The Rise of the Far Right

The so called ‘Rise of the Far Right’

Get fucking fucked.

According to Gov.UK and widely covered by Al-Beeb et al, recently there was a ‘36% increase in the number of referrals to the Prevent program related to right-wing extremism in 17/18, whilst referrals related to Issssslaamist extremism decreased by 14%’.

And there you have it. Far-right extremism is most definitely on the rise.

Aren’t statistics a wonderful tool, used by tools, to ‘hammer’ home what tools they are?

Referrals for Issssslaaamist extremism fell in 17/18 from 3704 to 3197 whist referrals in the same period from the ‘Far Right’ increased from 968 to 1312.’

The report also goes on to state that the threats from the ‘Far Right’ are harder to detect as they tend to come from lone operators and as such aren’t as sophisticated as threats from Mussies.

Now I may well be a bigoted cunt, but I’m starting to think maybe, just maybe, these lone threats/attacks may just be the result of lone individuals who just had enough?

And maybe, just maybe, the reason that the referrals that relate to Issslaaamist extremism are 300% greater than the ‘Far right’ are more organised and involved, I don’t know, maybe 300% more people?

It’s just a thought. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

Apparently, 57% of all referrals come from the Education sector.

Yesterday, (17/8) news broke about a young lass who had been disqualified from her GCSE RE paper for making ‘obscene racial comments’. Her crime? She’s a vegetarian and she commented in her paper that she found the idea of halal meat absolutely disgusting’.

When in the name of the fucking Hair Bear bunch did objecting to eating animals, especially those that have their throats slit and bleed to death, become ‘racially offensive’?

I’ll tell you when… it’s when 57% of referrals to prevent come from the ‘education sector’.

Jesus, we really do need to press the reset button, sharpish.

Nominated by CuntyMcCuntface

86 thoughts on “The Rise of the Far Right

  1. I wish to complain about all the despicable far right murderers, terrorists, rapists, and groominng gangs that infest the UK now… And … What? They’re not far right but peaceful migrant types? Well, that’s kiboshed, because if I complain about ‘them’ then it’s ‘racist’….

  2. To be honest, I find the political opinions of the vast majority of teachers highly offensive. The education sector is full of left wing extremists out to poison the minds of our children…

    • Nail on the head Dio. The probable route of left wing propaganda straight into the minds of the next generation. We don’t stand a chance.

    • Been that way since the early 1970s when I was in higher education. Snowballed in the 2000s – right of centre teachers are treated like lepers by their peers nowadays.

      • As a Learning Support Worker in a college I had to sit in on a ‘Greek Civilisation’ A-level class. I thought I might learn something for I have ‘little Latin and less Greek’. All about bumming slaves. How the male citizenry used male slaves for sex. I thought I would learn about Homer or Plato or maybe some Aristotle. No bumming slaves it was.

      • Not quite right with the dates there old man. This is when I started teaching and things were fine then. I’d place it more in the 80’s.
        Mind you, as you’ve pointed out before, perhaps it’s you and I that have changed and we no longer see the picture through the idealism of youth
        Long gone are the days when I used to dance to and bang out the words of ‘I’m a Union Man’ by the Strawbs.
        Or maybe that’s simply because my back is too knackered!
        Good Morning Ruffy.

      • Afternoon Blunty.

        I bow to your greater experience, maybe the college I attended was of a particularly lefty bent. Agree certainly since the ’80s. Either way it’s been happening for decades.

        One of my neighbours is a teacher and he wouldn’t dream of voicing his moderately conservative opinions in the teacher’s common room or whatever they call it these days.

      • Yeh, I vowed that I’d do everything in my power to discourage my own kids from going into teaching and fortunately they ended up in ‘proper’ jobs!

    • I teach, proper old school style. There is NOTHING liberal leftie shite about what I say or will accept. Most of the children are at first shocked and then relieved that there is another way.

