I’m nominating the smacking ban in Scotland.
Although I don’t live in Scotland and don’t plan to have any children, as someone who has been on the receiving end of a slipper across the arse for being a little shit in my younger years, I think this new law isn’t going to do any good. I mean, I don’t agree with smacking, but if all other methods of disciplining offspring fail, then it should be used as a last resort.
And then I realise who is to blame for this. That filthy fish and her scamming school. I think there are more pressing things than smacking. Much more pressing issues indeed.
Don’t exactly know who the bigger cunt is here. It’s between that Ms. Krankie lady or the lawmakers who voted this through. Either way, they’re cockwombles, vaginaheads and filth spewers.
Nominated by Pissed off Brit
Good luck with that. Last I heard they were all on smack up there.
I mean if you watch trainspotting I would get the impression scots like smack too, actually watched half of trainspotting 2 last night ironically, it was alright i guess nothing to phone home about tho
Definitely no need for a 3rd trainspotting but I have no doubt that Hollywood would crap another one out for the cash in
I would very much like to administer an overdose to those SNP cunts. Watch them turn blue – that would be cool!
Apparently the ban is only advisory
And we need a second vote as people didn’t know what they were voting for….
Can you imagine telling people in the 70s that smacking yer kids would be illegal?…think you were joking!!
I had and deserved loads of smacks off my dad as a kid!
Done me no harm, and ive always had blurred vision and blackouts.
Get em slapped the spoilt noisy little twats.
Fucking right. The insufferable little bastards will all be in favour of this rule. Gives them licence to do whatever the fuck they want and make people’s lives a misery. Give ’em a fuckin’ clout, that’s what I say.
Next thing you know they’ll be bunking off school en masse, cluttering up the streets, preventing people going about their lawful business, and addressing their elders and betters at U.N. Summits as “haters”.
In their eyes there’s something lacking
What they need’s a damn good whacking! ?
The thing is some naughty children need to be brought to book with a smack on there backsides.
Morning Tufty
Morning Fenton ?
Couldn’t agree more. Smack some sense into the little twats.
Batter them senseful.
This is great news. They’ll become so overwhelmed by the expense of taking kids into care because they’ve had a whack off their pissed/high parents that the cuntry, sorry country will just sink into a bankrupt vortex of its own making. And we’ll never have to suffer the utterances of the Krankie or the pervy-handed Salmon again.
Krankie and Salmond need a tera-slapping.
Do the sweaty rozzers have that little to do that they can go around nicking people for giving the kids a smack? Scotland’s elite love to think of themselves as a progressive Scandy type place, but it’s as rough as a badger’s arse and full of takers. I love Scotland, but this sort of thing does it no good whatsoever. Bring back the mines and shipyards and subsidise them – like the rest of the world does.
I guess the best way to punish a Scottish child would be to lock him or her in a room and play them Moira Anderson and Jimmy Shand records for a few hours each day.
Here you are – Jimmy’s tribute to New Labour – the Gay Gordons:
I do like a bit of Jimmy Shand though – especially on Burns’ Night, when I doon mah keelt.
All this does is give an excuse for even younger brats to phone Childline (founder E Rantzen blind friend of Sir J Saville) and grass up their parents. I don’t know how many peacefuls there are in Jockland but i’d like to see Wee Jimmy’s shock troops trying to interfere with their religious and cultural right to batter their mini bombers.
The Peacefuls do what they like – what’s happened over the sex ed stand-off in Brum?
Sweden’s long standing smacking ban doesnt work in Malmo. Load of bollocks.
Obviously St Greta of Thunberg didn’t get smacked and look how that petulant child turned out.
A good winger up the side of the head might of done Greta good, might of cured her tic and twitches.
Its a scientific fact a smack in the nut helps a childs social development.
Admin note- (please do not quote scientific facts above)
What Greta needs is 2L of Frosty Jack’s and a fingering, like every other normal 16yr old.
The inoperative word being ‘normal’.
Yet she has a face like a smacked arse.
With chronic hammerheads.
