London Fashion Week is a fucking weird cunt event, full of cunts.
I don’t pretend to be fashionable. I take pride in my appearance, but I’m not bothered about brand names, or keeping up with the new trend. So maybe I just don’t get it. But what the fuck is London Fashion Week?
If you wore any of the clothes in public that are shown at these shows, people would think you were a complete loon. From the outside looking in, it’s just a bunch of cunts celebrating themselves for being utterly mental.
You could forgive this and say, “Just let the retards do what they want, they’re not hurting anyone”, but the reality is, they ARE hurting people. Anorexia is a huge health concern for men and women who are desperate to become models. Not only are they pressured in to becoming dangerously thin, but the almost dead skeletons are praised for it.
This promotes to children and the impressionable that this is how people are supposed to look – pasty, makeup covered, non-gender specific, spastics. To say we’re in an age where fucking limp-wristed cunts are offended by everything, they stay surprisingly quiet about their limp-wristed cunt brethren in the fashion industry.
I could go on, but I won’t. Fashion is for cunts, made by cunts.
Nominated by elboobio
If for no other reason I despise LFW as it gives the fucking Beckhams and their brood yet more chances to grab press attention. They are fonder of the limelight than even the Blairs and that is saying something.
Two thoughts…
1/ How the fuck can a dress, as worn by the Markle person, cost 9,000 quid?
2/ Why do all models look like they’ve spent several months at Club Belsen when most heterosexual males like tits and arse? Are all fashion designers infected with The Gayness?
Just a ducky darling opportunity to kiss both cheeks and compliment each other.
No fan! And i write this as a deeply fashionable bloke!
My plus four knee britches are always presses and my rain cape is from hawkes of savile row.
Is this Bumholia’s national dress?
Hes a cavalry officer standing to attention to the Bumholia national anthem ‘its raining men’…
It almost makes that preening metrosexual dullard Beckham look normal when he wore that sarong. Its only some bloke on a catwalk wearing some luggage straps but could be a metaphor for the Wests decent into degeneracy and why the peacefuls feel they can take the piss when the come here.
Fuck off! I am Jewish so it is the Primary sale for me.
I’ve recently made a life size replica of Bruce Lee made entirely from off cuts of material.
It’s a complete fabric Asian….
I’ll get your coat and save you the trip.
Meanwhile, ever wondered what ever happened to this waste of space? Utterly hilarious reading….enjoy.
Funny how she’s ‘not asking for sympathy’ but crowbars her ‘mental health’ into it on several occasions. To my mind she asked for it, she got it and now she can fuck off. If her mental health was so fragile she shouldn’t have been within a mile of the demonstration.
Fuck me she is still trying to play the victim. When will these cunts ever give it a rest. We all saw and heard what you are, someone who can’t deal with someone who holds a different view to your own. You deal with it by playground bullying and petty, inaccurate name calling or slander. Siobhan you are the epitome of everything you hate and you have no excuses.
I’ve never read such a load of whining, self serving , libtard bollocks in my life. I don’t want to know about your “white privilege”, your fat issues, your “pansexuality” , whatever the fuck that is, and your made up “misunderstood personality disorder”. You’re a bully who, because you were mob handed, thought you could insult and abuse people. And what were you protesting about anyway fat bollocks? The result of an election in another country that you don’t fucking like. Just crawl back under your rock you stupid, loudmouth, self pitying sack of shit.
Anyone on the political spectrum who, in this age, decides to scream their damn fool heads off in a mob deserves whatever backlash they get, up to and including doxing. This isn’t the 60s- there are literally cameras and microphones everywhere and you’re probably carrying around a tracking device (smartphone) and dumping your personal details into chickenshit ‘social media’ that doesn’t give a fuck about your privacy and won’t think twice about selling it on to the highest bidder. Fuck them all.
What I find funny about this is how she they’re all happy to dish it out (they’re entitled to since we’re all wrong) but the moment they start getting some of the shit thrown back at them it’s all ‘Oh, poor me, I’m being abused’. Well, now you know how people who have done nothing except have opposing views feel about you left-wing cunts.
How the fuck do you pronounce that? There is no silent ‘b’ in English. And ‘s’ does not sound as ‘sh’ unless you put a ‘h’ after the fucking ‘s’.
Celtic wank names must be properly angli-fucking-cised, otherwise we’ll round them up for non-opt-out re-edu-fucking-cation.
This one is written as it sounds, ‘Shivvorn’ so take that you pussed up smeg hole fuckstick cunt.
