Just watched a news report on London knife crime filmed in a hospital. The victim was white. He had a proper family. He was stabbed for his bike and phone. They didn’t say who by, but we can guess, cant we?
The only black faces were medical and support staff.
It appears from this BBC ‘in-depth’ report that white kids are involved, even if only as robbery victims. No mention was made of the real culprits. Apparently, it is an ‘urban’ problem. Liverpool, Brum, Nottingham etc. Again no reference to who the main perpetrators are.
What I got from this fearless journalism was that if you dare to have a bike and/or phone, you are the problem. Not the feral scum that infest the cities. Not the babyfathers. Not the total aversion to education. Not the total lack of aspiration. Not the culture in which these things thrive. No, it seems to be society’s fault due to lack of opportunity.
Well done BBC. Totally unbiased and fearless reporting as usual.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Just like how the Al-BBC avoided all possible mention of the ethnicity of the recent Manchester Arndale stabber, and buried the presence of the anti-terrorist units at the scene, until an indepedently released photo/footage confirmed all suspicions.
Ain’t it amazing how quickly this got hushed up?
Dead right, ECB… The blatant diversionary antics of the BBC stink worse than Madogga’s minge…. A ‘mental health’ person has gone on a stabbing spree in Manchester… But fuck that, let’s focus on those horrible Bulgarian ‘Nazis’ and how those England fairies are so brave in the face of ‘racism’…
Classic BBC cuntery… After October 31st I hope Boris and Priti Patel destroy them… Mind you, Patel can destroy me if she likes…
In your best Dooshka-Dooshka accent ask for directions to the local benefits office and she might send you to her punishment block. Is Southgate the England manager or a fucking social worker?
As an old romantic mentioned on here (can’t recall who)…
“I would use her shit as toothpaste.”
It was a Chubby Brown song.
Fuck me, only 27 cuntings for this filthy blocked up sewer of an organisation? I am surprised.
They didn’t say who by, but we can guess, cant we?
No offence, but how do you know this cunt got stabbed by a black/immigrant?
I have no doubt Deshawn robbed him, but lets not assume without facts.
£20 hes right.
Im happy to assume, saves time!?
of course he is – general rule, if they don’t give the assailants colour, you can be sure they’re not white.
Look at it this way – if the assailant (assuming known) was white, then the al-BBC would have no hesitation in mentioning it, or releasing a photo, or say that the police are looking for ‘a Caucasian man of x age’ etc.
So the absolute shut-down of detail, the haste in which the news story is dropped and other details besides just smack of this being the handywork of one of the fecal shades.
I too would lay down a crisp fiver that says the stabber was a cultural enricher.
Actually you have a point about the BBC but my reference was cultural not ethnic. A feckless, fatherless, state supported environment. The norm amongst these fuckers. Chavs of all hues with neither education nor aspiration.
My wife should be arrested for crime. The ugly foreign cunt.
Two young “White “ cunts just got sent down in Hastings for stabbing a bloke and rightly so. The stupid cunts put there antics up on social media, That’s how they got caught. The BBC couldn’t stop mentioning that they were white. funny when a young person of colour does it the BBC cover it up as long as possible or Bury it like in Manchester recently.
It’s like finding a pile of shit on the pavement outside your house. Even though there are millions of beings with the potential to shit all around, odds are overwhelmingly in favour of it being a dog shit.
In some inner city areas it is more likely to be human shit.
Labour MP Louise Ellman resigned from the party last night saying that she thought Steptoe as PM was dangerous for this country. It was mentioned on the 0530 Wireless 4 news this morning, but luckily they were saved by the Brexit deal from exploring much further. How different when several Conservative MPs jumped ship not long ago – they were mentioned and spoken to several times throughout the day.
Same this week with inflation figures – they were stable so just got mentioned as an afterthought at the end of the news summaries – it would have led had they risen. Other good economic news during the week came near the end in favour of the lead story all day about child obesity.
Labour Party are full of Jew hating Nazis fronted by Hamas loving Comrade Corbyn
The sooner this bastard is rubbed out by Mossad the better for all of us a real danger to this Country Corbyn ?
This blatant bias is why I consciously don’t look at or listen to UK broadcast news.
If I want an overview of what is going on, then I will peruse the Reuters UK website. For political stuff, I rely on Guido Fawkes or YouTube independents but I am fully aware their bias needs a spoonful (or more) of salt. But you can rely on them to bring up the hypocrisy which the mainstream won’t touch.
The fucking BBC is an abysmal house of human shite passing off as the ‘British broadcaster’. I’d put the BBC somewhere below C5 news and the Daily Sport in terms of credibility.
One positive is that a lot of people have now rumbled the BBC ,SLY , and Channel 4 News with their highly manipulative bias. Their blatantly one sided view has especially been exposed in the last 3 years over a certain subject that gets the odd mention every day. Most people I have this conversation with absolutely loathe the British media , unless your an Eu loving Liberal Lefty sort of Cunt.
Every programme on the beeb, every advert on all channels,
Is pushing the agenda that “multiculturalism is great”
Now even if I thought this was true (i dont)
Im not keen on being brainwashed patronised or preached too.
