London Fashion Week

London Fashion Week is a fucking weird cunt event, full of cunts.

I don’t pretend to be fashionable. I take pride in my appearance, but I’m not bothered about brand names, or keeping up with the new trend. So maybe I just don’t get it. But what the fuck is London Fashion Week?

If you wore any of the clothes in public that are shown at these shows, people would think you were a complete loon. From the outside looking in, it’s just a bunch of cunts celebrating themselves for being utterly mental.

You could forgive this and say, “Just let the retards do what they want, they’re not hurting anyone”, but the reality is, they ARE hurting people. Anorexia is a huge health concern for men and women who are desperate to become models. Not only are they pressured in to becoming dangerously thin, but the almost dead skeletons are praised for it.

This promotes to children and the impressionable that this is how people are supposed to look – pasty, makeup covered, non-gender specific, spastics. To say we’re in an age where fucking limp-wristed cunts are offended by everything, they stay surprisingly quiet about their limp-wristed cunt brethren in the fashion industry.

I could go on, but I won’t. Fashion is for cunts, made by cunts.

Nominated by elboobio

75 thoughts on “London Fashion Week

  1. If you were in the business of manufacturing clothes, and you made them good enough to last five years, you’d make a lot more profit if you found a way to convince people to buy new ones every year. Five times as much in fact. That’s all that fashion is, persuading gullible bastards to par with their money for no good reason. And it serves the cunts right if they can’t see through it.

  2. No blame attached to our upstanding moderators here but I posted a comment on this nom which appeared and then was taken down. I assumed the WordPress Thought Police had disapproved of some “banned” word and then realized I had used “s****er”, which my dictionary defines as “a sly or disrespectful laugh”. The word has absolutely no racial connotation and neither did my comment which was about the film “The Devil Wears Prada”.
    This just shows how Orwellian the modern world has become. So fellow ISACers, don´t use the “s” word, well not that particular “s” word.

  3. A fucked clock is right twice a day, and it’s always cunt o’ clock at London fashion week.

    One day my own bleeding-edge trend, ‘mong-chic’, will get serious consideration from the emaciated cunts and old queens who run this industry.

  4. Why does the world not understand that male fashion designers do not have the slightest interest in making women look attractive or in looking at attractive women. Have a wee think on that for a moment…….

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