God, must make an appt. with Specsavers. I read that as hemorrhoids.
Forget Scotland. You can see the damage done to (and by) English kids who have not had real discipline at school for years – they run amok when school is out, they truant, they shout and swear at everyone – teachers as well.
You can see the result in some of the younger MPs – Bulldyke Phillips would have been less mouthy if she had been given six strokes of the cane across her arse, ditto the little pansies like the decadent Russell-Moyle. Mind you the nancies might have enjoyed it too much. They probably have dreams of Grieve and Benn in mortarboards and gowns doing the punishment.
Hillary Augusta Benn does bear more than a passing resemblance to Miss Prim…
Makes me wonder though, just how bad things would be now, if these lefty social engineering institutions they call schools were also allowed to corporally punish anyone that didn’t agree with the transgender lesbian teacher that there were 873 genders, or that white men are the root of all evil. Basically all teachers being replaced by Antifa members, could you even dare imagine?
Perhaps the problem isn’t so much the lack of discipline, but more the lack of an education in reality.
When the little bairn comes home and tells his ma that as he was expelled from school for setting fire to the toilets, he and his mates had free time so they broke into a factory and after finding a junkie tramp sleeping, gave him a good kicking then scarpered, how will his parents respond? ‘Och, ah’m gerna have to stiff werrd fer you later!’
A good cunting PoB, I was brought up in the 70s, and discipline was usually a few slaps from my dad.
Every time I was slapped it was deserved, it taught me two things, don’t get caught doing something wrong, but if you do there will be consequences.
Smacking children upside their head seems like something the Scottish would have no shame in doing. Kids are messed up these days but smacking a kid in his face seems rather cruel
Though I agree some forms of discipline need to be established. How bout good old fashioned spanking? I know I could go for a good spanking right about now…
Isn’t it the Christian thing to do? Spare the rod and spoil the child and all that?! I always interpreted that bible verse as painful spanking instruments like spiked paddles and whips were cruel an painful but over the knee spanking with just your hand was fine because it doesn’t hurt as much and doesn’t leave any marks on you
Smacking banned? As long as you can still punch, kick, and nut the little cunts, we should be OK.
Exachary. The Bacons didnae ‘smack’ their wee Biffa.
But they wuz aanly kidding…
The Snowflake generation is a perfect example of “ spare the rod and spoil the child “
I rest my case.
This is almost certainly coming to a country near you.
I’ve already placed my bet with Betfred that this will happen in England and Wales in the next 18 months.
Totally agree. We can’t let the Jocks outsnowflake us. It just wouldn’t be right.
I reckon we have that covered – any personal responsibility for any action, terrorism to tantrums, young or old can be explained away with the all encompassing ‘mental ‘elf isshoos’ cop out.
A stupid SNP law designed to make the cunts look progressive. There is nothing wrong in smacking a child as long as moderate force is used – out and out beating is of course wrong. My parents smacked me and it caused no harm ( I think). Parents ought to be free to chastise children within reason- it’s time honoured because it works. The state needs to keep out of private issues like this – it’s turning into an overbearing nanny and needs to butt out. Dread to think how these kids are going to turn out – worse than Millennials I guess, narcissistic, spoilt cunts that will scream if they don’t get their own way and report anyone that doesn’t share their opinions to the police. Cunts in waiting.
Fuck off.
The rot really started with my generation (B.Liar’s generation). And with each succeeding generation the rot has been compounded ^10.
Next stop, Corbyn and his toy-town Marxists.
This country will soon be indistinguishable from any other shithole on Earth.
I’m sad to say that most cities already are.
Not the only thing worsening at a log10 rate
Reminds me of Billy Connolly going on about being smacked in rhythm with each spoken word, “Don’t yooz tawks ta mee aboot ya dinna ken!”
I’ll bet old legohead had a few slaps as a kid to end up with an Uncle Ned that shape.
Pat a cake, pat a cake, Krankie’s mam
Make me a head as square as you can.
SpongeBob Squarehead?
SpongeNic Squarepants?
No…wait. Got it.
SyringeGob SquareHead.
