A family bucket sized cunting please for this Scottish, anti democratic agitator.
While watching ‘Super Saturday’, it occurred to me that this fat cunt seems to be allowed to go on as many extended rants as he likes, by that other cunt, Bercow. There are supposed to be limits on how long (and how many times) an MP can go on for. But not with this annoying SNP cunt.
Every time I flicked over to see how proceedings were going on, there was this cunt, standing almost in the middle of the floor going on yet another extended anti-democratic, anti-English rant.
I wouldn’t mind, but every single rant is the same from this cunt. “A bad deal for Scotland/We’ll see you in court/we need a people’s vote/hard right Brexiteers”. He’s even worse than his leader, wee Jimmy Krankie.
I’m almost tempted to become an MP, just so I could run across the floor and punch the cunt in the mouth when he started up again.
What a cunt.
Nominated by One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Cunt
One good thing about the Scots leaving the union, this cunt would be out of a job.
I feel the exact same way. What a waste of fresh air that sweaty twat is. I can imagine a few brickies would be incredibly happy to build Hadrian’s wall back to it’s former glory!
Hey BGB, how come your avatars got a monocle?
Like it!
How do you get a customised icon?
I wanted Andy Capp as mine asked Admin, but never responded!
Rude bugger.
You can customise your avatar here Miserable:
Thanks Rtc, try it.
Relax admin, no rush!⏳
Rtcs thing worked crusty!
Look im Billy Casper!!
Nice avatar Miserable!
You look like a young Sir Limply Stoke!
Does a bit eh? ?
Excellent choice Miserable. Decided against Andy Capp in the end?
Yes, although i like Andy capp I liked young Caspers attitude and english pluck more!
Thanks for the help mate!?
He’s a fat cunt who we can’t change, like all of the other cunts. Not interested in the prick.
worked a treat ….thanks
He has all the charm of an old piss stained sporran and is more annoying than a badly played bagpipe.
I wish they’d leave just so we’d be rid of this boring noisy ultra repetative cunt.
And will you stop saying ‘the people of Scotland’ over and over you TWAT!
Fat cunt Blackford is an utter joke. Yet another good reason for giving Scotland independence- we won’t have to see Blackford again. Cunt.
I’d like to see someone prod him with a sharp stick – just to hear the ‘pop’ as the windbags gas is released, and then see all the liquid lard ooze out of him. See his ugly pig skin deflate & slide to the floor… ha ha ha ha ha !
What a huge fat flatulating tub of lard he is – the Cunt
I can’t stand the cunt, but I always feel if I switch channels,even for a few seconds, I’ll miss his Tommy Cooper-style demise live on TV, exacerbated by his morbid obesity and a cholesterol level that surely must be in double figures. Fat cunt.
There once was a fat cunt named Blackford
Who acted the role of a bastard
He seemed antagonistic
And often unlinguistic
Though really he was terribly backward.
There was once a fish wife named Sturgeon,
Whose face had been shaped by a surgeon.
Her nickname’s Wee Krankie,
A Scot so utterly skanky,
It’s easy to believe she’s a virgin.
There was an old whore called Ms Sturgeon
Said if my twat canna gi ye nae hardon
Feel free tae cûm
In Mae slimy auld bum
But mind ma tapeworm dinnae grab on.
Worthy of the great Rabbi Burns !
here’s a full Robby-fied version generated using an online English to Jock translator on the original verse (as recited to me by a strapping lass from Elgin):
Thaur was an auld hooer frae Silesia,
Fa said “if mah twat disnae please ye
feel free tae cam
in mah slimy auld bam
but min’ ‘at th’ tapew’rm dornt sieze ye!”
I was thinking of moving to Elgin !
Their cunstituency gave the SNaziP the bum’s rush. Now a good tory majority, but I think that Scotty politics can be EXTREMELY personal…
This fat fucker is consistently in the top group of MP’s for expenses claimed.
In 2016-17 he claimed £225,000.
Obviously none of it went towards gym membership.
Im betting he has about five shits a day and at least 15 re wipes. what a scotch cunt.
He no doubt puts his extra toilet paper on his expenses… The water tight cunt.
‘this cunt, standing almost in the middle of the floor’
It bothers me that he doesnt respect the rule of having at least one foot on the line. He is way over the line.
He wants to make sure that he is the centre of attention and the camera is on him. He’s a loudmouth poseur…..the pantomime dame of Westminster. He is totally in love with himself . I don’t know how anyone can vote for such a massive cunt.
