A pass the sick bag, Alice, can’t believe my eyes cunting please for this pushing 40, wannabe amateur prostitute, slack-arsed, dim-witted trollop:
Now I like a nice pair of jugs just as much as the next ceramics fan does, but this heap of misshapen lard is a truly repulsive sight. You can almost smell the B.O. in the flabby folds of flesh from this Toby jug of a woman.
She was never a beauty, but she now looks like a desperate, ugly, cheap tramp. What will happen when the tabloids tire of seeing her expose her mounds of putrid flesh?. It is a great pity that British Telecom removed all the phone boxes in Soho and the West End because she could have touted her worn out carcass in them. As it is, with the Iceland adverts a thing of long ago, it will be postcards in newsagents windows – “Large Chest For Sale” or “French Lessons with Full Correction – O’ and A’ Levels”.
As it is, love, give it up. I shouldn’t think in your state an old lag doing a ten stretch in the Scrubs would get the horn looking at your photo in the Sun today, and wouldn’t have done any time in the last 15 years.
Granny porn at it’s stinking worst.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
Shes one of Bertie blunts neighbours from Warrington!
In the picture admins used she looks ok?!
But yeah shes a braindead spunk bucket.
Hey WC, clicked on link and scrolled down, siamese twins abbey and Brittany open up about relationships!
See it? 2 for1 offer!
Trust you to know that Miserable!
She’s always popping round asking for cups of sugar.
In her day wasn’t a bad looker but I now tell her “ fuck off, you slaaag”
She now doesn’t speak to me anymore.
Hmm, think its more a case of ‘keeping up with the katonas’
Mrs B at the window “Bertie, look theyve got a new car!”
Bright pink 4×4 reg ‘BIG T1T5
It’s her fuckin’ kids that are the worst – ten at the last count. I come down in the morning and they’re all over the lawns like a rash, gathering up the breadcrumbs I’d put out for the birds the night before.
She’s always been a useless un-tallented attention seeking fat-slag.
Kerry ‘bury me in a Y shaped coffin’ Katona – mind you that coffin will need steel re-inforcements & a big fuck-off crane to lift the huge fucking heffer.
So you’re not keen on her then Mr Boggs? Kerry is like the M1…..not many people haven’t been up it.
Harry Hill: Liz Hurley, Curly Wurly
Kerry Katona, cancerous lymphoma.
That comment from you Spoony was out of character!
I couldn’t imagine Private Godfrey coming out with such a thing.
Bertie, to you and Percy, my deepest apologies. At the time I couldn’t think what else rhymed with Kerry Katona.
Mary Berry phoner? (Someone whom rings up that cooking lady).
Inappropriate boner?
Mate, I can’t have it. I’d arse fuck it ’til
I spunked up my own chirrotic liver then I’d stuff it back in and fuck it’s arse some more. However, lookalike doppelganger drug addled Z list media slag Danielle Westbrook, I wouldn’t fuck with a cock I found on the street……I have some decency.
Who says romance is dead LOL
“….would get the horn looking at your photo ”
You underestimate me,Mr. Boggs.
As fucking useless as atomic kitten were they didn’t let this gormless cunt anywhere near the mic , she did a few talking bits but was very much in the background on vocals! Since they kicked her out she’s been washing around like a fatberg in a sewer, going nowhere and stinking the place out !! Getting your saggy tits out doesn’t make you a star!! And as Tom conti said in the film Reuben Reuben “ released from the support her breasts dropped like hanged men “ is a perfect summary for katona……
I sincerely hope, fellow cunters, that none of you read the Sun.
I read whatever I fucking like C&R
No social engineering in this house thank you .
I used to peruse the Daily Mail and The News of the Screws, up to about 1975 when still living with my parents.
Don’t think I’ve read a paper since… except waiting for an Injun takeaway or at the dentist.
Page 3 slags were rubbish compared to continental jizz mag material.
I still like reading Dear Deidre when I am waiting in the chip shop.
A lot of “Agony Aunts” are actually “uncles”…
I used to think of this specimen as Katatonic…
IQ lower than an asbestos tile, and probably more damaging to one’s health.
I’d like to have a foursome with Kerry, Katie Price and Princess Meghan……3 of the biggest slags on the planet. It would probably kill me but at least I would get my picture in the Sun.
For fracking I presume? ?
Not Lineker crisps though. They turn you into a remoaner, constantly weeping about child refugees and poor peacefuls.
It’s a fact.
Golden Wonder cheese & onion are good. They’re on special offer in Farmfoods at the moment, 12 bags for £1.80 if anyone’s interested. Think of all the slags you could safely fuck!
Sorry to burst your bubble RTC, I’ll think you find that Walkers own them now.
You must write Linekunt is a cunt 100 times.
I got caught myself the other week, the self discipline is still ongoing.
