A cunting for Britain’s underclass.
I know there are people who need help from the state and I don’t begrudge them a penny. Life is hard enough. What makes life harder is the billions of pounds wasted on the idle cunts who say £25,000 a year of dole money is not enough for them to live on, when working families need food banks.
It’s not a cunting for everyone on benefits, but those who can work, and choose not to, even when they have no means of independent support, they rely on the hard work of others to eek out their grubby existence.
I’m also not in any way supporting Tory policies. They are inveterate socialists when it suits ; their bungling over HS2, the F-35 fighter, Chris Grayling handing cash to fake shipping companies and the shit value for money that contractors offer (G4S, Carillion, Capita) is a fucking scandal. I’d slash the funds available to those useless, wasteful cunts as well.
I also believe in us retaining a trace of compassion. Let the NHS deal with the disabled benefits and Work Capability assessments, and get rid of contractors (again) like Atos. Some things need to be done by the state.
On that note, some of those who might think voting Corbyn would ensure them free money for life might take notes from Romanians under the Ceaucescu regime; they were given housing, but they were also given work.
When the commissars come to put the idle on state-requisitioned buses to work on building sites, water treatment plants, or recycling tips, will they be rejoicing and posting pictures of their multicoloured fingernails ‘looking on-fleek’ to social media?
I’m sure Corbyn would never suggest it; what good is giving your new voter base jobs if they are terrified of work?
Better to follow Denmark’s example and give the idle what they want under a market economy with a squeezed middle class. We’re pretty much there as it is. Corbynov will just siphon off more from everyone.
Just remember not to tax the rich so much they decide to fuck off and you see your tax revenue fall.
Are you listening Jeremy? Jeremy?
Too busy having his photo taken with Iranian transsexuals while wearing a beret.
Nominated by Cuntamus Prime
What pisses me off about the whole benefits system is that in my case I worked for a company for some 20 odd years, got made redundant, had a nice pay off; but then when I went to the benefits office (or whatever the fuck they call themselves these days), they said they wouldn’t give me any more because I had several thousand in the bank (from my redundancy), and therefore I should live off that!
So despite paying income tax and NICs in all those years, I find that I’m not entitled to anything because my pay off is over a certain threshold! Whereas any old cunt and his dog who have never worked get this that and the fucking other!
Am I bitter? You bet your fucking arse I am!
I took early retirement and registered as unemployed to get Job Seeker’s Allowance. At the dole office I was informed that I was not entitled to JSA despite paying in since the 1970s as I was receiving an occupational pension. I pointed out that the occupational pension was funded by myself and my employer and not by National Insurance contributions . The response from my MP when I raised it with her was ‘ it doesn’t seem fair but I cannot do anything about it.’ ‘What the fuck is the the of you being an MP then?’ Answer came there none.
Damn right.
You remind me of a time when I had a painful ear infection. I was working full-time but it was the day before payday. I hadn’t been to the doctors since I was a kid so the prescriptions procedure was all new to me. I thought you just went, got a prescription and picked it up for free.
Long story short I had about £2 left until the next day and couldn’t pay the prescription charge, which would’ve relieved my pain.
Sure perhaps I should’ve been more careful with my cash, but I was earning a pittance at the time (I was only in my early 20s) and had rent and bills to pay. I waited 24 hours in pain until the next morning.
It made me realise how stupid things are, when an employed person can’t get pain relief on the NHS if skint, but someone who’s never contributed a penny can.
That’s when people get pissed off.
been an engineering contractor since the 90s. Oil and gas fucked up, so no more contracts since 2016. Have I ever got anything back from the social, despite paying thousands and thousands of punds in tax and NI? Have I fuck. But, hey, was out today and saw a fat bitch skipping out the citizens advice bureau into her newish SUV parked on a double-yellow with a disabled badge.
I also am bitter as fuck.
Yeah it’s fucking sickening. I had to come off my monthly pension scheme at work, because when i retire i will have to pay council tax and rent.
I would not get a penny from the Government, so fuck that shit.
No wonder we get an influx of cunts coming over here because were soft Britain, soft at everything.
Bring back the 1940s and 50s
‘Presenter Samira Ahmed has taken the BBC to tribunal this week, arguing she was paid “a sixth” of what Jeremy Vine earned in “a very similar job”.
Ahmed says she was paid £440 per episode on audience feedback show Newswatch, while Vine received £3,000 per episode for Points of View.’
