A cunting for overuse of ‘hate’, or the tendency of the virtuous liberal left to prefix anything they deem unacceptable with such a strong word as ‘hate’
It’s ‘hate-speech’, it’s a ‘hate-crime’, or a ‘hate-incident’. Bad enough that these are now used by the apparatchiks of the state.
Guido Fawkes runs a ‘hate blog’, according to Momentum activists. Hope not hate (agree with my pro-EU, globohomo worldview or you’re a vile bigot).
Love Trumps Hate
and on and on, except…
That vitriol aimed at Brexit voters and Trump supporters. See the the faces of the virtuous left twisted into snarling hatred for the old bloke in the maga hat. The old Brexit supporters called gammons and told their vote is worthless because they’re dying.
See the Antifa bullies bashing a gay photographer and a veteran in a wheelchair.
See the Antifa soy cuck stalking the widow of a serviceman during a rally, just because she supports Trump, telling her how he wishes she died in agony, before being chased away by her gigantic son.
See the likes of Jussie Smollet faking assaults, deranged lesbian couples faking arson attacks, black church members putting racist graffiti on their own church, the black MP sending himself death threats to create more division and hatred than there really is.
See the BBC broadcast a programne where a black transsexual calls white people the most destructive force on the planet.
See celebrities call for the doxxing of Catholic schoolkids because they were told by CNN that they had been mocking a native American, and call for a boy, Barron Trump, to be caged and abused by paedophiles because his grandfather bothered enforcing the policy of his predecessor.
See the creative geniuses of Hollywood and the TV, games and comics industries denounce their audiences as toxic bigots for daring to point out their bad writing.
Where is all the hate coming from?
Nominated by Cuntamus Prime
Wow! That was some cunting. Beautifully reasoned and put together.
That passage should be placed on the curriculum of every secondary school for discussion. What a perfect antidote to the crap propaganda pushed out by the left wing militia who teach in schools today. A** Cuntimus A**
Great cunting cuntimus!
Agree with every word.
Control word isnt it?…Hate.
Pin it on anything & everything.
Seems to me that those that are pointing the finger are no stranger to hate either.
Viva Hate.
Fuckin ‘A. I’m going to get a leather jacket and tippex hate on the bad boy. The key is to not let them provoke you, own it and enjoy it. Yeah I hate cunts so what?
A great piece of cunting.
I now try to turn this kind of attack back eg by referring to the Lump Dumbs or Snotty Nats as ‘anti-democratic’, ‘fascistic’ and so on for denying truly democratic votes of the British people.
The look on their faces can be priceless; it’s such a shock for these self-righteous pricks to be challenged this way, so sure are they of their own virtue. A classic case of can dish it out, but can’t take it.
Agree 100%.
And Boris is our very own Donald, ridiculed and hated in equal measure by these cunts.
Brilliant cunting CP.
I think you’ve managed to include every wanker whose argument cannot stand up to reason or debate.
Great cunting ….
On the one breath they’re denouncing “hate speech” and on the very next breath they’re calling someone a fascist nazi…. what cunts.
If calling someone a nazi isn’t hate speech, I don’t know what the fuck is!
Reminded me of this racist cunt that danks made a video about….
This cunt isn’t only allowed to be racist and spread hate speech, he’s actually funded by the government and lottery to do it!
…boils my piss.
Great link Deploy!
Mercury prize winners my fucking arse. Yet another cunting for them i predict.
Take a look at the bbc dankumentary on his site. It’s absolutely brilliant.
That was great… I also loved the how many genders video…
These multiple gender cunts are fuckin nuts!
I know the phrase “best **** ever” was cunted previously but I would just like to say best cunting ever.
Don’t forget about “Hate Facts”, things that are true but the snowflakes are in denial about.
13% of the population are responsible for 60% of homicides is a hate fact. Now that statistic alone is enough to lead one to believe that the issue is with the 13% of the population so heavily involved in homicides, that’s what makes this statistic a hate fact.
