Social Meeja ‘Influencers’ are all complete cunts.
Akin to vloggers, these are attention seeking, vacuous little twerps with verbal diarrhoea, who film themselves talking bollocks all day, everyday.
The gist of it is they are paid by companies to try to get followers to buy their shit.
I prefer the term ‘Shill’ because that’s what they are.
I call a spade a spade and I call a cunt a cunt.
The old adage of an empty vessel making the most noise still rings true.
I’m probably a cunt myself for looking at Spew-Tube and Kuntstagram in the first place.
The only thing they influence me to do is switch off my phone and do something more productive.
Nominated by Harold Steptoe
And they start early. Look at this bunch of complete cunts.
The falseness of this video is terrible and my grand daughters watch it and pressure their mum into buying this shite. An hour on opening Christmas presents fucking hell when I was a kid it was 10 minutes then off out on my new bike or building meccano or scalextric.
But this bunch of cunts tick all the boxes.
Mixed race family =yes, fucking big modern bland house =yes, absolute greed personified =yes and worst of all a fucking Nottingham accent (daughters ex partner comes from there and his voice sets my teeth on edge)
Cunt looks like Ainsley Harriot and his Mrs obviously loves a length of bleck meat in all holes.
Filthy hooer.
Nottingham is the only place in the UK with an accent more horrible than Stoke.
Heavy duty SCOUSE. Described as sounding like a bowling ball rolling around in a tuba full of phlegm.
Nope. It’s a toss-up between hard core Northern Irish or East Enders accented cunts like Ray Winstone that boil my urine.
Come on you must have forgotten nasal Birmingham.
Brum is the perfect vehicle for Brum humour. Which is unique.
Much the same can be said for Burnley.
Truly stomach churning.
Novichok them.
Why am I NOT surprised it says “Comments are disabled for this video” ?? They new what they’d get…
Wish the Heineken or Leffe breweries would pay me to be an influencer.
Serious question: does anyone think this Brexit shit will be over by the time I arrive back in the UK in early December?
Early December of what year?
Could be over by December 2029, though I wouldn’t bank on it.
My guess: Vassal State by Christmas.
Bastard!!! You beat me to that “which December” comment.
Still not too late to ask “which Christmas?” ?
Don’t you mean winter festival, Ruffy? Hehe.
Touché Spoony!
Racist cunts. Why no mention of ramadamadingdong or diwali?
Over? It will be done and dusted and you’ll be refused entry as a subterranean Oceanian illegal.
Just realised that spells SOI.
Hope you have a great time, CMC.
If I had the opportunity (sadly I don’t…) I’d be on a one-way ticket out of this box of frogs.
I think you’ve got the wrong end of the stick there HBH. He’s on his way in not out!
Forgot the link to my latest ravings…
It will never be over……..not until the Establishment has its way and we’re all multicultural little worker ants staring at screens all day, absorbing their bland, mind numbing bullshit propaganda. You’ve read 1984 haven’t you?
This is where we’re going if the Religion of Candyfloss and fluffy bunnies doesn’t get us first.
E.M.Forster predicted this on around 1908
The vision runs more along the lines of Metropolis, we’re at least part way there already.
I meant ‘my’ vision. In fact, I’m sure I typed just that.
excellent article again CMC.
Great work.
She looks like the bastard offspring of Data from Star-trek TNG & a Dalek
Can’t even watch it. I’ve just signed on at work and my blood pressure will be higher than some of the patients.
I don’t like things like this at all so they can all fuck off and stop polluting my screen.
I need my screen for other hobbies with cunts in them.
Get bent.
Well. Now I know what a “Social Influencer ” is. I have heard the term, but never knew what one was. To me the term denotes someone who is creative, perhaps a bit arty farty. A designer perhaps ? An Architect ? But no. Some daft cunt with no fucking sense.
I love this site. I always learn something new every day
Oh! Nearly forgot! They ARE fucking CUNTS !
All social media influencers are brain dead narcissistic cunts. The only thing they influence me to do is to avoid them like the plague they so obviously are.
Hear hear, Marvelous.
I find that this gentleman has influenced my life in many ways, he is perhaps one of my greatest social influences.
I like flamethrowers !
I read about a so-called influencer. What a can of can’t.
The response from the hotel is hilarious! 🙂
This video of the event is hilarious
You have to give her credit. Without her help, Universal Orlando Resort might well have gone out of business. I’m impressed.
Oh wow! I just realised I think it’s the same person in the nomination picture! Hehe.
Happy to exercise my freedom of choice and avoid the cunts like the plague. Come the Komodo Protectorate they will be put in small unpowered boats and cut loose off the coast of Nigeria. Fair exchange is no robbery.
Disgusting, entitled parasites.
Send them to break rocks in Siberia, the cunts.
Ive read about instances of these deluded Instawhores demanding free food at restaurants and free stays at hotels because they were big social media icons only to get laughed at and told to fuck off.
There was another one whose instacunt account was shut down so she had a meltdown and posted a video of herself bawling over how she wasnt able to work in a real job.
Pathetic cunt.
Picture looks like a blow up doll – sums it all up nicely. Thank you Admin
One more thing, why are these fuckers always crying??
“oh fuck sake someone said no to me. waaah”
Well suck it up buttercup!
I only managed about half a minute. His voice was putting my head away.
What a bunch of cunts. Could however be watchable if it featured a visit from a tooled-up OJ Simpson.