The so called ‘Rise of the Far Right’
Get fucking fucked.
According to Gov.UK and widely covered by Al-Beeb et al, recently there was a ‘36% increase in the number of referrals to the Prevent program related to right-wing extremism in 17/18, whilst referrals related to Issssslaamist extremism decreased by 14%’.
And there you have it. Far-right extremism is most definitely on the rise.
Aren’t statistics a wonderful tool, used by tools, to ‘hammer’ home what tools they are?
Referrals for Issssslaaamist extremism fell in 17/18 from 3704 to 3197 whist referrals in the same period from the ‘Far Right’ increased from 968 to 1312.’
The report also goes on to state that the threats from the ‘Far Right’ are harder to detect as they tend to come from lone operators and as such aren’t as sophisticated as threats from Mussies.
Now I may well be a bigoted cunt, but I’m starting to think maybe, just maybe, these lone threats/attacks may just be the result of lone individuals who just had enough?
And maybe, just maybe, the reason that the referrals that relate to Issslaaamist extremism are 300% greater than the ‘Far right’ are more organised and involved, I don’t know, maybe 300% more people?
It’s just a thought. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.
Apparently, 57% of all referrals come from the Education sector.
Yesterday, (17/8) news broke about a young lass who had been disqualified from her GCSE RE paper for making ‘obscene racial comments’. Her crime? She’s a vegetarian and she commented in her paper that she found the idea of halal meat absolutely disgusting’.
When in the name of the fucking Hair Bear bunch did objecting to eating animals, especially those that have their throats slit and bleed to death, become ‘racially offensive’?
I’ll tell you when… it’s when 57% of referrals to prevent come from the ‘education sector’.
Jesus, we really do need to press the reset button, sharpish.
Nominated by CuntyMcCuntface
Shami Chakrabarti called the people in No.10 thugs live on BBC Breakfast the other morning and naturally wasn’t challenged.
Every time she’s on the telly out comes the same broken record. Shami is a poisonous dirt bag.
And some towel head cunt got a round of applause during PMQ’s for calling the Prime Minister racist for calling binbags “letterboxes”. I prefer “binbags” myself. Or “cunts”.
I saw a binbag the other day wearing spectacles across the letterbox bit. Quite a sight to behold, no pun intended.
I love animals yet I eat meat, so I suppose I’m a hypocrite, I manage to conveniently forget that some of my food was once alive. But the halal method of slaughtering animals is unacceptable to any right-thinking person and I’m disgusted that we allow this barbaric practice to continue in our country.
I totally agree. I expect you’ve seen this then from the Daily Mail some time ago:
To be fair on Vegans, someone has to be, the probably agree with you!
Pizza Express can sod off, KFC, Ask etc etc
Is it just me or have things moved up a couple of levels this summer?
For ages its been:
I will always love EU (Fine, I don’t. Now fuck off).
You can’t have meat & in fact your whole diet is censored (Wrong).
You can’t get pissed (Yes I fucking well can).
Save the world (Nah – you do it).
You can’t say xyz…..(Wrong again. Minge sniffing & horse fisting).
and so on. I could give over 100 examples if I wanted to.
But now that Brexit might actually win, we’ve gone full on 1930s brainwashed. Hordes of fucking left wing Nazi cunts literally everywhere not just saying that anyone to the right of the hardest of the hard left are the Nazis, but actually believing it 100%. The whole fucking crowd of millennial cunts, represented by the House of Cunts in London, led by Berk, spewing out their shite all over Sky News & BBC, plus whatever horse shit they read on their phones 24 hours a day, every day.
Millions of these silly twats fully believing that they’re ethical this, European that, defenders of democracy something else and so on. The EU doesn’t need to build an army. It could just say report to location X tomorrow for loving the world training and it would have 50 million trainees from the richer countries reporting for duty in 1 day. What the fuck? What do we do here people, when they have the law on their side? This isn’t some rogue country like Germany in the 1930s; it’s everywhere in the developed world. When they really start fucking with us, then what? I don’t think just saying fuck ’em, we’re not bailing ’em out is gonna work. They are going to use the laws, which they are altering across the developed world all the time, which only apply to white people, men, & any dissenters, to cunt over everyone who is not fooled, & cannot be fooled by what’s going on. We’re immediately fucked if the cock sucking, purple & green haired Remain vegans win this year’s Brexit fight. Even if we win this & even if Trump wins in 2020 (not perfect, but better than the alternative), we’re still fucked (see below).
They are right about one thing. In 10 years time they will have got rid of millions of old people and replaced them with “graduates” (graduates in arselicking and flower arranging that is: that will be £50,000 please) even more brainwashed than they are. Centre or right of centre parties will stand no chance at all. This lot won’t drift right as they get older seen as they no platform anyone but themselves.
What would someone in the army do if they knew they were infiltrated, but not who the infiltrators were? Or how many there were. If everyone was getting nervous about what they said in case they said the “wrong” thing to the “wrong” people. If fear was fucking everything up & nobody dared be themselves anymore? Seems we are going to a really dark place, & it won’t be over quickly (1 full generation minimum), and I’m mid-30s and I don’t want to be a prisoner of the lefty Stasi thought police fucking TWATS for the next 25 years and by the time it’s over I’m 60; remaining active years life story = kept getting fired from shit jobs for having the slightest sense of humour or for failing to keep up with the endless list of “correct” opinions I’m required to have because some prissy PC arsehole might get upset if anyone says anything at all.
Can’t we just go back to nights out with beer, spirits and nice food plus exercise plus, well most of you lot would say women with tits the size of bowling balls, but I say males & clubbing (with NO politics)? And yes, you’re right by the way, most of the LGBT lot need a flying kick in the face. I can’t stand them any more either. They’re fucking awful. If you ever get accused of homophobia, just tell them it’s not that you’re bothered about that, it’s that they’re a cunt. This will achieve absolutely zero. But it will feel good.
Does your username indicate that your an arsehole from the BBC?
I hope I’m mistaken.
Wow. Only commenting to draw attention to the star comment above.
It is a cracking post.
I just got to comment here for the record, Nazi’s were not the far right, they were left, National Socialists. They were painted right by the victors but what does the name Volkswagen translate into English?
Socialism come from a tiny leftover in the snowflake village brain from when we crowded together for protection and told fucking lies to others to protect our food sources and other things to survive.
So these Commo loving Socialists are just primitive thinkers and fucking liars but just can’t help themselves. Only when individual thinking and responsibility took hold did the human race move forward.