China (2)

China is a fucking cunt.

These overpopulating commies really put the ‘cunt’ into country – a nouveau riche superpower rotten to the core, wealthy on the back of insane trade practices and working its minions quite literally to death on behalf of subservient big corps like Apple and Nike.

Now I’m not too knowledgeable on the whole issue of the Hong Kong protests, but as I understand it the cunt Chinese are basically flexing themselves, trying to bully a tiny principality with their draconian laws. China, as often reported, operates a social credit system akin to a Black Mirror episode and bans many Western websites as they exercise full control over their population. I won’t criticise China for banning FecesBook, mind you.

Ain’t it interesting too that the woke brigade never mass protest about how China pollutes and enslaves?

I can literally think about nothing positive about either China or its citizens – their one saving grace I suppose is zero tolerance on the towelhead mob. Everything else though – from the yapping bitches who travel here for tourism en masse wearing their little anti-pollution masks, to the shit food (and yes, I mean authentic food – rooster’s fucking foot soup, for the love of cunt), well everything China or china related is a total cunt.

Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back

83 thoughts on “China (2)

  1. Saw a good calendar today – Spine Millington !

    “Chopsticks are why the Chinese didn’t invent custard.”

    Round my way, they are all pavement-gobbing, pushy fat cunts.
    Much-needed cunting.

  2. My brother visited China about 7 years ago. People pissing and spitting everywhere, holding kids out of train windows to have a shit on the track.
    Piles of shit and broken glass scattered around the Buddhist temples, disgusting food and leering locals.
    The only clean part with edible food was Hong Kong.

  3. The Chinese, apparently, have one word meaning ‘Crisis’ and ‘Opportunity’ – 危机

    However, they also have one word meaning ‘China’ , ‘Hong Kong’ & ‘Taiwan’…. and that word is “CHINA” , so fuck them !

    China – a country so ‘democratic’ that they abolished term limits & elections – so the current ‘President’ rules till his death – like the Emperors of old.
    I’m sure, if he could, he’d have his soldier buried with him, like the terracotta army.

    They’ll be rolling tanks down Hong Kong high street anytime soon…. Bastards.

  4. YES, FUCK THEM. Tag onto that they’re (along with pigshit local neolib economists) the reason manufacturing jobs all but disappeared from the West.

  5. Rather split on this as my wife is Chinese. China is a wonderful country with a fantastic history and culture. The Chinese people have some objectionable personal habits like spitting and jetting snot out of their nostrils but are fundamentally decent and very hospitable. They also tend to like the British and are fascinated by the UK.

    The Chinese Communist Party however is an utter and total cunt of the first order. This nom should be for the Chinese Communist Party and it’s minions not the Chinese people.

    I’ll get my coat.

  6. A polluted, seething ants nest of a nation, gawds sakes, why is it that theses breeding machines just can’t stop, er, breeding? They’re like a virus, dividing their nucleus 6 gorillion times every 24 hours. Nobody sane wants to eat pangolin sweat glands no matter how drunken the sauce happens to be. Catch Asian flu and get extincted why don’t you. As for XR, the only thing they should be on the front page is the menu for these little yellow bastards.

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