But he worked his fingers to the bone Samira. There’s just no comparison.. He earned every penny from the sweat of his brow.
Is she the one that looks like a browned-up Caffy Nooman ? I wouldn’t put my tongue up her arse. Or Nooman’s, for that matter.
I suspect someone may beg to differ…
Horses for courses, I’d still climb on board Mhairi Black; she doesn’t half give me the ‘orn.
So according to British Bollocks Cunts player, an episode of ‘Newswatch’ is 12 minutes, or 1/5th of an hour.
Sour tits Ahmed gets £440 per episode ? That’s £2,200 / hr
Hardly minimum wage is it, you whining fucking Cunt !
Hope they tell her to fuck off – see how much £/hr she get as a continuity announcer on ‘watch’ or ‘gold’
‘I’m not paying for a taxi, I need to get to hospital so I called 999. I can’t afford a taxi, I’m on benefits’
A true fucking story. Fuck knows how they got to hospital. Itxwasn’t in my Big Yellow Taxi, that’s for sure. Feckless cunt.
No doubt true my friend, and only one among many such stories, no doubt.
One of life’s great ironies is that we don’t need to import all the cunts that we do. We’ve already got a massive number of our own.
You’re right, my friend. It’s the indigenous, entitled white scum that are the worst offenders for piss-taking, believe it or not. Went to a Polish bloke, furious that his missus called us, suffering a severe allergic reaction, insisting he was wasting our time and we had better things to do and he’d get his missus to drive him in. He was blue-lighted to Resus… Not everyone can be tarred with the same brush but it’s more white scum wanting Bluber rides to A&E.
Comment deleted.
If you don’t like it you can leave.
thou shall not cunt cunters! (its in the cunts commandments) hence deleted.
Are you sure it was DCI Cunt? I know who did say something to that effect, but it wasn’t the DCI.
What am I supposedly guilty of, RTCP? And your defence is appreciated.
Afternoon DCI. The comment has been removed but it was someone having a rant about you supposedly complaining about using the words gas chambers and that you’re against free speech. I can’t remember you saying any such thing. Perhaps RTC knows more.
Afternoon, Bertie. You’re correct, it was another poster that said it. I’ll be honest, I agreed with him to an extent about the gas chamber analogy and said that the thread in question brought a right couple of cunts out of the woodwork, probably banned, definately warned. Ironically, one of them wasn’t the protaganist in question here! I had a well destever wrist-slapping, too. And have heeded the advice.
‘Desreved’, you illiterate cunt.
As Bertie said, you were charged with telling cunters to refrain from making frequent and insensitive references to gas chambers, thereby curtailing free speech on the site.
I don’t remember you doing any such thing, but maybe I missed it?
I know which cunter did complain however.
I know who posted it, too, amd I symapthused with his point of view.
Which is fair enough. Mongo’s 2 posts were very aggressive and personal, calling you a cunt in no uncertain terms.
I’ve been called worse on a Saturday night. Usually by pissed-up cunts covered in their own piss and vomit whilst not appreciating the irony of what they’ve just done. Relates well to this thread. As for the cunt that complained – the cunt can’t even get the person correct so I’ll put it down to where it came from.
You snitch Ruff one!
I wasn’t going to reveal the culprit!
You can tell the Public school boys amongst us!
FFS Bertie – you’ve only got to scroll to the top of this thread to see who the culprit is!
a storm in a tea cup perhaps, but better than the alternative
Just testing RTC!
I’ve reached that time in life where I don’t look backwards any more!
The only reason I’m not adding anything to this world-class cunting is that I can’t.
I’m touched (by madness).
You want them to work for any local council then?
I heard one of these chav types scream at their oh so longed for children, made in a beautiful union of love:’shut the FUCK up will ya or you’ll fucking get a slap’!
This country is way too far gone for anything to change anytime soon. No doubt it became far worse under Bliar and now we’re well and truly stuck with it.
Utterly dumbed down Britain.
Wait till comrade Corbyn and pals get in charge with a lib-dum alliance. Fucking nightmare.
This is the sort of parental misbehaviour (though it is sadly often needed with unruly spermatozoa of Satan running amok in pubs) that causes children to read Trollope; there seems to be a very strong link between reading Trollope and degenerating into a politician (if you read Paxo’s book “The English.” An excellent read.).
A great and accurate cunting.
