His backing of the decision not to send back the woman involved in a fatal road accident in this country is a disgrace and an insult. Apparently, he’s also done something Cuntish by abandoning the Kurds, but I don’t really care about that, tbh.
Anyone who believes that Trump is going to give The U.K. some wonderful trade deal post-Brexit (if it ever happens) may be in for a nasty shock.
The man is an egotistical windbag and I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him.
Nominated by Dick de Pfeffel Foxchaser-Fiddler
Trump is an embarrassment who can barely control himself let alone a country. Every time he opens his mouth shite pours forth. And yet………….I much prefer him to all the other windbag Libtard Democunts in the USA. President Pelosi, anyone?
Lest we forget the Clitworm… Is she still wilfully continuing to live ?
Vile old bitch.
Trump is good for a laugh.
So long as he doesn’t start WWIII, accidentally. Or otherwise.
Special relationship, shite. The cunts in Westminster fall over to lick the yanks arseholes. The only time they make out we’re friends is when they want something from us. We ought to tell them to fuck off in future because we always get this shit end of the stick.
Let’s be honest ; Trump is a fat orange-faced ego maniac, with a god-complex, & most likely a schizophrenic. He is a serial liar, certainly has numerous mental illnesses & the faintest grip on reality. Like Walter Mitty (but Mitty was harmless), but Trump would I suspect, drive over his gold-digger wife & kids if it would save his own skin.
Did you see him when he was being interviewed about his wife’s charity work ? ” The first lady has a son…” – She looked at him in horror & disgust…’WE have a son, you asshole!”
There’ll never be another one like him…. Thank God.
Trump might be an arsehole, but at least he isn’t as obnoxious as some of the mega cunts we have – Bercow anyone? Dame Keir, Mandy, Dominic Grieve – they are the undisputed queens of cuntdom.
The relationship between Blair and George Wanker-Bush was far more dangerous and sickly than that between the current government and Trump.
The Donald is a showman – a TV personality – just thank your lucky stars we don’t have President Philip Schofield. Rejoice at that news.
Good nomination Dick!?
Pretty much agree with that.
I imagine yourself as a Northumbrian Trump, the healthy outdoorsman tan,
The thick mop of blonde hair,
‘build that wall! And shut that gate!”
Like a geordie Donald but in wellies!?
I like him because he is such a cunt.
Tremendous gift for getting on person’s tits,especially the Um Bongos and Goat Botherers.
Trump Tuesday!
I too like him for his ability to have the libtards spitting feathers. Yankee Doodle film stars such as Arnold Brownschweiger, Robert DeCrepit, Meryl Stepsil and Jane Fondling are all often getting hot under the collar due to some domestic shenanigans dreamed up by the Tangoman.
He is a colossal cunt, and one that the Democunts have desperately tried to impeach, several times now. The fact he is still the President , despite their best efforts does give me a warm feeling of assurance.
Aaah-nuld turned into a liberal pipsqueak around about the time T2 came out. Worrying about his “public image” and holding hands with tossers like James Cameron instead of mowing down ranks of bad guys with corny one liners.
Now appearing in adverts with fucking meerkats…
Of course we can’t rely on the Tango Man, the “special relationship “ or his apparent love for Boris……. the cunt puts his country first and everyone else can fuck off. That’s exactly what I want here not some soft as shit, immigrant loving, war mongering fucking libtard!
We see The Donald through the filter of our own limp wristed cunt media. Just look at the cunts over here who hate his guts……Suckdick, Bercow, Markle, the entire fucking Labour Party, Greta Thunderbirds, every EU loving sleb you can think of and every wanker who ever turned up for an anti Brexit or tree hugging demo. These days you have to pick sides and , given the choices, it’s the Orange Man for me.
Hear hear, as we wake up to the news that North of the border, the Turd Burglar converted kaffir has been re-elected. I’m too dejected and despondent about the future of the West to say anything more right now.
Totally agree Freddie. If only Theresa May had been more like Donald – even if she had tried to be Judd Trump, we would have had less of the buck from Grieve, and the likes of Dame Keir would have been told to go fuck themselves. In a way I wish we had Trump. He puts his own people first and fuck everyone else, and keeps his nose out of other countries brannigans. He would really have upset Anthony Blair, as Donald wpuldn’t have had Blair sucking his dick like he did Bush.
Reelected but he lost his majority. So it couldn’t have gone much worse for him.
Just saw a article online about how hackers had doctored the departure boards at Odessa airport Ukraine to have a image of Greta Thunderpants with the message “fuck you Greta”
Haha, apparently this was very naughty.
Interesting. I also saw some big mural of her in Canada had been defaced. It was in French and basically said “mind your own business and fuck off back to your own country.” ?
Speaking of Canada, what wankers the Mooseshaggers are re-electing that racist fraud Trudeau. Bunch of cunts.
Trump has cunted Hollywood and the Clinton cartel. Nobel prize for cunting.
