Below from Hull Crown Court via Yorkshire Post online: —
‘Dramatic footage of horrified customers fleeing a bank before flames engulfed its entrance and of a suspect cornered by armed officers in a train station, were played to a jury in Hull yesterday. A fact-finding hearing is taking place at Hull Crown Court after a branch of Santander in the city centre was set on fire by a man, who also poured petrol on the floor of the nearby Barclays and was seen brandishing a meat cleaver, on September 11th last year.
Syrian Ahmad Mohammed, 25, of Innsworth Garth, Bransholme, who is accused of carrying out the attacks, was not present in court on Tuesday.’
Had this cunt been called Robinson or Yaxley-Lennon this would have been lead story on BBC News, because as we know, it is the ‘Far Right’ that endangers this country, but nothing to see here. Just a minor misunderstanding from a cunt waving a cleaver and trying to burn people to death, before being multiply tasered and rubber bulleted on Hull station.
Even the date is insignificant – September 11th.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.
All the cunt has to do was wait a few weeks and vote labour, he would of been targeting the whole UK economy and not a couple of shop fronts.
Besides that we all know Tommy Robinson (I don’t feel the need to use any name but that he is well known by) is a far right lunatic who does awful things like reporting on events but for all we know Mr Mohammed may of been in the banks in question trying to obtain a business loan for his fire swallowing business he may or may not have.
Thats a good nom cuntstable!
Lot of this around, fill yer boots plenty for all!
Dont name race
Don’t name religion
Dont name colour
Dont say country of origin or legal status!
Those ‘far right’ will use it.
Well those far right? Cant find em anywhere!
And ive looked! Just ordinary people sick of same meal of bullshit with bollocks gravy.
This far right seem to be behind everything, eh?
So much so im going to join them.
Too true Miserable. There was a cunting on here a while ago about the definition of ‘Asian’ when describing grooming gangs rather than ‘Muslim’, which they predominately were.
The ‘far-right’ were exploiting the peaceful/LGBT school protests didn’t you know? Jess Philips said so. When forced into a corner with your favourite pet victim groups pitted against each other, crowbar the far-right into it and cunts like al-Beeb and Sly News will do the rest.
I had my dinner ruined tonight by the stomach turning sight of Jo “Olive from On The Buses” Swinson and Jess “non-runner at the 2:35 at Epsom” Phillips. There I was enjoying my bangers, mash, peas, fried onions and gravy, when I glanced up at the screen and completely lost my appetite. Cunts.
Philips is like some braying orgasmic donkey, that cunt Rebecca Long-Bailey reminds me of someone, maybe a cartoon character or something but it escapes me for now.
I wasn’t familiar with the name, LL, but a quick Google and yes I’ve seen that weird-looking cowbag before. To me, she looks like a cross between Mr Garrison from South Park and Granny Clampet from the Beverley Hillbillies.
MNC, do you remember that mud slime woman shouting abuse at the Waltham Forest Pride march? The Independent described her as: “…the woman wearing clothing commonly associated with female followers of Islam…”. For fucks sake, grow up you stupid cunts.
I do remember that horrid baggage and how it was reported too cupid!
See? Bollock gravy.
Ps loved your work on the kenny Everett show!!
Thank you, it was all done in the best possible taste!
He was just enriching them with his diversity.
He’s an individual who has mental issues.
Not another one of these so-called ‘lone wolfs’ (part of a pack of indeterminate numbers) ?.
We limited the number of Syrian refugees to 5000 or so if I remember correctly, Germany invited as ma y as could get there.
The Germans are of course careful which statistics they record but a quick search reveals plenty of Syrians engaging in terror plots, violent attacks on locals or sexual assaults and rape.
yes – so many “lone wolves” who don’t know each other.
How many attacks by ‘lone wolves’ do we have to have before we determine that they’re connected? Or is blissful ignorance still bliss?
Funny how if hes asian/black reeking havoc hes got mental issues?
White nutter causing mayhem?..
Evil nazi!!!
Yes – I saw that our brave boys in blue had caught a hardened right-wing (their words) fanatic the other day. A 15 year old schoolboy who was “looking at some stuff on the internet” and had threatened to shoot some other boys at his school. For fuck’s sake – not really in the same league as the mozzers blowing up kids or driving into tourists on London Bridge. They are so desperate to find anyone right wing – like the McCarthy witch trials in reverse.
Fucking cunts.
