Remainer MPs (2)

God smite the remainer scum
While they do parliament up the bum
Send them fisted commissioners
And cunt faced lying cunts
Long to fuck up it all
God smash those cunts

MPs keep sucking cock
Slurping up the EU stock
From tuskies wick
Why must we suck the dick
Of fucking useless pricks
Fuck the EU

Fuck all theSNP, Fuck all the BBC
For attacking our liberty
Send our voters marching on
Stamp down that cunted con
How dare these despotic twats
attacking our liberty; seditious cunts

Nominated by dingly

95 thoughts on “Remainer MPs (2)

    • Did Kipling swear much when icing his French Fancies? Who knew! You learn something new every day on this site.

  1. Yes, there is a very good reason why they don’t want a general election…

    Is it because of democracy? NO!

    Is it because the people need another say? NO!

    Is it Henry, the mild mannered janitor? NO!

    It’s because come the next election, you’re all out of a fucking job, and good riddance to the bastard lot of you!


    • If they’re willing to do anything and everything to stop Brexit, they’ll be ready to rig an election.

      • I expect this election to be run on Bangladeshi lines, possibly with advice from our hardworking Vietnamese skunk farmers. We have a diverse democracy.

    • I think there is a job waiting for Granny Grieve and Mary-Ann Hilary Benn: Groom of the Stool to Juncker – they could job share Dommie dons the rubber apron on weekdays and Hilary at weekends. They are far too important to loiter on JSA. I hope the fruity gentlemen – artistic types like Kyle and co haven’t left it too late to retrain as ladies hairdressers or dress designers. Sugartits, Soubry and Bulldyke Phillips could all go on the game. Men would pay handsomely for their services – well at least a fiver for the night.

      • Benn’s very existence is an insult to his father’s memory. Say what you want about ol’ Tony but at least he was a staunch Eurosceptic and had honesty and principles.

  2. I can’t listen to their ridiculous, anti-democratic, unBritish gibberish any more. It’s like a children’s television programme with adult-sized Muppets in suits. Previously it made me chuckle but now it just makes me vomit.

    • Hensons Muppets had more intelligence and loyalty in their stitching than our shitfest of MPs have in all their flab and waffle. Unlike our Westminster Muppets, I dont think they caused any deaths or tendencies to commit Hara-kiri either.

      • Agreed, Et Grump. It’s more like an episode of The Flumps and Rentaghost with Zippy and Hartley Hair having a dust-up with handbags on the side.

        No, I’m making it sound too interesting.

      • Apparently, there was some crowd-funding to raise money to shoot that “Genetically Modified” coconut-headed wimmin…
        Who says that soshul meejah is a (total) cunt…?

  3. Fucking fucking fucking bastard traitor cunts! Did you see those Labour fuckers from leave constituencies voting for Brino so they can save their own useless necks? Fucking bastards. Yes, the day of reckoning is coming you cunts. Too late to save yourselves now you fucking weasels. We all know who you are. You cunts!

  4. God bless America for terminating that ISIS cunt Bhagdaddy, or whatever his name was.

    No one can mess with The Donald.

    Remainer MP’s and Bercow need novatexing (Semtex mixed with novachalk.)

    Comrade Corbinski is fucked,Labour is fucked and Jo Swinson is a swivel eyed loon.

    Come on Boris.

  5. Come the next election I don’t think much will change, most people will still vote for who they’ve always voted for.
    It fucks me off how short peoples memories are, I live in a staunch labour ward which voted leave by a large margin, and still the fucking idiots will vote red.
    I’ll be long gone but I hope the cunts get what they voted for, because they won’t like it, and it’ll be too late to do anything about it.

    • This has been my reasoning all along. The British are simply too thick to realise that the way they always vote is contrary to what they want to happen, but it doesn’t stop them or even give them pause for thought.

      • New MP’S will probably be no more than 10-15% of the total elected so you will end up with more of the same crap day after day

    • so true, I live in the deputy speaker’s constituency. She doesn’t vote on anything because of this, so we have no representation. Her vote when UP after she was exposed as an expenses fiddler. But, she is a Tory in a true blue area. A piece of dog-shit with a blue ribbon woudl take the seat. Cunts.

  6. For some reason I can’t stop staring at Jo Swinson’s teeth.
    Its like looking at something terrible that you can’t look away from.

  7. Harvey Price could do a better job than Bercow the Cunt.

    Harvey could dry hump Mrs. Bercow

    • “Mr Speaker. The right horrible Anna Sourberries would like to speak.”

      “Hello you cunt!”

  8. Rees-Mogg answering a question from Bernard Jenkyn about where the sovereignty of Parliament came from. Bercow rudly interrupted them saying they didn’t have time to talk about ‘philosophy’. So revealing.

  9. According to the Archbishop of Canterbury Boris should refrain from using inflammatory words like traitor, useless cunts, surrender twats as many mp,s are in fear and dread as reality is starting to seep into their universe. Well fuck me with a breaker bar how surprising that the general loathing and hate felt by many for the “political class” is starting to have a physical manifestation. What do these fuckwits expect? An ability to see the wood is sadly lacking I mean a sure fire way of deflecting any possible retribution would be to leave the eu. Three years of bollocks and these cunts wonder why they are not liked fuck me they must be right stupid.