The thing about trumpty dumpty is that although, yes, he’s a cunt – he * does * generally wind the ‘right’ cunts up.
bang on, reason enough to like him
I agree with Dick.
PS: Fuck Off.
Strong arguement.
Watching him boil liberal piss is about the only joy left in this desintegrating world.
Wish we had a British equivalent, instead of mouth-for-hire fakes like that twat Clarkson…
I love Trump. I want to marry him.
In that case I’ll be making a move on Mrs Trump, luverly
Trump appears to act more or less at random. Given that the result of any of our own politicians’ actions is generally worse than would be expected by chance, that’s probably not a bad strategy, and we should adopt it.
Agree with other cunters, we should also prioritise UK interests as Trump prioritises the US’s, and also assume he’s not going to do us any favours, and why should he?
The Kurds? Bad policy move on several levels, leave alone the obvious betrayal of the US’s proxy army. It will be difficult enthusing local forces to do America’s dirty work in future. However, the Kurds, with notions of taking over large swathes of four existing countries, and a history of banditry back to Roman times and beyond, aren’t quite the noble and selfless warriors portrayed in our press.
OTOH he’s a complete and utter cunt in every other imaginable way, a self-serving autocrat with the brain of an amoeba who surrounds himself with yes-men and throws tantrums when they stop saying yes. Cunt away.
A real politician then… ?
In 2016 I stayed up to stupid o’clock in the morning to watch all 3 of the live debates with the Clinton bitch. I’ve never done that before and probably never will again. Why? Because Trump is unpredictable and you never know what he will do or say next. Sad sack Hilary missed numerous opportunities to make him look a right cunt because she was sticking to the script and didn’t have the wit or spontaneity to stitch him up.
That’s the difference between Trump and all the other boring wankers. The man has got balls and doesn’t give a fuck. If only we had a cunt like that.
We’ve got plenty of cunts like that. Unfortunately they’re all on here and not in the House of Commons.
I agree – once a cunt always a cunt – but would you really want to work in the HoC with all that polish and leather?
He is obviously not quite right and a bit thick but single handedly wound up every single libtard in the western world and for that i’ll be forever grateful.
The Brussels Broadcasting and Sly news lot told us daily that he would start all kinds of wars and had his finger on the nuclear button blah blah blah. Well, where are these wars then?
In as much as hes a bit shady and bit puddled, id rather have him on side and trade with him,
Obviously any deal is going to be aimed at benefitting the U.S!
Thats his job, dont blame him.
But we can benefit massively from it,
And it helps that tears would be shed in Islington.
He is a cunt but at least he tells it like it is and sticks up for his country. We need one of those here. Our cunts just don’t cut it.
Trump on Europe:
“I was there many, many years ago… meaning, my parents were born in the European Union. I love these countries; Germany, Scotland, they are still in there right?”
Therefore half Kraut, half Scotch. Cunt.
Fact check: his grandfather was born in Germany, not his father, who was born in Noo Yawk.
Fake news!
Proper marmite character, I think he is a cunt but an entertaining one who does not take any shite.
Out of order backing that cunt woman who killed a kid here in an accident and ran off claiming diplomatic immunity though.
We need more politicians like him.
That old bag has apparently told British Police* that she insists on being interviewed by them under caution, but in her own cuntry so that the boys in blue can see the “trauma she and her family” are suffering at the mpment – cue the cellos and violins and her hamming it up like David Lammy – can she borrow your tearstick Lammy?
* Reported on Wireless 4 news at 11.00
Mind you the parents of that kid who got wiped out by the septic need a good cunting.
That Wikileaks cunt Assange has been remanded in custody until February in his appeal against extradition to the USA. He is apparently ‘A flight Risk’. I am now in two minds about him being sent to the Yanks. On the one hand he deserves to be some hairy arsed lifer’s bitch but then again his successful appeal would be one in the eye for Trump and his unwarranted protection of the Sodoff woman.
The happiest outcome would be a straight swap of Assange for la Sodoff…maybe Trump’s stalling on the latter to improve his chances of putting Julian away? Meanwhile Assange has just failed to get a delay to his extradition hearing, is demonstrating vague and probably synthetic symptoms of mental incapacity, and complains that being kept in prison doesn’t allow him to do research. Well, damn me. Who’d have thought jail implied loss of freedoms? Cunt.
The woman who killed the motorcyclist was not a diplomat and what’s more neither was her husband, he was a spy. So why no extradition?
Because Trump is a cunt, fundamentally. QED.
Though I can see why he’d be reluctant to hand an intelligence asset to another country.
Trump may be a cunt but there are bigger cunts, the fucking Squad for example.
The extradition treaty with the US is bollocks, they say we want someone we say yes, we say we want someone they say maybe.
Syria, lets support the rebels against Basher boy, well look what happened, it was a complete mess, Turkey are cunts!