Anyone with a modicum of intellect can see that the real fact is that slavery, unemployment, racism, education, lack of welfare and as many other reasons (no excuses) are responsible for the problem.
So those of us in possession of a heart and an intellect will understand that the fact 13% of the population slaying mostly other members of that same 13% of the population resulting in that 13% of the population being responsible for 60% of all homicides is indeed our fault.
Don’t use facts to promote hate.
US homicide figures used for this example of why facts are indeed evil and should be replaced with fluffy kittens and unicorns.
The cunts banging on about hate speech and so on hopefully will find out what its like to be really hated in some shithole were the law has not been emasculated by libtards.
When I hear “hate crime”, I reach for my flamethrower.
– H Belinda “Pol Pot” Hubbard, Septemeber 2019.
Moderated for using hate facts, my bad.
Hate comes from a lack of tolerance which is fucking ironic when you think about it. We cunts are infinitely more open minded than those who seek to condemn us.
Some cunt called Jama Sethu Jaceni has posted on Facebook “please kill white people only”. A friend of mine reported this,and fb replied that it ” doesn’t go against our community standards”. Yet I use the term “goat fucker” and get a 30 day ban.
Somewhere in Greece
See that olive grove? I planted ALL those trees. But do they call me “Con the olive planter?” Oh no.
See that harbour full of fishing boats? I built ALL those boats. But do you think they call me “Con the boat builder”? Oh no.
See that hillside of houses? I built ALL those houses. But do you think they call me “Con the house builder”? Oh no.
But I fucked just ONE goat…
They told us Trump would be a warmonger and a disaster for the western world as he was full of hate.
Well, where are all these wars you lefty twats.
They even seem a bit upset that he hasn’t bombed Iran now.
Leftie cunts are the true haters it seems to me.
On the subject of those playing the hate card just out of curiosity (and don’t ask me why) I have been looking at the most recent column inches penned by the illustrious Giardian journalist who goes by the name of Owen Jones.
Is would appear he is totally bereft of even one single positive comment about this great country (his latest column is about why the singing of the “jingoistic” Rule Britannia should be abolishef due to the origins and connotations of gayness contained within). He would appear to also be seemingly incapable of writing anything other than hate speech or to complete an entire sentence without using the words “far right” or “homophobic”.
What a sad and pathetic little girl he really is.
Rule Britannia has just remined me on a piece I read about how the pro-EU mob hijacked the Last Night of the Proms. See hundreds of those wankers in blue and yellow berets and flags hung from the boxes at the Royal Albert Hall was more piss vaporizing than any EU droid yelling outside Parliament.
It’s absolutely laughable and at the same time tragic. Don’t tell me what channel it was on……….ohh wait….. bbc. Got it.
The ironic thing is, I’d bet this kind of clumsy stunt actually alienates more people than it wins over. It just makes the cunts who pull them look like zealots, unwilling to accept the result of a democratic election. A bit like fascists, in fact.
Very little turns my stomach worse than the sight of those mindless undemocratic cunts waving their EU flags and shit about. And I was pretty indifferent to the EU before 2016.
This morning I had the pleasure of going back to an old customer of mine to repoint some ridges on her extension. Me being a bricklayer/builder person talk to people alot, part of the job. Now, I never get too personal with customers because sometimes they are fucking cunts. I honestly thought she was a complete leftist person, until a cup of tea and conversation. I hinted to my right wing thoughts and she completely agreed with my way of thinking. I was shocked. The conversation about Brexit was agreed on that it is a complete pile of shit. I still don’t know if she’s a remain or leave. But she paid. Non cunt.
I Wonder if they found the far right thug who gave him a kicking ?
He’s playing Twister with Lord Lucan and D.B Cooper in Narnia.
I’m hardly able to watch that megacunt Jones at all such is the piss boiling.
Anyone marginally to the right of Steptoe is a nazi/far right/ toryscum etc.