Most of us on here would be identified as far right. In a political climate which has swung so far left Corbyn is a centrist what hope do we have.
At one time I’d of seen myself as a small c conservative. Now I’m guessing I’d be seen as alt right, that equates to far right.
I’m not far right, I won’t be labeled far right because I don’t agree with far left progressive non liberals.
I’m crying out for someone sensible to vote for but all I’m offered is extremists or incompetents.
The far right numbers less than a few thousand sympathisers and probably a few hundred hardcore lunatics.
If there are far right cunts out there plotting to harm innocent people they should be caught. But let’s not forget the far left IRA or religious extremists that seek to destroy democracy.
The irony is that Islam is far right by any definition and the IRA, as a gangster organisation are also of the right.
Don’t know how magic Grandpa squares this in his support except to say they are anti British.
If you look into recent developments you’ll see a growing willingness within Islam to align with the left and socialist ideals (for now) Sinn Fein is an avowedly socialist party.
The right should not be forced to own those sociopathic socialists who the left distance themselves from, be that Stalin or Tony Blair.
I’m surprised you brand the IRA as of the right when they are absolutely the street enforcers of a very left wing movement. Maybe Antifa can get their violence and intimidation labeled far right whilst we are at it.
About two years ago, I went on a tour of Belfast. I walked down the Falls Road (something a Brit couldn’t have done 10 years ago) and was shocked by the number of Palestinian flags. The bottom line is that Irish Nationalism is strongly aligned with socialism, which is aligned to Palestinian extremism.
I see the IRA as essentially gangsters which to me is right whatever their posture.
The real far right (as opposed to ordinary people who are pissed off) has never been so small in this country, 70s an 80s had National front marches, the British movement etc
90s had combat 18 which went international with eastern bloc countries taking it too their bosom as sick of communism,
Nowadays its the outlawed National Action which really was a few young neonazi teenagers!
Met some british neonazis and wasnt too impressed, dreamers with a Hitler fetish.
The elite are using this ‘far right’ as a scare tactic, the real far right couldnt organise a picnic.
Sorry MNC, I cant reply direct to CC.
So in your eyes anyone from the Kray Twins to the brethren in Our towns and cities is of the right because they are indulged in gangster activities. The bloods and cripps, M18, the mafia?
the baader Meinhof gang?
I really don’t get the logic behind that statement.
No probs sixdog.
Bader meinhoff, black september, symbionese liberation army, the weathermen, all leftie terrorists.
The trouble with labelling innocent , common sense people with being far right Nazis, people will think ‘fuck it, if I’m being called a Nazi I might as well be a fucking Nazi’. The absolutey ridiculous idea that some downtrodden white northern English person who is a little fucked off, who feel their town is being taken over without any consent is beyond comprehension will eventually pick a side that suits the needs of them and friends and family. Some kind of push back has to come soon. I might have lost the direction of this comment because I’ve been writing it for half an hour and keep changing it slightly. We need a revolution in this fucking SHITHOLE.
1927 – Vienna Justizpalast burnt out during riots.
Reichstag fire 1933.
Supreme Court, London – tba.
Just playing devil’s advocate don’t think anyone should dismiss idiots of any political or religious leaning making/joking about shooting stabbing or anything else violent really. London is full of stabby shooty young people and they aren’t all bl@@k left wing.
As an observation. This cunt’s address is given as Brandsholme, a large council estate in NE Hull. Until Blair there were few Asians in Hull. It is a racing certainty that this cunt is a recent arrival being housed and fed, along with an army of sprogs and a dalek, at our expense.
I tend to find that when they say “has mental issues”, this is generally code for “he is a raging militant who like all raging militants chooses violence to try to get his point across, therefore he must surely be mentally ill”.
Yeah, ok. Show us the Psychiatrist’s assessment then.
It is amazing how someone who is apparently “seriously mentally ill” (so said the Judge) just happens to be compos mentis enough to carry out this lunacy on September 11th (of all days in the calendar), can try to set fire to a previous bank without success, so then is lucid enough to attack a second bank and this time succeed………all this when his thinking is supposedly disturbed.
Yeah, whatever you say.
I suppose that most news outlets assume that we can guess what type of person from the crime committed….
Dark Key….drugs,benefit fraud,stabbing,chiggun-rustling.
Jew…..usury,insider-trading,drinking the blood of Christian babies.
