
So I glanced the septic tank that is Twitter today to see numerous reactions to the upcoming “blockbuster” ‘Terminator Dark Fate’, the second trailer. The reactions were all positive. I was intrigued. I watched and….

* I couldn’t believe how bad the dialogue and acting was from Linda Hamilton
* The special effects are outclassed by ‘Terminator 2’, released in the early 90s.
*Oh there is Arnold, looking old, bored and just wanting the nice pay cheque. Looks like he’s baking a shit too.
*Why does every “blockbuster” trailer these days have the same booming sounding effect, like a synthesised trumpet or a super mutant turbo elephant farting into a galactic sized test tube.
*And why is that followed with quick fade in/fade out shots of action that ends in this crescendo noise. Is it one guy in a shed and laptop who makes all these trailers for studios on Windows Movie maker?
*Another movie having a dig at men, misandrists still don’t exist in the media’s eyes I guess.
*Why am I not feeling the awesomeness others say it is?

There have always been shite films. I took a date to see Batman and Robin, for God’s sake. I even watched ‘On Deadly Ground’ with Steven Seagal when sober, but has big budget films ever been this monotonously dull and overly glorified? It’s not just this Terminator guff to be fair. I could give many examples.

The creativity is sorely lacking from reboots, to remakes, to sequels, to some special effects that somehow look inferior to effects done decades earlier.

What’s going on? Is the film industry a cunt or am I a bigger cunt than originally thought?

Nominated by Clarky Kat

66 thoughts on “Films

  1. In addition to CK’s well observed criticisms I would like to add the blatant pinching of previous ideas we see in these shite productions. A few years ago I was dragged along by my daughter to watch Avatar; longest three hours of my life. There was Sigourney Weaver repeating her Alien/Aliens thing right down to the same jacket and hairstyle and in one bit there was a ‘stunning vista’ nicked from the cover of Roxy Music’s Avalon album. I fully expected to hear Bryan Ferry burst into song but alas no.
    Dr Strangelove; now that is worth watching. Have a good day my fellow cunts.

    • That avatar film looks so fucking stupid glad I never saw that shit now they are apparently doing a 2nd and possibly 3rd avatar ffs at least the smurfs had substance but these blue freaks are just creepy and retarded looking.

      James cameron is tarnishing his early film reputation with this shit. He made this new terminator film with a heavily feminist theme to piss off misogynists and racists apparently but it just looks so poorly inspired

      • I feel sorry for Linda Hamilton.
        She obviously dragged herself from out of the old folks home because she needed the money, poor old lady…

      • Avatar is overrated shite. Disney spent a fortune based on this dull and outdated franchise. Also James Cameron admits he stole the plot from Pocahontas.

    • I’ve tried to watch Avatar four times. I just can’t get past the first 90 minutes. It’s boring as hell.

  2. I think a lot of it is a lack of creativity and originality from Hollywood scriptwriters, they find a formula that works (see the never-ending Marvel cuntfest) and flog the shit out of it or its a social justice lecture dressed up as entertainment. Give me a good war film any day, watched ‘Platoon’ again and saw ‘Hacksaw Ridge’ and not blue mutant or a preachy ‘strong independent’ wimminz in sight.

    • Morning everyone, yeah keep churning out rehashed bollox in hollyweird, kes2 Billys revenge?
      Off topic-the tickie fairy has been overnight on the hatecard nom!

      • I saw that Miserable, you could spout any old bollocks (and I often do, hands up) and get dozens of upticks. Sometimes I have noticed you tick something and it counts as two so maybe that’s what happened.

      • I always find the tick count goes up by 2 if I tick on my tablet or phone, but not my desktop. At first I thought somebody else ticked at the same time but it happens every time so probably not.

      • Think someone had a laugh due to LOTR getting loads of tickies MR Sheen
        Showed how its done.
        Obviously someone learned it too well and gave everyone a stocking filler.
        Hate remakes of films theyre always shite!
        Worse one I can think of is Pink Panther starring Steve Martin as Closeau,
        Peter Sellers hes not.