More productive for Scotland would be a smackhead ban instead.
Smack Ma Kids Up.
If the cunt kids don’t learn directly at an early age what pain – and indeed discomfort and frustration – are about, then the results are what we are increasingly seeing today. Any mammal being bothered by its young will give it a nip or a kick to let it know it’s gone too far: job done, boundary clearly marked, retribution is registered as being a consequence of transgression.
So the Scottish government is unsurprisingly and yet again a collection of interfering cunts, and ignores the enviable reputation Scottish education used to base upon the free use of the strap. One of the biggest pissboilers of recent weeks, for me, and that is saying something..It’s not even a nanny state any more. Nanny ( in that sort of household) was usually permitted to smack her charges. Anything so long as the posh parents weren’t bothered.
Bet Fiddlers dad got repetitive strain injury spanking him!
Hired one of the farmhands to help out!
Bet his arse is just scar tissue.
Yup. And it never did him any harm as I am sure he will confirm. (Nor me. My old lizard could raise spectacular weals when the mood took him.) Excessive thrashing doesn’t stop you being a bolshy cunt though. It just makes you a craftier cunt, so there is a balance to be reached there.
“It just makes you a craftier cunt”…couldn’t agree more.
Afternoon Dick!
Just talking about your arse but not in a gay way, honest!?
Don’t worry Miserable, Dick hasn’t got a homophobic boner in his body. ?
You get the odd clip round the ear growing up Rtc?
Unharmed and remembered fondly?
Or still upset and receiving therapy?
Turns out for tbousands of years parents had been rearing kids wrong!
Luckily for mankind some SJWs are here to help us eh?
Belated afternoon, F. Trust the cubbing went well and the sab cull is now well under way.
@ Miserable.
I was caned by my Victorian dad from an early age, then regularly at school.
Ironically dad didn’t go along with hitting kids around the head, but the teachers did – got lots of clips and worse from those cunts.
One teacher meant to swipe me across the forehead, but knocked a pencil down my throat by mistake. Blood everywhere. Only time I ever knew my dad to complain to the school.
I do reckon corporal punishment had a detrimental effect on my development… though oddly cannot articulate precisely what way.
Never had the cane as it’d been stopped the year before i started secondary school, had the slipper a few times.
My dad and uncles used to get the belt, but i just got a crack and once or twice booted!
Once when i was 15 the police picked me up out of my head on magic mushrooms, called my parents,
My dad walked into the police station and booted me straight off the chair!
“Get in the fuckin car! ” he snarled, nowadays hed of been arrested,
But the copper just nodded approvingly!
If i hadnt been tripping my nut off Rtc that kick would of hurt!?
In grade three the class was shown a film about bush Abos in their primeval naked glory and later in craft we were to draw a picture of them. So I drew in the tits for which “dirty work” I got five cuts with the cane on the arse from Sister Angela. One of many childhood traumas which set up my fucked up adulthood!
Evening Ruff one. Did you go to public school? At my school in Liverpool, canings were regularly given out for just talking in class.
However, these were not half as punishing as Fred the Physics teacher hurling 1/3 pint milk bottles around the room.
You say your dad was Victorian? How the fuck did he have the strength to lift a cane at his age?
Evening Blunty.
Victorian dad as in ‘spare the rod’ and the Viz comic sense:
I did go to a minor public school which was a waste of my parent’s money. I left with one O level and zero ambition. The only thing I learned, inadvertently, was how to look out for myself and be independent.
It’s put you in good stead my friend. You are wise beyond your years.
PS loved the Viz strip!
@ Miserable
“out of my head on magic mushrooms”
Happier, simpler times.
I earned my doctorate in Psychotic Enlightenment with the assistance of magic mushrooms…
A bit of a correction. It was a hand rather than a slipper on the arse.
Afternoon POB. How’s the job hunting going? Saw an interesting item on tv the other day about supported internships and helping people with special needs in to work. Apparently, the NHS is big on this at the moment but also many companies.
If you’re interested here’s the link for an organisation that specialises in this.
