Peaky Blinders (BBC TV show)

Peaky Blinders is a cunt of a series, isn’t it?

Typical Al Beeb money-saving, budget tv: same grimy road shots, same fire blasting out of the same furnace, same pub and canal angles, shoestring bollocks. However, they didn’t spend the saved cash on writers.

In Peaky “Fookin” Blinders’ first couple of series it was daft: Sam Neill was a charmless Northern Irish policeman (Al Beeb not sympathetic to Narrthern Oireland); Winston Churchill wandering about, being corrupt, paying off people (Al Beeb never sympathetic to Winnie); Benjamin Zephaniah as a Rasta poet …erm, frequent in 1919 Birmingham (Al Beeb not sympathetic to historical truth).

Cillian Murphy is a boring actor. Lots of slow-motion shots of his Holocaust cheek-bones looking like Skeletor-in-a-flatcap while Auntie Polly acts like she’s the matriarch from Scouse comedy ‘Bread’.

Then it went ludicrous: Tom Hardy as a hammy, swaggering Jewish butcher; a token pretty millionairess who falls for the Skeletor bad guy; a lovely camp of gýppos, charming but poor, strong pîkey values, but moral and Zzzz….

Now it has a bigger Netflix budget for liberalism: Oswald Moseley storylines, Britain bad, foreigners good, etc. The writer even talks about, “the rise of nationalism, populism, fascism, racism blah blah – a huge sweep across the world… And you look at the world now.

Maybe, not such a great idea.” Zzzz.

Let’s not even begin to talk about the wonky’d be like sticking a pin in a map of the British Isles.

It’s had some decent bits, but has succumbed to the inevitable finger-wagging, moralising horse-shit. Thank goodness Al Beeb is there to correct our thoughts. From silly enjoyable drama to crippling mediocrity.

Peaky “PC” Blinders.

Nominated by Captain Magnanimous

63 thoughts on “Peaky Blinders (BBC TV show)

  1. I must confess to really quite enjoying the first two seasons, but then it all went shitshaped at season 3 with some bizarre storyllines and whack-job characters.

    I never bothered with S4, and if its now been sanitised by the VS boys/girls/things, then I certainly won’t be watching S5.

    Nothing is sacred any more without shoving liberal agenda politics down our fucking necks!

    • Peaky Blinders That Arthur why doesn’t someone give him a good Fookin smack a Birmingham version of Danny Dyer
      Cillian Murphy What’s that large Fookin golf ball behind his right ear someone should use a 3 iron on it and give it a good whack Absolute lightweights and an insult to your intelligence more BBC rubbish

  2. I took one look at it in series 1 and thought it was piss-poor and it has gone downhill from there. It seems it is impossible for the BBC to make anything without some form of virtue signalling.

  3. I watched a few of the first season, it bored the shit out of me. Netflix is a fucking cunt on its own. Torrent shop is great.

    • True netflix is a cunt but I don’t pay for it my brother does so i get a freebie shared account through him. Peaky has been on mylist for a few weeks now been watching other stuff an been busy with life but i never got around to watching it yet but from the sounds of this cunting its not too great or gets worse after series 2

  4. I’d rather get a blow job from Laura Kuntsberg than watch that shite.

    Typical Al-Beeb Libtard bollox.

    Fuck off.

  5. That sound to me loike a reet ole pile a’ steamin’ BBC cuntage.

    Do theys mumble their lines, perchance?

  6. Cunts stole my idea for a programme about a bloke who goes around poking Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus in the eyes.
    “Paki Blinders”.
    Sent a script in but,so far,have heard nothing back.

    • Well that had me choking on my beer!

      Great idea, but will never see the light of day on the usual cunt channels.

