A cunting nomination for we the people.
The nation that gave birth to the Magna Carta and Common law has stood aside and watched democracy slain like a pig in front of us.
Either through self-interest, a willingness to let lawyers and politicians decide our future and the future of democracy, or through sheer idleness we have allowed a democratic outcome to be buried on bullshit.
There are lots of topics that we discuss on here that are intertwined, we deal with all individually and even then we only know what we are allowed to know.
As citizens we must soon act to reclaim a more pure form of democracy. The will of the people should not be denied by points of law or by the administrators of democracy… they are there to ensure that the outcome of democratic votes are delivered.
Those in parliament believe it was a mistake to ask the British people to decide on such a big decision. They will find the mistake was failing to enact it.
Nominated by Sixdog Vomit
Parliamentarians, especially the hags Swinson and Sugartits were desperate to get back to work this week – one of the male old wimmin even turned up on Monday to make sure he could photograph himself for Twitter, to show how anxious he was to return to work. Well after three days they are knackered. They all buggered off back to their constituencies – their temporary homes we must hope for many of them.
If they were so anxious to go back and so busy, how come they didn’t work till this evening like most pen pushers?
Load of fucking lazy hypocrites
I love everyone here. But I fucking hate the absolute cunt of our country. It’s not only the government, it’s fucking English people. The Asians will always be better because English fucking idiots will never help each other out. Drive anywhere, some fucking fat English woman will think she has the right to basically run you off the road. And who allowed this to happen? FUCKING pussy English men. If you decided you refused to fuck a fat fucking awful cunt in the first place, they would be thinner and you wouldn’t be in your corner you pathetic fucking prick. It’s simple, if she’s a fat cunt either don’t fuck her or find it elsewhere..
This is why we are creating sexbots.
Aye, my prototype’s coming along nicely, sorted out the ….ahem… ‘difficulties’ with the over-revving felch pump and pretty sure there are patentable elements to my revolutionary ‘Roto-Plooker’ system of interchangeable ‘accessories’. The sheer expense and constant whining noise are proving more difficult to eradicate from the design though; so much like the real thing in that respect 8-{.
Plenty of these couples in less salubrious parts of the south coast; big fat pavement-breaking cunts with rolls of gut hanging over leggings, 5 mental kids and a skinny rat-like boyfriend, skulking along to Iceland to blow their dole money on pizzas.
Fuck the underclass.
I’ve just seen a clip of that rare thing, a Labour MP calmly saying that the reason people are angry at them, is because MPs are not honouring Brexit.
This was after they returned to Parliament as they ‘urgently’ needed to return.
When the cunt was speaking, the place was fucking empty.
What a fucking surprise!
They’re so full of shit!
There’s no fucking way around it. 52% to 48% that’s what happened……. you can’t fucking deny that. You either have democracy or you don’t. Not interested in cunts telling me i’m thick as shit and all that bollocks. Sick and tired of rich cunts telling poor cunts like me what to do. Fuck you, wankers.
I’m completely pissed listening to the Smiths. I really don’t care anymore.
I work with a massive Smith’s fan. Massive libtard and Remoaner. He even dresses like Morrissey.
He was therefore shocked a few months back when I told the cunt that Morrissey supports Ann Marie Waters’ Britain First Party and is a Brexiteer of epic proportions.
He thought I was kidding. I told him to check on his phone. He did. He went white for a second and then scoffed, “Yeah it’s on the internet so it must be true.”
The cunt’s still in denial. Thick twat.
You’re absolutely correct of course, my bad.
Yep, we are pretty much a bunch of plonkers. Wish time travel was a thing, but it isn’t, due to time paradoxes. Oh, sod it. If there was any way to escape this madness, paradoxes are worth the risk. Plus, no social media!
Poor old Jess Phillips has told Sky News she fears for her life after somebody threatened to melt the donkey-faced cuntwipe down for glue.
Who was that silly bitch in hysterics the other day? They are being called traitors because they are fucking traitors. BTW, Boris came to Princess Alexandra Hospital near me and got a rapturous reception. Harlow – a leave zone. Bet that wasn’t reported on BBC news. No Omar Immo cunt there.
That silly cow was Paula Sherriff (I put a nomination in for her yesterday). Fat-arsed old cunt looks like in earlier days she would have been humping the tea trolley round Fords.
