It seems that the singing nonentity that is Sam Smith has decided that he should be referred to as ‘They’ not him. This is because he identifies as non-binary, (that deserves a separate and massive cunting). My old mind boggles at the seriousness that these twats take themselves, after all he’s just a useless singer churning out pained and dreary songs for other repressed queens, bi’s, lesbo’s or whatever you are and stick your cock/tongue into. Just stop trying to go against nature. You are a bloke, albeit a weak specimen, but you are a bloke.
What a cunt. Should have stuck to making beer.
Nominated by Bertram Cuntatious DCO
A nomination for Sam Smith, never actually heard of this cunt before, but saw this on t’internet: Non-binary singer Sam Smith wants to be referred to as ‘they’ not ‘he’. According to The Sun, Smith has reportedly requested friends and family use they/them pronouns instead of he/him when referring to the singer.
By way of illustration of the star’s preference, the ‘Stay with me’ singer thanked Hits Radio presenter James Barr for referring to the star as ‘they’ on Twitter. “Just interviewed @samsmith and they sounded so happy and free and more themselves than ever,” Barr tweeted. “It’s made me feel like the world is a good place again.” Smith replied: “You’re one of the first people to use these pronouns with me. Thank you. That feels really beautiful.”
Earlier this year Smith revealed they now identify as non-binary saying they feel “like a woman sometimes” and has considered having a sex change. During an interview with Jameela Jamil on Instagram TV, the British singer spoke about listening to conversations about being non-binary and realising that is how they identify. “When I saw the word ‘non-binary’, ‘genderqueer’, and I read into it, and I heard these people speaking I was like, ‘F***, that is me’,” they told the presenter. “I’m not male or female, I think I flow somewhere in between. It’s all on the spectrum,” they continued. Smith said they had always resented being “feminine in many ways” and describes being non-binary as being “your own special creation”.
Well as far as the contributors to ISAC are concerned, it describes you as being a cunt, and that’s a totally binary opinion. So fuck off you attention seeking non-entity.
Nominated by Mystic Maven
Sounds like a woman, looks like a man, acts like a cunt. Is the world really that short of real problems that cunts have to make some up? Section it. There, no gender pronouns using it.
“Waaa, I’m not a boy or a girl. Where do I go for a wee wee?”
Outside, you tedious cunt.
Is that Scottish for a small wee, or would that be a wee wee wee? Could make up part of the Gender Studies coursework at some Univershitty Hall of Knackerdemia.
I have a pronoun for him, it took a lot of thought and a redefinition of a pronoun, but as the word FUCK fulfills almost every word form, why not use CUNT……. A a noun, he’s a CUNT, as a pronoun, I give you, laydeeezz an’ gennnermenn – Cunt Sam Smith
That O level in English came in useful after all.
Never heard of the cunt.
Thought you meant Samuel smiths breweries.
Fuck it.
There really should be an effort to make ‘cunt’ a preferred pronoun. At least THAT would be amusing.
It will probably be parading about in a dress and heels at some point. Check out the chick with the dick!
Your a bloke with tits.
I was Marilyn Monroe for a fancy dress darts night where the theme was famous women .
I identified as pissed as a fart.
(Respect to you ladies that can last a night in heels)
Am blissfully unaware of this cunt. X Factor? No doubt hugely talented. Some sort of tranny?
How lucky the youth of today are to have such musical genius so that they don’t have to bother with 60 odd years of actual talent.
Apparently according to the ALBBC there are over 100 genders in an information video being distributed to schools.
That needs are more eloquent cunting I feel.
Never heard of this steaming wet pile of wank and don’t want to hear about the weak little cunt again. Here in Londonstabistan we are hosting the first Trans Pride this weekend. No doubt this Smith knob will be there mincing about like a cunt. Let’s hope it doesn’t rain and ruin the big day for the girls. Ooops, a bit of gendered language slipped in there! Somebody spank my little bot bot pleeeeeease.
Fucking glad I moved.
It’s this idiot generation and their offspring who’ll be having to defend this country in the future from the likes of the Warmongering Ruskies or Chinese. Makes the mind boggle doesn’t it….well perhaps the Red Army will turn back and call a halt to the invasion in utter fear following a stiff bout of hissy fits, faux outrage and an army of flouncing, offended spoilt brats and millennials? No, I doubt it too.
Y’ got that Joe…and this is the point and the horrid (but entirely predicted) prospect for this island/country/nation/society. What the fuck have we bred?