Hes right Rtc, Cuntymort i wrote to Golden wonder praising their return in hope id get free samples as itd worked in the past with other products,
Made the mistake of slagging walkers though!
Checked the packet,..walkers ltd.
Smiths crisp were the best anyway.
No fucking way you duplicitous cunts!
Golden Wonder are owned by Tayto, an Oirîsh company, whereas Walkers are owned by PepsiCo, a Yank company.
Walkers bought Wotsits from Golden Wonder in 2003, but that’s as far as the connection goes, thank Dog.
Think Tayto still make ‘rancheros’
Remember them? Loved em as a kid.
And kung fuey crisps!
Its the rebranded smiths crisp not golden wonder that walkers own!
Sorry Rtc!
Fuck me Miserable, you’ve got a good memory! Kung Fuey’s were only on the market for a couple of years in the mid ’70s…
Rancheros are still available, apparently…
When it comes to gluttony and snacks?
Memory of a fuckin elephant!
Just looked, Rancheros available in Ireland!
Only thing id go there for.
Any Irish lads in here eat rancheros?
Beemack you get em? Post us a bag!!
Farm Foods RTC?
I always had you down as a Waitrose man!
Fuck Ireland Miserable, you can order them on Amazon.
@ Blunty – have only set foot in Waitrose twice, once to have a look around, second time an emergency purchase of Frank Cooper’s marmalade. ☺️
You star! Jesus Rtc not eaten them in 30 odd years!
Bags not as cool but can live with that, buying a box!
Tell mrs miserable its a work item!
Well for me if i won the lotto itd br a long fucking list(no slebs tho) theres a few weather girls need a good shagging why anyone would want to fuck her god only knows
Had some Seabrook’s Prawn Cocktail from Home Bargains this pm; 89p for a six-pack, and nothing to do with Katatonia’s minge…
She looks like an expat. Piss off.
That’s why tone deaf washed up skanks shop at Iceland.
Morning B&WC, are you ready for the eco mentalists in London next week? You could have gone on holiday to Jamaica then unless you want to make a few quid and open a mobile wheat grass juice bar.
Morning LL, unfortunately I am in town next week. Have to travel a bit as well so might get caught up in it all. I might hire a fire engine and put a load of shower gel in and spray the dirty cunts… That would clear the way.
Give Mr Fiddler a call and see if he is free and has got a muck spreader.
The dirty smelly cunts would probably prefer he muck to shower gel…more natural they’d say.
Thanks a bunch – just opened the link as I was tucking into my full English (am I allowed to call it that nowadays?). What an old scrubber. I liked the way the Sun pixellated the nips just in case we might get the wrong impression with all her baps out.
Media whore who is desperate for the attention but will scream and bitch about press intrusion. Go down that route and you can’t pick and choose.
No doubt her Cuntbook and instatwat are brimming with it already. Can’t really blame her, though, since her entire ‘career’ has been nothing but talentless, coke-addled attentionwhoring and all she’s left with at this point is the body of a 50-something.
Typical Ex Pat material Hurry up and fuck off
Oh my dear god she is only 37, those old chuds resemble John Wayne’s saddle bags, hope she doesn’t breed again the child would need to be on her feet to be breastfed
IDK what she’s been doing to those udders, but they’ve blown out in a bad way. It’s all been downhill for this cunt since Brian McFadden dropped her flabby ass like a bad habit.
I’m finally not working a Saturday and so why not capitalise on this welcome surplus of free time cunting ‘People Who Stink of Weed On The Bus’ ?
As if smoking weed regularly isn’t already the habitual equivalent of destroying your ambition, drive, basic logical reasoning, working memory and ability to look someone clearly in the eye and have a half-way decent conversation without shiftily drooling out inane, rambling bullshit, it also stinks of a badgers arse after it’s been busy renting it out all weekend at a local homeless shelter. It’s fucking disgusting.
So, when a local autistic DJ gets on my bus home on a Friday night in his canvas kakis, anxiously gripping a record bag, sporting the oily, pallid complexion of Gollum and the kind of open-mouthed expression that completely repels lucrative job offers, the last thing I want to smell is the unmistakable foul stench of condensed, freeze-dried, weapon-grade ganja polluting my fucking air space (and every other poor sod on the bus with me).
Luckily, gone are the days when snotty herbert young kids thought it ‘cool’ to play music from their phones at the back of the bus. I mean, it’s hard enough containing my rage on a tightly wound panic chamber of a busy local bus at the best of times, without the added misery of the Bluetooth amplified din of syncopated hi-hats and mumbled ‘social commentary’ to go with it. In these moments, preventative and punitive sentencing for murdering children is the only bulwark between me and a hard stretch. And don’t they fucking know it?
But, I digress. The thing to replace that previous public nuisance is these dopey fucking carbuncles.
