Natasha Allen, a typical piece of Mancunian, chav scum, who exposed herself on a flight before screaming at cabin crew. She pulled her leggings and underwear down in front of passengers and crew on a Thomas Cook flight from Manchester to Fuerteventura. Her behaviour caused the captain to divert the plane to Faro, Portugal, Manchester Crown Court heard.
She had drunk half a bottle of duty-free vodka before boarding and tried to drink the other half on-board before it was confiscated by cabin crew.
The captain then asked crew for Allen’s passport details so the incident could be included on his flight report. A member of the crew tried to find the passport in Allen’s belongings when she was in the toilet. When she returned, she screamed at the member of staff, calling her a ‘f*****g thief’.
She was taken off the plane by Portuguese authorities. She pleaded guilty to being drunk on-board an aircraft as well as using threatening words of behaviour against a person, and was jailed for 15 months. Judge Hilary Manley, sentencing, said: “Your drunken, loutish, self-indulgent behaviour caused unease and disruption to passengers and cost and disruption to the airline. For passengers to be trapped on a metal tube at 40,000 feet with a drunken thug is terrifying”.
Why does it always seem to be flights from Manchester which are infested with this low life scum? – my words, not the Judge’s, although she probably thought something similar. Wonder if the passengers will get counselling after seeing that fat trollop in her undies?
Nominated by Mystic Maven
Any early morning flight out of Stansted will have a selection of scum-bags either pissed, or getting pissed. Hell is other people.
Sartre was right Lord C – not a plane, but the drunken slags on our local night bus service has to be seen to be believed – they usually throw up at the bus stop as well for good measure, they nearly all have pink phones with glitter on them and they smell worse than Satan’s knickers.
It’s cunts like this that push forward the argument for euthanasia.
That Pauline Quirk? Birds of a feather?
It is!
Manchester is full of this type of shite as is stockport, Rochdale etc
Giro gyppos.
Never a Stinky Rebellion eco-nutter around when you need one.
The country is full of this shite.
Because there are loads of scum like this in manchester and surrounding areas.
I deal with them every day, just had a job from a social worker a emergency removal as her clients are in danger,
Got there, total scum like this cunt above, theyre in danger because neighbours had had enough of their bullshit! Chav scum.
As professor mongo says=gas chamber!!!
15 minutes of infamy!
No doubt she’ll whinge about it in her twatter or shitbook page. Will probably say she has “mental ishoos” and it was the cabin crew that were to blame!
Moreover I suspect the usual left-wing media outlets were quick enough to report this; although had it been a non-white personage it would have been buried deep in the news website with no mugshot photos at all
Yeah, but no, but yeah but…
“Stop giving me evils!”
Not enough talk of tongues and arseholes in this here fred so I’ll get the ball rolling. I’d ream her chocolate whizzway out until my tongue exploded like the the end of a cartoon gun.
You need help!
I fear he may be beyond any Earthly salvation, it all gets a bit wierd west of Tiverton!
Cunts like this should be strapped to their seat, ball gag in mouth, and a fucking hood over their head, then on landing, straight to chokey for 18 months, followed by a lifetime flying ban. Perhaps after a few cunts had been through this, flying might be a bit more pleasant, and safer too.
Did the ball gag originate in Pulp Fiction ?
No, ive been using them for years.
Planes need roof racks.
She looks and obviously acts like one of the Fat Slags out of Viz. She’s a dead ringer for the dark haired one. Why is it always the ugliest and most repulsive scab infested women that behave like this? Nice to see that the Courts behaved appropriately for once and gave her a decent sentence – although she’ll probably be out in a month for “ good behaviour “. Cunt.
Christ what an ugly looking slag. I bet most of the other passengers puked their guts when the fat cow dropped her pants releasing a mountain of blubber.
Yes her face is bad enough, and she looks so smug like she’s enjoying her fifteen minutes. When she comes out they should give her another fifteen months of house arrest, plus a lifetime flying ban. If they banned her from public transport I wouldn’t argue.
Fucking trash.Meanwhile, in Londonistabbistan, vigilantes are back in action again.
I’m liking this.
More please.
Kick him To Fuck !
Whats going on with London?
Proud of you lot at mo, yer chirpy chimchim- aneys!
Leading the way in vigilante justice!
Come on Northern cities, we’re been shown up!
Lets crucify a burglar or something.
Yep, everyone’s going Dirty Harry down there!
“Go ahead, make my day!”
Of course SukDick won’t like that, and will insist the old bill get involved with all sorts of heavy handed shit.
But will they do the same to protesters, especially the XR cunts? Of course not – too shit scared to offend someone!
This is what you call community spirit! Rightfully fucking so en all.
A multi-cultural kicking! All creeds and colours sticking the boot into the cunt. Makes me proud to be British!
Yes a veritable feast of boots, fists and ethnicity bloody well done. Hope this is not a flash in the pan. Makes the coppers job a bit easier too, suspect appears to be happy to be cuffed and slung in the van. Better than being lynched eh.
I go to Fuerteventura twice a year from E Midlands. I have never seen any aggro either on a plane or on the island. This piece of shit should stay at home.