The BBC are so fucking biased they didn’t even bother to announce yesterday that Michael Pennycock, Shadow Brexit minister resigned from Steptoe’s shadow cabinet, so he could whine on in the “Remain” situation – had Boris’s lavatory attendant had resigned Wireless 4 would have gone on about it all day and extended World @ 1 (which they did twce this week)
Good old Harlow, lived and worked there for many years. Shame it’s a proper shithole now. Glad I’ve moved.
As much as I was enjoying my Smiths session. Seeing as I’m a Nazi , I think the left should be sent on a train to a gas chamber.
what ‘gas chambers’?
Flabbot’s toilet qualifies as a gas chamber, especially after 3 family buckets of Hackney’s favourite cuisine.
You racist cunt, I’m triggered
Is she that ugly gobshite who’s constituency voted overwhelmingly to leave the EU in 2016? Another fucking nobody who’s now got a regular slot peddling her remoaner bullshit through the MSM! Not to worry. Once Commie Cuntbyn plucks up the guts to face us in a GE she’ll be bent over, royally fucked by our good friends in Yardley and booted straight off to the dole queue – along with all the other traitorous cunts that infest our parliament!
Gas chamber
She would have made a lovely bride in the bath – if only her soy boy husband had balls and been able to play the harmonium.
And even that wouldn’t stick if it was as useless as her!
Has she come clean on which side of the transbender studies in infants schools fence she’s decided on? Mo’s mob or the alphabet people’s?
Don’t you just love watching the left consume itself! ???
Bit quite on that front with all the Brexit bollocks going on Rebel. The last I heard she was making noises about the far-right exploiting the situation, but I reckon she just hopes it will all quietly go away.
Ooh, I bet that glue would fucking reek.
Gas chamber
Gas chamber!
Jess Phillips reminds me of ‘Life and Loves of a She-Devil’.
Dog rough.
I notice the fucking twat who attacked that Brummie bitch’s office yesterday has already been named. Could it be that’s because he has an obviously English name? If he had been called Mohammed would we have heard of that?
No comment.
I’m a Nazi, gas chamber
Me too! Gas chamber!
The cunts who once administered the law, now make the law.
If you wish to engage in this new style of “democracy”, you can only do so by becoming a lawyer and if you are an old dame or a Lady, you may even be elevated to the Supreme Court. If you are outside the realm of the law, you are a mere pawn and chattel of the State. Whoever said a country gets the government they deserve could never have envisaged the successive ones we’ve had this century. Nobody deserves that. Is it too late to do anything about it?
Who knows? We must, however, attempt in some way to make up for all the years of apathy and sleep walking that have led us up to this point.
A great cunting.
The opposition parties are now moving towards a no confidence vote in the PM and installing Corbyn as temporary PM.
If that isn’t going to far in their machinations I don’t know what is.
The people need to demand a general election and they need to do it visibly and decisively. March on Parliament, participate in national strikes, refuse to pay council tax.
The remain side has been motivated and active since the referendum and it has used everything It can fair or foul to stop the democratic decision of the people being enacted.
Unfortunately those of us on the leave side have tended to believe we fulfilled our democratic requirements by taking the trouble to go and vote and seemingly still believe that the government and parliament will carry out our declared majority wish to leave the EU.
I hate to say this but I fear it’s true, if leave arranged a protest in London a few hundred would turn up. Some doddering old colonel type cunts, some old ladies with dogs and a few England fans come EDL types. That’s what would happen and that’s what the media would make sure the world got to see. If we want this sorted we have to make a stand.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”
So all of us
Spot on
We won…. no need to march but we’ve all got jobs to do etc…. the only ones turning up would be jumped on by Remainstream media as bigots
There’s trouble coming if these cunts don’t carry out our will
When you go on social media when they rant on about fuck all. Gas chamber shuts all of the thick cunts up
Remainer MPs don’t seem to remember that for the huge cunt that Corbyn is, he actually wanted leave initially. Now there’s been a number of stories of what he’d do should he become PM, but I actually think what would happen is the Labour party would implode in a similar way to the conservatives. I don’t think he agrees with half his party. He’s also too stubborn to do anything Swinson says and rightly realises that pissing off the 17.4 million who voted leave will get him no where. If they install him as temporary leader they’ll be a much quicker vote of no confidence that that for Boris.
