Intellectual Pride

Intellectual Pride – The scourge of the age.

I’ve just been watching a woman reviewing the papers on television. She worked for a ‘think tank’. She had a view on everything that was asked of her but I detected more interest from her on global issues. And it got me to thinking, would she have been a happier person had she lived say ninety years ago? I think she would have been.

Say in her 1930’s head her mind would have been full of current ‘cares’ not current affairs. Focused on her family and friends.. but her 2019 mind is broad and can take in a world view. Her mind back then would have had a narrower view, but her focus would have been on her kith and kin and friends, local community….but that what’s still important now today, isn’t it? That’s all that matters really? Her 2019 self seems more interested in the world’s problems than local problems. (When asked about how many bathrooms one house should have she seemed uninterested.)

I surmise that she would have been a happier woman back then. Her brain not filled with ‘concerns’ about climate or the economy or ‘social issues’. We live in a ‘newspaper-Internet-flattered’ age. We are puffed up with what we know and how much we know. And life passes us by while we are reading or watching news and formulating our ‘views’. We are literally wasting our time. Our heads filled with ‘world issues’, ‘global concerns’ about which we can do very little.

And all the time life is passing…

Nominated by Miles Plastic

50 thoughts on “Intellectual Pride

  1. Yes, you made me sit back and think and I make you absolutely right.
    So now i’ve got another reason to hate those remoaner bastards! Fuck you Corbyn! Bomb the fucking goatshaggers!

    • I fucking hate Remoaners. I was ranting about remoaners the other day to my Polish workmate and he pissed himself laughing at what I was saying…… He’s a closet brexiteer i reckon.

      • I fucking despise the self entitlement that many remoaners exhibit…..
        excellent post MP and I make you right
        I’m sure much of this bollocks is actually done to distract people, keep them busy worrying about shit they have virtually no influence over ….
        Climate change is a good example, whilst Europe is busy beating itself up over it the main protagonists China and America just carry on , old spoon face wouldn’t get a heroes welcome in Beijing!! Or many parts of America for that matter!

  2. As the brother of my ex-fiancée said on the Scarlett Johansson thread, we should be thankful to live in an age when we are blessed with so many insightful celebrities who know just about everything about everything. Why bother going to university or medical school or spending decades in a frontline position when singing a shite song, running a race or being a bit-part actress in a crappy soap makes you a polymath to rival da Vinci?

    If Swinson’s lot are honest, they’ll drop a couple of words from their title at the next election…

    • Well put. It was delicious watching Ed Davy getting belittled by absolutely everyone on question time last week. It was the one thing that the panel of cunts, and the audience of mostly cunts agreed on. He just sat there, looking like the sitcom cliche dumbfuck that he is, probably wishing that Swinson was there instead, eating a shit sandwich.
      Love the advert too, though it looks way too much like it’s straight from viz.

  3. Good nom Miles!
    Agree totally. Maybe this lady doesnt have a family, too focused on a career?
    Sick of these people who are always worrying and concerned for the welfare of people in other countries but not for this country.
    Look out for your family, your country,
    Your community.
    As can guarantee people in other countries arent worrying about us.

  4. A good illustration of just this is the contrast between Barry O’Barmy and Trump. Whilst Barry was more concerned about the world and his Nobel Peace Prize, the Donald seemingly wants to focus on his homeland.

    I suspect that is why many people oppose the Donald. Not because of his supposed misogynist boy’s talk.

    Also why so many cunts with pro Ezu placards protesting outside Westminster? Miles has hit the nail squarely on the head.

    • Ezu is a “British-Asian” rapper who uses Hindi, Punjabi and English lyrics.
      It’s also the name of an expensive pile cream used by, among others, Emily Thornberry.

      • Thornpiggery’s haemorrhoids must look like the sort of vegetation that comes alive in schlock-horror movies, swallowing up whole cities.

        In fact, Dame Emily herself looks like something out of a horror film.

  5. Thats why Tango won.
    Know he can seem clownish, the hair,skin colour etc but whats wrong with putting your own countries needs first?
    American jobs ,american trade deals,
    Not signing upto anything were America pays the lions share etc
    Seems obvious to me, but the libtards are upset by this?!
    Every country in the world did this until recently.

