Ben Elton (2)

I used to enjoy Ben Elton – for ‘The Young Ones’ and ‘Blackadder’.

I believe he’s now making a comeback stand-up tour, since he’s apparently doing the media rounds of plugging it; maybe someone out there thinks he’s the right person for these times.

I stumbled on his 17½ minutes with Matthew Wright on Talk Radio’s YouTube channel:

I had actually just watched the excruciating interview between Lisa Nandy and Mike Graham when the above video thumbnail popped up on the right-hand-side column. The click-bait that drew me in was “Comedian Ben Elton talks Brexit and Boris Johnson”. For those of you who can’t be bothered to watch it, I’ll give you a little critique, but before we go there, here’s a clip from a 1986 performance on Channel 4 as a reference point.

Only one and a quarter minutes in and we’re hearing allegations of crude sexual misconduct involving President Ronald Reagan and the Russians. I guess nothing really changes, does it?! This is Left-Wing material from 33 yrs ago. Just let that sink in.
Now back to the present-day, Ben Elton has aged but he’s still a motormouth (like John McEnroe but without the charm or wit). Oh, and Matthew Wright is still an obnoxious twat, so no change there either!!
With all that out of the way, here’s your viewing guide (WARNING: it reads like the class notes of an A-Level Politics student):

– A gentle, earnest start as he describes being blamed for the invention of Political Correctness.
– Caring, SJW-credentials wheeled out with compassionate voice at 0:13: “Political Correctness is normally just good manners”. That’s right, Ben, only with a Marxist agenda to subvert and manipulate.
– A discussion Led by Wright, about PC bullshit for a couple of minutes, then ‘new-book-what-you-just-wrote’, led by Wright.
And that’s when the triggers start to come thick and fast:

2:26 – No British cultural homogeneity
2:29 – ‘The Wall’
2:31 – Scottish Independence
2:33 – Brexit
2:37 – Identity Boundaries (apparently what most people are thinking about)
2:52 – Cultural division of Britain into virtual communities (Hello, Plebs!)
6:18 – Donald Trump
7:18 – Donald Trump Lies
7:21 – Climate change
7:57 – Racism & sexism
8.53 – NHS
9:52 – Identity
9:54 – Brexit
12:30 – Faatcha (an oldie but goldie. Hear him say – direct quote – “I always had a lot of respect for Mrs Thatcher”)
13:04 – Boris Johnson (here comes the new material, everyone)
14:00 – Putin
16:17 – Prorogation (the MENDACITY to call an election BEFORE Brexit)
16:42 – Crashing out

Seeing how Ben’s only had 33 years to come up with new material, I think the man deserves a word of praise and, to be fair, he’s entitled to his opinion. And if any of you might feel that Ben’s message is hackneyed and jaded, just remember there’s a new generation who haven’t discovered him yet (think Corbyn). It’s just that the the older generation hasn’t forgotten him yet. I’ll leave you with two classic examples of his schoolboy humour:
Q: Why shouldn’t you answer the front door in your pyjamas?
A: Because Chernobyl fall-out
Q: What’s pink and hairy, and hangs out of your pyjamas?
A: Your Mum

Nominated by Cunt me in

36 thoughts on “Ben Elton (2)

  1. Why these people parade themselves as ‘anti establishment’ and edgy is beyond me.
    An utter loudmouth unfunny cunt 33 years ago and ditto today i fear.

  2. To a reasonably savvy 16 year old, 33 years ago, Elton on Friday night live was a vaguely amusing, bemulleted arsehole with some off the wall political views.

    Fast forward 33 years later and Elton seems to have spawned millions of identikit SJW loudmouths, including politicians, with all the talk but with, surprisingly, a fraction of Elton’s finesse.

    A very relevant cunting for our modern times; well done, Sir.

    • Personality vacuum Ben, ade Edmondson, and failed stunt rider Rik Mayall were/ are as funny as findimg blood in your hanky.

  3. Such a right-on,smash-the-capitalist-system revolutionary that he decided to collaborate on a musical with that well-known anti-establishment icon,Andrew Fucking Lloyd-Webber.

    That’ll teach those fascist right-wing bastards,eh Ben?

      • I buy a ticket for the opening night of his every production…..and then don’t go. It’s my way of saving some poor soul from the horror.

      • Morning Fiddler, what was once a ‘alternative, edgy counter culture’ is now firmly essential Establishment viewing. Smash the system, starting in the West End.