“Let’s kill all the lawyers” is a line from William Shakespeare’s Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2.
I think Shakespeare must have been mightily pissed off by them even back then BBUC.
If it all goes tits up for Boris and he’s deposed, he’s decided to follow a career in the music industry.
I am reliably informed that his first single will be a re-release of the Clash’s “I Fought the Law” . . . . . . .
Breakin’ rocks in the hot sun
I fought the law and the law won
I fought the law and the law won
I needed money ’cause I had none
I fought the law and the law won
I fought the law and the law won
Stop trying to rationalize the left. We are all Nazi. .. gas chamber all of the fucking cunts.
It’s simple.
Tell the people they’re in charge by proxy of their vote (our only democratic means to effect change) but then ignore them.
It’s called an Ersatz Democracy.
Worse, belittle them with slights on their intelligence, rationale, and name-call them with derogatory slurs.
It’s plain to see that Parliament no longer represents or serves “We, the People”, instead it only serves parliament itself, their elite interest groups and their globalist paymasters.
The cunts who’s arses polish green leather for a living cannot avoid a general election forever. They think that by procrastinating that decision that we will forget about what utter, utter, two-faced and duplicitous cunts they have been, and that they’ll get re-elected by default next time around.
They won’t.
Hopefully Dominic Cummings’ “The People Vs Parliament and The Judiciary” campaign strategy is in full swing. On that standpoint alone they should win comfortably even if there are established party casualties across both sides of the house. Good!
There’s a reason Lab/Con/Lib/SNP MPs are trying to force Boris to sack Cummings: because they fear him! Good!
The next election will be a “Clean the Swamp” election, and good-riddence to these self-serving, shit-weasel, pointless wastrels! And right now, they truly are pointless, working against the people who elected them.
Last time this happened it didn’t end well. Just ask Charles the 1st.
So to the Cunts in Cuntminster, I say this: your time in office is numbered. We will put you out to pasture, and if politics is all you know (like most of you Cunts) then I take great pleasure in advising you to LEARN TO CODE!
No, we are Nazi. Gas chamber. No fucking reasoning
British democracy….the best that money can buy….
No, you are a Nazi racist.
Mods sort out the mods please. Nowt in my comment above I wouldn’t mind telling the Cunts in Cuntminster in person to their faces!
Any cunt who regularly reads my shit on here knows that I don’t trust Boris any further than I can piss with the wind against me. However, he is making all the right noises at the moment, got the Establishment media at his throat so i’m going with the cunt.
Having said that, what the fuck is this Cummings cunt doing? He’s supposed to be the “fixer” the smart arse who won the referendum. Yet here he is giving smartbollocks bragging comments to the media and making himself look like a wannabe sleb fuckwit.
Listen Cummings, you wanker, if you’re so fucking smart shut your fucking mouth and stop giving the enemy the ammunition they will turn against you. Dumb bollocks.
Referendum results
By Votes
17.4 million Leave
16.1 million Remain
By Consitiuency
406 Leave
242 Remain
Constituency By Party
Labour 148 Leave 84 Remain
Tory 247 Leave 80 Remain
By Region
9 Leave 3 Remain
160 Leave 486 Remain
It’s the MPs who are the problem
who said that statistics are meaningless
The last line says it all
Gas, chamber
Pikey Blinder Phillips, full of shit. Previously told snowflake Owen Jones that she would “knife Corbyn in the front, not the back”… John McMao wanted to “lynch the bitch” when talking about Esther McVey….Lammy calls the Tories “Nazis.” The thing that really boils one’s piss is the sheer fucking two-faced hypocrisy of these shitcunts. No-one says a Dickie Bird about threats of violence from the kinder, gentler party of Jezbollah but when Boris says “humbug” or “surrender” then their heads start spinning in rage, faster than Linda Blair in The Exorcist. Fuck them all.
Theyre all upset about the toxic language used in the house? Haha
Try coming on here with Freddy an Jason!
Its ok for them to say nasty shite and label people but cry when get it back!
Well bedwetters if im ever in Batley near where st Jo cox is buried it wasnt me who dug her up an played keepsie uppies with her skull.
Fuck right off.