    • Fantastic idea but I’m afraid it’s a tad late , a sure fire 70.s hit , sandwiched in between “ love thy neighbour “ and “ rising damp”
      Ah fuck 70s TV was GOLDEN ?
      My wife’s always nagging me when we watch “ it was alright in the 70.s” she sits there tut tutting!! Me I’m rolling around on the floor laughing at the outrageous cuntery of it ………

  7. Pesky blinders is a cunt alright but the BEEB have got plenty of form , who remembers last years cuntfest “ the bodyguard “ ? The show that portrayed an army veteran as some kind of fucking pussy whipped cunt who spent the entire series getting bossed about by a bunch of split arsed mechanics!!
    Forget dodging bullets in Afghanistan this poor veteran got henpecked six ways from Sunday!! , the only trick the beeb missed was making him gender neutral or even better a fucking tranny!!
    Fuck the BBC

    • Afternoon Q, every cop show now has to have a lead female detective preferably BAME, and/or lezza with ‘mental health issues’ or by some miracle if they are married, the husband is a limp dicked Guardian reading vegan pussy.

      • Afternoon mr liquidator ….
        Spot on ….
        strong woman leading around a weak willed clueless dolt of a

        Husband / house husband
        Or guardian/ independent/ observer reader ….. ?

  8. i actually liked series 1,2,3…apart from the italian gangster looking like alastair mcgowan trying to do an impression of himself being an italian mobster…ive seen scarier looking burnt pizzas…

    but from series 4 it really has gone downhill…too many new stupid characters and story lines that you cant keep up with it all, or understand why they wrote it, and theyve turned the best character in it, Arthur, into a drug crazed, alcoholic, whimpering love sick lunatic…Finn and Michael have been virtually cut out of it, along with loyal Shelby members charlie, curly and johnny dogs…

    i dont want to cunt it off, but its a shame it has gone so daft from being quite a decent drama

    • Agreed Munchy Waller. It was half decent for the first couple of series though a bit repetitive. I gave up a few years back when he was left fir dad on the stairs, the camera forever lingering on him…then didn’t die.
      I trust Cap’n Mags’ appraisal and won’t bother with this politically correct, tick-boxing crap.

  9. I soon as I saw that weird looking bloke was on it who was in 28 days later, that was enough for me to avoid it.
    He looks a cross between Sylvester the ventriloquist puppet and a china doll.

  10. Never seen it, can’t be arsed.
    I’ve just heard a piece on radio four (the PM prog with boss eyed Evan), and it was about some shouty cunt having a pop at Boris in some hospital. It turns out that it was some labour activist, playing up for the assembled journalists. They then went on to play a montage of Boris getting heckled by various strains of cunt, and then posed a question; why is Boris shit at being heckled. Not why are so many cunts finding the time to hang around screeching like mental patients, or why are these cunts getting coverage, or why are the left such moaning wankers. Good old radio four, getting to the heart of the story. Cunts.

    • Also, the BBC are giving the guardian a free ride on the Cameron only suffers privileged grief. Fuck, even we didn’t go there. Hardly surprising they are keeping that quiet, conniving cunts.

  11. Utter shite, not a patch on Gangsters from the 1970s which explored the Birmingham underworld in a rather more robust fashion. Featured plenty of ethnics but not there for token reasons. Series 1 featured a Bernard Manning style comedian complete with good old fashioned racist jokes.

  12. I’ve never watched this, the title puts me off, it sounds stupid. There used to be a show on tv called ‘Thief Takers’, the title was so lame I never watched that either.

  13. Pikey Blunders……..history for cunts who don’t know any history but love a good soap. Like Downton Abbey for fucks sake.

  14. Good cunting though if you dislike programmes that are badly-disguised politics, whatever you do don’t watch a series called Carnival Row.

    An old-fashioned town with a racist-like attitude towards newcomers who all have horns like rams and skin that’s a bit…erm…dark. Naturally they’re all decent people and not like the hateful racists who sound “a bit fick an’ a bit stoopid.”
    Painfully viewing. I managed one episode.

