Greetings once more, fellow cunters. I’m back from another spell abroad (a delightful break with friends who live in Spain) to find on return to Blighted, sorry Blighty, that it’s a case of ‘the more things change, the more they stay the same’, at least on the Brexit front. It seems that those duplicitous dogs the SNP, together with the Limp Dicks, Liebour, and rogue ex-Tories and Liebour, have been hatching a plot to oust BoJo and put a ‘caretaker’ government, or as they grandiosely prefer to call it, a *cough* ‘Government of National Unity’ in place.
The joke is that the plan has fallen through, because about the only thing that this parcel of rogues is ‘united’ about is that they really can’t agree on anything, in particular who should replace BoJo in the hot seat. The much talked of ‘no confidence’ vote is now off the table, at least for a while, as the back-stabbing rats manoeuvre and scheme some more. Just remember, you wankstains, that the eyes of seventeen point four million Leavers are all over you like a bad suit.
You’ve only really got two choices here, my friends. Laugh hysterically, or sob uncontrollably. I choose the former, as contempt and ridicule are all that this scum warrant.
‘Government of National Unity’? Ah, the delicious irony of the situation. The bastards are going to unite the country. I’d give it a week before the shithouses were at each others’ throats. Gawd ‘elp us.
Nominated by Ron Knee
Apparently, this is parliamentary democracy in action.
The LibUndemocrat woman who denies the referendum result.
Magic Grandpa who will never be voted in, ever.
Wee Krankie who has no standing outside of Scotland and whose party represents jocks only.
Throw in various has-beens and never-weres and you have the essence of true parliamentary democracy.
I wonder, CC, whether Worzel sees this as his best chance to wriggle his way into No 10. I certainly can’t see Liebour winning a majority in an election while the seedy cunt is party leader. Clearly the other shits who are trying to put this stitch up together have got no wish to see Worzel as PM, even on a ‘caretaker’ basis. I even wouldn’t put it past Liebour to ditch Worzel and put another cardboard cutout in place if it would mean that the anointed one would be acceptable to the other rogues. I’m sure that the Limp Dicks would love to get the Ugly Duckling in, which, I guess, wouldn’t be acceptable to Liebour…
The Cunts’ Waltz is in progress.
They can’t ditch him. The Party membership still thinks the sun shines out his pile infested arsehole.
In addition to old mother Jockstrap, the fucking Irish poofter has stuck his oar in this afternoon:
I was going to make a nomination but fuck the old wanker.
It is laughabloe – a government of “national unity” comiled by a group of shit-stains who are not even united between themselves.
Let’s just leave without a “deal” and dare old Steptoe to call an election with him as the booby prize.
Leo the shirtlifter and his giant potato farm can fuck off, the UK isn’t going to put up any border in no deal so it’s up to him to protect his single market.
It’s all bollocks, the stuff moving across the border isn’t going to change any time soon.
If there is a No Deal, on the 1st of November there will be an agreement between Ireland and the UK to have a temporary arrangement.
Air will have to leave the EU because the are west of the whales..
“Government of National Unity”… what kind of Orwellian bullshit is this? Remoaners can call diarrhea a turd, but they’re only shitting themselves
That picture above?
Well its for the remake of ‘man about the house!
Doesnt show you but also George Roper is played by vince Cable,
And Mildred by Anna sourberries.
Surely you’ve got that the wrong way round, Miserable?
I’d heard that Vine ‘Old Woman’ Cable was playing Mildred, and that Anna Sourtits was playing George.
Sorry your right Ron! Beg your pardon, but they all look the same to me!?
Tricia Wilcox was hot back then
Know what Sixdog, thought it was only me! Yeah I thought so too.
Make that three. She was smokin’.
MNC & Ron, you guys have exceptional taste and unerring judgement.
I meant Paula Wilcox….my bad
No worries six. We knew who you meant.