True example:
29 years ago my wife worked in community health as a district nurse. One family she visited compromised two parents and seven kids. Three “kids” were adult age. Not one person in this family worked. Roll on 2019 and she retired never having had a day off. This family have spawned an additional 56 humans of varied ages. A total of zero actually work. Benefits each and every one. And none have any disability or inability to work – they are just parasites breeding more parasites.
All paid for by a minority. People who actually work and pay tax and NI.
If anyone can tell me what benefit they add to society I’m happy to know.
Adolf and his colleagues had some excellent ideas… let’s call it “Social Chemistry.” Mostly of the gaseous sort.
But don’t say anything about Chambers or gas. Some cunts get offended.
Dear CFM: The joke got a bit tired on the 7th outing,
I like this site because we ‘don’t cunt cunters’. I looked at another cunt site and they were madly abusing and cunting each other, totally obnoxious. l just want to come here, read some funny noms and read and/or post some funny comments. It’s meant to reduce piss boiling, not increase it. I don’t want to come to a site thats full of endless fights, fuck that. There’s plenty of that elsewhere. Yours etc TS
We need to slash the amount of money people get in jobseekers allowance, be tough on anybody who abuses the system by, for example, applying for jobs in order to get that money with no intention of turning up to the interview, and redistribute whatever money is saved to those who actually need it.
“He’s poor, and that’s revenge enough” – Shakespeare
Good cunting, CP. When our tax isn’t propping up East Euro shitholes or being forcibly spent on Third World projects, it’s supplementing these indolent savages’ Poundland Christmas presents or keeping them shackled to their drug dealer/master/slave owner. Walk through any street in a British town or city and you’d be forgiven for thinking you were in a Dickens novel, if his characters had worn trackie bottoms and bangin’ trainers. The grey faces, the broken language peppered with boggling syntax and bestial grunts, the rags, the lack of self-worth, they’re all straight out of the nineteenth century.
Saw the local intelligent yoot out today as half-term. Not that it matters as the cunts never seem to be at school. Wads of £20s, designer gear etc. Nice little earner doing some dealing for the county lines. They don’t even fear the local copper as they make a point of smoking joints as they walk past him (on the odd times he’s not driving around in his pick up).
What a fucking country.
That’s the other bad thing about these cunts – they give tracksuit bottoms a bad name. They’re really warm and comfortable and yet people like me who wear them for comfort purposes get lumped in with the scrounging scum.
More tracksuits than Liverpool Fashion Week….
They stopped calling them tracksuits years ago. Now the correct term is leisure wear. Honestly.
I thought it was sports wear?! Whatever, looks like garbage.
And what is it with those awful duvet type coats that everyone seems to wear? Absolutely dreadful.
Nice new avatar Cuntologist… but a teeny bit, err… misrepresentative? Unless you are now self-identifying as male… I had you pegged more as Luciana Paluzzi…
I’ll take Luciana Bond villain all day long, grazie mille. I can certainly drive fast, no idea if I can shoot to kill.
Aw I loved Phil Silvers as a kid.
Fair do’s Sarge. I could but dream…
Excellent cunting.
In my very humble opinion, once a generation sees unlimited scope for handouts as the norm and an aspiration, those thinking correctly that there is something wrong going on are immediately vilified and treated as abnormal. This delusional viewpoint needs to be challenged on every occasion that it raises it’s cunt shaped head.
I’ve just cunted Keith Vaz (as one of Britain’s Underclass) in the MODERATED post above.
Mods, can you sort it out please because that cunt so richly deserves it!
Keith “one up the bum, no harm done” vaz
ooh, mr dooshka, please fix my washing machine (in style of 70s porno film)
I often wonder if “Meerkat Movies” is a code for E European porn of some rodent-related genre.
Does Uncle Elsan like a meerkat up his rectal receiver ?
I believe that some parliarmentary committee is to recommend that Vazeline be suspended for 6 months. Maybe there is a “special” dungeon somewhere, with a lamp-post…
Thanks for that mental image HBH – it puts Sergei and Olaf’s ‘friendship’ in a whole new light.
Sergei and Alexander I mean.
I’d not really thought about it until recently, but are Sirgay and Alexander an “established couple”, or is it just an E European babysitting tradition ?
don’t forget the piano wire for the lampost
He’s going to get suspended for six months for the various crimes and lies. Suspended from a fucking gibbet would be more like justice, the parasite.