      • Do what i do look films up to see if they are worth watching e.g over 30 yr old and watch them .imdbs comes in very handy!some of the films ive watched knocks todays into fucking peices loads of good examples to list!films these days are mostly plot crap actors /20 min cgi shitfest that sez ut all.

  3. Almost all films these days are the following….

    CGI riddled celebricunt/celebrislag filled superhero franchise shit (that ‘Avengers’ shite)

    Femstapo ‘comedy’ featuring an ugly fat bird to balance out the fitter bird, so it appears ‘sisterly’ ‘feminist’ and ‘inclusive’ (that Rebel Wilson/Anne Twataway bollocks)

    The works of white acts and artists being ‘re-imagined’ (ie: nicked) with ‘ethnic’ personages as the star (that Beatles/Springsteen crap)

    Supposed to be kiddies films and cartoons. Now plagued with hateful misandrism and PC ‘messages’ (any Disney load of turd)

    ‘Blockbuster’ franchises that are saddo magnets and attract the worst type of cringeworthy fancunt (Harry Pottter, Star Wars)

    Films with cheap as chips celebrislags in them who can’t actually act (many mentioned and cunted here at ISAC)

  4. And what’s all this big news about ‘J-Lo’ playing a stripper?
    I thought she’d been doing that for years….

  5. Hollywood are jumping on the #MeToo, SJW, VS bandwagon by more or less doing reboots of old classics and “modernising” them for a more contemporary audience.

    So you will get the strong woman as the lead now; or the black bloke, or the black gay bloke, or the trans lezzer bint, or whatever the fuck is the gender trend of the day, in order to please the Left, and piss off everyone else.

    The latest Star Wars episodes really prove how they can fuck things up big style by going down that road. And it wouldn’t surprise me if other old classics like Jaws, The Godfather, the Magnificent Seven, Apocalypse Now, all went through the VS reboot machine with the end result that the wimmin actors were now the main protagonists, while the stupid white blokes just become cannon fodder.

    The great line from the God father “I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse”, will become “We have to factor in his/her delicate gender transitional state of mind before we upset him/her with an unreasonable offer. But will offer counselling of course!”


    • My favourite lines in the godfather are

      “Im german irish”

      “well let me tell you something my kraut mick friend”

      I don’t know why but i absolutely pissed myself the first time i saw that, thought it was funny as fuck, it’s harmless racism but i guarantee you you couldn’t get away with that anymore without offending some cunt

  6. Admin.
    Can you set up some kind of filter that prevents noms starting with the word so. I know many fellow cunters find it such an annoying fucking habit that every cunt on telly seems to be using.

    so you would like us to do something about it?

    • So, it would be like, great if you could.

      Another “annoying habit” – pedantic cunters who cannot very basically punctuate their contributions:

      Can you set up some kind of filter that prevents noms starting with the word so”

      I think starting a nom with “so” is fuck all in comparison, from an admin point of view.
      Just saying…….So if you could do that in future, it would be great.

    • If some cunt appears on TV and starts their sentence/reply with “So”, I immediately develop an all-consuming hatred for the cunt and switch off.

  7. The thing I struggle most with is that very few film studios/directors nowadays get the concept of “always leave then wanting more”.

    For me something should never (with very few exceptions ) go beyond a trilogy.

    Cunt directors nowadays know that if their current instalment is shit, it’s fine, dim cunts will go and watch it anyway and we will just reboot with the current flavour of the month in two years time. We won’t even change the fucking story, just the faces.

    I had a woman I know tell me this about the last Star Wars film , which was a televisual pile of shit for anyone who hasn’t wasted the two hours of their life required to watch it.

    ” I thought it was great, it had a great storyline (it didn’t ) and most importantly a kick ass ( her actual words and she’s English) female lead”

    Mark my words Disney didn’t pay 5 billion dollars for Star Wars to not make a related film pretty much every year . Complete cunts.

    Also it might just be my age but films are so bland now that when my wife asks, ” have you seen that one?’ . Half the time I genuinely don’t know and have to watch the first few minutes before a realisation dawns on me that it seems oddly familiar

    • I made the mistake of watching Star Wars: The force awakens and realising that it was just a remake of the very first one, and not a very good one either.