  3. Anyone who disagrees with anything transbenderistic, “diverse”, climate fear or feminazi – as spoon-fed to us by the lamestream media – is a “far right” hate crime.

    They’ve still not explained though who’s winning between the education Stasi giving prepubescents lessons on turkey-baster kids and their hallowed “peaceful” crew??

    Who is winning that one BBC/Sky/CH4?

    Oh that’s right, you just ignore minor inconsistencies like that don’t you!


    • Too true Rebel and it seems you can’t even say I really don’t care about your sexuality or whatever you have to actively embrace it or your a Nazi by association. Society like Democracy is on its knees and we must help it back to its feet or be crushed under the jackboots for all time.

  4. I worked as a teacher for 36 years and witnessed the rise of the SJW teacher. They knew something about their their subject but were generally as thick as pig shit in most other matters. However, they had all the answers a la OJ. A particularly loathsome pair encouraged the kids to join Amnesty International and avoid white flour, sugar and salt. They were disliked by the students and eventually fucked off to Brighton MK 2, Bristol.

  5. Silly girl. Has she never heard of intersectionality? Doesn’t she know that peacefulness far outranks vegetarianism in the libtard heirarchy of victimhood?
    Her RE teacher should be sacked on the spot. What the fuck are they teaching them in schools these days? Fucking kids having opinions of their own. Whatever next?

    • By todays definition of far right, everyone on ISAC is far right.
      And while i welcome this inclusivity,
      Feels a bit hollow without the frenzied rallies, night time torchlit marches,
      And immigrants shops getting bricked.
      Was a simpler more innocent time back then, and everyone looked really smart in a blackshirt

      • Is it too late to throw a burning cross on David Lammy’s lawn?. He probably has a friend who has had that done to him.

      • Maybe one or two wine glasses were smashed the night of the Jones attack? A few shards on the floor.. Our ‘Kristallnacht’.

      • AS history is rewritten, Lammy will surely have lost a friend on the Titanic…and it wasn’t Captain Smith in charge on that fateful night, but Suckdick’s father…

        Had a shock earlier, saw a photo of the garlic-sniffing, cheese-nibbling surrender-monkey Macron, and realised that his eyes and set thereof are interchangeable with that other political and intellectual dwarf, Tusk.
        A truly horrible thought…invasion of the play-doh politician dolls. Macron, Tusk, and probably Jon Bon Jerkow. And that’s just the “Napoleon-complexed, short-arse” range. Soon to be modified to include second ripped arseholes, and possibly realistic 3rd degree burns or strangulation marks.
        An Owen Jones torso is available for those that like that sort of thing, and “fuller-figures”, black AND white, are available; p&p is considerably more expensive.

  6. According to the unprejudiced, fair, unbiased, as-impartial-as-John Bercuwnt….I’m a bit far right. I’d better give that box load of Nazi costumes to the British Heart Foundation shop.

  7. c.f. all the bollocks talked about Boris and his “suspension of democracy”, “acting like a dictator” etc. etc.. I’m surprised I haven’t heard him called a Nazi yet.

    But, back to the cunting. Yes, “far right” – i.e. anyone who dares call out the peacefuls for the cunts they are, and doesn’t want their country over-run by immigrants. Orban is saying just this in Hungary – at least they will have a chance to preserve themselves. The statistics are only the government trying to tell the plebs that there is a balance, and that it is not all peacefuls that are terrorists. When they find a “far-right” individual blowing up kids at a pop concert, or a gang of them raping Asian girls, then maybe I’ll listen. Until then, I know it’s all shite.

    • I believe he had already been called a Nazi and compared to Hitler by swivel eyed loon Remainers. Ridiculous and an insult to the victims of Nazism.

      • Anything to the right of Marxism is now Nazism, at least according to the left. Anybody with any common sense knows that it’s the centre, that most reasonable people inhabit.