    • I’ll reserve my fire for Welby because there’s a full blown cunting pending for this twat.
      However, a survey has found a majority of voters believe violence against MPs is a “price worth paying” to get their way on Brexit.
      Do these fuckers not realise that things must have reached crisis point for the normally placid Brits to feel like this?

      ? Fuck you.
      I’ll do
      Wot I wanna do. ?

      • We Brits put up with a lot of shit from our politicians Blunty, but I don’t think there has been a situation were so many have been despised from all parties.

      • That’s it in a nutshell LL, the fucking cunts are all the same. This is why I can’t for the life of me understand Labour’s stance on Brexit, if they were for leaving they would win the next General Election hands down. Any half decent Labour Party should be for leaving anyway.

      • Remaining in the EU is the only thing Labour MPs and the Labour Party membership are in agreement about.

  10. I see Mensa winner and sleepy glutton Abbott has had her say on the dead migrants saga. She said there should be safer and easier ways for people to get to Britain. Are labour deliberately trying to throw the election?

    • Labours always crying about housing, benefits, the nhs etc
      So the answer is to flood this small island with millions in uncontrolled immigration?..yes thatll solve it.
      Harvey price mentioned above,
      Sure Katies his real mum?
      Not flabbott?

      • They’ve already got boat taxis in the channel before being chauffeur-driven to their free house and benefits. I expect the Flabbotasaurus wants them escorted via aeroplanes 1st class. Stick to Entry level Maths, you cretinous racist.

      • If not gimmigrants, where else is Labour going to get the extra votes they need from?

        There’s now talk of opposition parties agreeing to a General Election conditional on 16 year olds being given the vote…

        No! No! No!

        Voting age should be raised to 40, imo.

        Evening chaps.

      • “Don’t forget on the 33rd of this month to put your clocks forward 12 hours.”

        – Diane Flabbot

      • I don’t mind voting at 16, as long as it means
        compulsory subscription to the army, paying tax on paper rounds and paying prescription charges.

      • The clocks going back, forward or staying as they are what does it matter? “It was a bright cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen’. That’s where we live.

      • The right to vote should only given to people who have paid taxes for a minimum period, 10 or 15 years in my opinion. Or for people who have served the crown.

      • Labour is also tearful about workers’ rights being abolished by Brexit. Which is intriguing; Labour was formed to fight the undercutting of workers’ wages by a pool of cheap labour. Such as Romania?

        This is also worth a look, when it comes to the excuses given by Labour for remaining –

        They haven’t a fucking leg to stand on, and if they weren’t an unsavoury melange of Blairite corporate cunts and Trotskyite ideologues, but a socialist party, they’d realise it.

    • Abbot you twat, how about legal means of getting to Britain they are pretty safe don’t think anyone has died in a plane bog for a while.

    • There is an easier and safer way: it’s called abiding by the immigration laws. She’s such a stupid cunt.

  11. Just fuck off remainer cunts getting to the point you don’t care anymore which is what they are probably hoping for

  12. It matters not if they are remainers or brexiteers
    It’s just a game to them and the sole important factor is keeping their feet under the table
    There will be no Brexit or riots about it,it will just get buried
    They are cunts and there is literally nothing to be done about them
    Go Donald! !

    • Ex poster boy of student lefties and darling of NME Morrissey played the L.A bowl in a ‘fuck the Guardian’ t shirt!
      Just popped up on online news,
      Hehe theyre so dissapointed in him!?

      • I wish he’d change the words to his song Miserable-

        RIOT on the streets of London
        RIOT on the streets of Birmingham
        RIOT on the streets of Carlisle, Dundee, Humberside

        Burn down WESTMINSTER
        Hang the FUCKING SPEAKER
        Because the bullshit what they constantly preach
        It says nothing to me about my life
        Hang the FUCKING SPEAKER

        Hang the SPEAKER, hang the SPEAKER, hang the SPEAKER
        Hang the SPEAKER, hang the SPEAKER, hang the SPEAKER
        Hang the SPEAKER hang the SPEAKER, hang the SPEAKER
        Hang the SPEAKER, hang the SPEAKER
        Hang the SPEAKER, hang the SPEAKER
        Hang the SPEAKER, hang the SPEAKER, hang the SPEAKER..

      • No just get him to bungee off something.

        But with a longer than required chord

        For safety of course

    • Talking of games, we have always had elections on Thursdays, and only once in the last 100 years has there been a December one – that silly cunt Swinson wants this one to be on a Monday. Perhaps she does the LibDem OAPs striptease on Thursdays?. It’s old Vince’s turn to catch her knickers that week,

      • Anyone else see Labour cuntwipe Dawn Butler rambling on about gay giraffes at some after dinner speech supposedly about teaching LGBT issues in school? Its like fucking clown land. Not like you have a looming general election for your useless party coming up.

      • Gay giraffes? How they gay?
        They mince?
        Theyre vegan i know that much,
        Wasnt ‘necking’ was they?

        Heres my taxi see ya later…..