I mean anyone who identifies a shivvorn is one of those
Thank you,that’s quite splendid.
Brilliant, that’s made my fucking day! Everything you love to despise conveniently wrapped up in one fat ugly stinking lesbian loon cunt.
Free delivery as well!!
Reading it again I’m left with this overwhelming feeling…..her boyfriend had a lucky escape.
Lost the will to live reading her self indulgent whining.
Stupid fat cow deserves all she got and more.
This one deserves a cunting in 20 subheadings. I could cunt her on the hour every hour for a month. And the word cunt is not a euphonium.
FFS WordPress I meant fucking ‘euphemism’
I had no idea the Canary was still going. Still publishing bollocks, then.
Fashion what a lot of pointless grandstanding and brown nosing, a case of the terminally stupid being led by the nose by the totally useless.
The designers ought to be forced to wear each other’s daft creations when popping out for groceries. No shyness at all when purchasing milk at Tesco, naked with spikes round your neck and cling film round your goolies.
It’s a blatant display of the ‘haves’ , a showcase for designers most of whom are unknown to the great unwashed.
Self indulgent crap for the rich and privaledged.
In the news yesterday footballer James Maddison arrives at Man City wearing a ‘designer’ back pack…. cost £6500!
Who said footballers get paid too much ?
I’d happily force a sizable portion of meat down Cara Delevigne’s throat…cure her of anorexia and lezzing at the same time that would.
Afternoon Mr Fiddler, its probably the most sustenance she will see that month.
It’s all she’d need all month,LL….a dislocated jaw and stretched esophagus would ensure that.
How about all those sweatshops making the stuff. They conveniently ignore that. “Designer” stuff is the biggest load of wank on the planet. The cunt slebs who have it, are given it free, so the weak-minded think they need it. As for the fucking Beckhams – he has bailed out her loss making shit for years.
Naomi Campbell falling off the catwalk was the highlight of my “fashion” life.
Would love to sdee Alastair Campbellend falling over, hopefully into a vat of boiling acid.
Boys can dress as girls….vice versa, you can be anything you want.
Nobody can stop you being who you want to be, so I’m told.
Yet when my youngest lad wanted to be Spiderman and I brought home a few radioactive spiders from the power station where I work, to bite him, social services get involved….
Did you pull his legs off and flush him down the bog?
I wear clothes that are comfortable, that fit me, and are affordable.
I wouldn’t dare wear any of those bizarre costumes.
Jeans and t-shirt for me. Like the L’Oréal I’m worth it. I’m comfortable.
I’d rather be comfortable and real than L’Unréal like those weird clothes horses that strut up and down the catwalk.
I feel bad for people particularly impressionable people that see films, adverts, fashion things in magazines etc etc and strive to look like those models, film stars etc. It’s not real.
P.s thinking of the name L’Oréal, it reminded me of an old advert that was on the telly a while back. “Stu-Stu-Studlo Line! Sculpt your hair any way you like it!” It had people in it and someone pretending to play the saxophone.
Same here Spoonington.
Spend most of my life in my work gear. Work trousers, polo shirt and steelies.
Jeans and t shirt are the go to out of work but there’s no better feeling than getting in to a sharp suit, perfectly ironed shirt, a nice tie and an expensive pair of shoes.
Proper bloke clobber.
I feel like a peacock when I’m suited up.
Something is only worth what the dullest cunt is prepared to pay for it. And in fashion, it’s all about dull cunts. Vacuous pathetic dull cunts.
Absolutely everything and everyone to do with fashion shows are complete cunts, including the designers, the models, the organisers and the people that attend them.
Also, why is it that the people in the audience, at those fashion shows, wear sunglasses indoors?
Probably because they’re out of their mind on cocaine and amphetamines and don’t want people to notice.
Because they’re fucking cunts.
This collection from American designer Thom Browne is vomit inducing:
Imagine chaps trying to wear any of those outfits on a train going to the office, nay in the office.
I hope this loon designer goes bankrupt.
p.s. all the ‘looks’ are numbered. Its anyone’s guess which one is the worst. For me its between look numbers 6, 20 and 27.
Wear that shit round my way and you’ll get a good kicking and your handbag nicked.
Fucking faggots.
Ha ha, can’t stop guffawing with laughter, I can guarantee if you wore anything approaching this in offices where I have worked you wouldn’t be there very long.
Half the cunts look like they’ve forgotten to put trousers on… what the actual fuck…
And everyone of them are looking fucking miserable, as if to say ‘What the fuck am i doing here’ dopey cunts!