This country isn’t going down the toilet. It’s been flushed and come out in the sewer. I was brought up to believe that if you work hard you’ll get to enjoy life. But now it appears that the harder you work your arse off, the harder the government want to kick you in it. I keep saying to young people I know to get out before it’s too late. In this country you’ve now got two choices:
– sit around all day, doing fuck all, and live on benefits
– go out and work your arse off only to be forced to hand over half of everything you earn in taxes.
This country is well and truly fucked and it’s not going to get any better.
What we could do is banjo the immos off and put these cunts to work under the threat of no fucking money!
Believe you me, having worked for the last 20yrs under “no work, no pay”, the threat of no fucking money is one hell of a motivator!
I believe in the welfare system as a safety net for those people who lose their job through no fault of their own (the recent Thomas Cook collapse for example), the elderly, the (truly) disabled and their carers, but not for n-generation perennial workshy layabouts!
Get them to sweep the roads, clean bedpans, clean government offices – the state will fund you, but work you will!
Hopefully the Connies will get a massive majority next time round. We deal with Brexit. Fuck off the undesirables and stop any other cunts from coming in, and then we turn our attention to our indigenous drain on the public purse!
“Oh but it’s against their human rights!” – the handwringers will say.
Where are the handwringers protesting my human rights having to do 60hr+ weeks so that I have enough left each month after HM Govt have eviscerated my earnings in order to pay for these non-contributing cunts! No, didn’t think so!
Fuck ’em! Workhouses are too good for the cunts and their brood of next generation benefits scumbags!
Moderated again!
Before we all throw our toys out the pram, certain words will put you in moderation (its a machine not us), So to cut a long story short a friend has just been savaged by a badger so I am a little preoccupied in their care right now, accept that shit happens and crack on!
You used the word scümbags! How many more times do I have to say it – any word with cüm embedded in it is a trigger word. I despair…
I finally twigged on that, and it was one of my favourite words. It’s expanding my vocabulary now, if nothing else…..?
Still no movement on the Keith Vaz post above though?
No c-u-m in there, other than Vaz’s on the back of his rent boy for the evening…
Was Keith Vaz encûmbered with a cûm-covered cucûmber in Cûmberland or Cûmbria?
Dirty cûnt.
@ Rebel
How about pérvert? fâggot? quèer?
Something mildly libellous?
Savaged by a badger? True or not, Thats the best excuse to get out of form 2s v the teachers ruggers in the rain, or not doing your homework. Wish I’d thought of it.
Ok, enough already, after the high blood pressure caused by the fat slag on the plane yesterday admin could of issued a trigger warning when posting another cunting about the parasite underclass.
Did you know it’s a fucking offence to chase the cunts down the pavement in a 4×4?
Really? I had to endure a 6 hour flight with a group of autistic kids on Thursday, trick is earplugs and blindfold.
What people do for cheap flight tickets eh?
The trouble is there has always been this feral underclass as one generation breeds the next, it’s practically ingrained from birth. Trouble is you can’t have the cunts taking people’s work in low skilled labour jobs as your just punishing those who do graft but are regrettably less intelligent or haven’t had the breaks.I can just imagine unscrupulous corporations benefitting from this source of cheap labour and making the rich, richer. I’d have them doing beach & woods cleaning, charity shops etc for their handouts, something that won’t affect others jobs.
The real trouble is Earl, when you finance the cunts they breed more prolifically, each generation consuming more of our hard earned than the last.
The Corporations already benefit from thr welfare state, they require the ability to hire and fire labour as the economy grows and shrinks and when they have a surplus of workers the other cunts still in jobs pay for those waiting to get back to work.
First thing that needs to happen is that if you conceive and give birth to another child whilst on benefits you don’t receive extra benefits for being a selfish cunt,
so true – who tops up the wages of the workers on zero hours contracts? us mugs.
My best mate was constantly expelled from school and that was exactly what his mum made him do in the back garden. He never got to have a day off.Oh how we laughed .
Simple solution
Child benefit stops after one child.
In fact I think people should get benefits for NOT having children.
Everything costs more as a childless couple – holidays / tickets etc
stop it completely – only encourages the mozzers to breed like rabbits.
The flaw in that plan is that UK ethnic birthrates are through the floor.