He’s the biggest windbag since Kinnock in the House.
A fat, boring cunt who should consider giving the rest of his body as much exercise as he gives his gob.
He’s the Christopher Biggins of the scotch party
Spot on cunting, absolute sweaty sock cunt
I’ll vote for you.
Just been listening to the remoaners in Parliament already making their excuses why they won’t vote for an election. Not one of them said “because we’ll get our useless arses kicked.”
Unless I missed it of course.
This bloated little maggot fuckin loves it doesn’t he?
Cant wait to get up and strut his stuff on the floor, get a little stiffy hearing hisself speak, only time he gets any attention,
He never got invited on piss ups or lads holidays,
Women never liked him,
Workmates never sat with him,
Its only here sat among similar social misfits and questionable types he can be heard.
One day Ian maybe not far off theyll be a reckoning in this country and when it does, and theres a knock at your door, youll get a hearing, better get it said pal before someone like me pulls the lever the trapdoor opens,
And your little feet drum the air….
This fat fucker needs sending back north of the boarder
I can never understand the SNP they hate the English with a passion but just love being in Westminster stirring up trouble No good for Scotland,,A Bad Deal,Scotland voted to stay in the EU Give these fuckers a Referendum and let them piss off otherwise shut the fuck up
Look at this corpulent, repulsive slug. He looks like the sort of creep who campaigns to legalise paëdophilia or fox-hunting.
Kill yourself.
Something seriously wrong with this cunt, classless fat cunt ‘Scotland this, Scotland that’, fuck off.
You know Krankie sent her most annoying cunt to represent the SNP in Westminster in the hope he will be that hated that Westminster support another independence referendum.
I have nothing against the Scots… But some cunts up there are voting these utter cunts in.
Scotland also voted remain as we are always told, but they forget the fact before that Scotland voted to stay in the union.
Anyways if Scotland go independent, I’ll laugh when they are skint, eating porridge for dinner and this fat cunt is still claiming his expenses.
I’ve had enough of these cunts.
Being back Edward the Longshanks.
Piss off.
Did someone mention my name?
We are all hoping you’ll don the attire again Sir.
Whilst on the subject may I congratulate you on the finest acting I’ve seen…
Is it? ???
Nice one B&WC! Happier, simpler times.
Tbh, I only took the part cos I were a bit brassic at the time, awaiting payment for my roles (acting and directing) in several episodes of Columbo.
You may be waiting a while RTCP… That Colombo cunt died ages ago.
Quite like a lazy day watching a few Colombo’s though.
Colombos one of my heroes BWC!
Not flash, not a hard man, not particularly cool, in fact as my granny said ‘hes a scruffy little bugger’
But he perserves, plays daft, then…Bang!??
Cuts their legs from underneath them,
Never see it coming,haha
Hes ace!!
Peter Falk
I love it how he gives the unsuspecting baddie the comeuppance at the end.
Columbo: “Oh just one more thing”
winter sundays comprise watching columbo reruns with endless cups of tea, simple pleasures
Yeah thats nice that Evening Star,
Specially if its pissing down outside,
Me mrs miserable an the akita all watching colombo, love it.
it’s always pissing down outside
Columbo rules! He looks like what Jim Morrison would’ve looked like if he hadn’t carked.
But a old mac rather than leather pants!
Saw the fat cunt on Question Time the other week and he kept interrupting like a cunt. It got so bad the audience told him to shut the fuck up. For a BBC audience to say that you know you are a proper kunt.
He’s an ignorant uncouth prick. He thinks he’s the centre of the fucking universe. His expense claims are a disgrace too, but not a surprise.
Ian Blackford is all about Ian Blackford and how much he can trough for himself. He’s found an easy gig by ranting about ‘Brexit lunatics’ and how much he hates the English. There are enough thick as fuck jocks up there who’ve watched Braveheart too many times and lap up his nasty rhetoric. He’s the white version of David Lammy.
An absolute cunt.
Thick bovine xenophobic Scotch Nazi fuck. In the real world Blackford would be lucky to secure employment as a parking attendant.
I usually watch PMQs and recently have been paying more attention to the other debates, this cunt has the same fucking shit every time he opens his mouth.
Scotland blablabla….. repeat.
Every fucker in the world knows the SNP want independence, he and they need to come up with something new.
Today – Some cunt in parliament, the littel fat fucker who left labour to Change? Crying, ‘oh we can have a december election because its dark in the evening’
What a CUNT!
cant not can
Can the can? That suzi quatro?
Can of can’t?