Didn’t IRA loving cunt John McDonnell call for Maggie Thatcher to be assassinated and Nick Clegg arguing for a second referendum because older leave voters were dying off. They cherry pick what, when and who offends their fragile sensibilities.
Jon Snot has the same argument as smeggy.
I am hoping to read of the former’s demise in an auto-erotic asphyxiation incident involving one of his vile ties, and hopefully Caffy Nooman at the same time.
And the great Labour front bencher (well, she’s always there, licking Steptoe’s arse) Dawn Lardbutt, (don’t know what her fucking job is but i’m sure she’s important ) compared, in front of an adoring crowd of libtards at the Labour Party Conference, leave voters to members of the KKK.
Reported in the MSM ? Fuck off. As far as I know the Klan doesn’t have a branch in the U.K. But the losers like Dawn may well bring it about. You deny democracy and you reap what you sow you cunts.
Ironically Lammy is the Nazi, in the literal sense. He should get together with Jo Swinson (he like white wimmin but not white men) and she could be his Eva Braun. If it goes tits-up, April 30th will be interesting
Pikey Blinder Phillips? I fucking love that Mr Hunt. That’s fucking genius.
My congratulations. ( wish i’d thought of it you cunt)
You’re very welcome, Freddie…
First used my me on yesterday’s Gina Miller thread. All’s good though. Pity she can’t end her days like driving her caravan off Beachy Head.
I acknowledge your copyright, Captain. I first saw it on the Guido Fawkes blog order-order ?
Zyclon a b or c?
All 3 please ….gas chamber.
You’re being a right pair of Zyklôn B Zombie cunts.
Hehe! Mongos fuckin bladdered when hes done this!
Listening to ‘the queen is dead’ and pissed up!?
Or closet LibDems……
I saw a comment on the BBC HYS of all places that summed it up perfectly, it was something like they spent a day shouting at Johnson then a day crying because he shouted back. And how the fuck is proroguing Parliament illegal when a Coup d’état isn’t?
parliamentarians without question are the problem there are just far to many of them just acting like rats in a sack. The size of the constituencies should be enlarged in order to max out at 250 MP’s (cunts) and lessen the over representation of the london and Scottish boroughs but how would that happen through parliamentary approval I think not, so I fear were in the shit swamp long term, get some comfort in that long term that we will be predominantly populated by umbongos and his euro trash brethren so they can fester in the chaos, it is a sad thought though
Mate, we are bored with rationalizing. They have shown there cards of absolutely no respect for the general public. So gas chamber or just shot and dumped in a pit?
Gas chamber.
Now that fat grotesquely ugly smelly bastard Paula Sheriff is on the news moaning that she’s had “death threats” and, laughably, “rape threats”. Come on, Moby, who you trying to kid? She then yelps that these threats are made “in the name of the Prime Minister.”
Oh do fuck off and take responsibility for your own words and actions, you fucking elephantine cunt.
No right-minded man would poke that salad dodging munter with a shitty stick.
Beermack, you needn’t be so rude or so thoughtless. Those kind of evil comparisons are unforgiveable and part of an increasing poisonous atmosphere with horribly toxic language.
Poor old Moby deserves better.
Captain – please address the honourable gentleman by his actual title – Beemack not Beermat.
Whether this was a Freudian slip or you’ve had a few jars, this was rather disrespectful ( he says with a Barry Sherman face contorted with rage )
It says Beermack. It seems YOU might’ve been sniffing the barmaid’s apron. Come on Berthold, get a hold; put some tonic in with the gin.
Oh I’ve been called worse, Bertie. And I will surely be called A LOT worse if Paula Sheriff looks in and sees my post. I quite like “Beermat” but now I’m in the mood for a lager or 12…??cheers everyone!!
But it’s Beemack Captain not Beermack! I was just taking it one step further! Your good heath Beemack.
I’ll drink to that!
Cheers Bertie. I’ve arranged for us all here at ISAC a big night out at Aphrodites Lap Dancing emporium, featuring specially arranged (for us) dances from Diane Abbott, Jess Phillips, Anna Soubry, Emily Thornbury, Dawn Butler, Jo Swinson and, as a special treat, an exclusive sexy dance from the up and coming Paula Sheriff. How great a night is that gonna be???!!!
