A cunting for the few, for this Scottish wanker who has given himself a slipped disk trying to bend over backwards and face both sides at once in the Brexit bollocks.
When Steptoe was happy (ish) with the Brexit referendum and wouldn’t contest the result, our Barry was right there beside him. No question of a second referendum. Likewise when Steptoe changed his mind about another referendum, Barry wanted one too. Just like the little poodle he is, he will always obey his masters voice.
Today the half-witted shitstain has excelled himself. He says he hopes Conservative voters will be lulled into a false sense of security with the high poll ratings and not bother to vote, so that his shower of shit can get into power by default.
How this turd managed to become an MP in the first place is astonishing, and it makes you realise how politics managed to end up in the shitter, that such a stupid cunt can stay there.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
Seen Barry the uphill gardiner loads on telly recently,
Know nothing about him other than hes a cunt, and if screaming for help in a lake, id sit back take a sip from my hipflask and relax in the lifejackets.
On my way to London on train.Wish me luck.Sean
Its shut.
Sean told me to tell you.
You got the wrong vowel in ‘SHUT’, Mnc.
Hehe! Thats a fact!
You well nurse ??
Yeah, I’m fine thanks Mnc. Hope you and yours are doing ok.
Yeah good thanks, working hard and paying for Christmas, love this time of year Nurse Cunty!
Not quite as miserable over the christmas period!
Throw a shiling to a cheeky faced urchin and tell him to fetch the biggest turkey he can find, singing carols as i drive, and watching the dog opening the wifes presents under the tree…
Individually wrapped sausages?
You know it Moggie!
Nothing says ‘i love you’ like a 3week old raw sausage partly cooked by fairy lights!
Thats one lucky lady whos gonna squeal wi delight on Christmas morning!
Yep, I love Christmas too, Mnc, apart from having to crawl in the bloody eaves to get our decorations out. I fully expect to be popping Ibuprofen like smarties this weekend and reaching for the heat pad after that cuntery, sigh. Only one more pressie to get and that is me, DONE. And all before December. Thank Gawd!!
This hissing, lisping poofter always makes me want to put my boot through the TV. Absolute cunt. Makes that other annoying whoopsie Biggins sound like Barry White in comparison.
Like most of the Labour cunts, I have no idea who this one is!
If he thinks that there will be low polling numbers then he’s shit out of luck because up here (in the grim north) most folk are chomping at the bit to get out and vote.
If recent election results have been close between Labour and the Tories in a constituency up here then people will vote Tory. If not close (in thicko “always” Labour constituencies) then they’re voting for the Brexit Party.
I hope the Labour Party gets fucked six ways from sideways in this election, and they can take the potato-headed run LibDums with them!
P.S. Off-topic: Having just seen the Groaniad footage of the London Bridge incident, it does look like the perp is a “peaceful” (certainly “beardy”). A group of bystanders seemed to have the cunt wrestled to the floor, the police drag them off him and then plug him! Now he does seem to have a hefty back-pack about his person but I can’t help feel that tomorrow’s lamestream headlines will be less “Terrorist Cunt Gets it on London Bridge” and more “Poor Mentally Ill Man Slaughtered by Nasty Police!”
Here is an example of nancy boy in action this week being all butch and masterful. Once heard never forgotten but he usually more concilatory:-
Is Steptoe doing his revision from his Janet & Jane books – why are they writin so much? Perhaps it’s their Father Xmas wishlists…. an apple, an orange, cuddly toy, two billion saplings……
Gret clip W.C.Boggs.
I watched that unfold live on TV – how the mask easily slips ! what a nasty, obnoxious, sarcastic little fucking weasel he is.
What was even better, is the way he tried to back-peddle and make it all the journalists fault when he was on daily politics later that day. Jo Coburn called him out on how nasty he was & really tore him a 3rd arsehole 🙂
Interestingly, I read that despite Corbyns ‘redacted’ meeting minutes he made much of at the ITV debate with Boris, – apparently the full unredacted record of these trade meetings could be found on-line for some weeks (if you knew where to look).
I think Corbyn had them all along, and was planning a ‘sting’ on 11th December – “look, Boris IS trying to sell the NHS” & get people to knee jerk react at the polls before the truth was out. As the antisemetism story wouldn’t go away, & Corbyn was being savaged in interviews, they pulled it out the hat early – to get the press off the anti-semetism story. They also threw one of their Scots candidates out, as a token “look we do expel racists” – from a seat they never stood a chance of winning anyway.
Gardner has always been a greasy looking, shifty eyed obnoxious prick.
Don’t die a virgin, because when you get to heaven they’ll make you fuck a suicide bomber….
I’d never thought of it that way round.
Well that will go off with a bang !!!!
It’s a wonderful insight
Yet another London MP representing anyfucker but the working class.
He doesn’t represent me.
I may become a one man riot if Cuntbyn gets elected, I’ve no wish to live in a concrete socialist shithole.
Barry Gardiner isn’t familiar to me, best for both of us it stays that way.
I would actually seriously think of leaving the UK if that fucker gets in, Sixdog.
That will be the absolute nail in the coffin for this country. He and his little hangers-on are dangerous.
Of course, I will either have to find a desperate millionaire or win the lottery that I don’t ever play in order to do so, but if not, I will do ‘an illegal’ and escape the country by extra-large washing up bowl.