What a nauseas little fucking gimp he really is.
Excellent cunting sir
And in answer to the question “Where is all the hate coming from?”
It comes from them.
According to some old trout on Radio 4 today, Boris’s government is “far-right”!!!!!
Nazi scum of our streets. Fucking great way to make a point. Cunts
That was in Jo Swindler’s speech this afternoon.
Time to reinforce the lampposts, to ensure they take the weight of hung traitors.
BBC News
Lib Dems: Being a woman is not a weakness, says Swinson
Perhaps being a woman is not a weakness Jo, but it doesn’t make you any smarter either.
Although in reality, it most likely is a weakness. It of course has already been well researched and documented, that because of their natural role as nurturer and care giver, that they tend to be much more likely to be “people pleasers.
In a political role, this usually ends up being a disaster, as their role seems to be more about making friends and mothering after the figurative crying baby in the room, than it is striving to empower the people they lead. Old Treasoner May I was a fine example of such, as is the disaster that is currently the Swedish government.
Honestly, what the fuck got me modded there? This is getting out of control now.
“Being a woman is not a weakness” says Swinson. But in her eyes, obviously a man is. Her wimp of a hubby gave up a good job to change nappies and pick up Gabriel from nursery.
I bet he’s a cuckold too.
Her mentioning that actually makes her look weak but she is so incredibly thick she wouldn’t realise it – if she had a brain she would be a half wit. I’m sick to death of hearing her bollocks but it seems she’s the darling of the media at the moment.
I fucking HATE them!
I’m filled with hate. I thrive on it.
Great Cunting.
Good evening.
Evening Jack.
Don’t you just love the hypocrisy of the leftie cunts?
Evening PMS. There seems to be a limitless supply of it. And they don’t seem to care how far they drag the country down with it, in fact they seem to revel in it.
Total Cunts.
You hear that Spear Chuka came out with some gems like the Limp Dumps would take us back into the EU, adopt the Euro, willingly be second fiddle to the krauts economically and put into the Euro army.
You couldn’t male this shit up and that’s surely enough to repel a lot of the more neutral remain voters.
As for the Swinson creature, that voice… dear God that voice, listening to that shrill harpy is a form of abuse!
The Limp Dumbs seem to be a beacon for all of the other batshit crazy Europhiles considered too toxic for their own parties.
I believe most sincerely, mah fellow cunters, that Swinmong will attain the highest office of “Minister for Batshit.”
Batshit is a most glorious word. I wonder if there is any footage of Donald Sinden enunciating it ?
When I see her all I can think of is halitosis, cream cheese and chin stubble.
She’s like one of those ‘ Earth Mother ‘ types.
Six feet of the stuff would suit her nicely.
That bitch really is foul isn’t she? She just doesn’t look or sound the part. Reminds me of so many other losers……Foot, Hague, Brown, Kinnock, Duncan-Smith….. look like cunts , sound like even bigger cunts.
Did you see Ian Duncan Smith in Parliament picking his nose and eating it the other day?
Horrible it was.
Our MP’s love a freebie.
I just had a vision of IDS eating his snout, but fully realise snot was intended.
Hate… I know all abaaaaaaht it.
I hate most people/cunts, and I am beginning to hate the poor and beggars and people in need… Fuck off I ain’t got time for your shite, I ain’t got time to solve the worlds problems.
My only words of help and advice to these cunts is go fuck yourself.
Lobster dinner tonight, then back to Blighty where I’ll no doubt be bombarded by Brexit, Peaceful cunts and Trannies in the news. If those climate cunts cause me any delays don’t be surprised to hear abaaaaaaht some Black and White cunt going berserk and heads and limbs flying abaaaaaaht the place.
Go fuck yourselves.
“I ain’t got time to solve the worlds problems.”
Enter stage left Blackman and white cunt superheroes!
Armed with a rolled up Daily Mail and wearing a MAGA hat with a Fiddler style cape.