That sounds great Bee but couldn’t you get Priti Patel, Esther McVey and Caroline Flint as substitutes?
Yes, they’ll be there too…in the private quarters with yours truly!!! Wahwahweewah! When they’re done I’ll give them a wipe and send them out.
Sloppy seconds…..I can handle that
Most of the opposition female MPs are vulgar, hysterical, ill educated, badly dressed swampish thugs with tits.
Beemacks request for exotic dancing is answered. Here is one of the Labour wimmin entertaining an invited and delighted audience at the Jeremy Corbyn End of the Pier Show at Brighton last week:
Brilliant, W.C.!! Thank you ???
It was close but it was clear. It wasn’t won by a few hundred votes or a few thousand but over a million.
It was the Establishment, the complacent, the unpatriotic whiners, the newly-arrived Eurotrash, the hippies, the craven, the cowards, the credulous, the Dooshka-Dooshkas, the Green kumbayaas, and of course the fucking EU -v- The People.and the People won.
Loving John, massive hypocrite, Major mouthing off on the side of the fascists. Keep it up John, you fucking wanker.
Johns worried he wont be able to buy petite pois anymore and have to settle for british peas.
Well you grey faced speccy fuck if get my way youll never get to buy anything from france,Belgium, ever again!
Only British!!
Fuck that. I’d make sure the cunt could only buy foreign, but he’d have to move abroad to do so. Good riddance to cunt rubbish.
Moggie, you’ve become a right pussy lately.
The Pope is on his holy high horse again, this time lecturing tech companies about AI. He’s worried that using ai, companies could broadcast false data and opinions that could manipulate millions of people. False data and opinions? That’s the bible surely. And using it to manipulate millions of people? They are two thousand years ahead on that count, the greasy fiddy kiddling cunts.
And let’s not have a go at the Papists without slagging off all 118 (what?) Bishops and Archbishops of the C of E who have complained about the inflammatory language used in Parliament. Shut up cunts. Nobody gives a two bob fuck what you think wankers. Just stick to talking mumbo jumbo to idiots and fiddling with choirboys. Arseholes.
Indeed. There’s a good reason why church and state should be separate. Too many cunts.
Catholics love a bit of AI choirboys.
You should have seen the Bishop of London, Rt. Rev. Sarah Doolally…
Is it a bird (I think not) ? Is it an ET ? It looks like the one out of Corrie. GINORMOUS hair (MUST be a syrup), Harry Worth specs, a snout (can’t call it a nose)… Reminds me why I gave up on skypilots decades ago.
The biggest problem has been the advent of a professional political class who think they’re above the rest of us and so democracy is outdated – they should just get to decide what happens without asking the ‘peasants’. I first came across this a few years ago when Peter Mandelson used the odd phrase when talking about the EU, the ‘post-democratic society’. This has been planned for decades and is, in reality, a coup against democracy and our human rights.
That guy who banged on Jess Philips constituency office windows?
Id like yo buy him a drink.
Things like that shit them up, not used to the placid thick working class saying no! Or challenging them!
More of this please!
And while i dont condone violence,… oh wait I do!???
This is the best thread ever. So much fucking anger here. No racism, no “islamophobia”, no sexism, no homophobia, no transphobia, no “climate change denial”……..just pure fucking hatred of the cunts who we all know are fucking us.
Great stuff.
Hear, hear Freddie.
Yep! Viva Hate!!
Cheers everyone! Good health to all,
And ill will and bad fortune to our enemies!!
Need people on youtube burning the EU flag and make sure it reaches msm
And those pissflaps in the house of commons and european news media.
Show yer Hate!!
? ????????????????
the term ”peoples” voice, democracy, wishes or whatever else you wish to prefix with it , does not include normal people only those people (cunts) who hold some minority interest, viewpoint, perversion or perceived persecution basically, those who think the rest of us should cater to their opinions alone, the establishment is only interested in molly coddling these cunts and their views to the detriment of the general public in short we have the minority groups dictating to us, as theirs is the only voice amplified by the media it is a sham democracy to paraphrase old steptoe democracy for the few not the many
This is a zombie parliament and I’m shit scared they’re coming for me.
