A take your unasked for opinion and shove it up your ring cunting for European Council president Tusk.
This little pimple, the archetypal EU oligarch, has now stuck his oar into the general election proceedings, advising Remoaners ‘not to give up on stopping Brexit’, and adding that he agrees with ‘a friend’, who claims that Brexit ‘will be the real end of the British Empire’ (whatever the fuck that’s actually supposed to mean). He then laughably adds that he envies ‘Short Arse’ Bercow, saying that our late lamented Speaker of the House is now free to tell us how he really feels about Brexit. As if we didn’t know already.
I don’t know what leads this shit to think he’s got a remit to interfere in the election process, but he’s gone ahead and done it anyway, sticking two fingers up to 17.4 million voters, and once more denying the outcome of the largest exercise in democracy in this proud nation’s history. If this isn’t yet another demonstration of the utter contempt that Tusk and his ilk hold for democracy, then I don’t know what is.
Well, here’s my message to YOU, you preening, Polish prat. I’m not giving up on getting Brexit done, and quitting your rotten, bloated, anti-democratic plutocracy once and for all.
Fuck off over there you jumped up little cunt, and when you get there, fuck off again.
Nominated by Ron Knee
Tusk is not the problem. He doesn’t want to lose a huge EU contributor – they have budget problems coming up. It’s natural to fight his (EU) corner. The problem lies in the UK with those that seek to overturn the vote.
He shouldn’t worry. The EU will soon have our £39 billion under it’s belt, plus a further £18 billion for every year the transition period is inevitably extended, while our Civil Service ‘negotiates’ a “great new trade deal”.
“President” Tusk . Personally id like to do a Hannibal Lecter on the cunt. The one where his lungs are turned into wings. Either that or the hanging with his own entrails thing . Either or dont mind which.
Yes dear boy. All my own work.
“Ready when you are, Sergeant Penbury”
Still sends a shiver down the spine that line, shortly before he gets battered to fuck with a nightstick! Anthony Hopkins never been better
I’d like to put Tusk, that troublemaking little whore Gina Miller, Granny Grieve, Mary Ann Benn and Jo Soubry in a replica of HMS Titanic and make sure the bleeding thing would have the same fate as the original ship. No orchestra while it goes down due to cost cutting, but music from The Anna Soubry Quintet.
You can measure the EU’s worry and pain by the speech impediment murmurs of this weasely German-wannabee cunt stain. He’s tried threats, he’s tried flattery, he’s tried fake compassion, he’s tried irony. Even the old “divide ‘n’ conquer” favourite has failed. He’s even attempted personal appearances at unLiberal unDemicrats’ conventions. He must be sincerely feeling the pain.
The British Empire was in dire shape before the First World War, a twitching corpse by the 1930s and all over after the Second World War.Most know this. We just want to leave and your deathly lisp is a constant reminder of why
Fuck off back to felching your real boss, the dirty, fat arse of Mütter Merkhel, you sorry, little man.
Just back from Poland. New buildings, new roads – all paid for by EU. No wonder this cunt wants us to stay. Fuck off and ask the krauts – they fucked up Poland after all.
Ve failed to take ovfer Europ in 1914, and again in 1939 yet zis time ve vill not fail.
EU uber alles, Fuhrer Cuntington ?
It’s all part of the Plan. As CC, above, says, we’re the second largest net contributor to the EU and leaving will be resisted by any means possible. As Tusk’s term expires shortly, he can say whatever he likes – there’ll be no blowback at the EU. And face it, Blair, working in close coordination with Juncker and now von der Leyen, is committing far worse crimes against our democracy.
Unelected, a citizen of the country which has voted to leave, shamelessly using the contacts the UK taxpayer paid him to acquire for the UK’s benefit, in the service of Germany and France… come my revolution it would be Blair up against the wall. Facing, with acknowledgement to Comrade Kim, an antiaircraft gun. I would merely require Tusk to witness the execution. And send the video back to Poland with him, for further consideration by his countrymen.
He looks like a Star War’s baddie.
Cunt like most poles probably smokes 70 a day, if it weren’t for the EU this cunt would be working on a building site by me smoking away and sending his money home. Tusk need’s an Elephants Tusk…shoved up his Polska arse.
Go fuck yourself
This filthy Hitleresque slag can do and say what he likes because he knows he’s got the Establishment, the media, 75% of Parliament and huge swathes of the brainwashed public on his side. That’s a very powerful bunch of cunts who have got his back. That’s who we’re fighting against. Cunts. Every single one of them. Tusk is a pikey, trying to provoke a disaster so he can rob the pockets of the dead.
Act of aggression by a foreign power. Nuke Brussels!!!
Seriously, he spoke whilst still in his position and should be hung.
“Nuke Brussels”.
Preferably while Farage is there.
Farage has no power, he at least drove the debate towards having a referendum.
True, but at least a nuke would take the fucker out, thus getting him back for shitting on us.
There’s a special place in hell for this little cunt. It is not remotely within his remit to interfere in the internal politics of other countries, and yet that is exactly what he has done.
Whenever I see his haggard mug I cannot help but be reminded of the invading Martians in the film “Mars Attacks!”.
Maybe its time for the Bosch to finish what they started in 1939 if Poland is producing cunts like Tusk.
His daughter though, right little hottie. She’d get it big time. How the hell did someone who looks like him produce top quality totty like her?