We fund this fuckin institution and should have a say in it, they’re a law unto themselves.
we all know that multi-culti is not fucking great and has led to unbelievable social problems that are unique to the post-war generation and has caused more problems in the last 20 years, than the preceding 200. I watched Peter Hitchens documentary about Brexit last night (worth a watch) and Enoch Powell came up. He was very anti-Europe for very good reasons, however, just like today, he was shouted down everywhere he went, and dropped from government due to his views on immigration, which have largely turned out to be true.
The thing is, it is easier for the ruling classes to pass the problem onto us than do anything about it. Protecting our borders means action. They are all so scared of the race card, that they ignore it and just let you and I deal with the problems. Protest about Asian grooming gangs? Well, you’re obviously far-right. Concerned about your kid being the only English speaker in a class of 30? You’re a racist.
Don’t like it, then tough shit. This was how Blair kept on not having to deal with the issue – once he’s fucked off, it’s not his problem.
They are all cunts and we badly need a revolution in this country.
A “sharia” law, presumably
All knife crime in London statistically is carried out by black men against black men. Somalians have brought their own kind of savagery to the streets with an average iq of just 68. They all just kill each other mainly. I live right in the middle of it . I feel perfectly safe as they are to busy having a tribal war killing each other to bother with me. Fuck em.
I.Q of 68? No way theyre 3 points smarter than me!
I demand theyre tested again!!
This is what I keep saying Smug Cunt.
If you import scum from shit hole countries then don’t be surprised when they practice their odious behaviour here.
I fucking hate those buck-toothed Somali cunts. Mo(hamed) Farah is one.
They all look like BUGS BUNNY but carry a knife instead of a carrot.
Try moving upto Sheffield the Somalians have taken over Burn Green it’s now a no go area South York’s Police have given up on it Yes they are thick bastards but there are thousands of the fuckers
Being a shallow Cunt can I just say that the BBC’s new drama “Dublin Murders” is excellent. Don’t know how it got made really..no lezza commander,no dark key police inspector,no bum-bandit hero,no raspberry wheelying along in a chariot to apprehend the suspect.
Plus I’d fuck the lassy in it until her tits exploded.
Based on that review I shall give it a watch Monsieur Fiddler.
Mark Kermode (or is it Commode) must be shitting himself!
I think he changed his name from Mark Bog Brush . It just didn’t sound quite right.
The odd programme does avoid libtardness but very few. Death in Paradise has a white bloke solving crimes in the West Indies every week which the locals are amazed at.
No lezzas, bum bandits, trannies or obvious lefties.
Mind you the main character is a genius detective but a bumbling idiot outside of crime solving.
Even though a lightweight prog, surely leftyism cant be far away.
Meanwhile fuck off the vast majority of beeb output the fucking onesided anti British cunts.
Is it still Dougal from Father Ted doing a Columbo tribute act?
The first two series were ok, but the formula soon got tired and predictable after that, a case of going through the motions.
Thanks for the heads-up Dick. I tend to ignore all MSM dramas nowadays by default, but might give this one a go… hoping you’re not just being your usual contrary self…
Give it a try,RTC,it genuinely seems quite good.
Thanks for the heads up Dick.
I recorded Episode 1 then forgot that Episode 2 was on the following night (I hate it when they do that) so then wiped Episode 1 on the grounds that it’s YET ANOTHER crime drama.
Simply down to the commonsense attitudes of ISACs I’m prepared to crank up the Iplayer now.
I’m enjoying it, Isaac. Normally I give up fairly rapidly but I’m going to persist with this one.
The best program on the BBC (4) saturdays, is a french import with subtitles is SPIRAL 7 a police drama which does not have a problem showing the umbongos and ethnic mufti’s as a significant crimanal element rather than BBC superheros
I agree with you there Evening Star, Spiral is a good series. No PC bullshit, just cops kicking the shit out of the scumbags. Love it. Reminds me a bit of The Sweeney.
Well im not watching it.
Sounds suspiciously like drama to me Fiddler, im not having your Barry Norman critique sway me!
Dads Army or nothing!?
You should try it,MNC. It might lift you,for a brief time, out of the cultural wasteland that is also known as Miserable Northern Cunt’s house…..
anyhow….the lass looks to have a nice set of tits on her, I’m hoping that she gets them out soon.
Naw, got couple of ‘salvage hunters’
To watch, and making new kitchen cabinet doors for the missus .
Cultural wasteland? Cheeky monkey!
Im the epitome of high culture.
Anyway sat on yer arse watching tv,perving on actresses,
Hope youve groomed those horses?
It’s early, Mr Fiddler. They might be trying to hook you in, before a transgendered dark key midget in a wheelchair appears in the nick of time to solve the crime. The murderer will be the white chap who says in one episode that he supports Brexit or that he thinks we need limits on immigration. You know, the ‘nazi’.
The tranny hero will then spend 30 minutes of an episode bumming his boyfriend in a scene which the Guardian will call, ‘A trailblazing and educational love scene for the LGBT community’.
You have been warned.