    • Some of it especially among the snowflake youth is because it is fashionable among Twitter mongs, celebrities jumping on the latest bandwagon and Royalty (yes you Ginger Pubes) to take a world view on so-called ‘pressing issues’, recent climate change protests being a good example.

      I have heard the phrase ‘Global Citizen’ being banded around in recent years, as if a countries problems in say Africa on famine or drought, should be of immediate concern to us in the UK and take attention away from pressing and perhaps unfashionable day-to-day issues.

      • This is down to people being less patriotic than previous generations,
        Its of no concern to me what others countries problems are,
        If you told me a asteroid had hit africa wiping out all life, my first thought would be ‘how does this effect UK?’
        Then ‘aww all that wildlife’
        Thats it!!
        Oh might grin.

      • I am pissed off with being held personally responsible for all the woes that have befallen mankind . The Black Death, Plague of Frogs, AIDS, Diane Abbott ,they are all your fault Guzziguy- Fuck Off

  6. An interesting nom. Miles,but I’m not sure that I agree with it.

    If “ignorance is bliss” then yes.people would be happier,but a compliant “parochial” view that extended no further than one’s own front door would suit the Powers-that-be just fine….”Oh people don’t understand or care about the bigger picture so we can do as we like without any awkward questions”.

    We slam vacuous celebrities for their ill-informed views on here mainly because we don’t agree with them,but at least they have a view. I think I prefer someone spouting views that I find controversial rather than some ignorant of world affairs type who just expects someone else to do their thinking for them.

    In the “good old days” when people didn’t have a view or a voice many accepted religion as the lodestone which guided their lives and were happy to let someone else tell them what was best for them..whether you believe that is a good thing is up to you but I personally would rather that people did think for themselves and ask questions of others rather than just sit at home and concern themselves with what they might have for dinner.

    No. I’m all for “intellectual pride” if it means that people are prepared to ask questions of things that are beyond their own narrow self-interest.

    • Celebrities may well have a view, but it’s usually not their own. These cunts will do and say anything that will get them sales, parts, noticed etc. They’re all Jeremy Corbyn in different forms.

      • I agree totally. Imagine that you are a celeb looking for your next big payday. Your agent arrives and says ‘ You must speak out in favour of Greta’ .’ Who the fuck is Greta? ‘Is your reply. ‘The next big thing’ says the agent. ‘What do I say?’ ‘ I have it written here’ says your ever loyal Ms 10%.
        The rest is History – YOU love gays, baby whales, the environment,even Dick Fiddler…..

  7. This is absolutely superb. I never thought of modern life like this before. When I grew up we could not care less what happened outside our town and yet we are told to care about people that we will never meet or know on the other side of the world while everyone now stares at a mobile phone around you.

  8. By Intelectual Pride’ I would perhaps narrow it down to the all-too-common Dunning-Kruger effect.

    See The Arts, Facebook and Twitter for myriad examples.

    Self-appointed experts because they have a BA in International Relations or BSc in biology from the University of Sussex but really they know fuck all.

  9. A theory to explain an obsession with the “Global problems”
    Being much easier to go on about something you can do fuck all about in a constructive way than sort out your own shortcomings which would take grit and determination and would be hard for you. Easy to wave a placard, hold hands on a busy road, hard to accept the fact that a degree in theatre lighting and oceanography will get get you more than a paper round plus massive pointless debt.

  10. I think that the world most definitely IS more complicated than it was decades ago and the collective head is filled way more with topical national/global ‘issues’ than it used to be, mainly due to fucking interfering libtards permeating the airwaves and every other fucking platform, shovelling this shit down our throats.

    It really would be nice just to live in bliss and all that, but the sad reality and truth is that in the ludicrous world we live in today, you can’t just get on with the important business of living life and have blinkers on to the insidious shit that directly AFFECTS that life.

    In saying that, in terms of bloody Brexit (for example), I don’t know why we even bother getting our knickers steamed over it and focus so heavily on what is and is not happening with it, as what difference does our opinion mean, or has EVER meant in the great scheme of things?

