
And I would guess he loves Marvel films, of Superman, Batman, Xmen and all that superhero bollocks of bad guys having the shit kicked out of them by the good guys.
Hypocritical cunt
I think he prefers semen to Xmen…
I lasted less than 10 seconds. This thing saying that WWII was a ‘hard situation’.
The time is NOW. This thing and the US Demonrats need to be culled if Western Civilisation is to have any hope of surviving. Those of us who are man enough to admit it need to take charge by whatever means necessary and sweep the closet clean of these fucking imbeciles.