Dominic Grieve MP (8)


An emergency, double-strength “in my judgement” cunting please for this little old motherfucker whose voice sounds more and more like an outraged old virgin who has just been threatened with the biggest dick in the world up her arse:

Yes, the alleged Tory would rather have Citizen Smith Corbyn in No. 10 then a No-deal Brexit, but even then the pusillanimous old cunt doesn’t tell the truth – it is not a “deal” he is after, it is no-fucking Brexit.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

36 thoughts on “Dominic Grieve MP (8)

  1. A cunt of cosmic proportions and a whining arrogant treasonous French spy.

    Fuck off.

  2. we hope the constituents do the right thing at the next election and get rid of these cunts. Especially that super-annuated cunt Ken Clarke (he should have been put down years ago).

    • 2019 election :- EVERYONE should vote for ANYONE who is NOT the incumbent MP….
      It doesn’t matter what party you vote for, as long as it isn’t the current Member of Parliament.
      The way you shake these traitors up, is by giving ALL of them, their P45.
      Send them the only message they will understand.

  3. I was always told never judge a book by it’s cover, but Grieve oozes cunt, with that half crooked smile that’s always plastered across his face.

    I can’t believe the cunt is still an MP.

  4. Industrial strength cunt who thinks he knows what is best for the rest of us. He doesn’t give a fuck for us plebs and now, after last nights treachery, he doesn’t give a fuck about anybody but himself. He won’t be there come the next election thank fuck.
    Why can’t his constituents file a recall petition and get rid of the cunt now.

    • Fuck that. If you were to have a poll, I bet 70% of Remainers are gay or are gay sympathisers.

      • Some of the biggest remainer mouths are on the bodies of fruity gentlemen and lesbian ladies. Off the top of my head

        Lord Adonis
        Lord Mandelson
        Nick Boles
        Russell Lloyd-Moyle
        Peter Kyle
        Ben Bradshaw (ex BBC)
        Wes Streeting
        Justine Greening
        Leo Varadker
        Eddie “Lady” Izzard

        and of course several old wimmin of both gender, and that doesn’t include the numerous “entertainers” (I know Izzard is supposed to be but I uspect he only entertain himself)

      • Maybe Leaver gays keep a lower profile. A few off the top of my head:

        Nigel Evans
        Crispin Blunt
        Daniel Kawczynski
        Michael Fabricant
        David Coburn (Brexit Party MEP)
        Peter Whittle (UKIP London Assembly member)

        Can’t think of any Liebour pro Brexit gays…

      • Two more gay Leaver mouths:

        Douglas Murray (author, journalist and political commentator)
        David Starkey (constitutional historian and radio /TV presenter)

      • Talking of turbanned motor mouth twats Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi MP (Labour) got a cheap round of applause at PMQs by *demanding* Boris apologise for referring to peaceful ladies as *letter boxes* – he has let his gorge rise for a bloody long time hasn’t he?

      • I don’t know what that fucking charwallah’s getting so uppity about, I thought the Sikhs hated the mud slimes. Anyway, anything to have a dig at BoJo, eh?

    • ….and he has a large home in France that he can fuck off too if Steptoe goes too far or he can’t control McDonnell and Fatarse Thornberry. I am sure Dommie would say *let them eat cake*

      • They all have 2 houses, tory or Labour all fuckin pirates,
        Ol mcdonnell that marxist leader of the common man, big plush gaff down in surrey!
        Well hope its better decorated than his other house because that looks like a fuckin old peoples home!
        Hope it stinks of stale piss like one too.

  5. I refuse to be labelled a pleb by anyone cos it gives the impression that the grieve and his ilk are better than me the cheeky twats, I would have the balls to admit what I was up to and not disguise it in bullshit and lies , smarmy little shitehawk that he is, arrogance of the first water a 100% gold plated cunt

  6. Grieve certainly is a cunt beyond all Earthly salvation but this morning my venom is reserved solely for that emaciated hand-wringing, fucking bed-wetting, stuffed shirt AIDS ‘victim’ Rory (bastard cunt) Stewart, erstwhile MP for Penrith & the Border. After his performance on News24 this morning I just know that this is a face I’d never tire of punching. I’d punch it till my wrist snapped and then go southpaw to finish the job.

    p.s. As an aside I have a cunty technical question – Is it possible for someone to be UN-cunted once the axe has fallen? Is there any historical record of such a redemption ever occurring in those dusty ISAC scrolls locked away in the cellars of Fiddler’s schloss? Personally I think once a cunt, always a cunt, end of.

  7. He has the look of a slimy bookkeeper, working in dingy victorian office with about as much charisma as trout on a fishmongers slab.

    Having outlined his good points, he is a fucking CUNT!

  8. This fucking slimy piece of shit is just one of a whole bunch of supercharged cunts in parliament! Endlessly bleating on about stopping a “No-Deal Brexit” despite it being obvious that all these cunts want is to stop Brexit altogether! Sadly, it looks like they may well succeed! Fuckers! Even more sad that so many Brits are celebrating this fucking debacle! But back to the twat in question, hopefully his political career will soon dry up and, in a fit of depression, he slithers down to his basement to stretch his own neck. Cunt!

    • I have often wished that they would remake Hitchcock’s Frenzy and that fucking Emily Thornberry ended up being the one who slid off the back of the lorry in a sack of potatoes. That bitch Jess Phillips could be the one in the Thames. Dame Keir could be the one ending up not wearing his tie 🙂

  9. Just the sight of this cunt’s ugly Mr Punch face makes my blood boil. I swear when you are that much of a cunt something bad will happen to you. Nothing terminal I hope………I want the bastard to suffer.

  10. They should do a reality TV show called “Who’s Got the Hookiest Gob?”.

    The first three contestants being Dominic Grief, Douglas Carswell and Laura Kuntsberg!

    When a fucker talks out of the side of their gob like that lot, you know it’s because what they’re saying is less than truthful.


  11. One of the biggest traitors in the Conservative Party the sooner this wanker is put out out to grass the better He can then spend the rest of his life in France where he has large amounts of wealth and property.

    • The whole political system in this country is a farce and the time is ripe for a new film, Carry on Cunts.

  12. Off to the Tower for this limp wristed spineless scum cunt.

    I hope he drops dead from Ebola.

    Good evening.

  13. I thoroughly agree. That arrogant, EU sucking toffy nosed cunt with a face like a deformed tardigrade ought to be pilloried by a group of high security prisoners on day-release. Then, when they’ve finished, he should be paraded into a leper colony and forced to fellate the most diseased among them. Only then might he have an idea of the utter, gut wrenching contempt that I and all my fellow Brexiteers feel for that loathsome sack of hepatitiis infected faeces. CUNT!

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