Sally Thomsett, although a little orthodontically wayward, had a perky pair of tats and a nice , firm arse.
Can I put a word in for Sally Thomsett ; blonde and lovely big Bristols.
They were both nice wasnt they lads?
Bet George had few ‘peepholes’ that Mildred didnt know about!
So long as you didn’t mean Desmond Wilcox…
To Paul Maskinback:
“orthodontically wayward”
OMG – I just lost it when I read that. I literally cried laughing. Thanks mate.
I would have gladly used her shit for toothpaste.
And they say romance is dead…
IsAC at its finest
A government of national unity to revoke the largest democratic vote in U.K. history, which this Parliament enacted and promised to respect, on behalf of Gina Miller , George Soros and half a dozen other mendacious cunts.
Jesus wept.
And I should add that this so called “Government of National Unity” will disunite the U.K. and not act in the interests of the nation but in the interests of the various Frogs, Krauts, Spics and Paddy’s that make up the EU.
What a waste of space.
Don’t forget the Wops and Dagos.
The only thing “united” about these cunts ìs exactly that, they are all cunts. If Boris can get us out, half of the rabble will be toast. The Brexit party could destroy Labour. It will be interesting to see what happens to remain cunts in a leave constituency.
Say what you like about Boris, his energy and enthusiasm is infectious. There is some sort of light
He’s got my support at the moment. It’s a pity his back stabbing sister can’t offer the same.
I get on well with my sister but if she chose to stick the knife in at the worst possible time then I’d disown her. Have your differences with family but in private, not the full glare of a public stage.
Let’s all hope that when we get the chance to show these treacherous cunts our feelings by way of a general election they really feel the full weight of the public’s anger and absolute contempt for their actions, soubry knows the fucking score and is retiring from politics but due to their undiluted arrogance many believe they still have a career in politics, I hope every MP who has voted against their leave constituents wishes losses their seat in the HOC !! , and are treated like social pariahs …..
Swinson is in for a huge shock, She blindly believes that she’s going to be some kind of king maker? That a seat at the top table awaits, I hope her and fellow fantasist Caroline Lucas are ridiculed to their dying days…….
These cunts want bojo out, but won’t vote for a general election (as they know they’ll lose) and won’t call a vote of no confidence (because they don’t have the backing). They also can’t agree anything between themselves. Surely no one is taking them seriously.
What fucks me off is that they’ve created this law that means Boris has to ask for an extension if they won’t agree to a deal, which they won’t, and they won’t agree to no deal, and the EU will do anything for us to stay, so they won’t block an extension, which means this ridiculous law puts us all in a state of limbo forever. Why weren’t there any lawyers on the leave side counteracting this cuntish law with one of their own to avoid this shit show.
Hilary Benn was on Wireless 4 World at One today – pompous as befits the little sister of Granny Grieve, threatening Boris with prison if he doesn’t obey “his” law. Jumped up little motherfucker. I want to see that pair thrown out at the election.
I wouldn’t give that little weasel Benn a bad cold.
Those cunts over in Brussels HATE the UK they just like our money!! I saw that utter cunt umunna looking all pleased with himself on TV!! The fucking cunt still rambling on about a red bus!!!!
Oi cunt how about the EU army which you and your guardian cunts said was “ a fantasy of leaves imagination “ ??
I’m far more worried about that you despicable cunt than some red bus!!!
What exactly is the point of Caroline Lucas in any remoaner plot ?
Does the ‘pudding bowl’ haircut, thin-lipped, expressionless manx cat stand at the back, checking the wattage of light bulbs, & complaining about the Methane levels generated from the Lib Dems policies ?
She is ‘leader’ of a party of 1 MP – herself. How does she think that makes her equal in importance to a party with nearly 300 ?
Pointless whineing Cunt
How can you say that? Caroline Lucarse is EXTREMELY popular. The audiences on Question Time and Any Questions attest to that fact.
She probably promises the audience a look at her nipple tassels after the show when she does her striptease, if they are nice to her.