      • I like a bit of shallow escapism so enjoyed the first three but, for me, that’s where it ended. Watching 7 really was a big mistake.

      • I saw the original Star Wars as a teenager and, although it was sort of fun, I couldn’t help noticing even then that it was a blatant ripoff of several classic British war films and designed to flog a range of overpriced plastic toys.

    • You may not have seen it but all fims follow the same plot these days and use the same poor shortcuts in characterisation, so I dont blame you for thinking you’ve seen it.

      i’m 38 and get that feeling with pretty much every film made since 2000.

  8. I watched Das Boot last night, a personal favourite of mine, thrilling, raw and upsetting. It was also the first war film I saw which portrayed the Germans as human beings, terrified 17 year olds forced into war rather than the faceless stormtroopers you see in a Hollywood film.

  9. ‘There have always been shite films’

    Of course but as far as I can see they are all shite now. Music has gone the same way. Rehash, reboot, autotune and CGI. No room for creativity.

  10. 99.9% of Films these days are so fucking awful with story lines that are so weak and predictable, the bad acting and how Hollywood in particular always show Wimmin to be strong and wise where men are just thick. An example of this was the new Lost in Space the men were pathetic soy boys and Mr Smith is now Mrs Smith.
    Amazon are showing this new Series called Carnival Row, it has endless references to racism and how men are all sexual predators, social engineering from start to finish.
    I can watch films like Apocalypse now, Midnight Cowboy and The Shining over and over. All modern films are all about so called actors egos rather than substance.

    • Funny that Willie, but while watching Stan & Ollie I couldn’t help thinking it was you.
      I thought all of a sudden Willie will come out with Racist Homophobic and anti Islamic remarks . I walked out half way through heavily disappointed. You obviously had a gun to your head and a gagging order.

  11. Greta Thunberg to US politicians: ‘Sorry, you’re not trying hard enough’

    Silly little thicko puppet.

    • Why doesn’t she fuck off to China or Russia and tell the same to the politicians over there? She’ll get short fucking thrift and no mistake.

      But typically she’ll take a pop at the West because they’re a little more tolerant, so she knows she can take potshots without getting a well deserved kick in the flange

  12. I’m not overly bothered about films with “strong independent female” leads as long as they aren’t preachy. My favourite film of all time is Aliens which obviously has 2 strong females in Ripley and Vasquez.

    If feminists look hard enough they’ll find several “old” films with tough women in them, the warrior woman in Mad Max 2, the secretary Leigh in Assault on Precinct 13, Pam Grier in Foxy Brown, even Princess Leia in Star Wars.

    • Special mention for Adrienne Barbeau in Escape from New York and The Fog (splendid norks too).
      Assault on Precinct 13 was remade badly a few years back and the only decent female character in it was killed off about 30 minutes in. If John Carpenter was dead he would be spinning in his grave…

    • Odd that feminism looks for role models in the media, it seems weird to encourage people to use fictional characters in unrealistic circumstances as an ideal to live their lives by.

      Instead of trying to show people that movies are bullshit to be consumed as escapism from real life the message is women need bullshit aimed directly at them.

      I enjoyed Conan but never for a minute did I think it was a template for how I should live my life.

      Were we meant to go forth and crush our enemies directly after the movie?

      “Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of the women!”

      The bullshit never stops.

      • It’s odd that anyone other than normal hardworking people are used as role models for young people.

        I had many sporting heroes but none of them really make good role models since selfishness and a big ego is generally a trait of a top sports star.

        My actual role models were my parents and grandparents, I was never an angel as a kid(who is?) but it’s thanks to them that I’m a hard working decent member of society and I’m not stabbing people over a lack of “rizpec” and hitting old grannies over the head for a tenner.

  13. Last film I saw at the cinema was Terminator Salvation and it was absolute bollocks.
    Personally I think Christian Bale flipped his lid during filming because he could see what a career damaging mess the film was going to be.
    And as for James Cameron, what a cunt…

  14. Hard Times with Charles Bronson,released in 1975.
    Hollywoodland can take is deranged agenda and fuck right off.

    • Now that is a really great film. I don’t care much for Charles Bronson or for James Coburn, but in this they’re perfect.
      I watched the latest Predator film on Sky this week. The first film was good and the alien is fantastic, but the sequels have got steadily worse. Why can’t they come up with a decent screenplay?