      • Actually and for what it’s worth…

        National SOZIALISTISCHE Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

        And an excellent and perrenial cunting BTW

    • The problem with all this ‘far right’ naming is that it is not consistent. Nobody calls Steptoe, McDoughnut, Owen ‘Street Fighting Man’ Jones, etc ‘far left’ do they? Being a bit of a simple working class lad, I’ve always held socialist views but as I voted for Brexit (not BRINO) I suppose I’m a far right, xenophobic, racist, thick, facist cunt now who can deserves to die of a virulent dose of flu as I’m not allowed to be inoculated.

  8. What we are seeing is the marginalisation and stigmatisation of fairly mainstream and popular views as “ far right extremism”. The usual suspects are behind it – the Labia Party, the Beelzebub Broadcating Corporation, Universities, left wing media, and Libtards. It’s gone far enough and is the cause of a dramatic realignment in politics.

  9. There’s something a bit deeper going on. Me, I have some views which are considered Right, and possibly far-right, by the Left. On immigration, for instance. I have some views which are certainly far-ish Left by the Right’s standards. I think capitalism sucks, for one.

    If you make your own mind up, issue by issue, this isn’t acknowledged – by either Right or Left. And there is considerable pressure to align with one side or the other – to forget capitalism sucks in order not to be pissed on by the Right, or to cheer the boats as they come ashore at Dover in order not to be called a fascist by the Left. The party system amplifies this pressure, of course, and I think that’s how we’ve ended up where we are.

    Where I work (HE) I know there are plenty of robust views around which are expressed only in private to like minds, because the institutional culture forbids their free expression…and this really got going with Blair, who is about as leftwing as John Bolton, and who introduced lots of legislation to make having wrong opinions illegal.

    A bit of an unstructured ramble, this, sorry. Just groping for some sense…

    • Well im duty bound to report you for groping, and as for rambling?
      Fiddler catches you doing it youll get barrell of lead shot up your arse!

  10. I have known quite a few far right extremists, though we differed on a number of things we got on reasonably well, I would note that hygiene is high on the agenda, I have yet to meet a nazi with BO.
    I would also say that there are no Nazi’s on this forum despite a lot of misconceptions.
    I personally disagree with the idea that Gypsies are an Aryan race and think that the third riech missed a trick there and concentrated on the wrong people, so on that statement alone I reveal myself not to be a Nazi nor a member of the far right but perhaps left of centre right, and that makes me a good guy!

  11. It’s another form of Governmental control over the Proles. Keep them all in place, don’t upset the apple cart. Promote the right thinking average Brit as a right wing racist and there you have it. People like me no longer have a voice. The country is fucked mate. Democracy and free speech are history. Christianity is on the wane, not that I’m a religious person at all but at least they don’t cut peoples heads off, acid attack them or form groups of marauding rapists. I’m glad I’m getting on and don’t have to witness the death of the UK, which will happen.

    • The communities now denied a voice by being branded as “ extremists” are traditional Conservatives and working class communities who have always been socially conservative ( small “c”). Coincidentally the communities that are the most supportive of leave and who were fucked over by Remainer Liberals in Parliament yesterday.

      I hope there is a payback and I hope Boris gets that majority at the next election.

  12. The thing that pisses me off about this “far right” labelling – and that’s all it is, labelling – is that when I did one of those “see where you are on the political bullseye” tests, where left and right were political positionings and up and down were social positionings, I was smack bang in the middle of that target back in 2012.

    It was the usual questions on NHS, abortion, welfare, immigration, parliament, EU, war, etc.

    Now I know that my views on those questions have barely altered, in fact on some items I’m probably more “progressive” now than I was back then, but when I did the same test, with the same bullshit questions with a jazzier interface in 2017, low-and-behold I was now deemed to be a far right nationalist!?!

    Opinions haven’t changed, the cunts with the agenda have simply moved the target!


    • Are the ‘find your position’ sites using any identifiable source for their ‘measurement’? My suspicion is that they are as subject to bias and propagandists as anything else on t’web. So I tried one, admittedly skipping through it a bit, but looking at the options offered instead of simple yes/no answers.