Still in the process of looking. I’m thinking along the lines of a bookstore, and I know there’s one I’m easily able to travel to.
They’ll be making it illegal to tell a toddler ‘no’ soon…
Another stunt by the SNP its a pity someone doesn’t give Nicola Sturgeon a good smack
As a kid, when I was really bad I’d get a dose of the castor oil. I was more afraid of that than a belting.
A good clip round the ear, punch in the teeth, headbutt to the nose, dousing in hot chip oil and defenestration never did me any harm.
All because I told my dad I wanted to be the Terminator.
So, Biffa Bacon is basically an unrealistic representation of Scottish parenting now?
Tyneside in Scotland m’lord?
Why ay, y’cunt.
Yes – I realised what a cunt I was after I put it. It is indeed, Tyneside. Apologies.
I blame it all on Max Bygraves. That old black and white film ‘Spare the Rod’. And there was Max soft as shit. It’s all Max Bygraves’s fault.
‘You need hands…’ but not to smack.
‘I wanna tell you a story…’
‘Smackalongamax’ ?
Instead of harassing ordinary parents, wouldn’t it be better if these cunts put all their energies in to preventing real child abuse?
It’s nearly 20 years now since Victoria Climbie was murdered and the cry went up
“It must never happen again!”
And yet it does with consistent regularity. The poor little mites who are killed by having every bone broken in their body happens regularly. They know who these fuckin’ monsters are. They should be neutered and anyone carrying out these offences should locked in a room with Charles Manson and given a dose of their own medicine. Nah. We’ll continue picking on easy targets instead!
They always wheel out the same sort of gibbering chinless apparatchik to say ‘lessons will be/have been learned’
It’s a phrase that has come to sum up soy-cuck public sector fuckwittery.
As someone without children, I don’t really have a stake in this argument, other than having been a child, and having a fair few slaps for being a little cunt. I only had it when I deserved it, and see absolutely nothing wrong with it. In fact, I’m grateful, that it stopped me being an even bigger cunt than I already am.
Sturgeon is a childless cunt also, so what gives her the moral high ground on this issue? She probably wasn’t smacked enough as a kid, and thinks this is how she turned out so well. Er…….
By what people have written, I imagine one or two have been smirking.
Well, enjoy that while it lasts because they banned smoking and smacking.
Theyve banned smirking?!
Perhaps ‘jerking’ is next on the list?
Bertie, what’s that?
Picture the scene . . . . . . .
6a.m at Blunty’s house . .. .
“Police! Right Mr Blunt surrender, we’ve got a weapon bigger than yours and we’re prepared to use it.
Not yet they haven’t. Well, I don’t think so.
How about twerking? Banned?
Yea and Flossing haha.
Pretty sure the libmong media wanted a ban on smirking after the Covington boys were caught chanting along with a Native American in his oom-papa-lappion rain dance.
One dared smirk at him and a million blue haired gender-queer pigs screamed out in anguish.
I would really, really love to know exactly how they are going to police this. Will every Scottish home contain an officer with his notepad in hand, poised for action as soon as wee Johnny gets an arse whack for drawing a dick in crayon on the living room wall??
What a fucking farce.
Try telling my Mum that she couldn’t smack her kids. My sister and I (mostly I) were smacked when we were kids in the 70s. My Mum was fucking greased lightning with her hand. I couldn’t even escape it when running away up the stairs as she would do a ninja move through the banisters and whack my leg.
There is a vast, VAST difference between a sharp, short smack on the leg, bum or hand for doing something naughty as a consequence for bad behaviour and beating a child in the form of abuse. These bloody libtard, child advocates just cannot get that through their thick skulls. A 2-year-old cannot be fucking spoken to and explained how their actions are not acceptable. blah, blah, blah. They need to easily connect naughty behaviour or actions with discipline in their little brains and this is the purpose of a smack. IT IS NOT fucking abuse.
