I didn’t know who he was either, but after seeing him on Good Morning Britian I had to look him up. He’s a 22yr-old former call-centre worker from Essex who was the runner-up on a Channel 4 reality TV show called The Circle. Yesterday he was on GMB claiming that learning about World War II harms millennials’ mental health. See for yourself:
It seems like it’s ok to teach young children about transgenderism, but not about historical events that gave him and his generation the easy lives they have now. And these are the same entitled little cunts who think that “old” people shouldn’t have been allowed to vote in the EU Referendum?! Basically the people who helped to build their safe little world don’t matter.
This is Generation Snowflake, right here, and they WILL be the end of us.
Nominated by Cunt me in
An iron-clad, turbo-charged, gonad-splitting nomination please – if he hasn’t already had one – for Freddie Bentley.
This is the cunt who – first off – claims his job is “Instagram Influencer”, shorthand for vacuous bellend if ever there was one.
Secondly, this is the prick who has publicly stated that children in schools should no longer be taught about WWII (or any wars for that matter) because it’s too damaging to their mental health to hear about. Let THAT fucker sink in for a second…..
So in his life of middle-class twottery he sees no irony in the fact that countless poor fucking Tommies (and many other nationalities let’s not forget – don’t worry about the flag-waving French cunts though, “French Resistance” – only resistance they have is to personal hygiene) were shot, eviscerated, gassed and blown to shreds in order to give him the ability to whine about mental health issues 70 years later.
Where is this selective teaching of history going to end – what will we ban next? The Ice Age? Slavery? The Great Plague?? Get to fuck you simpleton.
Nominated by Cunting virgin
It does make one wonder how easy it would be if any country declared war on the UK.
With soppy limp-wristed twats like Bentley representing what the UK is now like we’ll be shit on from a great height in about 24 hours!
In fact don’t bother with nuclear war, or even ordinary hand-to-hand conflict, just switch off Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites for about 10 minutes and the snowflake munters will be in fucking tears!
Given a little notice of invasion we could shoot such twats and use them as sandbags behind which we could shelter as we machine gunned the Rooskies/krauts/ Wops/Frogs. The last two groups would have to be shot in the back of course.
All Putin has to do is sit back and wait. He must be laughing his cute little black cotton socks off.
He’s more than likely pissed his Speedos laughing, watching the Western Governments claiming interference, RTC.
Rather than Western Governments Cunts saying, Shit, we misjudged the serfs.
I don’t doubt he’s interfering KC… planting fake news and propaganda on FaceFuck, etc. Wouldn’t you if you were him?
Our colonial friends, RTC , like to play the ole propaganda game, as probably perfected by a Herr J Goeb****, then again, the East bettered their game while drinking schnapps, right next door….
While wearing leather lederhosen and wearing gimp gear.
Certainly would RTC ,Reverse Psychology works on all sorts of levels…..??
Never mind, I’m off to bed.
Apologies RTC, 12 beers usually fucks up my linear thinking process. Have a restful night and let’s have a good Cunting day tomorrow.
Complete Set Of Cunts.
He is yet another example of blatant poofery. Probably a Swinson admirer.
What an utter cunt. This prick has just sent my cuntometer into overdrive.
I’m not going over the top here, but this cunt deserves to be shoved into the middle of a war zone somewhere. If (big if) he survives that, drag him and his family out of his house and take all their possession off them. Then, shove him onto a cattle train and starve and work him to death burying people in large pits. When he’s about to drop, push him into a gas chamber.
But don’t worry cunt, we’ll make sure not to tell anyone about what happened to ensure it doesn’t happen again, just in case it upsets them.
A product of Blairs ‘Education, education, education’ mantra. Except Satan’s arsehole didn’t foresee mental ‘elf becoming the new state religion.
At the end of the First World War they didn’t even recognise shell shock. The doc probably told the traumatised Tommy to get back into society and get yourself sorted out. Today these cunts wander around worrying about the rights of someone who identifies as a fucking hippo or something. Fucking shameful.
I couldn’t last a minute of this cunts voice.
He’s got the sound and face that just makes me want to punch his gob repeatedly until I’m so exhausted I need first aid myself.
What’s with the heavily made-up face, lipstick, powder, and plucked eyebrows?
By 30 he’ll be working at his local Nando’s;
By 35 he’ll be addicted to plastic surgery;;
By 40 he’ll be working as Lorraine Kelly’s gopher;
By 45 he’ll be selling his arse at the railway station;
By 50 he’ll be in prison for selling crack;
By 55 he’ll be 8 stone and peppered with syringe marks;
Dead at 58 from poor diet and a ‘pneumonia’-related illness.