  15. I enjoyed first series, based on a real gang , like manchesters ‘scuttler’ gangs.
    But dissapeared up its own arse,
    Whys Oswald Mosley portrayed as a bad cunt?
    Far as i can see he forseen what would happen to this country, think the word for thats a ‘visionary’ !
    Ok he was a fascist, and wore jackboots! But he did smell nice,
    So its all half/half.
    What was the subject again?
    Gone of on a tangent!

  16. Never seen it but have found that listening to people rabbiting on about it those self same people I would classify as cunts regardless, so completing the circle a cunt of a programme for cunts

  17. I am delighted, nay smug, to announce that, having ditched off the idiot lantern in 2010, I’ve not witnessed a single millisecond of this gobshite*

    *I am, however, more than happy to take the word of my fellow, esteemed cunters, that this Wogan-House-Emanating programme is indeed the aforementioned gobshite.

    Ewch i ffwrdd.

  18. Peaky Blinders is overrated, unadulterated wank. The first series was worth a look purely for that Annabelle Wallis strumpet. After she got the fuck off I couldn’t be arsed to give it the steam off my piss.

    Load of BBC bollocks.

  19. I am sure the BBC will remind the viewers that Mosley’s political journey was from moderate right to far left. Started as a conservative before moving leftwards to Labour then further left to the Fabians and then finally to extreme left wing authoritarian Fascism. I’m sure they will.

    • Indeed, Moseley was a political opportunist, vain, arrogant and with an overwhelming sense of his own importance.
      I rather think he would have fitted in nicely in today’s Palace of Westminster.
      If not, a nice cushy job at the top of the BBC could have been his niche.

  20. If the BBC want to bang out programs on gang culture may I suggest scrutiny of the albanion .turkish, kurdish and countless euro trash that operate with abandon and relative impunity and sparse media analysis, but that would educate the public and run counter to the prefered BBC message that their all working in architects offices and the health system, so fat chance, the more you dwell on this you can’t but realise the BBC is an insidious organisation with an extremely worrying agenda which like the gangs is getting away with criminal behaviour in it’s misrepresentation, but again fat chance of the supreme court ever being asked to form an opinion on that, leaves me with only one option to get out down the alehouse as I am late already

  21. History is written by the winners. The Libtards and their BBC propaganda arm are busy re-writing history. Moseley (and Hitler obviously) are now Trump, Farage and Johnson. Associate the well known cunts in history with the cunts we don’t like today. I wish I had a fiver for every dimmo who told me “history goes in cycles dunnit?”

    That’s right mate, it’s a unicycle and there’s a clown riding it.
    Wanna buy some candyfloss cunt?

  22. We’ve got enough material collected on this site to make a whole series of
    “Pikey Bleeders”

    • Might start putting razor blades in me flatcap a’la peaky blinders!
      Oh apparently im not according to mrs miserable, she bought me that.
      So to clarify im not putting razor blades in my flat cap,
      And you shouldve all known better than to of encouraged me.

  23. Watched the first series in one sitting and never again will I watch that shit.

    If drinking pints of brandy 24/7 is somehow hard, edgy or even historical I will drink my piss. Nothing happened the whole series that made me sit up and listen, the only reason I watched the whole series was because I was pissed and the remote was out of reach.

    The so called hard man looks like he is made of cardboard with noodles for arms, piss poor casting and worst of all, David fucking Beckham is dressing like them.

  24. The only thing worse than the series are the legion of utter cunts whom now wander our streets sporting the same cunting flat caps and slicked back hair. Eat shit and die in a ‘peaky’ corner somewhere you insufferable pieces of human excrement.

  25. I’ve noticed the rise in middle aged men trying to be so cool and ‘with it’ wearing their blinders cap, tight dress trousers and brown shoes (what is it with fucking brown shoes these days?)
    Cheap shite tv. cheap shite dress code. cheap fucking ethics.

  26. Peaky Blinders is SHIT. The font just taking up the whole tele signifies that it’s wanky bollocks.

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