I’ve one question for her …..
“ do you think you receive a totally disproportionate amount of TV Time considering you have only 1MP!! You”
I would love to hear zippys answer
I dare them. I really do.
How can anything be called a Government of National Unity if it’s not made up of at least 52% Leavers?
Pure Orwellian doublespeak. It’s nothing more than a Government of REMOANER Unity.
What’s worse is the media never come close to pointing this out.
CUNTS one and all.
Bolsheviks were a minority who dismissed the Mensheviks and called themselves, “The majority.” It’s rather similar.
Not to mention that on a global scale, white people are a vast minority. But it’s every other cunt that gets to play the minority card unchallenged.
It’s one of those cuntsworth political titles that are actually the opposite of what they represent Ruff; ‘The Peoples’ Court’, ‘The Democratic Peoples’ Republic of North Korea’ etc.
Personally I’d like to convene a ‘People’s Tribunal’ a la revolutionary France on these cunts.
Or……Government of Notorious Arsehole Dregs . . . . .
Swinemong can sit on Magic Grandpa’s face, and the Turdgun can ream his arse with its strap-on.
The polaroids can be shown to the drunks in A & E; maybe they’ll puke so horrendously that they’ll give up drinking. Or just die.
Such a riff raff mottely crew of missfits will never work.
The only things they’re united against are brexit, bojo and Britain.
I’m a really calm person, but even I’m getting fucked off with this remain parliament now.
If I’m right, then things are going to get very nasty if we don’t get brexit and/or a GE. We’re being held against our will by a parliament dominated by liars cheats and scumbag cunts.
I’ll try again without so much…
Such a riff raff mottely crew of cunts will never work.
The only things they’re united against are brexit, bojo and Britain.
I’m a really calm person, but even I’m getting annoyed with this remain parliament now.
If I’m right, then things are going to get very igly if we don’t get brexit and/or a GE. We’re being held against our will by a parliament dominated by lying cunts.
Fuck sake, just wait a minuet even admin have to take a shit every now and again, contra to opinion here we are actually human
Talking of which, if it’s a leader for a government of national unity that we’re looking for, why has no-one mentioned the name of Tony Blair?
Just imagine the uproar if Blair was chosen – war would break out.
Yes, remain certainly have weapons of mass destruction
In Mandy, Blair had a weapon of ass destruction.
The idea has been floated by the Remoan Tendency, but some of them have wit enough to realise he’s toxic, he’s doing a sterling job betraying his country to EU chiefs, not quite secretly enough, and that to be PM he would have to be an MP – a job which is very poorly paid compared to ‘advising’ African dictators, and which he left as quickly as his little legs would take him last time. He might make it as a part-time or token PM if someone were cunt enough to give him a peerage, but then he’d have to declare his interests. Which are very murky indeed.
See what you did there Blimpo. Fell foul of the scûmbag word. To avoid such pitfalls, I now route all my comments through RTC’s self moderating service.
It’s free at the moment but the scûmbag is thinking of charging fairly soon.
I’m just glad that WordPress has such a dedication to “supporting free speech” just as they claim to. The word cüm though, I think we can all agree that that word goes beyond the pale and shouldn’t be protected by the same ideals of freedom of expression. I mean, who could ever see it and not go into meltdown over the extremist and downright hate the word creates?
Mark my words, more and more triggers will be added to that censor list in near future, especially as elections roll round. I guarantee it wont be long before 50% of comments go right into moderation or get outright shadow-banned.
WordPress made cüm a moderated word to prevent cunts posting pictures of Jennifer Lawrence avec jizz. Think I’ve found a way round it…
Wow, she does enjoy a hot creamy mouthful of fish yogurt!
Fuck it, I’m so past Brexit now, I care not what they do. It seems clear that either they do not realise the seeds of the division they have planted may grow well beyond their control.
Fuck brexit, let’s have the civil war they are desperate for.