Here’s hoping….?
And I’m hoping he won’t make it past 30
What a weapons grade cunt he is. He can barely string a sentence together. Fortunately I don’t think he is typical of his generation, at least the ones I see at my local cricket club give me hope for the future.
If you don’t know history, where you have come and how you have evolved from how can you possibly have any idea where you might be going in the future?
Cunts like this are making me think i might turn into Leatherface..
Please make it stop. Just make it stop. Please. Someone? Two years national service for cunts like that, and if they conscientiously object, then a rear echelon trauma hospital. You’d have to make a pretty serious effort to be as big a cunt as this perfumed and hairstyled creep. Other words fail me. For fuck’s sake.
left right left right. Get your hands out of your fucking pockets. left right get your fucking eyebrows shaved you orrible little man!
“Am I hurting you, son?”
“No, Sarge”
“Well I bloody should be. I’m standing on your FUCKING HAIR!”
He looks a well groomed young gentleman, ‘hello sailor!’
Yes its best to edit history to suit yourselves sometimes it can be upsetting and inconvenient.
Forget facts forget learning forget truth, are my eyebrows ok?
Freddie millions of young british men died for you to be able to pout like a tart at the camera, yes young men, know your fond of them,
Tell you what Freddie pick up that shovel and cave your skull in, save me the job you little spaz.
If ever there was, like, a little total like, cunt, who needed to be like, dumped in a fuckin, like, war zone where real like people are gettin’ like, killed, by ISIS cunts, then it’s like fuckin him…………
I resent the little bastard every molecule of oxygen he breathes. That oxygen could have been used by a useful person. What a waste of blood & guts.
I have far more respect for WW!, WW2 and another war veteran that has “been there, done that!” and suffered from genuine PTSD thereafter.
Whereas you get soft twats like Bentley who seem to think nothing bad will ever happen in his lifetime and therefore we shouldn’t have to keep on harking back to the bad old days of death and misery.
Give it another 30 years and I hope I will be dead and buried way before then, because clearly this country is heading towards one hell of a fucked up ending if we have cunts like him as our figureheads and guardians.
In this age of information at your fingertips Techno, I truly believe that younger folks are getting dumber and fuckin dumber…
I despair……??♂️
I’m not a boomer or a Victorian. They invented fucking EVERYTHING. All transport ,communication, computers and the internet. The fucking snowflakes have done fuck all. (Excuse me if your in the forces. Thanks every one of you except the cunt who cried on Iranian telly.) This Cunt sums up these utter wankers( they don’t know how to fuck anymore) and the worst generation a mere 70 years after the best. Brexit means nothing because these cunts will sell freedom down the river for a few Instagram followers . If he was my cunt I’d stick him in an oven for Christmas dinner.
Feel better now.
I’d burn his eyebrows off with a blow torch first
Why can’t he sit at the table with the rest of your family
I bet Krav would love to ream his hole, lol
‘ It’s a holiday in Bumholia,?
?It’s tough kid but it’s life,
It’s a holiday in Bumholia, ?
?Where Krav will be your wife ‘
So, you’ve been to uni
For a year or two
And you know you’ve seen it all
In daddy’s car
Thinking you’ll go far
Back east your type don’t crawl
Playing ethnicky jazz
To parade your snazz
On your five-grand stereo
Braggin’ that you know
How the effnicks feel cold
And the slum’s got so much soul
Nice One Jack….??
Stick him in a uniform and send him to the front. Death or glory, preferably death.
Get To Fuck.
Drop him in ISIS territory with photos of him sucking Mohammed’s cock.
…and an Abu Sufiyah Rocks T- shirt….
Abu Sufyan….
That’s opportunity and serendipity combined right there.
Along with a useful result and great fun.
Are you free Mr. Bentley ?
I’m freeeeee !!!!
Fuck off, silly little poove. What a voice.
Maybe young Frederick relates to this….
You’re all being a bit unfair. I read that he’s in charge of commissioning all new historical dramas for the BBC…and Dr.Who.
He’s also married to Owen Jones apparently.
Yes Mr Fiddler, its true. His adaption H.G. Wells of ‘The War of the Worlds’ is premiering this Sunday on al-Beeb One where invading Martian Nazis battle Napoleon and his Death Star.