He’s a egomaniacal tosser but still preferrable to the deranged gorgon Hillary.
The nicest thing you can say about Trump is that he’s not a politician. He’s not a diplomat either and if he can be moved on before the missiles start flying then we’ll all breathe more easily.
By the way I heard an outrageous rumour that Melania married him for his money. The very thought.
About time we had businessmen and not career politicians in our House of Cunts. Also the Donald is not sending other peoples kids to war on a whim unlike a certain Tony B Lying Cunt. Kim Jong Un is a cunt but at least he’s trying diplomacy first with him. Maybe unsuccessful In the long term but he’s trying. The Donalds also creating good jobs and a strong economy more than Obama, Bush etc have ever done. Some people may think Donald Trump is a cunt but he’s not a sly cunt like the traitorous false twats we have in Parliament. What you see and hear from the Donald is what you get.
The thing i like about Trump is that Pentagon hate him because he’s not the warmonger and establishment hawk Hillary is, and has been for decades.
I love the way the chat show hosts lined up al of these defence intelligence experts to talk up the Russia collusion bollocks. Many of these psychopaths were black, as if to distract from the fact they work for the insane war machine of the US.
The very same people were pushing lies of Bush and Cheney.
One of the ‘Great Minds’ from my Facebook friends shared Madeline Albright’s article from the New York Times on why Trump was a danger. This is the woman who said the deaths of 500,000 Iraqis were a price worth paying.
The man is a bellend, without a doubt. I watched that documentary, ‘You’ve Been Trumped’ when it came out, which was made a few years before he got into politics. The bellend struts about like he owns Scotland and thinks nothing of bossing the locals about.
But I’m torn on giving him the full cunting simply because he winds libtards up so much. And as for the Kurds, I think it’s one of those where he can’t win. If he stayed the libtards would be complaining that America is getting involved in foreign wars again. If he leaves he’s criticised for ‘abandoning the kurds’. Truth be told, imo why the fuck should the yanks be responsible for peacefuls attacking each other? They’ll never stop anyway.
But yes, agree that he’s a bit of a cunt, but he can also provide some funny moments too by upsetting libtards. When Greta ‘look at me’ Thunberg was enjoying the world’s media surrounding of her at that climate conference and Trump stomped in and walked past her during her being interviewed, I almost pissed myself laughing. The journalists and photographers dropped her like a stone and followed Trump. The look on her face made me quite like the guy. And that tweet he put out after her apocalyptic speech was also hilarious (‘She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!’) Brilliant. Can you Imagine any of our pussified MPs saying something like that? Not a chance, the wimps!
But yes, he should be disowning that silly bitch who claimed immunity.
Good cunting Dick Trump is a failure of a president he has kept zero promises and has intensifed charges against his own supporters defending themselves. The gop are nothing but big business liberals hiding behind a republican namesake they conserve nothing except for but tax cuts for the rich.
The Gop/Tories is a sham sideshow they love immigrants and illegal immigration they just don’t want you to know that they do. Trump sides with the same forces who are against him he deserves absolute ridicule and humiliation. I’m so done with politics right or left. It literally doesn’t matter same side of a shit smeared coin in my opinion I’m not wasting anymore energy on politics cheers Fiddler
I want Tulsi Gabbard to be president, I mean we are eventually gonna get a woman president anyway. So why not a sexy Hawaiian milf like Tulsi?
Elizabeth Warren is nasty looking annoying cunt of a woman and kamala harris is a liberal antiwhite nutcase If I was American I’d vote for Tulsi she could sit on my face anytime!, I meant I would support her campaign race in the elections…
Trump is a breath of fresh air, and this coming from a female american, because he is not like THEM, and the left will out him down all day long for essentially not having the acting skills of polished turds like their beloved Mr and Mrs Momurder. Our past presidents boast an extensive list of immoral, tasteless, racist, villainous acts, and we have an entire generation of folk who would rather hang on every word of a waitress from NY than so their own research and notice the projections and the hypocrisy behind accusing a president with zero acting ability of being a liar. Personally, I would rather be objectified by a man than destroyed by one. Our nation is under complete control of the elite oligarchy, trump is just their puppet, he was given his place due to the massive division he was sure to create and has worked out perfectly to their agenda. All to take the focus off of the evil forces that control our every move, preventing a revolt, as they do everything they can to disarm us, even using children (they ALWAYS use children to fulfill their agenda, ‘if you don’t agree with us, you must hate children and want them all to die’, ‘oh, of course, because I don’t hate children so you must be right!’) It is embarrassing. Our country is going to hell in a handbasket with the millenials, bless their hearts, at the reigns, who love believing in the mainstream media,who have been bought and paid for, and understand that money is one thing, but it wont do they any good if they become the next in line for their body-bags…
I see he’s still rocking that 1980’s businessman look only with lifelike detachable hair. Constantly wandering round firing every cunt when the one cunt he should be firing is his stylist.