I think the 2nd French revolution idea appeals to me more – just picture Adonis & Heseltine’s heads grinning up at you from the basket, with their yellow false teeth falling into the street. Ditto Granny Grieve and Hilary. Dawn Butler knitting by the guillotine and yelling “what about de wimmin, innit?”
I’m fucking tempted to go back to a monarchy, if it wasn’t for the fact the Queen is getting a little old (Sorry Ma’am) and Charles would be king 🙁
Seriously though, these wank stains have damaged our democracy and they are too EU obsessed and blinkered to see it.
Mate, I loved Spain before anyone ever heard of the EU and I’ll love it after the EU is history.
Clearly you don’t see the distinction. I love Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, the Czech Republic etc and have visited them many times. And I’ll be back post Brexit, if that happy day ever arrives. It’s not Europe I hate, it’s the bloated, bureaucratic monstrosity that is the EU.
Either you’re too thick to see the distinction, or you’re on a windup. So I’m ‘not wanted personally’? I think that you’re talking out of your rear end mate; speaking ‘personally’, I’d say that you’ve just cunted yourself.
I just hope you haven’t brought that rabies back in to the country Ron!
I love France- I’ve covered every square metre of the place
(notice not yard) However, this doesn’t mean I want to be part of a European Superstate with a European army, propping up a corrupt, unelected and power hungry empire.
I passionately love the ‘government of national unity scheme’. With Krankie’s lot promising to leave the UK as soon as they can rig another referendum. With Labour’s Blairites and Trots disembowelling each other in public. With the LimpDumbs welcoming other parties’ narcissistic misfits and run by a thick harridan. Losing Brexit might even be a price worth paying for the chaos which would ensue, and its necessarily brutal cleaning-up. Wonder what the Army thinks?
Diversity. That’s what the Army thinks. Oh for the good old days.
The MoD and politicians may think so, the colonels and generals may go along with it in order not to wreck their promotions and afterlives in the arms industry, but I am not entirely convinced the OR’s do. Also, the Forces do not swear allegiance to Michel Barnier, but to the UK’s sovereign. Only.
I grant you, this picture is fading fast. The Forces are under strength as it is, and can’t afford to reject any cannon fodder of whatever colour or creed. Terms and conditions applying.
Theirs is not to reason why, theirs is but to diversify.
“National Unity” “Peoples Democratic” the sort of key words that I normally associate with anything but democracy, just lots of comrades and a paranoid security service
He sounds to me like a bitter expat living in Spain who wants nothing to do with us after Brexit.
Good, that’s fine by me. Don’t forget to hand your pension back that you’re drawing or likely to soon be drawing.
After all, it must be nearly worthless anyhow what with the strength of the Euro.
Spain currently pays nowt into the EU.
The UK pays £10 billion NET p.a. into the EU kitty.
So it looks like poor little Mr Cuba libre will have to put this hand in his pocket to help make up the difference once we’re gone.
But not immediately. Only after the EU has pissed our £39 billion golden handshake down the shitter. Give it 4 years, if it doesn’t implode before…
Cuba, you middle class?
Bet you are! You dream of leading the masses at night in bed, do you picture yourself as Che?
When the uprising comes do you think the workers will be standing shoulder to shoulder with you?
Im a worker, and when the day comes youll be up against the wall wondering what went wrong?
Im only interested in providing for my family, i love my country and my people,
Fuckin hate commies though.
Stirring stuff Miserable, if you ever get that nice old cottage in the middle of nowhere, you’ll need a bunker for the ‘Miserable Militia – Northern Division’ and years worth of canned soup.
Well he got on my nerves LL!
Some wannabe spic having a pop at Ron, no need for it, hope the cunt chokes on his paella!?
wtf are you on about? I like Australia but I don’t want to have a union with, or pay fucking billions every year to, the country.
@MNC sorry mate, the only people against the wall will be us, the workers, the patriots, we are the enemy, they want us eradicated.