Those attracted to an offer of “don’t have kids for money” would more than likely be educated UK ethnic couples (i.e. faux “save the planet” types) thus guaranteeing:
a) The only UK ethnic cunts left breeding are this pond life with an IQ average lower than the number of fags they smoke each day.
b) UK ethnic people become a minority in our country well ahead of the projected 2060 deadline.
c) The elite driven replacement plan is complete.
Unfortunately any UK family incentive would also – currently – apply to the Mo’s mob contingent (who already take the piss as it is family benefits wise)!
We need to be less fair as far as Mo’s mob are concerned and need to promote UK ethic repopulation, but until public opinion (polluted by decades of mainstream media advocacy of open borders and lies like “diversity is our strength”), or their fear of retribution should they publicly agree with such a mandate (many privately do but will not say so publicly), then we have no chance!
The worm, however, is turning in this respect.
Enough debating and moaning,
Render em down for candles.
They don’t want jobs do they Miserable? All aspiring to be the next orange shit-for-brains cunt on Love Island or spud headed OAP botherer Wayne Rooney. No role models anymore.
They certainly dont LL.
Meet these useless cunt day in day out, they always ask me for work but ive nothing for these giro gyppos.
My dad had loads of em, go to pick them up in the morning for first days work?
No answer!
If by a miracle they did show up they were fuckin clueless an piss weak,
Couldnt pay them if needed them the day after as theyd do a no show after spending the money on weed an beer then couldnt get out of bed.
Born to suckle on the tit of the welfare state!
Until any government makes the choice of the welfare state being a safety net and not a lifestyle choice nothing will change. No wonder recently arrived gimmigrants love it, its like being give a small fortune every few weeks for scratching you arse and breeding.
Over the last few weeks of the utter bullshit. I’ve decided to not get as angry as I used to. I really can’t be fucking bothered wasting my time with politicians looking after their own interests. Fuck all of them. I’m bored of the left with their fucking ridiculous ideas, I’m bored of the right for not dragging politicians into the street and hanging the cunts. I’m just so fucking bored of cunts. My vote obviously didn’t count. My views will not count. Because some utter cunt thinks they know better than me. I don’t really care anymore about some fucking arsehole ranting on about saving the world. Cunts like boneo and geldof have been robbing poor people for years.
I’m reading through snippets in the online press on this daft cunt that’s gone and hung himself upside down on some 290 foot chimney stack in Carslile. Looks like he’s fucked … however, one of the comments made by ‘an onlooker’ was that .. … ‘Carslile City Council should be better prepared for this kind of incident’ … seems they couldn’t get a ‘cherry picker’ of this size ( 290+ fucking feet ) onsite ‘quick enough’ …
Why the fuck should CCC ‘be better prepared’ for this … Why doesn’t everyone think .. ‘Daft cunt deserves all he gets’ .. Why can’t people look after themselves ? Must be someone else to blame …
I want to fucking cry…. We’re fucked.
Maybe it’s a Fred Dibnah tribute act?
Ooops! ..That’ll be ..’Carlisle’ … .. I don’t get out much.
Start them off with small holes for flowers then gradually work them up to grave-sized ones.
Yeah get the dozy feckless cunts tarmaccing the motorways, picking up litter an dogshit, not working? Not eating!
Give 50 of these cunts to each farmer get the harvest in, the fruit picked etc,
Sure Fiddler could find work for 50 pair of idle hands?
Id issue the foremen with shotguns, any dissent? ?? “you! Bury him slacking next to you!
Yes him without a head.
First thing out of the stinking pie hole of Ian Blackford just now, in the Commons General Election debate:
“Can I begin by thanking the European Union for granting us an extension to Article 50….. and we want to see votes for EU nationals and 16 and 17 year olds at the next election….”
FUCKS SAKE – talk about gerrymandering!
Watching it now, now its pikey smile swinson.
She’s certifiable!
Wants a People’s Vote yet wants to revoke Article 50. Positively schizo.
I can now only refer to her as Tena Lady given that her position is completely untenable.
p.s. you would think she could have spent some of those 3.5 million Euros on her hideous peg teeth.
Her choppers are teeth that chew tobacco on the porch while playing banjo eh?
Nice new avatar Cuntologist… but a teeny bit, err… misrepresentative? Unless you are now self-identifying as male… I had you pegged more as Luciana Paluzzi…
(apologies for reposting – posted in wrong place first time)
The man is a slubberdegullion.