Natasha the flasher. Oh Lordy, it’s a fat slag.
What a fucking picture, could you imagine having that on your package holiday, thank fuck I never bother.
or stuck on the end of your package, uurrghhh
Well she can’t fly with Thomas Cook anyway
She sounds like quite a laugh. Keep it in your pants though luv. I bet it looks like its been through a mangle.
Some fat ugly fuck like her insisting on getting her minge out?
Its what my late old dad used to call a bloody awfull thrill.
Makes you proud to be English.
What does she do for a living? Fuck all I reckon. Her excuse for her behaviour was having her kids taken off her.
Society has a right to exclude cunts, if you can’t learn to behave the rest of us represented by government have the right to withdraw your healthcare, you’re benefits and your social housing. There are many decent people in this country who are on one hand paying for the scum and on the other having their lives blighted by the scum they are forced to finance, enough!!!
We are importing plane loads of immigrants to do the jobs these bottom feeders refuse to do and the immigrants then pay tax to support our indigenous scum to carry on like this pond scum.
Enough, in fact way past the point of being enough. It’s like leaving food out for the rats and wondering why we are infested with rats.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. If right-minded, intelligent people are really serious about wanting to survive and prevail, the only way forward is the elimination of Africunts, moose limbs, the Left, and the underclass. Each day that passes with no action on that front is a day closer to our doom. Euthenics is simply never going to be achieved without eugenics.
“She pulled her leggings and underwear down in front of passengers and crew on a Thomas Cook flight from Manchester to Fuerteventura.
And with a looker like that, what’s not to like! ?
I have to bin my 20p 500ml bottle of water before going through security, only to have to pay £3 for the same bottle post-security, because Mo’s mob loves to blow shit out of stuff.
Similarly if you smell of booze prior to security you can get turned away, but once through, are paraded through walkway after walkway of 1ltr bottles of various 40% spirits that you can purchase and neck immediately after that purchase!?!
The system is mad. The system is only interested in money! And the only losers are the decent folk who have to put up with being lumped in the same boat as potential terrorists and benefits scumbags because profiling/cross-checking people based on their propensity of being a cunt offends the “hurty feelings” mob!
Fuck off!
It’s like that bit in “Airplane” when they stop the old dear for checks but the Allåh-lover walks through laden with weapons. Check everybody except the murdering fucknuts who believe the words of the Qu’rag.
I was lucky enough to fly on VC 10 airliners back in the day when the passengers were middle class and civilised. The flights were invariably interesting, good fellows to chat to, excellent food and the chance to visit the flight deck to chat to the pilots and follow the cricket on the aircraft HF radio.
How things have changed…. it would not occur to me to fly these days; holiday in Cornwall. St Greta would be so proud. Fuck Off !!!!
Do you think she had been on a sex tour looking for some bronzed Angelo or Rodrigue to do the deed , because surely no upstanding refined gentleman from the north would be interested, I can understand the drinking part having to come home and face all that rain (yes it is before you ask)
Hope this cunts next form of transport is a container lorry driven by Mo Robinson
If they can find a container big enough .fat fucking barmy cunt
its a good job the pilot didnt see her antics he d have crashed!
Frozen lard, 10p a bag.
And the only “package” she should be involved with is being trussed up and dead, in a trunk.
There is a lot of hand wringing in the media concerning the economic migrants dying in that lorry container. Tragic though it may be, none of these fuckers would have outraged if the migrants had safely arrived and disappeared into the black economy, like thousands before them, and no doubt after them. Comrade Corbyns tone implied that the tragedy is that they just can’t walk in unopposed. It truly scares me to think that cunt might be prime minister soon.
Interesting point.Very surprised they trafficked in by china /after all most come by rubber dinghy these days/so a cut above for sure /didnt expect them to be chinese either .Although looking at thier current political climate.The scenario with said lorry driver is interesting*he would have been told firsthand by triads etc )dont open up container let them out etc /i suspect the old bill know this en all .39 dead thats some fucking charge tho.
Should give him a point on his license and thats a end to it.
Maybe dock his pay a tenner.
I bet if it had been 39 packets of Amber Leaf it wouldn’t have got in the fuckin’ country
SCARE STORY! Fresh off the press!
Seems that Brexit will make Christmas dinner a bit less, with 3bird roasts turkeys and pigs in blankets unavailable!?
Now after flying into a panic and running blindly round the house in hysterics, i thought maybe this isnt true?
My normal answer would be “ok just more roast potatoes” sorted!
But Christmas dinners the most important meal of the year, love it!
If for one second i genuinely thought i wouldnt be able to get pigs in blankets id surrender, install magic grandad on the throne, read the Koran,
Put me under sharia law whatever!
Nothing as cruel as taking away my
Christmas dinner….
You’re welcome to stuff my Percy in to your turkey. Although Mrs M will probably think the Christmas pudding’s in there as well with all the brandy sauce floating around!
Afternoon Miserable
Afternoon mr Blunt!
Sorry I had a little bobos, tired after this week, gonna have a lazy weekend,
Like Diane Abbott does everyday.
