Alastair Campbell (7)

Alastair Campbell: liar, cheat all round piece of shit. He deserves a nomination for his antics last night during the debate between Boris and Jeremy, the Jew Hater.

Campbell rebranded his twitter account to ‘Boris Johnson’ and proceeded to tweet a series of misogynistic tweets such as, “I wish this bird would stop asking me to shut up…why isn’t she in the kitchen”? And the always hilarious; “Off for a quick post-debate shag. Hope Carrie’s not back yet”. He then changed it back to it’s original Alastair Campbell and seemingly having forgotten, he tweeted, “I am a liar and a charlatan”. Well, at least he managed some accuracy at the end.

It’s not surprising that someone as childish as Campbell would do something so ridiculously childish as this. But considering he and his chum Blair are responsible for far more than Boris Johnson ever could be, that displays Herculean levels of arrogance.

It’s about time that this lying, devious, pile of elephant shit disappeared down into the deepest, darkest hole on the planet, and stayed there.

Alastair Campbell, you sir, are a cunt.

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw

46 thoughts on “Alastair Campbell (7)

  1. Another old cunt with nothing to say, just like with Major, Heseltine and Blair.

    They’re about to step onto the Stairway to Heaven (or Hell, would be more apposite), but they have to chip with a last hurrah in order to make people aware they’re still alive!

    Hopefully cunts like Campbell will meet a gristly death (a good decapitation would suffice)

  2. Alcoholic Ali is one of the greatest cunts of the age. Why the BBC continue to lick his arse and seek his drunken opinion on matters political is beyond my ken. He ceased to have any relevance more than a decade ago. He should fuck off and drink himself into permanent oblivion his last moments torturing him with his role in the dodgy dossier. Anthony will look lovely in a widows veil.

    • Hopefully the cunt’s alcoholism will make his poor me, pour me another drink celebrity depression return and he can top himself like Dr David Kelly.A truly repugnant and odious sack of shit.

      • Earl, “top himself like Dr.David Kelly.”

        What, be secretly murdered by a warmongering PM attempting to hush up the fact he lied to encourage a nation to go to war to please himself and George Dubbya ? Ahh, that kind.

      • Superbly wise of you. It’s only been a few weeks since that Epstein fiddler …erm… topped himself in his cell.

        Oscar Pistorius should’ve suggested that his girlfriend topped herself too, by shooting herself through a toilet wall.

    • Anthony looking on in a widow’s veil is a great image; recalls Duchess of Windsor in same, and she looked a haggard old crow.

      Blair and AlkyAli remind me of Miss Havisham, and also Danvers from the great film of Rebecca, with Olivier.

      As far as a painful death for the Scotty scrote, I would suggest a quick blast of Ode To Joy on his bagpipes, before they are violently and repeatedly rammed up his shitter; his own bagpipes can then be removed with poultry secateurs (a belated tribute to Mr. Rhodes), and shoved down his throat.
      Miserable auld cunt.

    • I don’t pay my tv licence to watch this turdycunt on the telly all the time – in fact I don’t pay the tv licence at all – cos I’m a smug cunt

  3. Fuck me, the cunt equivalent of absolute zero!

    This cunt is the big cunt from which all cuntitude came into the fucking universe!

    • He was the pit bull to Blair’s poodle, wasn’t he. Prescott was a sort of useless, overweight bulldog. More like a French bulldog.

      Evening Ron.

      • Evening Cap’n.
        I just wish the cunt would do us all a favour and fade quietly into the oblivion he so richly deserves.

      • If he continues boozing, there’s a chance of a stroke.
        A dozen Mickey Finns for Alchy Ali!

  4. Slight correction for those who have a brain/independent thought its Jeremy the non jew hater .BORIS IS SELLING OUT OUR NHS TO TRUMP IGNORE THE BULLSHIT PRESS ETC FACT!CAMPBELL IS A BASTARD CUNT OF EPIC PROPORTIONS

    Lets not get political (Vote Brexit Party)?

    • seeing as Corbyn is going to give it to people who don’t pay for it I would suggest that on this one Borris is the better deal then

      Ps vote Brexit party and fuck them all.

    • No self respecting Yankie toff capitalist would want to buy the crap nhs. My insured dog gets much better service than me.

    • I have the urge to tie most of these run-of-the-mill cunts to a chair and set them on fire, but I feel that Cuntbell is a special case, and therefore deserving of special treatment.
      For this utter shitstain, I quite like the idea of what Francis Dollarhyde did to the reporter in Red Dragon, ie tie the cunt to a wheelchair, ignite, then push him down Tower Hill. A parade/celebration meal/bunting etc. could be laid on, with a communal countdown until his last journey, initiated by a raffle winner- imagine the revenue that would generate.