This sack of shite doesnt really speak for Scotland.
I love the scots and Scotland, unfortunately this nipple is muddying the water, most scots will see this fat bedwetting little spaz for what he is.
I remember a few years back sone cunt on here started saying Porridge Wøg when referring to our Scotch friends. That was funny as fuck. ???
If we lance the boil of Scotland, feeding on the arse of England and they become independent there might be one of those bleeding heart adverts usually reserved for Africa when the cashflow south of the border dries up.
“Just one bowl of porridge oats will keep wee Hamish warm during the nine month Scottish winter”.
To paraphrase Lammy – No more English saviours.
Classic LL. ???
Mme… love a nice big bowl of Scotch porridge oats for brekky me!
Not so keen on wøgs though.
Me too RTCP, I sometimes give it a Carribean twist though… Oats simmered with milk, dash of nutmeg, cinammon, little bit of almond extract, sugar to taste. If it’s the weekend you can grate some hash over the top.
Top-Tips – thanks!
Oh, wait a minute… am currently on hash detox.
With salt.
Old skool.
Fuck off.
Yep. Salt only. Proper old school way!
Salt and Demerara sugar.
Hey you know nutmeg, well you can ‘trip’ off it in its pure form!
Also though it can kill you if you have to much! No shit!
Ian Blackford is a useless cunt.
He’s clearly as thick as a castle wall and carries about as much political water as Corbyn’s broken colander.
He is the epitome of an oxygen thief.
He wants Scotland to be independent from a union of nations that actually cares what happens to one another (when compared to those from without) to ally itself with an organisation whose sole aim is to suppress independence.
Moreover, that organisation would consider Scotland behind Czechia and Romania in the grand scheme of things (where GDP is king). And even if they were allowed to join the 4th Reich as an independent state, as soon as oil goes, you’re now Greece! A dependent state that the EU hates and will impose REAL austerity on you, rather than the “hurry feelings” austerity you perceive has been put on you. You’ve never had it so fucking good! Oh, and should you leave, enjoy the EURO because you ain’t keeping the pound to drag our economy down with your inevitable disaster!
So Blackford, you CUNT, if everything is so bad north of the border, please explain: compared to what?
I have jock heritage myself but right now I’m all for the rest of UK having a vote deciding on whether to KEEP Scotland as part of the UK! I bet that would be a fucking interesting vote, considering what cunts you SNP bastards are coming across as! And you’re tarring all Scots with that same brush, most of whom hate your fucking guts too!
Fuck off!
P.S. Laura Kuntsberg is a Scottish cunt as well! Hateful ABBC bitch!
Can you imagine the cheese needed to put on those two burgers!
Hang on, I’ll just pull my foreskin back and get a bit of knob cheese from under the glans…they deserve the best a man can get!
Another particularly apt poem at this juncture is this:
There was a young lady from Leith
Who pulled back foreskins with her teeth
She did it at leisure
But it wasn’t for pleasure
It was to get at the cheese underneath
Don’t know why, but wouldn’t mind ķnobbing that Kuenessberg woman if she asked nicely.
Most people have jock and southern poofta heritage. Most taff’s come from the midlands.the snp are simply racist cunts like all supporters of the German National socialist workers party which they supported alongside shin fain
And yet another establishment Jock Bitch rebel.
Just check out this extract from her Wikipedia page….
Kuenssberg was born in Italy in 1976 to Nick and Sally Kuenssberg.[3] Her father is a businessman and her mother worked in children’s services and received a CBE for this in the 2000 New Year Honours.[4][5] Her paternal grandfather was Ekkehard von Kuenssberg, a co-founder, and president of the Royal College of General Practitioners.[6] Her maternal grandfather was the Scottish high court judge Lord Robertson and his brother Sir James Wilson Robertson was the last British Governor-General of Nigeria. Her older brother David is executive director of finance and resources at Brighton and Hove City Council.[7] Her older sister Joanna Kuenssberg is a diplomat, and a former high commissioner to Mozambique.[6]
Her father worked in Italy for British company Coats Viyella for a number of years.[8] Kuenssberg grew up in Glasgow, with her brother and sister,[9] and attended Laurel Bank School, a private girls’ school.[10]
I wonder if that sort of pedigree helped her get a job at Al-Beeb?
Off topic.
Just watching ABBC fake news in the wake of Snoop Moggy-Mogg announcing that there’ll be a vote on Monday pushing for a 12th December election.
Bring it on, can’t wait!