      • I’d happily see ” Theatre Land” turned into another “footy” ground….that’s how deep my loathing goes.

      • After being married to Sarah Brightman I suspect that neither the pigs nor Great Aunt Irma would hold any terror for the bastard….
        Starship Trooper,indeed….


      • I applaud your artistic sentiments, Dick…
        I’d do the same re Daniel Barenboim concerts (if I could be arsed, and had the dosh !).

  4. This cunts “comedy ” is as predictable as James obrian. He’l fit right back into the bbc as if he never left. He would look funny with Steven Fry sticking out of his arse though. Possibly.

  5. That other relic from the alternative comedy era, Alexei Sayle, was given a series on Wireless 4 recently. I gave it 5 minutes, during which time he turned his attention to Maggie. “Now Maggie had few attributes,” he opined, “one is that she is dead.”

    Much laughter. Imagine if someone had said that of Jo Cox???

    To be fair, Elton did bring us some good TV in the 80s – Black Adder and so on. Now, like Sayle, he’s another champagne socialist who has an audience with the liberal left. But not many fans on this site I suspect….

    • Blackadder was clever&funny even to this day.stephen fry at the age of 20 off executing a brilliant performance as a raving mad general(50+) many good bits /nowt any good these days a few live comedians come to mind /george carling /billy connolly/bill hicks etc

  6. Another bright guy — sorry there is no doubt he is bright ——- who seems to only feel comfortable knocking the environment and open society that gave him the opportunity to ply his trade and be a sucesss. Bright or otherwise he is none the less in my eyes an utter turd head.

    Ps As a Jew ( and before anyone thinks otherwise I like Jewish people) he must really love the Labour Party he has always championed over the years with his leftie drivel ! What a dick splash.

  7. Owen Jones must have watched Rik Mayall in The Young Ones and thought “What a guy. Now there’s a role model”
    Congrats Ben. You helped create the media environment in which a fith series of Blackadder can never be made. Cunt…

  8. Never found the numpty remotely amusing although he shares that trait with most of his ilk who have come along since. Obsessed with ‘Thatch’ (who couldn’t answer back) and juvenile turd jokes. A loud mouthed bully who thankfully has emigrated to the Convicts so hopefully once he has topped up his savings account here , he will swiftly return to comedy oblivion where he came from.

  9. Matthew Wright and Ben Elton together on one Youtube video?
    Bet a few laptops and iPads got smashed into tiny pieces. The buggers at PC World must have been rubbing their hands together…

  10. This cunt thought that shouting at the audience with his mockney piehole and ranting out political statements in the form of supposed ‘comedy’ was the height of edginess and hilarity……for me as a 15-year-old, I thought he was just an ugly, badly-dressed, goggle-eyed, noisy dickhead who was about as funny as a terminal illness.

    I have not changed my views.

    Seeing as he fucked off to Australia years ago, I have no interest in what his overly-opinionated mouth has to say about Brexit or anything else pertaining to the UK. He is just another celbricunt who thinks that because he has access to a soap box, he should use it.


  11. Ah Ben Elton & Mathew Wright, two cunts of the highest order who were once in their early teens self proclaimed socialists calling for equality and ‘giving it’ to the establishment, now both entrenched in that establishment, fucking hypocritical cunts.
    I hope they both get arse cancer

  12. Oh and people who guffaw over Elton as some kind of comedy genius, lest we forget, Blackadder series 1 was fucking diabolical, (Elton was the sole write) It was not until series 2 when Richard Curtis was brought in as a writer that the show had any laughs or even became popular.


    • Series 1 “The Black Adder”. Written by Curtis and Rowan Atkinson, and a better historical spoof than Elton’s snarky shite any day…

  13. I thought this Labour big mouth had died a while ago
    An utter wanker and leftie lover of the Owen Jones standard You can always tell when these cunts are skint they make comebacks it’s not the 90 s anymore this type of humour is dead and buried and so should Ben Elton unfunny Labour Wanker

  14. Hell is this smug fucker still about? Haven’t heard of the cunt in years, which suits me fine. Sounds as though his line hasn’t changed much.
    Nice bit of cunting, Mr C.

  15. Another fucking champagne socialist from a privileged background who knows as much about the working class as Jacob Rees-Mogg (who at least doesn’t claim to). This anti-capitalist shithead has a net worth of $3 million and owns property in East Sussex (no doubt rented out free to asylum seekers and the like) but has lived in Oz since 2009. A bit like Branson, I have no idea what gives these cunts any right to say anything about Brexit.

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