  5. Yeah he’s a right cunt Ali campbell,
    UB40 were shite, pop reggae,
    Red,red wine?…eat shit white boy!!
    Neatest i get is vinegar on my chips!
    Glad hes been nominated,
    Hated him since 1983.

      • Evening Cuntan!
        Yeah Ali Campbell is dogshite.
        You done your deadpool?
        Dropping like flies arent they?

      • I haven’t mate, I’m a deadpool virgin! Never done one. How come it’s all kicked off today, is it cos of Gary Rhodes heading off to the great sous-vide in the sky??

      • Yeah all the celebs are dying,
        Due to Brexit and chance of Trump re-election, theyre to delicate for a world like that…?

      • Just done mine mate, got some decent left-fielders in there! Clive James and Gary Rhodes in one day eh, if I was feeling suspicious I’d say B&WC has been round the place with the Novichok….

      • BWC likes to win, edge his bets a bit,
        Caught him on Frances del a tours wall with a sniper rifle!
        If you kill them yourself its classed as cheating.
        Dont let him make you a accomplice.

  6. The sort of cunt who gives other pissheads a bad name.
    Stuff your fucking bagpipes up your arse you evil cunt…

  7. He is a cunt, his daughter is a cunt and so by definition his wife must be a cunt.

    Campbell family cunts.

  8. I like Campbell. Well not like but appreciate his contribution. Every time he opens his gob an angel dies. The Goebbels of remoan like Blair is the gift that keeps on giving. Keep it up Alistair. Sitting in your pants in your basement/ bunker your displacement activity will never expunge the thousands upon thousands of the dead who haunt your waking and sleeping hours. An evil man dressed up by the BBC as a principled politician that has never been elected by anyone. Get to fuck cunt. Cunt

  9. I see that lumbering old dinosaur Lord Hezzelslime has joined Campbell in pleading with members of his own party to vote Lib Dumb. They are like a pair of traitorous, out of touch old bookends. Fucking oxygen thieves.

    • Every time Hesslecunt’s name is mentioned, dodgy yellow patches seem to appear on the wallpaper…

  10. Whilst you’ve got to look incredibly hard to find anything good, enjoyable or redeeming about Campbell I must say I do enjoy watching his slow decline into a puddle of piss, shit and puke most engaging.

    It’s clear Brexit has driven this cunt so close to the edge he’s just one whiff of booze away from totally falling off the wagon.

    It’s like sitting at the traffic lights knowing full well that if you sit there for long enough you’ll see a car crash unfold in front of you.

    Whenever I see the cunt on TV I shout words of encouragement from the living room…’go on Alistair, just the one, one won’t hurt, honestly’.

  11. If being a cunt required you to be composed of certain elements he most certainly would be one of those, one of the original cunts, the ”duracell battery bunny” of cunts, and he has probably thousand’s of more hours of cuntitude left in him

  12. The sooner this toxic cunts liver packs in the better, his cremation would go up like pudding lane.!

  13. Another one of New Labours old guard who just cannot leave the limelight ??
    Just like Blair he should curl up and fucking die ?
    Labour For The Many But Not The Jew ??

  14. He’s ‘New Labour’ and therefore EVIL.

    Anything to do with Labour since 1997 is evil incarnate. Satan-y Blair must still be reeling from all the fundament-kissing.

    Anne-Marie Waters for the win.

  15. He doesn’t take irrelevance well does he.

    I saw Mandie in the audience of Sir Tim Berners-Lee’s Dimbleby Lecture on AL-BEEB, also looking particularly irrelevant (and glazed over as Lee explained his journey to the World Wide Web).

    Now if we could get the 3rd member of the irrelevant cunt triumvirate off our screens – Blair – then a good Christmas is assured!

    P.S. Has Tim Berners-Lee got some debilitating illness because he looked fucked (Parkinson’s or summat)?

    P.P.S. I was going to cunt Sir Tim Berners-Lee for his naïvety for thinking that ALL countries would voluntarily sign up to his “only use the t’interweb for goody goody things”. Sorry Tim you cannot uninvent the wheel, or the modern day “quill and ink” that you brought to the world, if you prefer.

  16. The Usual Suspects are currently into Tech with a capital T. Can’t speak for the others but for Blair it means promoting internet banking via proliferating mobile phone networks in developing countries from whose international aid supply he can bleed off a profit. Note that Blair works for – among many other outfits – JP Morgan, the banker, and his eye-scrapingly hideous wife for Vodafone.

    Blair is now an Expert on Tech (having dropped climate change by 2011 for lack of profit) and lectures business suits on this at worldwide suitfests. The fact that he doesn’t know a thumbdrive from a thyristor and uses the wrong end of a hammer for driving nails doesn’t deter him, or them.

    Not surprised you spotted Mandelslime there. He’s pretty well in the same business as Blair, but closer to Russia.

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