Know they do Moggie!
But think theyd have a shock if push came to shove, every dog can turn and bite when had enough!
And we are British, we build this world!
We are the bulldog breed! gods greatest creation !
Talking of those Scottish loons why hasn’t that fat cunt been in court yet?
I’m sure if I was a suspected sex pest I’d be sharing a cell with Big Ron by now.
What I can’t understand about that story is Salmond recently was awarded over a half a million pounds by the Scottish court because of the supposedly improper way the police investigated the alleged sex crimes. The alleged sex crimes he’s up in court for! How is that? How can the court find in your favour to the tune of £500, 000 but you are still up in court? Am I missing something here? I mean you would have thought the investigation would be deemed fatally flawed or compromised? Strange carry on to me.
The plot thickens….
It’s not what you do, it’s who you know that counts.
Ask Jeremy Thorpe and Cyril Smith. And Jimmy Savile…
In the absense of a clairvoyant, a ouija board or other access to that sham: an imaginary Elysium, Valhalla or other variety of a mythical, ficticious and make-believe spirit world,
that would be a little tricky, RTCffs (X300)
Trial starts in January Spanky.
I’m told You can look forward to allegations of huge gambling debts and ‘sexual touching’, apparently.
But then again some may say that but I couldn’t possibly comment.
Government of national unity? I think the words they’re trying to suppress are coup d’tat.
Sorry if it’s spelt wrongly, I was always shit at French
One even brought her shopping trolley just in case she had some spare time to pick up cat food for the numerable stray cats she undoubtedly has.
I support her with the cats, for obvious reasons.
Are you sure they haven’t turned up at the wrong demo? Looks as they were on the way to a Rainbow Pride meet.
Wow! A force to be reckoned with!
Anger sweeping the masses in Tyneside!
More people turned up at myra hindleys funeral!
Smog on the Tyne’s all mine all mine, smog on the Tyne’s all mine.
Wayah Gazza!
Not many libtards up north for Extinction Hurryup to draw on. They should stick to Londonistan…..we’ve got millions of the cocksuckers down here.
Ginnie and Cindy got a name check. I bet the other one feels a bit left out.
Ginnie & Cindy? Fuck me, Jacinta n cressida not show up?
Daddy will be furious! Never fed the ponies and left the gardners to do it!
And what a trio of beauties they are.
A year ago last thursday I was in the zoo ….I’m a gnu, I’m a gnu … it’ll never catch on, never NEVER – ya know, I was washing my new calvin klein shorts and rubbed them all over with that Vanish soap stuff – Gone! Can’t find them anywhere …
You are a gnu, and you live in a zoo?
In the fantasy World of Corbyn he would love to be caretaker Prime Minister but in reality he would struggle to be a school caretaker in the real World
This prick and his sidekick John Mc Donald have tried to pull a fast one doing a deal with the Scottish Nazis vote with us and we will let you have another Scottish Referendum (yes another one) The sooner these SMPs are put in their place the better Nicola Sturgeon does not speak for English Parliament she is unelected in anything Stick to Scottish matters and keep your nose out of ours look at your own economy it’s in the shite fucking hypocrite
Being a total racist Nazi myself I call for an underground building to house these politicians to be built. For example something about the size of two tennis courts. The building should have a changing room and lockers. For the convenience of the politicians it will have a shower room. Let’s call it a chamber. After our occupants have disrobed they will enter the shower room where they will be encouraged to stand wherever they fancy, it’s a democratic shower room after all. If any of our guests choose to not take a ‘shower’ they will be advised that their decision is Ill advised because they would have noticed outside polling booths to either put an X in the box shower or no shower. The votes will be counted and whichever vote wins we are obligated to carry out the demands of the people.
I wish I’d left some breadcrumbs before I went off on one.
Its rather a lovely idea Mongo,
Think it should have a slogan though,
A inspirational message to welcome visitors,
I know! What about a ode to industry and grafting! How about
“Work makes you free!”