      The results give your computed party affiliation. For me –

      UKIP (presumably they haven’t heard of TBP) 81%
      Labour 73%
      Con and LibDem, tied with 68%
      Green 63%

      Which accurately reflects my earlier post’s problem.

    • I did something similar a few weeks ago which was a shitload of questions which determined which political party you identified with. Surprise, surprise I was UKIP. I think this was designed before the Brexit Party et al were formed. Decent questionnaire though, pretty comprehensive.

  13. Far right vegetarians, what bastards…

    That girl should be taken out and shot, how dare she criticise the religion of peace!

    I love the media, rise of the far right, what do they expect when we see Asian grooming gangs being allowed to get away with their trade for years because the police and other organisations were affraid to get involved because they would be seen as racist!
    If you were a parent of a child or family memebr of a girl who had been groomed it would be hard not have far right views.

    If the authorities clamped down on these camel shagging cunts and controlled who came into the country there wouldn’t be a far right.

  14. Having your views and opinions ridiculed and labelled as this, that or the other is one thing but having them criminalised is a different kettle of fish.
    Hate crime anyone?

  15. I’d say any increase in far right values is down to the proliferation of loony left Marxist bastards that have sprung up all over the place.
    Ain’t karma a bitch.
    The lines for being extreme right wing have been moved too far to the left. Anyone who doesn’t agree with the likes of Owen Jones is a card carrying Nazi.
    So just label me thus, I don’t give a fuck.

  16. According to the pinko woolly minded politically correct cock lickers I am a far right homophobic racist misogynist gender phobic student hating vegan loathing xenophobic Empire loving war mongering charity hating little Englander. Oh well cant all be a perfect example of a modern human, lefties cunts to a man or whatever the twats are identifying as this week.

  17. This old chestnut again. The rise of the “far-right”. It’s another example of the “Liberal” Left’s arrogance and self-righteousness in refusing to admit they’ve got it wrong. As far as they’re concerned their way is the only way. They started their war against Western Society in the 60s and by 1997 had taken over everything from politics and the law to the media and education before opening the doors to mass immigration. Most ordinary people were against it but they were shouted down as ‘racists’, so the doors were left wide open for thousands of Third World savages, who’d stab each other for a packet of fags, to come in unchecked. Now, thanks to political correctness, an invisible police force, and a pathetic justice system, these scumbags have been running riot in all our towns and cities for far too long because they know they’ve been literally allowed to do whatever they want and get away with it. The “far-right”, according to these wankers, are the millions of ordinary people who have had enough because it hasn’t benefitted them at all and, as the saying goes, when the going gets tough, the tough take the law into their own hands….

    • “Sign up to Labourlists – or we’ll torture your puppies”

      Terminal CuNtS and fruitcakes.

  18. Nicely said Civvydog… own it… revel in it… but NEVER apologise for it. I joined the BNP back in 2000 when the first inklings of the mussssleem grooming gangs operating in the northern towns began to emerge. Mothers were being totally ignored by the pee-cee’d police and social wankers and in desperation were telling their stories to the party reps in Oldham, Keightly et al who took up the cases and weren’t afraid to address the elephant shitting all over the drawing room carpet!
    I have given my two lads a healthy skepticism towards the propaganda they recieve at the hands of their Frankfurt schooled ‘educators’ and they’re at an age now where the donkey work has been done and they’re now well immunised against this state sponsored political correction and can recognise it for what it is. It must be resited at every turn.
    As an example; the cunts sent a letter stating they’d arranged a visit to a fucking mosque for their class! T’ fucking bollocks, not on my watch!! Wrote to the head refusing permission and adding that the only time my lads are ever likely to enter a mosque it will probably be in full battle dress! All good fun (and I would love to have been a fly on the staff room wall that morning) but what was revealing and simultaneously depressing was that I was the ONLY parent to stand up and say “No, I will not allow you to indoctrinate my children… you utter cunts!” every other parent caved in to the peer (if one could consider them intellectual or moral ‘peers’) pressure.