Pie Key…..theft from old people,trespass,tax-evasion, poor quality tarmacing
East European…sexing-out family members,begging,benefit fraud,drug dealing
Scotsmen….. using foul language in public,drunkeness, bagpipe playing.
Australian….criminal arrogance,cheating at cricket.
Gay….run out of ink before I could list all of their crimes.
British….allowing ourselves to become the laughing-stock of the world.
Would be enough that if convicted of a crime in the UK any immigrant convicted of a crime had their citizenship revoked and was deported to whence they came from.
If they are dumb enough to maintain they have no country of origin they best be fucking good swimmers.
Youd get my vote Cuntflap.
Id even do some voluntary work totting a shotgun and watchin em work!
‘Im shakin that bush boss! -coolhand Luke (watch it youll like it!)
Know the only reasons I couldnt be a neonazi?
1 dont hate gays. The bandits are great customers who tip and im easily bought!
2 dont hate jews (an if yer a nazi you have to really!) Just look at picture above of Gene Wilder, that cheeky little face! Loved that cunt!
‘Stereotypes’ a big word academics use. But the perception comes from the people. That’s why I believe in them.
Catholic priests…. kiddie fiddlers.
Exactly. Stereotypes exist because if you put, eg. 100 male Tory MPs together, you spot a patter.
100 Liebore wimmin – a pattern (usually the psychedelic sort that makes you want to projectile vomit…). Wendy Nichols, Chair-munter of Liebore’s NEC – straight off the front page of Viz. There’s a video on the Express site, if you are in need of an emetic, or just plain sexually deviant.
100 of any other socio-group.
You get the picture. They all look the same, dress the same, carry the same reading matter, branded tat &c.
Ergo, stereotypes are VERY real.
The press can be very selective when reporting on minor events. I was done for speeding at 42mph in a 30 mph zone….the local paper reported this but failed to mention that I was in hot pursuit of a cat that had attempted to brazenly cross the road 100 yards in front of me. I had to speed up or I risked missing it… mention of that in the fucking paper.
Fuck Off.
Nice one Cuntflap. In my utopian vision of criminal justice the inmates would be walking inside a big hampster wheel for 15 hours a day generating electricity. Fuck their human rights, break the law you lose them. We go back to prison being a place you don’t want to go.
If I were home secretary, no citizenships would be handed out. you come here behave any crime committed boot their arse’s out. Job done
Walking through Cardiff today on way to sparky class, I spied a piece of toss on a lamp-post “No more prisons, not here, not anywhere.”
I wonder what the local female monkey-house dwellers think ? I’m sure they’d welcome a load of taxi-cab rapists &c. being released into care in da community. Given the sort of soyboys and snoflakes they mix with, probably their only real chance of cock.
Well! You neglect to mention you were driving a fuckin tractor!!
Id of been the beak id of given you 6months you cheeky bleeder!
Speeding the rural roads, not some geordie dukes of hazzard!
Nah, I was actually in my jeep on the way to the races. Fucking black cat crossing my path didn’t bring me much luck that day….or it,come to that.
No sympathy for you.
Only for myself, came out this morning an fuckin van wouldnt start!
AA came out as expected flat battery, turns out my ford twin axle luton has TWO batteries!
£275 before even got to work.
Bad shit always happens to the angelic ones.
I’ve given up giving a single shit about Laura Norder. I still have to pay car tax and insurance, which is a fucking scam. I was so fucked off the other night about insurance, I looked into setting my own company up to skirt the load of crap. (Initial payment of £750 if you are interested). FCA Connect if anyone knows anymore information on this, please let us know.
As soon as I heard about this flame thrower cunt I knew it was a peaceful but it was only by reading this thread that this was confirmed. And what happened to the letterbox who was shouting “abuse” (a matter of opinion which any halfway decent brief could demolish) at those gaylords? And what happened to the 3 “far right thugs” who turned themselves in after scratching poor little Owen’s back in that vicious attack? Confusion, exaggeration and omission is how the MSM feed us the bullshit they want us to swallow. Anyone who doesn’t question every single word they spew is a cunt and might as well die now the wankers.
Evening Freddy!
Your language is getting worse!
I frankly blame you for Jasons potty mouth tourettes!
Where is he anyway, not posted for a bit has he?
He made me laugh, hey dont think hes that tickie fairy do you?
Hes light on his feet.
Evening Miserable, I think I’m qualified to talk about this tickie fairy as I’ve just completed a refresher course.
Evening Bertie!