Just get a flight to Australia and learn the accent Nurse. That said if these cunts get in we should be able to claim refugee status anywhere.
Yep, that would be the ONLY benefit, Sixdog.
Bloody cuntwaffles.
I hate the cunts voice. I’d drop a fucking tonne of shit mixed with bricks on the cunt
Sadly this cunt is all-too familiar to me. Seems to have been a permanent resident and Labour’s default representative on Question Time this last year. Sorry, that’s “Question Time starring Fiona Bruce and Barry Gardner”
There seems to be an outbreak of peace on London Bridge. The cops have shot some fucker.
Whether a snackbar or a potential architect is not clear.
Reports say he was wearing a hoax explosive device, savage Tory cuts and austerity are now even affecting potential suicide bombers ability to commit jihad. The uncaring elitist bastards.
I listened to our Bazza this morning. I really need to find a way of banning myself from listening to the Today program on Radio 4 … it sets the cunting gland all ajigger far too early. Though the alternative is being ignorant of all the cunttastic cuntery going on and then being surprised when you get cunted from the sidelines by some ill-conceived piece of legislation thought up in the parliamentary bubble… not that you won’t be cunted anyway, you just won’t see it coming and therefore won’t have time to prepare.
He lives inside that same obtuse bubble as McDonnell, he is an utterly deluded arrogant cunt in a quiet way, I can’t abide him, or pretty much anyone in the cunttent Labour Front bench. How do these numpties get so far up their own arse that they believe their own bullshit?
I sincerely hope he’s one of the fuckers that suddenly finds himself looking dazzedly at a P45 on the 13th of December.
I don’t care who Bojo has shagged, not shagged or how many kids he has or if he wrote some articles about Muslim women or lazy cunts.
He would have to do far worse than that to get anywhere near these slimy labour cunts, Corbyn, McDonald or Gardiner, they are a shower of shite.
Free fucking everything, what bollocks, if this lot get in we will be completely fucked!
Barry Gardiner on Andrew Neil – brilliant television. Waspish Barry was getting angry. Almost worth the licence fee.
Beginning to wonder if the Labour Party actually want to get in because their manifesto is like a clown manifesto. Clowns aren’t funny, they’re rather ugly and somewhat scary.
Bunch of morons.
Don’t know much about this twat he’s just appeared on the scene Another one of Corbyn yes men He seems to change his mind about everything on a day to day basis.Ive sad news for Barry a lot of the Labour Heartlands won’t be voting Labour as We all voted to leave the EU not stay in?
Caroline Flint MP looks like getting booted out of office I just hope our next door neighbours in Bassetlaw also see sense and boot out Corbyn new choice of Communist Labour candidate there.The sooner this bunch of Communists are dispatched the better for this Country. Corbyn can return to his allotment & McDonnel can return to Russia to nationalise everything.Diane Abbott can return to the back benches where she belongs.
Communist Labour For The Many But Not The Jew
I have to say Ms Flint has consistently voted for EU withdrawal and it would be a shame if she lost her seat and Lardarse Thornberry or Butch Phillips kept theirs. Not bad knockers either given her age, a fair lot of bounce still.
I also think Steptoe is trying to lose – a bill of £83 billion pounds on Sunday, and another £58 billion on Monday for the WASPI tarts then the seperate bills for nationalisation. And the 2 billion trees which even the BBCs Justin WEbb laughed at today in McDonnells face.
Ms Flint does have a certain allure in the physical sense, just shows how sick Corbyn is in choosing to sit next to the two melting jellies he usually prefers, I’m sure Ms Flint would be of a more athletic prowess and possess a better body tone, poor Jeremy always making the wrong choices.
Magic Grandad seems to have a thing for black wimmn. Call it an old mans whim. Just imagine if he were q. ueer – he would have vision of loveliness Hammy Lammy sitting on his right hand – he would have to wank with the left – but then again, anything left is ideal for Steptoe.
Oh man – the trees commitment go totally riddiculed on daily politics the other day :-
5 year parliament x 365 days/yr = 1,825 days
If you planted trees 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week ;
1825 days x 24 hrs/day = 43,800 hrs
x 60 mins/hr = 2,628,000 minutes.
2 billion trees planted = 761 trees per minute (13/sec)
I guess there’ll be full employment 🙂
Hoots mon there’s a cunt loose about this house.
I wonder how long it will be before Corbyn makes a pilgrimage to London Bridge to lay a wreath in memory of the dead peaceful
He will probably want the police officer investigated for murder.
Fenian loving Marxist cunt.
Gardiner is a creepy little arselicker……Mr Flip Flop himself. Seen the cunt many times on Remoaner Question Time and I wouldn’t trust him to run a whelk stall on Southend Pier. Massive wanker.
Fuck knows who this cunt is and Fuck finding out about him.
I shall rely on the sage advice and opinion already offered in good faith.
Dose of AIDS mustard gas in ambulance nurse Hannibal Lector free council house in Somalia.
Fuck off and die.
Not seen much of him on the box as largely avoid political coverage on the TV, but he is a regular on the radio 4 progs always comes across as he is just on the verge of a hissy fit and a constant interrupter of others as he can’t stand being contradicted, par for the course really