Odin’s fucking beard!!! The most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen.
Fuck me – the things some cunts are prepared to do to earn a crust! Humiliation on stilts.
Fashion comes and goes. For me, I would live to get my hands on a 50’s style double breasted suit complemented with a pair of Loakes Brogues. The epitome of smart style IMHO.
Style never goes out of fashion.
I think that’s the whole point, what actually looks smart and stylish has always looked that way. Fashion designers are like artists, they throw any shit together and claim it’s art/fashion, and wait for the rich retards to open their wallets.
It’s not just models that are affected mentally by this shit. There are thousands of influencer-cunts that are slavishly followed by any number of kiddies and those who still think they’re young (obviously already mental, them) who mindlessly buy into the bullshit. What’s extra comitragic is that the fashion industry has routinely convinced their flunkies that they’re making a difference and buying their shit will end hunger/racism/pollution/AIDS/poverty/fill-in-the-blank, when it’s doing the exact opposite. Let them all burn.
You only have to watch episodes of “Absolutely Fabulous” to realise what a complete load of wank the fashion industry really is!
Just like the Oscars and the Emmys and other self-serving, self-congratulatory wankfests, LFW is just a show for freaks and fuckwits
Would it make the slightest difference to 99% of the population if this shitfest was blown to fucking bits by a cruise missile?
I dare say it would not.
The useless cunts.
Now the Brit Awards has made itself even cuntier by announcing that it’s “going genderless” there’ll no longer be “best male” and “best female” categories. How the fuck is that gonna work? “Best singer with/without tits”? Taylor Swift could easily be in the running for the “without tits” category. What absolute cunts. It’s probably down to the bollocks that helium-voiced shirtlifting nancy Sam Smith was drivelling about last week. Another deluxe edition cunt.
Imagine the squeals of outrage if a straight white male wins a Brit Award from now on…
Another eight fucking parasites picked up in The Channel today from Afghanistan and Iran apparently. Once again all we hear is how dangerous it is etc.
Let’s make it more dangerous and blow the fuckers out of the water I say.
The Border Farce will give them a warm towel and tell them not to worry anymore.
The whole situation is a fucking disgrace.If the BF won’t get rid of the cunts at least take them back to France.
What a disgraceful panto it really is.
For special occasions I wear my pink crushed velvet cat suit. Done me proud since 1973.
Would that be for when George Galloway comes to town?
Does anyone remember this scene from “The Devil Wears Prada” in which the Meryl Streep character humiliates and ridicules the Anne Hathaway character who has dared to snigger at the pretentiousness of the whole fashion industry? These egomaniac pricks actually believe they matter and that their absurd ideas end up influencing the rest of us.
The whole industry stinks.
Normal cunts grow out of the phase of “dressing-up” by the age of 5.
These saddos ,like members of the acting profession carry on doing it forever.
I’ve never bought any item of clothing because I’ve seen some other cunt wearing it, so why do women (mainly)
waste a fortune on “designer” labelled flimsy-as-fuck garments because a bunch of gay men decide how they should look?
Cuntery at its finest!
On the subject of fashion, did anyone see Emily Thornberry at the “Love Socialism Hate Brexit” rally in Brighton dressed up looking like the EU flag…fucking ghastly ugly vermin species thing…think I hate every bone in it’s fat body.
Did they actually call it that?
Jesus what self unaware, deluded cunts…
They did indeed Baron……this cuntry feels like it has been shot to pieces.
I honestly couldn’t give a shit about fashion, because Katy Perry as a walking chandelier. The fuck are the fashion designers on? It’s also starting to become a competition to see who the biggest muppet is.
And oh god. That looks like the fucking fashion nightmares I have to deal with on the Sims 4.
Thornberry did her best Jabba the Hutt impersonation. A bright blue tarpaulin from Camping and General with a yellow star necklace made from various household junk.
I bet she stunk out the tarpaulin with her terminal flatulence.
I nominated LFW at about this time last year, I think the picture was something similar too, a mangina in a cunt outfit,designed by a cunt.
It’ll just get worse each year, especially with the supposed 100 different gender identities promoted recently by some cunt at the BBC.
I once spent a very long day acting as our company representative at a photo shoot with two models and a photographer and his assistant. The photographer was a no nonsense top chap. The models were dimmer than a five watt lightbulb. Spent all day pouting and squirming on a sofa, holier than thou attitude and unable to string a sentence together. Not especially good looking, either.