Advice for weed smokers who might be leaving the house and catching a bus to your mate’s basement for another life-stalling smoke-up sesh.
1) Change your clothes. The chronic-encrusted wax jacket you’ve been replacing your actual skin with for 2 years is now past its sell-by-date. Even snakes shed their skin. And they don’t smell like a giant’s arse has just exploded all over them. Heard of a laundrette? Save a few quid on not buying that 8th of Aculpolco Gold today and splash out on some basic grooming and wash your civies, you grim cunt.
2) Get a fucking job and stop wasting all your ‘downtime’ dulling your God-given faculties with a natural herb you BELIEVE is giving you a shamanic window onto another plane of thinking, when actually it’s making you painfully embarrassing to listen to, MORE
depressed, totally unemployable, inarticulate, locked into a self-perpetuating, vicious cycle of poverty, and WORST OF ALL, robbing anyone of any way to discern any actual personality within that petrified husk of a corporeal vessel you call ‘you’. You smell like gum disease you fetid fuck up.
3) Or, just don’t get on the 9:59 pm Loop bus from Broadstairs to Ramsgate Mon-Fri. Cheers mate.
Agree JBB, but youll find most on here are drug addicts and depraved opium fiends.
Well i aint miserable!dont drink or do drugs aint that old /the only thing that does it for me these days is PUSSY! So u count on me to not let the side down
Good lad Anne! Healthy living is key to happiness!
I dont do drugs but like a drink when not driving.
Apparently the police get funny if you drink while driving!
Copy and paste to the noms page please jimmy.
All done squire. Been a while since I’ve been around these parts. So, thanks for the headsup.
There are worse things to reek of, like the putrefying homeless/unwashed diabetic on my morning bus to work 1/3 of the time.
I arrived at court for a drug dealing offence with only a minute to spare before another warrant would be issued for my immediate arrest.
Talk about cutting it fine….
all drug dealers are cunts.
You obviously missed the gag….
I’m a lot of things but a drug dealer I ain’t….
Is wiv’ talc or baking powder in’it bruv!
None more so than the breweries and tobacconists.
The trouble is big heavy boobs are turned into ” roof tilers nail sacks” I’m just thankful I’m a man. Mind you it isn’t much better for anyone getting old, and I speak as an old cunt.
@RTC, apologies do you want me to wear the gimp mask as well as donning sackcloth and ashes
It would be a start CM. ?
I thought this fucker was dead. Must have been another brilliantly talented whatever it is she does.
She ought to move to Hong Kong and wear one of those face masks and do us all a favour
This old cow was good to look at twenty years ago, and I would have licked her all over from the ankles upwards. But these pictures have put me off my tea. Cover it up, luv, for fuck’s sake.
Crisp gate …..,,
I’m not opposed to a nice Rubenesque form myself but paps like a bloodhound’s jowels ain’t my idea of “stunning”.
They do the same when they drag out the Westbrook thing every 5 years or so, make-up all over the place like the joker in drag and a mono-nostril!
I bet her fella of the week has fucked her in it!
Westbrook wouldn’t pick up any prizes at Cruft’s. Not even in the genetically-fucked inbreeds section.
Looking at that Sun pick the first thought that entered my head was that of a beached whale!
if any bloke can get a hard-on looking at that then clearly he is a masochist!
Easy shag though, one decent pump of your arse and then just let the aftershocks do the rest…
A seismic experience along that fault line
I remember when Atomic Shitten were about in the early 2000s.
Fucking awful music.
Remember at the time thinking it was music for Kappa Slappas getting pissed up on lambrini down the park, or in the back of Gaz’s Nova parked up in McDonalds.
Louise Redknapp’s older than Kerry Kunt-ona and still looks doable.
I’ll assume she’s dynamite in the sack?
Cooks a bloody good breakfast?
Does as she’s told (most of the time )?
Fuck me I’m a cunt.
That’s a wreckage of a lass but a good holiday shag I dare wager.
Fuck off.
Seems to me that poor KK is suffering from “pixelated nipple” syndrome in the Sun’s long-lens shots.
Please … please … don’t do this ….. we deserve better … get this cunt off my computer
Dirty scraggy old mongrel, the kindest thing for everybody would be to give her the needle.
Well I would love to spread her cheeks apart and shove my tongue up her anus as far as I could go…..so if you’re reading this Kerry, get in touch.
Admin should have my email details.
I agree she looks good in the photo admin used above, but that’s the only photo I’ve ever seen of her where she looks even remotely attractive. Can you imagine the biff whiff though? Like a piss-sodden phone box outside a fishmongers that a great dane has shat in.
Or the dunny door off a prawn trawler
Wonder if Rayne Wooney has had a go on the Katona a fiver a go ride?
He’s had every other rough slapper in the north west after all…