However I am now 5 post-announcement interviews deep, and every one has been with 5th column, collaborating, remoaning, traitors – including the likes of Chuka Remoaner, the Sourberries creature, et. al.
The fair and impartial AL-BB-CERA at its finest!
Cunts to a one! ?
Miserable Northern Cunt,
Thanks mate, not sure how I got it. I quite like it myself.
Im gonna ask admin if I can have one!
Smarten myself up a bit!??
Someone needs to take a fucking flamethrower to this utter cunt. Along with all the other remainiac MPs.
This really is way beyond a joke now.
The country is CRYING OUT for a GE.
If a sack of shite could grow arms and legs it would look like this, otherwise he reminds me of that Loony Tunes character Foghorn Leghorn
Blackford isn’t fit to lick the shit off Foghorn Leghorn’s feet.
If you’re not a ‘Scottish Nationalist’ you’re not a Scottish Nationalist. That’s how the trick is worked. You’re a traitor to Scottish Nationalism if youre not a ‘Scottish Nationalist’.
Who ever dreamed up this Fixed Term Parliament Act must be some sort of cunt.
Oh yeah……it was Cleggy wasn’t it?
Yep. You know what Freddie, I’ve been quietly simmering away over this fucking fiasco for the last couple of years. Over the last few months, the pressure has been steadily building, but tonight I just feel like I want to take to the streets and fuck somebody up good n proper.
This fat cunt is currently riding high in my cunt top ten. What a fucking knob. If the whole Brexit farce has comprehensively proved is that is the House of Commons is completely full of cunts. There are 650 politicians who are not very good at politics. You had one job, you cunts. Well, that’s not true, is it. My old MP, Lord Hain, yeah, that cunt, you know, the one who wanted to get rid of the House of Lords until he got an invite to chill out with other converts, Kinnock and Prescott. When labour were last in power, Hain was Secretary of State for Wales, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, MP for Neath Port Talbot, and amongst other things, he found the time to write three books. All at the same time! You would think any of those jobs would be full time, especially looking after the tricky micks, but no. Cunts, every last one of them.
I am sure he knows what lard tastes like.
Fat cunt.
I’m with you there, MNC.
A little dab of lard on the wrists, and behind the ears will have everyone chasing you.
Bacon. The best thing ever.
Bacon was invented by the gods for the worthy like me an you Spoons,
The righteous get bacon the naughty get quorn.
Chips cooked in kilverts lard are lovely Spoons, the potatoes scream with excitement when they realise theyre having a bath in kilverts!!
Off topic, sorry but I saw a couple of great news items today.
A transgender thing took some beauty salons to the court of Human rights because it wanted a Brazilian but they wouldn’t do its scrotum! It lost, what a cunt.
Students in Oxford want to ban clapping as it may cause anxiety and also offend deaf uns so want to use jazz hands instead. What about poor blind cunts? go up on stage to get their graduation stuff to be met with a wall of silence while the audience flap their hands about. Blindist cunts.
Two stories that make you glad to be British.
Fuck me, now clappings upsetting em,
Way too much time on their jazz hands.
Respect anyone whos blind or deaf but why should everyone who isnt pander to them?
Its their lifestyle choice….
How’s life in Spain Sir Mali Pirate? I am descended from pirates you know.
Yaarr, good lad.
Life is good here thanks, been a bit cold but warming up for the weekend.
Clocks go back this weekend thank fuck, still fairly dark at half eight, I like to start work early but lazy cunts here don’t stir til suns up.
What about the disabled? They want to silently applaud as well. That poor weather girl with only one arm. She’d only have one jazz hand. She’s feel left out.
Shed be miming cleaning windows.
Couldn’t have picked a better one Miserable. So apt for isac with the two fingers up.
Cheers Miles!
Loved young Billy, felt dead sorry for him, had a mate bit like him,
Pet owl called luko, pet jay as well,
Always having to stick up for him,?
he didnt have a psycho older brother!
This jazz hands nonsense instead of clapping was introduced last year, it was cunted at the time.
Jazz hands cunting on ISAC:
Your right rtc. must of missed that one, these cunts are from Oxford. All the same student cunts tho
“Yay! Minty that Rufus is so funny!
Round of applause! ????
If my lad did jazz hands id disown him,
Likewise that French kiss both cheeks,
Its unpardonable.
More appropriate to refer to the practice as jizz hands, the wankers
This made me chuckle
P.s related to Scotland, has anyone nominated bagpipes?
Blind people are all racists. Why do you think they all carry those WHITE sticks?