The Star Wars stormtroopers are showing up too – not dressed in white any more though, one in each colour of the rainbow
Let’s hope we never have a major collision of excrement and ventilation system cause if we have to rely on Nancy boys like him on the front line were in for a right cunting. His afterbirth probably had more spine, pity they didn’t keep it instead. I would have more confidence in Walter the fucking softie marching off to war than this namby pamby cunt . Toughen him up by lowering him bollock first into a tank of voracious piranhas till he’s as hard as Raheem Sterling.
Both my grandads and one granny were in WWII one in France the other in Africa he ended up with shrapnel inbeded in his legs which i later life turned to open sores that never healed until his death.
He never complained about it, neither did they just got on with life and tried to live through with what they had seen and gone through.
They gave their innocence and bodies like millions of others for us and for cunt s like him.
Both WW should never be forgotten the history never altered and always taught, as a warning to generations to come of how easily we can be lead to do horrific and destructive acts by our leaders.
Nice one Sheriff….??
Dammit, I nominated this pre-name change – I’m missing out on the glory!! Now I know how Prince felt
It’s more the fact that he can get on national t.v. to spout his views that bothers me. There always were,and will be,stupid people but in the past nobody gave their views any credence,it was just…”thick Cunt’ll grow out of it” from the few people who had to listen. Nowadays stupidity is celebrated and ignorance is something to be admired.
Jade goodie kick started it,
Then big brother, towie etc
its going to get worse.
You mean Saint Jade, the blessed reincarnation of the Holy Mother that everyone proclaims as the greatest human being ever to have walked the earth? S’funny that, I remember before she got a dose of the cancer everybody hated her fucking guts, especially when she had a pop at that Mozza woman for having a moustache or summat
Not sure you can say “non-white” now, racist innit?
I always hated that ugly, gurning, fat Martin Clunes lookalike Jade Goody. Horrible cow. And in a way, I’m somewhat disappointed in what I’ve become thanks to idiots like her, cos when I’d heard that she’d finally karked it, I was actually glad. That’s not fucking normal, is it?
Gestapo for this soppy cunt.
I also believe that if our armed forces of 1940 could see what has become of our country we would be part of Greater Germany now.
What a fucking shitshow & this rat could run it.
Nice yet foul cunting,cheers!
I managed 50 seconds into the clip. His incoherent, obvious tail gunnery was enough to make me want to stab the cunt in the throat just to shut him up. I’m 33 and it just horrifies me the vast numbers of limp wristed attention seeking fucktards of my generation are given so much air time to spout such utter bollocks. I’d shoot the fucking lot if I had my way
You managed twenty seconds longer than I did. Why do they give air-time to immature idiots like this?
… I bailed out at 38 seconds. I’m thinking this is a clever ‘ruse’ by ITV to show how ‘big a Cunt’ is out there at large. They weren’t interested in him …
As someone in the media pointed out, this little cretin singlehandedly makes the case for raising the voting age from 18 up to adulthood. This cunt, however, will never attain adulthood.
Surely a piss take? If you cant teach the wars because it upsets the cunts then what the fuck can you teach?
Here’s one just right for him…..
He’ll probably be the next James Bond.
An even bigger cunt than Daniel Craig….
I bet this simpering cunt still gets breastfed by his mummy
I wonder if a few of our veterans from the Second World War sometimes think to themselves with cunts like this “‘I don’t know why I fucking bothered”.
I often look at the tough old bastards that turn out every year to the Rememberance Parade (less of em every year) and think, they must be looking around at the state of the place and thinking their mates died for this? Fucking heartbreaking.
Dear Frederick Keith David Bentley,
Please stick your head in the oven and set to gas mark 6.
Hugs and kisses,
Yer a Cunt.
Oh dog! It’s another social media ‘I can’t be bothered to work, please give me free stuff’ influencer.
I wonder what it would be like if the internet was turned off. I don’t mean turning a computer or smart phone off. I mean turn the internet off at the source if there is such a thing.
Shut down the satelites as well.
Will card payments in shops still work?
Internet influencers won’t be able to influence.
Fuck that Spoony! Turn the internet off?
That would deny all your IsAC followers from obtaining your pearls of wisdom on this hallowed site!
We would be denied Blunty’s Percy updates, Fiddlers latest run-in with the villagers and Miserable’s adventures oop north.
Evening Liblick. I for one would miss your Chinese dialogues which make me chuckle!
Bertie, LL,
How about keep the internet on for everyone else, but send vacuous insta-twits to live on an island just for them with computers not with internet to outside world but intranet like in workplaces offices? They can blog endless about themselves to each other without annoying the rest of the world.
Sounds like a cunning plan to me!