And Bercunt allows him to go on, and on, and on, and on…
The cunt’s got the half-life of yellow cake uranium!
Stick him in front of a wind turbine and world energy problems would be solved overnight!
I think im now in agreement with Mr Liddle.
We’re not leaving, are we?
I’m in agreement with Mr Farage.
Boris’s deal is NOT leaving.
Spay the cunts like people do with stray cats.
I worked for the housing services department of the local council, so these cunts were my bread and butter. They know exactly what they are entitled to, sometimes three generations of cunts that have never worked. These maggots are a cash drain from the second spunk hits egg. Hospitals, schools, prisons, housing, these filth suck it up. The socialists and liberals think it gives people dignity to have the money they are given for nothing, with which they can afford fags, booze, drugs, TVs and sky to watch on said TVs, games consoles, and that’s for the cunts who aren’t even pretending to either look for work or be on the sick. Those with any ailment they can fake get brand new cars, and other allowances. But, they still aren’t thankful of the state, and the taxpayers that fund these cunts, because of entitlement. They have little concept of ownership, because they haven’t earned the money they spend. They have no idea how much graft is required just to pay a bill, so there’s no dignity there whatsoever. Work sets you free. Sure I heard that somewhere…..
Yeah its above my gate!!!
Yep total freeloading entitles cunts
Arbech mech frei (forgive any mispronounciation)wrote as i remembered.auschwitz!it hung solemly above ze gates .
Yours sounds suspiciously like Welsh !
Croeso i Oswieczim !
Arbeit macht frei.
Are you aware cunters that you are now the new underclass?
If you’re white and make a modest income or receive a modest pension, you have literally become the bottom of the pile.
Your efforts count for nothing
Your vote counts for nothing.
Your taxes count towards rewarding the feckless.
We are all fuckin’ doomed.
? Fuck you.
I’ll do
Wot I wanna do. ?
Oliver Cromwell: ‘In the name of God, go!’ speech dismissing Rump Parliament – 1653
20 April 1653, London, England
It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place,
which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice.
Ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government.
Ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess?
Ye have no more religion than my horse. Gold is your God. Which of you have not bartered your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defiled this sacred place, and turned the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices?
Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.
Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God’s help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do.
I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place.
Go, get you out! Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
In the name of God, go!
This shows some insight for the average farmer!
I wonder who you were in a former life Dick?
Perhaps the Witchfinder General?
No idea, Bertie, but I’d guess that I was a right Cunt…at least I hope I was. I’d be mortified to think that I might have been some do-gooding,charitable Pain-in-the-arse.
They ought to bring old Cromwell back. He’d give the boy Hewitt something to cry about. Then send his Mrs back to the slave trade. ?
And he’d Kick Fuck out of the Irish.
Fuck parliament.
Yeah, he’d sort out that Teashop poof in Dublin. I seem to remember he had a very efficient way of dealing with the “Irish problem.”
“God’s righteous judgement of these barbarous wretches.”
Not seen that before, powerful stuff!
Give cromwell that, and he certainly had balls and meant what he said,
Although he wanted to ban Christmas hated drunking and fucking, bit of a prude, and boring cunt at a party.
And he looked like he cut his own hair.
There’s a fine statue of Cromwell in Warrington, just round the corner from where those brave Irish patriots heroically murdered two children,my old man took me to see it when I was a kid. He was a big fan of Cromwell.
He wasn’t a big fan of the bogtrotter’s though.
Fuck them.
Evening Jack,
Just down the road from me is a small farmstead where Cromwell stayed on his way somewhere, sometimes they find musketballs,
As kids we thought Cromwells ghost haunted it, remember 3 of us creeping over field in morning to have a look,
A lapwing screamed near me and swear I almost cadburys my undercrackers! Haha
Very true Jack. Indeed, I live very near to Cromwell Ave. Cromwell smashed the Scots at the battle of Winwick pass nearby.
I’d love to see Cromwell come back, Terminator style, with superhuman strength, and metal gauntlets, live streaming his hunting down and killing of Gerry Adams, whose skull is crushed to goo, by the bone crushing death of relentless steel fingers.
‘ Thou art a Papist Fenian murderer Adams ! And you must die ! die ! die ! ‘
It would be even better if it was on at the pictures.
Get To Fuck.
Also, “Thou art a pie-gobbling cunt and a useless cockwomble, Blackford !”
Bad enough we sustain the underclass but we also let the cunts into Parliament.