It is a certainty now that “Conservatism” has utterly failed in its stated objectives to “conserve” anything whatsoever in the sense of preserving what went before us and what made us what we are (sorry were). The duty of the current generation is then to take what was gifted to us by our forebears and (hopefully) refine it, improve and advance it before ultimately paying it forward to the next generation that they might in their turn add their contributions and innovations to the societal stock.
In modernity however this model, (which up until to the end of the 2nd European Civil War had served us pretty fucking well over the centuries,) has been completely subverted post 48 with the results we see now, a generation of flaccid, self obsessed fucking pansies with 30 second attention spans, a threadbare knowledge of their own culture, and neither conception of nor care for the realities of the off-line world and the consequences thereof. Pffft Fer fuck’s sake!
I identify this appalling mistake of nature as a coach-party of toxic cunts.
Sam Smith, you can identify yourself as whatever you want, but to me you’ll always be a cunt loser with a twat haircut.
There’s a medical term for this – schizophrenia.
There’s another term – cunt.
Or a trans-cunt, in other words a prick.
A solid gold bog worth a million squid has been stolen from Blenheim Palace…
You could have an 18 carrot spew into that.
No shit!……
The bog was nicked by “a group of men using at least two vehicles “…………PIKEYS!
Have just ordered my FREE Rosland Guide To Buying Gold.
At least you knew where you stood with yer “common or garden” Gay. It was obvious by their mincing walk,limp wrist,camp voice and penchant for public toilets that they were a Gay. Everyone knew not to bend down to do up your shoelace or pat a dog if an old-style Gay was behind you or he’d have climbed on board and be up yer shite-trumpet quicker than he could say “Oooooh get her,Ducky….I’m free”. These new style sexual miscreants are camouflaged. You don’t know whether it’s identifying as a man,a woman or one of The Gays….you wouldn’t know whether to go for a pint with it,shag it or stuff a gin-trap down the back of your skiddies.
Bring back the 3 classifications only….Male,Female or The Gay.
Fuck Off.
Never thought I would feel nostalgic about old time gays, but I do now ?
It’s true – you knew where you stood ( or where not to stand) with your John Innman’s and Larry Grayson’s.
Today’s gays are freaking psychos.
They can fuck off and throw themself off a bridge.
They are a twat.
I think you’d have to state “They IS a twat”, Allan – if only for “their” moronic fucking about with the English language. “They” refers to more than one person / creature / fuckwitted weirdo and is followed by “are” – as per your comment ! As there is only one of Sam Smith (thank fuck), he cannot use “they” to refer to himself.
Fuck – I am, indeed, a cunt – Just read the comments below. Sorry chaps, gormless doesn’t even begin to describe me…
We should taser ‘them’ with 60,000 volts. Maybe ‘they’ will be shocked into sense and stop talking out ‘their’ arses.
I’m sorry, I’m all for racial & sexual equality, but I really can’t take this seriously. The world has gone bloody mad.
What do djs at radio stations say when interviewing them ?
“Hi, pull up some chairs”
“Would either of you like tea or coffee ?”
Jesus !
Another excellent nomination.
When I hear or read about binary or gender whatever, I think of this…
I say live and let live, but for fork sake, life is confusing enough as it is!
The only time I need to know the sex of anybody is if I’m looking for a screw, otherwise I really don’t give a shit.
It’s only a matter of time before this attention seeking faggot comes up with an Owen Jones style beating by homophobes ( white obviously)
By the way, what happened to those “right wing thugs” who handed themselves in to the coppers? That’s all gone strangely quiet.
He wants plural pronouns because he is singular.
Wonder what HM has to say about this usurpation of her traditional pronouns. Ah, I have it. “We are not amused.”
We have to confess we use the editorial “we” in a spirit of intentionally ironic pomposity on another site. We are amused, although we hope that our subject, a Mr. AC Blair, isn’t. This is nothing to do with our identification as a large lizard, however.
The son of my cousin came out as one of these transgender types a year ago. It was the first time I had ever heard of this trend. He changed his name to Liberty and also insists on bring called They. It sounds like a joke but it has caused a crisis in the family and my poor cousin is really upset and can hardly cope. She even says she wishes he was an out and out gayboy.
Is it the same Liberty that used to date the statue of liberty and has a relationship with a chandelier?
She was a nomination on here some time ago.