Funny story though: My Maternal Nan took no prisoners (hence my Mum’s ninja smacking moves) and was both a strict parent and would bite the balls off of Mike Tyson with anyone else for that matter. She was shopping with my Uncle when he was a small boy and he played up, big style. He consequently got a whack on the bum right there in the shop. Some other woman shopping saw this and said something along the lines of, “Well , I think that is awful….smacking a child”, to which my Nan replied, ” Mind your own bloody business, else you’ll get one too in a minute”.
I could write a book about my Nan…….
That’s a challenging upbringing Nurse what with you in the filing cabinet all day long practising your karate kicks and chops your Mam and Gran in the sewer perfecting their Ninga fighting moves. And I thought we Yorkshire folk had it bad.
Haha make Nurse Cunty sound like hong kong phuey!
No Nurse is Rosemary. She has a crush on Hong Kong Phooey.
Mild mannered janitor Henry?….
Who knows, could be!
I never got over Penelope Pitstop. Such glamour!
Wacky races? Loved it as a kid!
Dont reshow those old Hanna Barbera cartoon anymore, suppose in case someone objects to a stereotype?
Penelope was a southern belle like Dolly Parton wasnt she?
Probably one of them Trump supporters, linedancing on a Saturday?
Challenging Miles? Tell me abaaat it! Mum was Bruce Lee with a perm. Ah yes, Hong Kong Phooey. One of my faves. I am more than glad to be Rosemary. She was rather glam as I recall even with the glasses. Personally though, I think I am more like Spot the cat, laying on top of the filing cabinet, thumping it when the drawer sticks. I loved Wacky Races. It was always Muttley for me though and his wheezy laugh. Now that is what I call good TV.
Muttley for me as well Nurse Cunty!
When my daughter was a toddler she had a sort toy Muttley she carried everywhere,?
Rosemarys voiced by Kathy Gori who also worked on ‘inch eye private eye’
Remember that?
Yes Spot did persecute HKF by banging on filing cabinet for no reason. No was that to hurry.him up…
Oh yes nurse it was all about Bruce Lee for our gang growing up. But we couldnt get in. All at the cinema with effort made to look older…shirt and tie on. Anyway when our turn came we couldn’t enter (Enter the Dragon) of course too young…how old would we be? 14 maybe…….but it was my mate John’s pleading which has stayed in my mind-‘Oh come on missus, these films won’t be around when we’re old enough…’ The reply: ‘Tough’.
Miles, one of my customers was in the opera with Bruce Lees parents. And Bruce himself started out in opera!
Iconic wasnt he? My best mates older brother had massive Bruce Lee posters in his room in 70s, i was dead impressed, thought he was worldly and urbane! ?
She had it all going on PP. The ‘go go’ boots were a right turn on. The other thing about Wacky Races was Peter Perfect. And Peter Purvis was on later on Blue Peter. And he looked like him. Always linked them in my mind. See Peter Purvis was the better behaved one. From.John Noakes I mean. He’s gone to the dogs now- Crufts. Are your hounds pedigrees?
Peter Purves it’s spelt.
John noakes was bit of a hero to me,
Loved ‘go with noakes’ out walking with shep.
Gutted whem he died, he was a yorkshireman wasnt he?
Game little bloke.
Sorry Nurse you’re right banging on it because it got stuck.
Fuck me they need HONG KONG Phooey there now to sort all the protests out. Or better still Sergeant Flint. Things went downhill when we colonials left.
‘Gutted whem he died’
Who John Noakes or Shep?
Both actually. Meant John but yes Shep as well.
Yes it was all about Bruce Lee for us growing up Miserable. So much so John ( a different John I grew up with lots of John’s) who had a bigger house- the unused basement kitchen kitted out with old mattresses. So we could practice our Kung Fu kicks! Fucking great it was. Flying through the air like in the water margin. Aching all over when we went in.
Water Margin!
Loved ‘Monkey’ as well, remember that? Used to have to go the chippy when my dad got home from work on a friday evening, used to run back clutching hot steaming chippy to get home for Monkey ?
As parental control is to be curtailed, are we to relinquish control to peaceful taxi drivers to admonish discipline at the school gates, ”auch wee lassie can ah giv ya a lift to a hoose of correction”