    Not without consequences though and I’ve had several run ins recently with our two lads’ schools and the city’s Childrens’ ‘Services’ following my Wife’s collapse. Overnight I became effectively a single Dad to two young boys and therefore a de facto mysoginist monster, an unfit parent, an extremist and fair game to the rabble of viscious proto-Maoist bitches (male AND female) that infest both entities. Once they learned of my full political and ideological affiliations they really started turning the screws (and I feel a full irrevocable cunting is on its way for Social W**kers) particulalry when I told them not to send another single (and universally fucking useless) ethnic SW to our door because they won’t be getting across the threshold! Fucking genuinely freaked ’em out! They’d never EVER met anyone who’d EVER dared give them such instruction. I’m sure we’ll have been passed on to Prevent’s watch list and I relish the day one of their ‘engagement’ team rock up ’cause I’ve yet to meet one SJW/teacher/puclic sector wonk who can offer a coherent answer to my opening question “Tell me; why I should (and now MUST) celebrate diversity?”
    In their closed professional circles they’ve never had to do it and they’re completely lost for an opening line much less a cogent set of arguments so simply reel off a string of glossary of buzz-words and come to a crashing halt within 30 seconds for want of a verb, funny as fuck every time, try it.

    I feel no moral imperative whatsoever to give even lip service to their treacherous shite but as I explain to these cunts I have an ABSOLUTE AND OVERRIDING moral imperative (not to mention the right) to instruct and forewarn my own children of the future realities they are likely to have to face in the coming decades.
    We sit here in the ruins of culture watching it being usurped by a culture of ruin and I don’t give an inch to these cunts now, not one inch… simply because there isn’t an inch of ground left to give!

    • Well called !
      Frankfurt School and Coudenhove-kalergi need to be called out and cunted massively, anf far more frequently, as they are reaaly the main agenda.

      A T-N D on Frankfurt and Brussels might go some way to sorting things out…

    • Nicely stated Cunty Chops. You really put across the frustration and helplessness of it all.
      I don’t recall reading such a powerful statement on this site as yours. You bare your soul and I’m sure there are plenty of others like myself who have great empathy and admiration for you.

      • Afternoon Miserable. You still haven’t said whether you’re taking up the challenge from Oafman –
        See the Road Rage Drivers nom.

      • Long as its a winner takes all purse Bertie, im more a poetry type nowadays, but if decent money im more than happy to help ‘big oaf’ lose weight by knocking his head into the 3rd row.
        Bully wasnt he Bertie?
        Orrible twat.

  19. I did chemistry at college and was obliged to also take ‘social studies’ or some such. The lecturer sneered openly at anyone giving a tory viewpoint, although admittedly not many, this was S Wales. These academics haven’t changed in the intervening years.
    I voted labour right up to the 90s. My politics haven’t changed but I now find myself ‘far right’ due to my mainstream opinions on Islam, Corbyn, immigration control and so on. I am actually pro EU labour force as they are of great benefit to my region.
    The far right as we understood them – the morons of the BNP, NF and EDL have actually decreased while murderous savages in our midst have increased.
    Reset indeed.

  20. This shit really steams my tits.

    Nowt wrong with having extreme left views of course, because they are all fighting for the little people, against anything ‘phobic’, all creeds and colours are ok by them and they could not possibly be anything but acceptable, accepting and nice.

    What utter shite. They sure do lose their niceness when they have a bee in their bonnet, get to protesting and start getting violent, don’t they?

    The question needs to be asked exactly WHY this supposed rise of the Far right is occurring, but nobody delves into that….they just throw out comparisons to fucking Nazism. Ordinary people whose views lean towards the right and are not even REMOTELY Far Right are just slapped down as racist, homophobic, Xenophobic and every other slur under the sun instead of being actually listened to……but then that seems to be the way things go these days, unless you are a lefty whiner who EVERYONE listens to, you are null and void.