Found it
Sorry I re-read what you wrote. You cousin has a son. I just saw the name Liberty and I thought if that chandelier lady. Sorry.
What you ‘feel like’ or ‘identify as’ does not fucking well change what you are, anatomically or otherwise.
Why do these self-absorbed cocks think we all have to pander to their confusion? It is the height of arrogance.
Why do these self-entitled CUNTS think we should give a flying fuckety-fuck and DEMAND we pander to their mental illnesses.
Sam Smith and every other self-identifying psychotic CUNT, can fuck right off likewise any PC virtue-signalling finger-wagging vindictive censorious CUNT who thinks that I will pander to this bollocks, can fuck right off too. This isn’t being “phobic” nor is it prejudicial, it’s called common sense and I’m not having some snowflake headcase or self-appointed state cunt, tell me what words I can and cannot use in any particular situation. I am quite grown up and experienced to be able to make the appropriate judgement
As for Sam Smith, HE, for he has a cock and balls, can FUCK OFF. “They/them” what a load of SHIT.
Probably because these cocks are CUNTS.
Copper says, did you see the man who robbed the bank
Yep, I saw them running down the street.
Copper : Them, I thought there was only one person
Yes, they were wearing a gimp mask.
Copper : what the fuck!!
Sam Smith, its a cunt!
I had a couple of strange moments in the high street this morning.
First of all I found a hat full of money and then I got chased by some cunt with a guitar….
Boom! Boom!
This cunt’s ‘songs’ are all whinging shit about not having a boyfriend. The male equivalent of Adele.
And now he tells us he’s ‘non-binary’.
I’ll tell you what you are, Sam Smith. You’re an ex-fat CUNT who likes the pork sword and just because your a mincer, it doesn’t mean that some days you’re a ‘girl’. It means you are a homosexual man who flounces around like a stereotypical poof, and you’re using this ‘gender’ TRIPE as a means to try and convince yourself that your masculinity is not compromised. I’m a poof too and I can mince when I want to, but otherwise I just generally live my life with no bells and whistles. NO-ONE SANE OR RATIONAL CARES how you act you stupid twerp. The thing that irks most people about you is that your ‘music’ is ABSOLUTE SHITE. Stick that up your non-binary pipe.
As I said elsewhere, if he has a cock, he’s a bloke – end of. All this bollocks about what sex you want to identify as. He’s a fucking bloke and that’s that. Cunt.
Gives a whole new meaning to having a Royal Flush.
PAH. Supposed to put this on the posting about the Blenheim palace golden karzi .
Whatever he/they/fucknows identifies at, he/she/fucknows 8s a CUNT even if he/she/fucknows has a cock.
I been watching you, especially YOU……..prancing like a tit!
You want working on boy.
The only thing I’ve learnt from this nonsense is that identifying as the gusset of Rachel Riley’s favourite knickers gets you ejected from the Countdown studio….
My regular is a sam smiths alehouse where modern tedious mannerism’s such as mobile phone and laptop use are banned a refuge from the likes of this cunt who obviously doesn’t know which way to put his knickers on
So Smithy ‘feels like a woman sometimes’.
Well, I feel like a woman most of the time. Luckily the wife’s a game girl, bless her.
I self-identify as a naughty six-year old boy, so I am going to enrol at the Dinas Powis school, headmistress Miss Charlotte Cathedral. LASHINGS of strict discipline, correctly given !
An absolute twat or should that be prick?
A product of the me me me generation, undoubtedly spoilt rotten as a kid and absolutely nothing was ever it’s fault (fuck this ‘they’ business, I’m going to refer to the cunt as ‘it’.) Apparently it’s father was a Frederick Smith and it’s mother Kate Cassidy, a broker(?). Doesn’t like they were married unless the ‘broker’ mother decided to keep her maiden name. Not a good start for the kid. Apparently he was ‘bullied’ as a child for having moobs so had liposuction at age 12 (as you do). Instead of telling the cunt to man up or just lose some some weight you fat prick, obviously the only option was to have surgery at 12 years of age. The writing was on the wall really, and not surprising it’s turned into an attention seeking, narcissistic, wet fart man/woman child.
Another non entity cunt. These so called celebs need a good fucking arse kicking (pardon the pun) to bring them into the real world. If cunt Smith likes a sticking his cock up another mans arse, or visa versa then I have no problem with that. Just shut the fuck up and get on with it you fucking poof.