      • They normally keep her well in the background, never put up for interviews. I have never heard anything she has said in Parliament reported on the MSM yet there she sits day after day next to JC on the Labour front bench. It makes you wonder why she keeps such a low profile.

      • Se was quite an expenses fiddler a decade ago, and a leopard doesn’t change it’s spots

  13. That’s pretty disgraceful really, attempting to raise ten grand to end Gina Miller’s life after she’s settled and made her life here. Way over the top. I’d do for a couple of hundred.

  14. There’s got to be a new Usain Bolt amongst that lot? We’ve surely got to let a few in to create a new athletic legend like Mo Farah!

  15. They all deserve their heads chopped off by a boot on a rusty spade. That’s all. Seeing the contorted dismay on their self-righteous, sanctimonious chops would be worth more than all the world’s gold accumulated. These fuckers are EVIL incarnate. They are desperate to stay in the Evil Union so that it can play out its Marxist dream of LBGTQJFSKLDFJKLSD to the full extent of the ‘P’, which they will put in under the pretence of ‘tolerating’ Eye Slime. Of course it suits the likes of Biden and Juncker very well to legally and publically fuck nine year olds. They’re in talks with Albania about membership as we speak – and we all know what follows on from that – Turkey, the MORDOR of Europe being allowed to unleash its gates of HELL on the continent.

    • Turkey, for ever the Sick Man of Europe.

      We are being dragged down to lowest common denominator level so the Turkcunts will fit in nicely…

  16. One word…..padlock.

    I’m not blaming the drivers one iota but surely there could be a simple addition to the latch to include provision for a padlock?

    Even the aspiring locksmiths aren’t getting past that while sprinting down the road.

  17. A man has just been reported for a ‘hate crime’ for refusing to have sex with a man who he initially thought was a woman…… just thought I’d share that.

  18. Another fucking extension…Jan 31st. Still, if it means an election, fine. I shall for the first time in my life be voting Tory ( my Tory MP’s shown signs of integrity over Brexit and I see no reason to remove him)

  19. Brexit Party all the way
    I wonder how Labour are going to convince the 63 constituencies who voted overwhelmingly to leave the EU that they are now a remain Party? Smoke and Mirrors ? Slight of Hand? Or the old Labour trick once in just ignore those who voted them in
    New Labour New Danger
    Ask Corbyn or one of his representatives from Labour when they come knocking for your vote What you gonna do about The Falkland Islands give them back? Yep thought so Jew hating Armed Forces hating Labour

    • I’d vote TBP if I had a remoaning Tory, also if I were in a Leave constituency with any kind of remoaner MP but a low Tory vote. TBP, bless it, is a single-issue party, no more likely to deliver on other aspects of its manifesto than anyone else, and is IMO for tactical voting only.

      IMO a hard exit will be no easier to sort out than the proposed partial exit, and would now come on top of the significant economic damage that the fucking about to date has caused. If there is a way forward it is to ensure that the present deal is not diluted further by amendments* – the only way to do that is to get the Tories in with a working majority (sign of cross) before it becomes law. The EU will do everything in its power to prevent a no-deal exit: the way to exit completely is to take what’s on offer, and get rid of the EU’s remaining fetters one by one over time afterwards.

      *that’s why Johnson paused the Bill

      • Can one side unilaterally alter a legally binding International Treaty once it’s been signed? I think not.

      • We’ve had exemptions before. Under Thatch, as I recall. And there are more ways of killing an adorable kitten than drowning it in a skinny latte. In fact, having been excluded from Latin and ultimately thrown out of school in my youth, I have valuable experience in this field. I get out of bed for slightly less than £20K, too.

      • If TBP got a significant number of seats – and they might well do, particularly as the electorate have witnessed Swinemong’s party declaration of allegiance to the remain cause – a TBP presence could well “stiffen” Tory resolve, and hopefully get this “jam yesterday, jam tomorrow” nightmare ended.
        I’m voting TBP, as I’m in Cardiff Central cuntstituency, which truly lives up to the name; loads of flying donkey pilots, diddling taxi drivers, in-breds, monkey-house inhabitants, in-breds. You get the picture. Once a Tory seat, unbelievably, as home to many rich 4 x 2s. If there’s a synagogue round these parts, it’s bloody well hidden, and I do NOT blame them.

    • Peter Kyle, the Labour MP has spoken about his dyslexia in the Commons.

      Mr Kyle, 49, explained that his learning difficulty meant it sometimes felt as if his eyes were not properly connected to his brain.
      Fuckin’ hell, that explains an awful lot because there are 649 more of the fuckers who are suffering the same affliction.

    • Most of the Asian constituencies will be having the usual 110% turn-out postal votes.

  20. Speaking of Asians Keith Vaz
    My comments are awaiting moderation Puff, Hypocrite,Washer Salesman ????

  21. My MP is Sheryl Murray (Tory). Can’t fault her. She is as fucking Brexity as they come and has voted against May’s shite and wants a hard Brexit. Also has a fuck-off great big majority so she ain’t going anywhere. Good girl! Sadly lost her husband about six years ago when he was dragged into a winch on a trawler.

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