Bet itd be popular in no time!
You old Zyklôn B zombie Miserable!
What Rtc?!
Im helping Mongo with the plans to his health spa!
Needs a good logo!
‘Free tattoo for every customer?”
Mongo should pitch the idea in Dragons Den. Deborah Meaden would bite his hand off!
Meanwhile the WASPI wimmin have lost their court case to be more equal than men. ?
Haha yeah! Dragons sat there stunned! Mouths slightly open in shock! Heehee!
Mongo still hopeful nervously asks “well what do you think?
Sound of aghast silence???
WASP woman keep on working till you drop!
Is dragons den one of those awful tv progs like the apprentice?. A vacuous bunch of cunts providing sad people with an inkling of hope. A bit like the lottery.
Pretty much Mongo, float business ideas, inventions for investment they get part of your business if they invest.
Bunch of rich capitalist types are the ‘dragons’.
Remember if you go on its a ‘health spa’ not a gas chamber!
Goid luck and if they invest dont forget im in for 15% as consultant.
Peter Jones: “your valuation of 6 million seems about right.”
Another ‘Mongo’ is the chef in the ‘Dirty Fork’ Monty Python sketch. When John Cleese runs in with an axe. Michael Palin trying to restrain him- ‘No Mongo, not now Mongo’.
My name is mongo. I provide hope, charity and peace. You cunt
Kraft Durch Freude?
Government of National Cuntery. I’d love them to pull this off. Most people know Jack Shit about politics but they know a bunch of cunts and a stitch up when they see one. These wankers are just storing up a massive slaughter at the next election. Bring it on cunts.
Add the Irish Teashop to this bunch of cunts as he seems to have more say in what happens than we do. I notice they have been ramping up the threats of violence from Corbyn’s mates in the IRA as well.
The IRA tail is wagging the UK dog.
People waving the IRA stick are making a miscalculation. After recent terrorist attacks across Europe the Europeans don’t have much sympathy with murder as a political tool.
The thick cunts should of learned from 9-11 when outside of a few diehard plastic Irish Americans the once sympathetic Americans told them where to take their collecting tins.
If they start bombing the government needs to make sure the world knows where the cunts are being protected, especially when it turns out to be Ireland
That tea shop poof is a massive cunt. Notice that the media don’t mention that he is unelected……..appointed by his own MP’s , or whatever the cunts are called, when the other cunt fucked off.
The EU will stab this cunt in the back if they get a sniff of a deal that suits them. Then he’ll be back at Fairyhouse carrying 10 pound over weight.
The Irish must be shitting themselves at the thought of a no deal brexit. They would face tariffs and four customs checks on the way to their European markets.
Fuckin’ squeeze them till the pips squeak I say.
They ARE shitting themselves. All over Radio Fourth Reich news tonight.
I hear the EU are opening talks today to allow Albania and Macedonia in. Fuck me, that’ll be another couple of million bastards with their fucking donkeys heading our way.
Meester, me EU citizen, have papers, you give me money plis.
To be fair id let the donkeys in!
Hard working humble types,
Might need em post brexit in this mad max post apocalyptic waste land thats being touted, theyll ship food (turnips) to the supermarkets!
The Albanians can queue at calais till they freeze or drown.
There seem to be loads of Albanians here already, most of them in criminal gangs in and around The Centre of the Known Universe.
I’d just like somebody to tell me how they get in here in the first place, like the Turks and others
Via Dunkirk Pleasure Cruises. 7 grand a trip, one way only.
Worth every penny.
I went to Boston the other day to do something. I was having a chat with my mates dad about immigrants in the local area. Alot of Portuguese apparently. I was quite surprised.
Of course, you won’t ever consider flying back to Dear Old Blighty for life saving treatment.
Hope you don’t get hurt on the culturally enlightened bull run.
Toodle pip.