    Our opinions have been null and void from the moment we put the cross in the appropriate box on the ballot paper.

    • Excellent post NC.

      “If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t let us do it” – Mark Twain.

      As true then as now. Cunts.

  11. Is there something wrong with the uptick thingy? Or are we getting trolled again? It’s been a while…..

  12. Off Topic but an emergency for.
    Dawn Butler.
    This stupid Dark Key says British Banks and Business should pay slavery reparations to Dark Keys for being ripped off This stupid nodding dog of Corbyn is an absolute idiot totally out of touch with reality supposedly British me thinks not Dark Key values money first ideology a total cunt This is Labour we are the Government in Waiting.

    • In that case, the Scottish Nazi Party should be taken to the cleaners over what they did to S Wales / Cardiff….all that slavery, lack of Elf’n’Safety &c….

  13. The rallying cry in the referendum-‘Let’s take back control’ I took to mean taking back control of our own lives. Involving ourselves at what we can change personally. The focus there, at the local level. All the rest is dross.

  14. Well put Dick, but surely there is a balance to be struck?

    Trump is the apparent remedy to the world stage preoccupation of the previous incumbents. Not saying this is right, but it certainly seems to be the case.

  15. In moderation again. For fuck’s sake. The thread will have moved on by the time that is released. I wouldn’t mind, but not one swear word. Whereas I can type ‘cocksucking fuckshit’ and I bet this post will fly through.


    • Did you know succümb and modicüm are trigger words? Something I found out from bitter experience.

      • Ah, I included the word inc*mbent. Clearly one to avoid in future.

        Thanks for the tip, RTC!

      • Wow – that was well guessed! You’re welcome Paul.

        It’s any word that has cüm imbedded in it. ?

        Apparently to do with a certain Jennifer Lawrence video that wordpress is keen to prevent us posting…

    • Thanks George. I do like your posts too. I posted a non sweary comment just before 9am this morning. It didn’t appear and when I posted it again it appeared twice with an ‘awaiting moderation’ advisory. Now both posts have gone.

      I need a lie down…

      • Found the sharp end of moderation myself Paul I now avoid certain words that seem to trigger it RTC has now confirmed it thanks guys

  16. Great cunting,very nicely put indeed.
    I consider all the libspeak hot air and relentless multicultural propaganda as part of an agenda to swamp and demoralise right thinking persons.
    So they can all fuck right off.

  17. In the states they have this “climate change guru” called Bill Nye the “Science Guy”.

    He was their equivalent of Johnny Ball in the 80’s, getting kids interested in science of all kinds. I may be one of the few, but I loved Johnny Ball’s programs in the 70’s and 80’s.

    However – on the coat tails of “do as I say, not as I do” Al Gore’s climate change bollocks of the early noughties – Bill Nye became the go to scientist on all things climate change.


    So is Bill Nye a scientist? Well he does hold a bachelor’s degree…in engineering!

    Qualifications surrounding climate analysis, physical propagation and chemistry, not so much.

    And yet because he’s “Bill Nye the Science Guy” we have to take every utterance he says as verbatim.

    Experts? Yeah, The Guardian’s full of them. And rarely are they expert in the matter at hand.

    “Up next, Dr Kehinde Andrews – professor of Black Studies at Birmingham University – on climate change, right after this break sponsored by BP.”

    Yes and not one hint of irony, nor questioning. They’re “expert” so…

  18. Bang on Mr Plastic!

    An old mate of mine used to ring me up on a daily basis to rant and rave about Donald Trump, Globlal political issues, Alien conspiracies, Extremist political theories and the corrupt banking and monetary systems of the world..

    I frequenlty reminded the cunt that he should spend a bit more time worrying about his own immediate world and personal reality, namely the he hadn’t worked in years, was stuck in a rut in a dead end of town, a borderline alcoholic, on benefits and often resorting to picking up fag butts outside the local shop to make rollups when he ran out of money! Cunt.

    Content to be is to be content. Do your own thing, and think what you want, not what the media tell you think. Most globally concerned vocalists are not wisened sages but attention seeking, shallow sheeplike hollow vessels.

    As Oscar Wilde once said :Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation”

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