Paula Sherriff, she’d be just as comfortable gobbing off on the doorstep of a council slum. Then the very middle class Jess Phillips has gone one better and decided to devolve into a fish wife.
Keith Vaz is in the shit for what sound like a very polite way of saying obtaining with intent to supply class a drugs, not to mention his past.
Jo Swinson would look at home with a buggy and a fag outside a school and has the acumen to match her look.
There’s a high percentage of MP’s that don’t appear to have the ability to do more than sound off like members of the underclass having a row in Poundland and the react with the same self righteous indignation when someone criticises them as a benefit parasite when they are threatened with a sanction for not looking for work.
Is being an MP even a proper job? You can be a waste of space for decades if you get a safe seat.
It’s one thing paying for the underclass but it’s a different kind of stupid allowing them to rule over us.
@ Bertie ….. It’s always puzzled me as to why there’s no memorial stone or something, as it was the last battle of the Second Civil War, a significant number of combatants died …. 1600+, and Cromwell was actually there.
I used to go rabbiting there, many years ago.
Evening Bertie, MNC.
Funnily dont remember them teaching us much about Cromwell at school?
Think they would wouldnt you?
Did a job and stopped off at the site of the battle of Naseby, was only a little information board.
The sites of the 2 decisive battles of the Civil War, Marston Moor and Naseby are simply marked by a stone monument on the edge of a fucking field. You have to ask a few locals before you can find them.
We have so much fascinating history in this country but we just piss on it. Love Island is what we really want.
Whereas, in Scotland, the battlefield of Culloden is carefully preserved to commemorate the treacherous English defeating the noble Scots. Or was it really Lowland Scots getting rid of the pain in the bum Highlanders?
In stockport weve had a few civil unrests, once a riot against the irish were any paddys got a hiding, and a church put under seige, the priest climbed over the roof to escape!
Once over bread shortages,
And once over the price of spuds where the people marched on a neighbouring town.
A bloke from the local council let me look at the old dungeons, and the drunk pit, swear to god its just a stone pit youd be thrown in, pitch black,
Before going up to the assizes.
Our forefathers didnt pamper the pissed.
We could press for a plaque Jack! However, by many today, he is regarded as a monster who killed so many people in Ireland including priests. Another figure who shaped our history that they’d like to airbrush from history.
How we could do with a Cromwell type figure today to dig us out the shit!
There are more significant people to honour Blunty, John Kent, Britain’s first black police constable has just been honoured with his very own blue plaque….er for being black.
It was up Carlisle way so maybe he nabbed a mid 19th century Dick Fiddler for being drunk and disorderly and outraging public decency.
Maybe he was one of the notorious “Black and Blues”…
I’ll get my panda car.
They’d be more likely to replace his Warrington statue with a monument to whiteys despicable slave trading past.
The Cunts.
Dick’s relatives would have been highwaymen whom the ladies swooned over.
“Your money or your wife”.
These days he says “Your money or your blow-up sex doll.”
That reminds me,RTC….you still owe me for the industrial-strength deep clean that I had to pay for after you borrowed ” Fist-fucked Freda”, one of my extensive range of deluxe latex companions.
Pay up, you despoiler of innocent inflatables.
My ancestors were Border Reivers. The finest Body of Men to ever say “Fuck The Authorities”.
M’Lord, you should be aware that the Aberdeen Whisky Warehouse are selling Alnwick Gin. I hope vair much that they acquired it by honest means, and not by some cross-border pilfering…
nb. Some of my Scotty ancestry comes from them parts, and Granda was a sort of Scottish Capt. Mainwaring and a bit of a cunt, accorrding to my late Grandma and my mother (may Satan rot here soul, if he can find it, she was an evil auld bitch).
Both of my parents were Borderers and,I must admit, the Cuntishness ran deep in the pair of them…luckily it didn’t pass to me.of course.
I’m thinking of going on one of those Distillery tours,a friend went on one lasting a week and said that it was excellent..different distillery every day apparently. I’ve been to a couple in Ireland and found it interesting but not too sure that I wouldn’t get bored of a week looking at pretty much the same thing every day.
Morning Dick.
Still hope I might end up in Hexham, or somewhere around them parts…
Cardiff is too close to Bristol, although admittedly Titty airport is good for a quick escape…
We’ll be straight into The Grapes if you ever do land up near Hexham,HBH.