I will tell you who I hate: Gina fucking Millar.
This banana chomping tree swinger needs to shut the fuck up.
Smug fucking bitch.
Never a Al Quieda inspired Scumalian suicide bomber when you want one, is there…
The cunt thinks she can keep throwing her master’s money at our courts does she? Times like this you wish someone would show her that there are some things money can’t save her from. The cunt.
I used to think I was full of hate. Now I realise that I was at best ‘really annoyed’. As with everything these days, goalposts have been moved, convention has been turned on it’s head, centre is now right, and far left is just normal. Having your own personal dramas can put a lot of things in perspective, but it’s nice to know there is still a bit of life left in the hate well. I know it’s there, because it starts to work every time I watch question time. Guaranteed.
The reason for all of all this hate crime is because the average cunt in the street has been and is being bombarded by the hordes of cunts and cuntishness every day and night.
Perhaps if we didn’t have tonnes of unemployed euro trash loitering abaaaaaaht the place, an the employed ones undercutting British workers, perhaps if we didn’t have the militant black people going on and on abaaaaaaht equality etc and calling anything racist whilst not realising that Britain is the most tolerant country in the world and is also still (not sure for how long) the best country in the world to live, perhaps if the Trannies and whatever the fuck other assorted freaks and lgbtq community simply got on with their lives and stopped prancing around in bottomless leather shite and stopped wanting to send Trannies into schools and wanting schools to teach that it’s normal to have two same sex parents etc then perhaps there might not be as much of this ‘Hate’.
Anyways I’m off to the beach to have a last swim and improve my bronze tan. I’ll probably be bitten by a Crocodile.
Not a bad way to go.
Go fuck yourselves.
Nothing wrong with hating something or some people. Especially Albanian scum who murder English girls in Romford. I fucking hate pikeys and Somalians – as everyone should.
Somalians must be the pikeys of Africa, can’t stand the cunts. Sound like they are spitting a phlegm when they talk the cunts.
And the smell of the Somalifilth?
Jesus, the fucking smell…
The whole fucking thing comes across as a psyop, society isn’t progressing, it’s regressing. All this left wing progressive bullshit does is create divisions where there were none before.
Race politics, gender politics, identity politics of any kind is poison.
Meanwhile imported filth is stabbing random teenage girls to death in an immigrant turf war on our fucking turf.
The hate is created by the people who destroyed the British way of life, filled Britain with foreign shite to dilute the national identity and pulled our pants down so our guests could fuck us in our own streets.
Did I just commit hate speech? Used to be called free speech
Fucked off with their toxic system.
well said Sir.
Word ‘HATE’ being overused,
Slightest thing that doesn’t go their way, hateful, hate crime, politics of hate etc
Diluted beyond all meaning.
But get the feeling we are heading in a direction where true hatred will bubble out,
Cant carry on down this path where scum hold all the cards, the hard working are penalised, shouted down for saying the ‘wrong’ thing.
Hope its soon,
Because I truly hate the way things are at the moment,
Feel like Noah waiting for the flood.
We should do a France and bring out the guillotine… Thing is it’s funny how hate crime/speech/thought is ignored when it’s directed at the white working class or heterosexuals….
I agree with everything you upstanding eloquent Cunters have said on this subject.
And yes, I’m full of hate .
Is that a hate crime ?
At a LibDem ‘Glee Club ‘ ( Fuck Right Off ) karaoke night on Monday, LibDems singing ‘Tony Blair can fuck off and die ‘
Whilst agreeing wholeheartedly with the sentiment, I wonder what the reaction would have been had it been a Tory or Brexit Party shindig ? For as much as I look, I can’t find any ‘ outrage ‘ , cries of Fascists ! Nazis ! or the Politics Of Hate ! from any of the usual suspects.
The Fucking Cunts.
As a small consolation, remember that the defecting/defective Blairite remoaners who have just joined will also be expected to sing the song. I hope someone videos Umunna doing it and sends Blair a copy.