Perhaps Mrs. Tusk had a good looking milkman. Back in the day, as they say.
Don’t know if that worked. If not, google Katarzyna Tusk.
Nice one, RB, that’s a bit tasty!
Slightly off topic but here are the MPs the Brexit Party and The Conservative Party should do a deal about, all the cunts who want a “confirmatory” 2nd referendum, As you might have guessed all the poofters and foreigners are on the list:
All Cunts, my CuntMP is on there and I didn’t live in his constituency at the last election, it’s a marginal so my new vote is going BLUE!
Tusk likes to put his fucking nose in, hopefully anyone who listens and is leave but not that bothered will now be bothered.
The EU don’t want us to leave, it’s like having you bank account hacked and these EU cunts love spending our fucking money.
The Labour Party want to ‘extend free movement’ , I guess Corbyn wants to invite his mates from Hezbollah to come and stay for free.
The EU will love the Labour Brexit deal, ‘Remain 2.0’ and then we will have the choice of that or Remain 1.0, can’t wait for that one ?
Tusk is a CUNT!
Couldn’t agree more. The unbelievable arrogance of this pipsqueak shit stain boils my piss. Polish prick.
I wonder if they could reopen Belsen just for one person?
Thats a woman’s work camp
Perfect,completely perfect.
An anagram of Donald Tusk is :- Sad Old Kunt.
In a near future, the Russian Army crosses the Rhine, supported by divisions of elite troops, and an assassination squad. The invasion is swift, and the European Armed Forces flee the battlefields in complete panic,. Berlin falls, the Leaders including Merkel are taken to a quiet location for a final cigarette, before they are executed in a most horrible way. The Russians move on, capturing state by state until finally they take Brussels. Barnier, Tusk and all the prime scum of the Union are rounded up . Bent forwards, each has a cable passed rectally and continuously fed the entirety of the digestive tract until finally emerging from the mouth. At the rectal end, some 20 metres of Razor wire are attached to the cable, to form a pull through. Each of the captives is threaded to the next and the loose end is then attached to Russian Tank.
I think fellow cunters have sufficient imagination to guess the outcome, and will also realise how much I fucking hate the EU ! and Tusk ? Welcome to the Ring of Fire , Cunt !
Brexit will be the end of the British empire? That happened a long time ago mate. That happened when they decided to import hundreds of thousands of unemployable Asians and supply them with benefits. And not content with that, to import thousands of virtually unemployable Eastern Europeans and give them benefits too. Now we have to wait months or even longer for an operation because NHS beds are occupied by foreigners who haven’t contributed a penny. What sort of empire is that?
I think this link sums up the EU:
I vass neffer ein member of ze Party ach I mean ze EU!!!!!
Tusk and his son are wanted in Poland for a Ponzi scheme they were running. He’s loathed by the Polish President.
Tusk is like a miscast Hollywood hardman. He couldn’t punch his way through of a wet tissue.
Hoo-ee, what a cunt.
You’re right! He looks like a Russian money-laundering mobster that Denzel Washington would have wasted in ‘The Equalizer’.
They are all fucking cunts, Johnson, Farage, Corbyn, Swinson, the EU, oh why fucking bother as I couldn’t give a flying fuck now who wins the election.
Voted Leave, yes that turned out well…
Brexit Party…….candidate not standing now due to Farage saying he won’t put a candidate up against the Tory who won the seat at the last election.
We deserve better, a lot better than we have seen and heard come out of these cunts that claim to represent us.
Can’t wait for the fuckers to come round my house and ask me for my vote.
What I dont get about your remain nutters, is that surely its plain as day even to them how the EU have cynically done everything in their power (then invented new powers to get round any loopholes) to stop the carrying out of the biggest referendum ever seen in the UK. Yet they still want to belong to this clique of ego maniacs??
Because the remainers like to feel that they are, at least partly, associated with the “ruling elite” perhaps?
The utter cunts…
This goblin faced EU prick should mind his own business, one of the reasons I voted leave is because of this kind interference , the cunts of Brussels are always throwing their weight and unsolicited opinions around like confetti,
Listen up you fuckers get your own house in order cunts!!
Who believes a single word this shifty cunt says anyway?
“ The uk will an outsider “ well goblin face in this instance OUTSIDER is where we want to be…..
“ the uk will be a second rate player”
As opposed to all of those former countries which you utter cunts in the EU now refer to as states?
“ why are they doing this ( UK leaving EU) is the question everybody asks me”
At this point tusks starting to resemble Pinocchio!!
“ as a English friend who is probably right said Brexit really is the end of the British empire “
Listen Polish Pinocchio nobody believes a fucking word of you say…..,
Word of what you say
Fuck off and die Tusk, you fucking ugly twisted little poison Polish dwarf.
That’s my view on the matter.
‘Second rate player’. Yeh, just like fucking Poland. God I loathe this piss stain prick and all that he embodies. Ugly little cunt.
Small man equals large cunt, no other state in the EU has gained more than Poland from EU funds all paid for by us and a good proportion of their welfare , education and health costs as well due to the fact that half of them are here, they have taken us all for a ride, I don’t buy that they helped us during the war stuff anymore, most of the buggers throwing their bin bags in the cemetery, pissing up the sides of walls and driving like blind men are two generations removed from those days
Bang on. The ones we have in Bostongrad have no problems in drinking round and pissing on the war memorial in the middle of town, nothing in common with their wartime ancestors at all. Utter vermin.