Didn’t the Labour cunts vote to let everyone in at their conference?
And yet, ironically, you needed a pass or a ticket for entry to the conference, hypocritical arsewipes.
No one would be outraged cos no-one would know… Makes you wonder how many are making it in each day…
It is starting to be revealed that they are Vietnamese and that some Vietnamese families already settled in this country actually paid the money themselves to have distant relatives smuggled in, they of course had a legitimate option of helping them by sending remittances back home but they chose to break the law in facilitating illegal entry, sad but the blame lies predominantly with themselves
Exactly, but no one is allowed to say that,they would be crucified for it. As for them being Vietnamese, they mostly end up in cannabis farms and nail bars. Is it racist to say that? No, it’s the truth. As for the Chinese, there’s loads near me. And they never integrate, they keep to themselves.
I work at the hospital where all these bodies are being stored. They are being stored in our overflow mortuary, which is – hoho – a refrigerated trailer. Lolz.
My mum said once out of the fridge you shouldn’t rechill chinese.
If it’s anything like the old Norfolk & Naaaarge Hospital during a past flu outbreak, they hired a fridge truck off Bernard Matthews.
Same hospital also contracted out some portering services to a well-known pest control outfit. The bereaved were not delighted to see their stiffs being jolly-trollied away by people in Rentokil uniforms…
One of the principal reasons these cunts died in a truck is that the UK is a soft touch for immigrants and has a richly deserved reputation for letting everyone in eventually.
Therefore tens of thousands per annum want in.
If we went Polish on immigration no fucker would bother anymore.
It’s hardly quantum physics but spineless politicians have fucked them and us both.
What a hideous piece of work
It’s revolting specimens of womanhood like this who are unknowingly promoting The Gayness. Fucking hell, she makes Wee Jimmy Krankie look attractive. At least the First Minister doesn’t go around dropping her drawers in public.
Dropping your keggs in public is called empowerment, but the wimminz groups!
Of course if it was a bloke he’d been called a sexist, misogynist pig etc. etc.
I bet there was a putrid stink of fish when she did drop her draws!
If there was, that would make the Europeans think twice before fishing in our waters
Put the fat useless fuck in a fat camp.Although with some thick bastards you couldnt knock sense into her if she got hit by a fucking articulated lorry! Mama always said you cant put sense where their aint none or class/manners etc.
Not to mention the sight of contents of her pants, which probably resembled a mixture of processed cheddar spread, lard, and crab paste.
I looked up this case and find the charming Ms Allen is a regular consumer of drugs, has several convictions for alcohol related violent offences and, in her own words, “they took my fucking kids off me.”
The only surprise here is that she found some cunt desperate enough to shoot his spunk up her minging old fanny.
Or perhaps not.
Reminds me of that Elvis Costello song – “They call her Natasha but she looks like Elsie .”
This thing absolutely embodies the term “Munter”
Noswaith dda Seymour. Sut wyt ti?
Ardderchog, diolch !
Wyt ti’n iawn heno ? Beth am y barot ?
Peidiwch a poeni – Dwi’n gallu ateb yn Saesneg os ywyt ti eisiau ?
That could take me a little time to translate!
I have, however, decided that I need to learn a foreign language as part of my bucket list.
I would like to have learnt Italian but because of the decrepit state of my body, I think learning Cymraeg represents my best chance of visiting somewhere where I can practise it!
That could take me a little time to translate!
I have, however, decided that I need to learn a foreign language as part of my bucket list.
I would like to have learnt Italian but because of the decrepit state of my body, I think learning Cymraeg represents my best chance of visiting somewhere where I can practise it!
Sorry Seymour could you switch to English as you say.
Says it all. I’d drop kick this bovine in the fucking head.
Glad I pay tax, I can’t afford to go on holiday anywhere exotic, not that I really want to. I resent paying for a slag rat to do so.
We just love a sob story don’t we?
Can’t be trusted with your own kids?
Can’t stay away from the gear rather than be a half decent parent?
Can’t resist getting your rancid cunt out on a plane?
You’ve won the lottery, come on down.
Today Tash the rancid Gash, you have won, a rent free home, free meals, cash for alcohol and gear.
That’s not all Natasha, normal rules don’t apply to you, because you can’t live like a human being you’ve won the welfare lottery cash for life.
Putrid piece of shite.
Judge not less you be judged? I’m fucking paying so I’m fucking judging.
There are combat veterans sleeping on the streets tonight and the bleeding hearts say this cunt needs our help?
Not looking after the likes of her is the rush to the bottom?
I ain’t buying it!
Lamping the feral cunt with a good right hook would have saved a load of mither.
Fuck off.
When I come to power I will spare remoaners the rope. (with certain exceptions obviously)
Instead I will make them marry and shack up with birds like Natrasha, or “Trash” as her friends probably call her.
Give the cunts a taste of the real world. ?
Hilarious but fucking true.can u imagine bruce forsyth reading all that out word by word.Mind u itd probaly be the same resulr when shes told shes won a washing machine! (On air!) Down ti her underwear oh fuck me sez bruce as hers spazzing out! &the calm&refined bruce loses it ta