The Barbaric Baboon Collective screams kuhn and religion of psychotic inferiority complex every time it doesn’t mention them.
That they don’t seem to realise this is a measure of their detachment from reality.
And their mega-giga-hyper cuntitude.
I see that to be considered for a bafta going forward, “diversity” targets will need to be met.
They’ve turned churning out dismal unwatchable shite into a fucking science. I really need to stop thinking about this before I have a stroke. My ape’s brain simply cannot comprehend cuntitude of this magnitude.
A perpetual motion machine is impossible. A perpetual cunt machine it would appear is not.
Derbycunt’s morning dirge last week had a crescent of guests whose close family members had been victims of stabbings.
Needless to say the demographics of those present bore out the statistics we all know but that no one (especially if they’re a son of a London bus driver) will say.
The victims were all the usual pillars of the community types – there may have been the odd aspiring architect in there too!
The BBC: the news and media organisation that will never report on what the majority of people are actually thinking.
I am Rebel without a Cunt! and my pronouns are X and Y.
I think you mean stabitects
Who will design the shipping containers if all our aspiring architects are shitting their guts into the street, after a “peaceful” incident?
Cant watch Derbyshire ( or Maitlis/ Munchetty/Coburn without my usual mild mannered self turning into a viscious spitting sweary bastard with horrendous violent thoughts on my mind.
Best avoided. Especially Radio 4.
Derbyshite thank god is avoidable as Im at work when she’s on.
Munchetty ditto but fucking hell we all know that vicious opinionated madam would never get within a hundred miles of any other TV studio were she not of colour.
Maitlis I can tolerate because she’s not that hideous fat sow Barnett or that incomprehensible jock mcstrap bint who’s been on Newsnight several decades too long.
Coburn ? Not a patch on that legendary member of the Mag 7.
The Brexit bashing Caliphate hates anything to do , with Britishness, Christianity,etc.
Fuck the BBC.
Reading this nomination, there’s a fifty percent chance I’ll be OK as I don’t own a bicycle.
P.s what the fork are ‘babyfathers’? To my knowledge babies cannot be fathers.
Is that a new craze like fluid genders etc etc?
Children having children – it’s a career move for Yorkshire gals!
The BBC have been told to dial down on the announcing the ethnicity of perpetrators of terror attacks, knife crime and similar shit.
You can be fairly certain that if they say nothing it will be an effnick!
According to my next door neighbour it has been that way in our local press* for years.
* I don’t read the local rag. Or any other rag for that matter. Apart from the occasional article online….
Its not just here NYC has announced fines of $250,000 for calling migrants ‘illegal aliens’. No coincidence its a Democratic run clown town.
Yes theyre very expensive arent they?
This ‘lack of opportunity’ excuse is utter tripe. They attend schools for free and have every opportunity to get A levels and a degree. Even if they’re poor as fuck.
But no, the communities they live in only care about being a gangsta, a rapper or a footballer. And they must have ‘respec’ innit? Let’s have it right, a lot of black communities look up to gangsters and love listening to music extolling the virtues of being a ‘gangsta’. And to be fair a few white kids are now into this shit too.
If they want a lack of opportunity they should fuck off and live somewhere like Afghanistan or North Korea and get back to us.
In the 21st century, if you’re able bodied and of sound mind, you have no fucking excuse if you end up a stoner on the dole demanding ‘respec’ in the UK.
Stop blaming whitey for your communities being crime ridden shitholes.
Fuck off.
I can’t remember the last time I said “B.B.C.” without prefixing it with the word… “fucking…” and following it with… “cunts!” It’s totally reflexive, a subliminal word association thing and almost impossible not to do it now. Because they’re just fuckin’ cuntz!
Let’s not forget that for years the cunting BBC facilitated the activities of Sir James Savile, a remarkable piece of subterfuge by anybody’s standards.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for any heads to roll on that one.
I don´t watch the BBC but CNN sport should be renamed “Fuck Anything Else But Racism in Football”. Up to 15 minutes of the daily half-hour program have been devoted to incidents of “racism” in recent days. Not only was the Bulgaria game analyzed a million times, with sanctimonious claptrap from presenters Don Riddell, Kate Riley and Patrick Snell but a smarmy Daily Mirror hack called Darren Lewis who obviously makes a good living out of condemning “racism” and calling for “punishment” against the teams and individuals involved. His smug saintly expression and Witchfinder General (sorry Mr de Pffefer Fidler) hunt for victims to burn at the stake make me want to shove a stake up his arse. (If he had ever played football he would know that all kinds of insults are thrown at you, some from your own team, but no, today´s precious little darlings with their agents, twitter feeds and turnippy haircuts can´t handle a few catcalls.)
Anyway, this is what the ugly fucker looks like:
That audience member on Question Time that over-did the amateur dramatics… am I right in thinking she’s a Paki?
Yep, and nothing demonstrates emancipation like being made to dress as a ninja while a Husband/Brother sits an inch away guarding you..
A “religion” of peace and tolerance – and if you disagree they will cut your f*cking head off!
Another well aimed kick at the British Broadcasting CUNTS. Hope it catches somebody square in the cobs.