      • Hollywood has forgotten the art of screenwriting. What we get now is fucking laughable. Hard to believe any of this shit is aimed at the sane adult population, but then I know people in their 30s and 40s who went to see Ice age , Frozen and Toy Story 3/4/whatever and they dont even have kids.


  15. You think today’s movies are crocked shit . I had to put up with the never ending “Rat Pack” shit ! Now that was CRAP !

  16. Thank god for the independents!

    Hollywood has always been one big fuck wet dream, constantly churning out safe films to not only please audiences but its corporate investors. Any plot remotely cutting edge is seen as a bad investment and is usually canned before a minute of film is shot!

    But the independents still make great challenging films that don’t pander to anyone, especially French and German filmmakers, and of course the Asian markets. However, those films you barely get to see because most cinema chains are owned by big corporations who have a franchise to show Hollywood shite and very little else. And then you have the likes of Amazon Prime, Sky Movies and Netflicks – who again only deal with Hollywood bollocks.

    Is it any wonder younger generations are being brainwashed by this media monopoly; they don’t know any different; storylines have to be spoon-fed to their addled little brains so that they can join up all the dots as quickly as possible; and then they have the balls to say on shitbook “Oh yeah, Fast & Furious 16, was fucking awesome; best film ever! Shawshank Redemption bored me; so overrated; no action. Gimme F&F16, super awesome!”

  17. Bollywood is a complete festering load of Piles.
    8 hour films and their all boy meets girl.

  18. I tend to watch films relevant to my interests some of them are particularity dark.

    This one is based on a true story of a Serbian unit cut off in a motorway tunnel in Bosnia, the back ground of the cast is pretty realistic, it was released with English subtitles as “The tunnel” its real name is “Pretty village, pretty flame”

    I would recommend Land of mine, alas in German but equally good.

  19. I’ve never seen Star Wars, never want to.
    I never go to the cinema any more, I think I last went in 2003 – can’t stand being surrounded by a load of noisy cunts, yakking on their phones whilst the film is on and crunching their cunty popcorn (that product itself is worthy of a cunting).
    It’s worth waiting a short time for the film to be released on DVD, then I can rent it and watch it at home, in peace and comfort.
    Better still, I can watch Talking Pictures TV, athough that’s only when Freeview is giving me a decent picture and not being a cunt and breaking up all the time.

  20. Sounds like Terminator has been mangled as well. I won’t be going to see this pile of misansrist shite,it sounds about as enticing as Rebel Wilson’s gusset.

  21. Every film trailer these days has that Inception trumpet sound.

    “In a world…”
    “Evil reigns supreme…”
    “Three teams…”
    “Must face the ultimate challenge”
    “Go wild in the aisles”
    “Next time you’re a the checkout and hear the beep…”
    “Think of the fun you could be having on…”
    Supermarket Sweep: The Movie!!!

    • God forbid,the last thing we need is that cunt Rylan adding “movie actor” to the long list of things he’s fucking useless at.

      • Rylan? Who is that? I remember when Dale Winston hosted Supermarket Sweep. Dale was such nice guy. Everyone loved him.
        I’ll always remember, “Bring on the wall!!!”
        Dog rest his soul in the big supermarket in the sky.

  22. Twitter is an echo chamber where any dissenting opinions are classed as abusive behaviour.

    No wonder this dog shit is recieved positively. Twitter is the North Korea of identity tripe, where blue haired mongs clap like seals at ‘diversity under the pervading dread of being doxxed and losing their jobs in academic, digital media or government departments.

    It’s a sick site full of sick people.

  23. Prime, in my opinion, Twitter is full of twits. I wouldn’t be surprised if the The Twitter Movie, went something like,

    “Dude, sup, OMG I’m so triggered! Like totally. Swear down, fam!

    – “Oh my days! Why bro?”

    “I dunno”


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