I like the tickie fairy, makes me feel almost adequate when given 100 tickies. Alright for Freddy n fiddler they always get loads, poor illiterate fuckers like me an old soldiers like Lord Benny struggle!
Not youve been accepted back into the fold like the prodigal son you enjoying yerself kid?
I seem to remember there was a “dislike” button for a while. Fairly sure I’d garner plenty of marks if that was still on the go.
Yeah think both of us would rarely see double figures!
Before my time that Dick, think nearly a year coming on ISAC now seems ages ago I popped my cherry on here.
Keeps me out from under Mrs B’s feet.
Nothing wrong with my fucking language. At least it’s English. In Londonstabistan you come to appreciate cunts who can make themselves fucking clear in the English language.
Haha yeah!
Bet if we were all in a room talking/drinking, youd struggle to understand me mate, and Fiddler youd need fuckin subtitles for!!
Unbelievable a whole nation changed beyond recognition in less than a generation, how the fuck did we let it happen, when political correctness first came about it was ridiculed by many, ignore it it will go away they said, bloody fucked that up big time didnt we.
To put into context for anyone who gives a shit. I’ve been writing a book for more or less the same time as the in or out vote. I thought to myself because it’s wank for a start, should I dump it or go back to it. Seeing as it’s on a laptop in my bedroom I thought fuck it, I’ll have another bash. ( I left it for 2 years ). Now I’ve put it on my pc in the office and it needed work. It’s only about 6000 (a lie. It’s about 20) words at the moment. It got me thinking again about politicians. What work have these cunts done in 3 years? Apart from FUCKING COMPLAIN ABOUT A VOTE WE VOTED FOR. Anyway I have to kill David’s dad somehow in the book at the start. Forgot about that cunt.
Write 2k words a day, even if it’s toss. Keep it when you’re on a roll….about a quarter if you’re lucky. Writing at length is a cunt. First off, try out various ways of snuffing Dave’s pa. And write them all down. Sincere advice which works for more than me.
Oh good idea!
Lets slay David!
Then he an Jo cox come back as ghosties!
David falls from undercarriage of a Thomas cook jet…..
Carry on novelling, CFM.
I’ve been at it for years now, loads of people have published – Jeffrey Archer, Jilly Cooper, Barbara Cartland, Jean-Paul Sartre, Christ I even had to read some of this shit for A Level (Fancy writing 1,000 words on the eroticism of equestrian activities as outlined in the novels of Jilly Cooper ? Leathery old piss flaps and saddle soap…). It’s quite a good laugh, tho I suspect any publishers will take a large tub of Tippex to it for legal reasons.
My only problem is getting a REAL storyline, and a stronger ending. I might include the thermo-nuclear destruction of Brussels by intelligent extra-terrestrials.
Hell, I’d happily read that… ?
Read it? I’d try to re-enact it!
Anyway even though all 11 justices voted that the prorogation was unlawful we can still believe in the Law. A judge has ruled that a father cannot be at the same time a mother. He deliberated carefully and decided only a mother can have a baby. What a victory for Motherhood.
Would that be transgender cunt Freddy McConnell you’re referring to Miles?
I nominated it a couple of weeks ago, hopefully appearing here soon…
Read your nom and looking forward to it appearing as a full blown cunting.
Indeed, and i’ve got something to say about the filthy pervert calling itself Freddie. Not standing for that. ?
Thanks Bertie.
Listening to Boris shred the cunts…. has he been taking lessons from Big Don on how to triggers the cunts?
21 filthy Albanian freeloaders arrived in a container ship from Spain today. A sign of the changing seasons…….rubber dinghies not so popular when the weather turns.
What are they going to say, it’s a package holiday? Albania is a tourist destination the cunts? No asylum case possible. It’s not a member of the EU yet, freedom of movement doesn’t apply.
They can take a container and have a shot at rowing home.
We should all chip in buy 250 pairs of shoddy armbands an drop em off in calais! Write numbers on in sharpie, and first body that washes up? Got yer number you win a prize!!
Like hook a duck for far right types!!?
I think they know that freedom of movement doesn’t apply. That’s why they didn’t turn up at Victoria Coach Station like all the other Eurotrash hard working, tax paying pickpockets, beggars and shoplifters.
May I just say that I think Phoebe Waller Cunt is a complete and utter fucking cunt…
Secunted !