    I would hasten a wild guess that most people with right-leaning views are just sick of their country being used as a rubbish bin for every criminal, deviant and extremist fucker from all four corners of the world to be chucked into, tired of their needs and rights being usurped to placate anyone who may become ‘offended’, sick of their taxes being lavished on wasters and moochers who have yet to contribute a fucking penny yet knock out child after child while they are supposedly ‘hard up’ or else have been nursing a bad back since they threw off their school uniform, have had enough of waiting an eternity for a GP appointment while seeing fuckers step off of the plane at Heathrow and get treated in a hot minute…..and all on their dime….and the list goes on.

    These are not Far right individuals. These are normal people who have reached the end of their tether and have been pushed to a state of exasperation, so their views may have (quite feasibly) shifted due to all of the above.

    The REAL concern in the world are the Left, IMHO. They are destroying everything held dear and relishing in it. This is far more insidious, at least in my book.

      • Is it really though Moggie?
        ‘Fury’ would spill out on to the streets.
        The powers that be know that they can rely on the temperate nature of the British people.

      • I’m fucking furious, but I’m also aware that I can do nothing on my own except go to prison with the people that don’t pay their TV licences. No chance of bumping into some murdering or raping mudslime since they appear to be immune from the laws in this country.

      • Yes, actually you are right, moggie.

        I think people simmer with fury in the UK. Not quite at the point of rioting, but just boiling under the surface.

        I agree with BBU too. The establishment know that they can get away with a lot with the British people and they take advantage of that…..fuckers.

  21. And yet not a peep about Islam from these cunts – a religion and ideology that actually IS far right.. Not to mention that calling everyone who isn’t ‘liberal’ far right means less people taking the term seriously and more genuinely far right people slipping through the net.

  22. We’ve had enough.
    “You MUST NOT call jihadis and grooming gang members nasty names”.
    ” You MUST be accepting and tolerant of their violent,cruel,backward cult”.
    “You MUST accept blokes in drag who say they are actually “women”,no matter how ridiculous these freaks look and behave”
    “You CANNOT make a defamatory remark about the Um Bongo drinker who’s just burgled your house and stabbed you in the head”.
    ” You MUST NEVER say anything nasty about the annoying screaming rainbow glitter-covered poofs who stand up and shout about their deviances in a restaurant as you and your family are having lunch”
    “You can NEVER call wimmin stupid,even the dizzy bint in the office who’s stupidity has probably lost you your job cos she finds it difficult to think,and last nights TOWIE is still playing in her head and she has an all-consuming dilemma about what colour nail varnish to buy”.

    Fuck off, the lot of you.
    Rise of the far right? Bring it on!!

  23. If any poor widdle blue-haired fat autists get offended, i quote the science fiction author Jerry Pournelle; ‘my political stance on most things is to the right of Genghis Khan’.
    Not sure those people know who either is, but it leaves them muttering and blinking while I go somewhere more interesting.

  24. At a tangent, but…

    Telegraph says “We’re edging closer to punishment for rape being abolished in Britain.”

    My take is this: like drugs, it’s easier to sweep the problem under the carpet (or the “crapet”, there must be so much shite buried underneath…) then quietly “decriminalise.”
    This will naturally suit a certain sector of global politicians very nicely, thank you.
    Rapes in Cologne committed by the you-know-whos…, those people must never be “offended.”
    Rapes in Rotherham et al. Same position. “Can’t possibly upset the wonderful peacefuls, so let’s decriminalise rape.” Problem sorted…

  25. My short and sweet answer to these cunts is…

    “Hey! I might be ‘far’ right, but you know I’m not far wrong! …y’cunt!”

    Feel free to use it liberally… or indeed illiberally 8-}

  26. The doctor in the picture looks like the KFC guy.
    “I prescribe lots of bed rest… oh and a family size chicken bucket with chips, gravy, and big pepsi.”

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