The Phillips bitch is a fucking two faced cunt, when one of the Tory backbenchers wanted to have ‘men’s day’ to highlight the fact that biggest killer of young men in the UK is suicide, she sneered at the suggestion but is all for women’s day.
If a man had sneered at the call for a women’s day there would be ‘outrage’.
I sometimes watch the PMQ’s and many of the women on the labour benches are a fucking disgrace, all the male MPs across the house look smart, all the Tory women look smart but some of the labour fuckers look like they have been dressed in the clothing that Oxfam rejects, scruffy cunts!
Apart from Compo of course Sick, the scruffy cunt looks like he’s been kipping in a underpass. The Labour shit cunts are a disgrace, especially those whinging preachy ‘Earth Mother’ types who insist on using their smelly, noisy brats as political props by bringing them to Westminster to make a cheap point about working mothers. Hire a fucking nanny, we will pay for the fucker anyway.
The law is for the guidance of the wise and the obedience of fools.
We are a law abiding people on the whole and the Parliamentary collective of dishonourable cunts know this well. They are now openly twisting the law like razor wire around democracy, we treasure our democracy and we obey the law.
Will we be forced to choose one or the other? Surely law without mandate and consensus is oppression?
Citizen of the Vichy state of the EU Occupied Uk.
Well said sir. It’s the old question……how many times can you kick a dog before he turns around and rips your fucking throat out?
I don’t know the answer but if I were a rich cunt i’d settle for what i’ve got and not try and push it. But then, i’m not a rich cunt so I don’t know what i’m talking about.
“I want to know who’s the person that gave the whistle-blower the information because that’s close to a spy. You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? With spies and treason, right? We used to handle them a little differently than we do now.”
They pissed their pants because Boris called it the “Surrender Bill”
They would of projectile shat themselves hearing the Don.
Fuck the Remainer cunts and the BBC to hell…
May they fry for eternity in a vat of Banana Gob’s fanny batter…
If the House of Commons had been 75% Leave… and the House of Lords had been 85% Leave… and the Civil Service had been 95% Leave… Instead of being Remain…
Then Brexit would have been essentially done and dusted within 6 months.
As it is, ‘twas always going to be thus.
You know what’s going to happen next ? Lib Un democratics and Labour loose then they decide the election was not fair. Another election till the cunts get the result they want .
The next election will be rigged by Trump and Putin, everyone knows that. No point in having it. Just let Catweazle, Mrs Swindler and Wee Jimmy take over.
Just be happy and stop hating you cunts.
An actual free society does not need codes, rights,”supreme” courts because in a free society a cunt is a cunt. Everyone knows who is a cunt. And a cunt can call out a cunt..without that it’s Townton.
Supreme Court.
We’ll have a President and parties on 4th July next.
Dozed off in front of the TV and woke up to see the start of that fucking poof cunt Graham Norton’s shite programme.
As expected, he started with some of his usual tiresome Trump and Boris bashing, and has added some praise for Greta Cuntberg. His dickhead audience predictably whooped and clapped at the very mention of window licker Greta’s name, and his guests are Helen Mirren (dried-up overrated old cunt), Jack Whitehall (unfunny poof cunt), and Ru Paul (stupid faggotty poofy tranny Um Bongo cunt). Thought fuck this, so switched channels and something on ch 4 called “The Circle”, a load of shite starring annoying irritating cunt Emma Willis and featuring talentless useless cunty poofy faggotty tranny ubercunt Courteney Act, and useless fat sweaty talentless beached whale geordie cunt Scarlett Morefat.
TV made by cunts, for cunts.
And they want us to buy a license to watch this insufferable libmong dogshite? Fuck off.
At least MMA is on channel 5. My TV and living room window are both safe. For now.
JOHN BERCOW has been found dead electrocuted police said he died trying to rewire a plug, the cunt had no concept what neutral was.
You cunt George you had me going there for a moment. More fool me because everyone knows that Bercow has flunkeys to re-wire a plug, flush his toilet, fuck his wife etc etc.
Pikeys, not flunkeys, shurely ?
I like it George! Worth a repeat at Peak time.
Wind-up artist !!
I REALLY hoped that was true; an accident would be ideal…
Paris, tunnel, in-flight carbon monoxide cylinder rupturing…
Sorry gentlemen, i’m a right cunt for getting your hopes up on the short arsed little cunts non demise