And may I say I thought Boris did a great job in the Commons tonight. That’s the kind of leadership people want, not fucking about like a cunt. The traitors were fucking furious, especially the Thornpig and the Brummie Bargewoman, Phillips. Fuck those cunts.
He had them wound up to high ‘doh’. A masterly performance, but I still don’t see how he’s going get us out on Halloween, on any terms. I hope that’s because he has a cunning secret plan and that his security is rather better than it used to be. Meanwhile Nigel’s been quietly touring the nation slapping backs, being a jolly nice chap, staying out of the parliamentary hair-pulling and screaming, and hopefully picking up potential votes. That’s the way to do it, IMO.
Boris has done a great job as PM, far more than Treason BitchCunt did in 4 years of utter charade and lunacy. Boris did NOT “lie” to the PM. Boris thought he was doing something he was allowed to. This ‘supreme court’ (what the fuck are we, Americanian??) has ruled as directed by SOROS and his EU Child-Molesting CUNTS.
The UK is NOT going to leave the EU, because the EU is something that cannot be left. You CANNOT leave a world-wide cult whose survival depends on there being enough billions of people not thick enough to realise what’s happening.
Er I mean are thick enough
Fuck me – cunts in the Commons just now, all trying to outvirtue signal each other, whinging about Boris using words like “surrender” and “capitulation”, asking Bercunt to ban such language in the chamber… crowbaring in Saint Jo Cox and “the far right”…
Truly vomit inducing.
So now they want Parliament to be a safe space? Facts don’t care about feelings, if Boris has been less of a gentleman he’d of called them all exactly what we’ve been calling them for years.
He should of channeled his inner Harvey Price ‘Hello you cunts’
Selective reporting? Check out the BBC, and their reporting on whether Trump is to be impeached for asking the Ukrainian PM to look into allegations of corruption involving Joe Biden and his family during his time as Vice President. Obviously Trump is hoping for a bit of dirt to stitch up that doddering cunt, but it’s likely there is dirt to be found, but the beeb aren’t interested in the slightest about the corruption, only anything that could possibly taint Trump. Cunts.
As I understand it the impeachment won’t make it through the senate. Speculation is that some democrats won’t this issue given max exposure so it shines a light on creepy uncle Joe and fucks his campaign up.
The democrats already asked Ukraine to investigate Trump in 2018, slippery cunts.
This is like the Corbyn call Boris racist and covering up the hatred of Jews seeping out of some of his closest supporters.
Just watch the video ‘creepy Joe biden’. Or creepy uncle Joe. The proof is up there the dirty old cunt.
Just a thought, but who the fuck are “Shin” Fayne. I thought that Sinn should pronounced like “sin”.
What happens if one of these cunts gets a broken shin ? Do they say, O’ive fecked up moi shhhhhhhinnnn?
It’s this Celtic bollocks again. If they mean sh then in fucking English there is a fucking ‘aitch’ after the fucking ‘s’.
Who is this Paula Sheriff porky bitch and who are the ugly slags sitting around her? Old Boris got them well wound up. I understand Mrs Swindler had a good cry about it. ??? That’s what you get for being a fascist. Just fuck off you slags.
The media is mainly a laughing stock except when Nigel Farage or Jacob Rees-Mogg is on LBC. I just come here for the views that count, saves a lot of time!
Spotted in yesterday’s Times, about 4 column inches competing with double page spreads , one each on Boris and Corbyn, Arron Banks ‘exonerated’ by the National Crime Agency on allegations that the £8M he donated to Leave campaigners was illegal. Banks intends to sue the EU for referring the matter publicly to the NCA…very apposite.
Independent these days equals ‘Left’, thanks to Tony SATAN Blair’s re-branding. If it wasn’t the mantra of New Labour, it’s extreme fascist right-wing Nazi right. Education, Education, Education. Yes Tone, a generation of voters brought up to vote the ‘correct’ way, ie Labour. Your project was to turn this country into a Marxist hegemony, combined with your Clinton and Bush-esque lies. You’ve partially got there, well done to you. But Trump’s blown that the fuck apart and he continues to do so, every new day he wakes he says and thinks only what’s good for his country and in turn Western Civilisation, not the FUCK-APOCALYPSE that you and your CRONIES were engineering to bring about. I’d love to see you lot getting the 1970 exploitation film ‘Mark Of The Devil’ style treatment of tongues being ripped out for starters.
For impartiality and quality of journalism Germany in 1937 has Great Britainistan knocked into a cocked hat.
Fuck off.