Greta Thunberg Detractors

I have changed my view on her. I now see her as some kind of Joan of Arc figure with her piercing singularity of vision.

She has said ‘We need to get back to pre-industrial levels of pollution’. How right she is. ‘The world she’s tough’ sang John Lennon. But not that tough. The Amazon is in flames, people in a Nordic country have placed a plaque to mark the end of a glacier. I’m no scientist, but the ‘consensus’ of scientific opinion is that there IS a Climate Emergency. Are they ALL part of some liberal conspiracy agenda?

My gut feeling is that we are PAYING or the earth is paying for all this raging Capitalism round the world. This ‘mania’ for producing things. This ‘frenzy’ of buying and selling. That has been going on for centuries now especially here in the West. I believe technology can help. But Greta is right we need to lessen consumption. We need to change our way of living. We need need to get back to pre- industrial small scale economic activity.

Nominated by Miles Plastic

154 thoughts on “Greta Thunberg Detractors

  1. Overpopulation is exactly the problem, combined with the main polluters, China, India and the USA. I’ve no doubt that Mother Nature will develop a cure for the human race (terminal galloping knob and fanny rot seems likely). I’m not bothered by the prospect at all, as judging by the number of people cunted on this website, there are no non-cunts left among us (not even Greta Thunderpants). So the eradication of the human race will just be the Earth getting rid of a lot of cunts, something which we’ve striven for on here for a long time. Good old Gaia.

    • I think Spoony could clean up here by using his Teleporter to ship off all the undesirable cunts to the Moon. Keep the cunts that keep on giving.

      • As said above, fuck Greta Thunberg. At best she is Roger Irrelevant, and at worst she is a very unusual case of a rather mawkish and ugly variety of genuine child abuse, both by her parents and her wider sponsors. She’s also clearly at an asteroid strike short of an extinction event, which further devalues her over-glib, well-worn rhetoric.

        My point here: is there anyone – apart from Fred Dibnah (obviously) – who does NOT qualify as a cunt, according to the consensus on IsAC? Is there anyone at all…?

        Now there’s a really good question, which I urge everyone to try to answer as truthfully as you can.

        Like incest, this is a game for all the “family”.

      • Guten Abend, Herr Fiedler! Flamethrowers aside, that was meant as a (quasi-) serious enquiry.

        Although the “miscreant”, Owen Jones’s nemesis, was by definition guilty of a criminal offence under the 1861 Offences Against the Person Act (OAPA), which makes him a bid of a cunt (even if he was “in wine” at the time)… surely the chap is a proper cunt for failing to do a proper job, given the opportunity, and as a minimum causing severe inter-cranial bleeding?

        Only a cunt would leave Master Jones able to walk having met him at 3am in a dark alley on his birthday. A golden opportunity missed, hence a proper mard-arsed cunt he surely must be.

        Sorry, try again Dick

      • You’re right Mr.Sheen.
        Their failure to leave the little shit living out his days in an iron lung does indeed make them Cunts.
        The only person that I can genuinely think of who would undoubtedly meet with the unqualified approval of everyone on …is a Cunt is,of course, ME.

      • My mother isn’t a cunt Dick. Unless you’re calling her a cunt… are you?

        Good evening.

      • If you’re Mother is still alive to call anything I’ll be fucking amazed.


      • Do contenders have to be alive? Fred Dibnah is the bench mark, isn’t he?

        my mother-in-law is still alive, but she’s definitely a cunt.

        My mother lives on in my memory.

      • Fred dibnah and Bernard manning are the line for me, they are not cunts more canonised saints of manhood.
        Oh an mad Jack Churchill an keith Moon

      • Come to think of it, my father implied that my mother was a cunt when he used to say “I took the cunt out of Scunthorpe.” She was from Scunthorpe you see.

        So maybe my mother was a cunt after all…?

        Btw, if Bernard Manning wasn’t a cunt then I’m a Flabbott’s uncle.

      • Mr Fiddler’s non-German antecedents being the de Pffefels. They of Alsatian (-Lorraine) pedigree, and along with our current – albeit short-lived – Prime Minister sharing the questionable character trait of extreme borderline-psychopathic NARCISSISM, along with other comorbid disorders.

        Or so it would seem, eh, Ricardo?

        601 601 601 601 601 601


      • Bloody bold try, Miserable Northern Cunt. However…

        Bernard Manning was a very funny man, and a great singer, but I’d suggest that the entire point of his act was to appear to be a cunt (and he openly revelled in being called a cunt saying “that’s just what I like to hear”). More importantly, I believe the man behind the act was indeed a money grabbing cunt who had little time for anything that didn’t make him richer. Brilliant comedian, but a cunt on and off stage.

        “Mad” Jack Churchill I know less about, but a glance at Wikipedia reveals that he played the bagpipes, despite hailing from Oxfordshire and Sussex. Anyone who’s not a jock who plays the bagpipes is a bit of a cunt in my book. “He also enjoyed sailing coal-fired ships on the Thames and playing with radio-controlled model warships” according to wiki, which sounds a bit twattish, and he certainly looks like a proper up-his-arse cunt, who revelled in the limelight of his gratuitous eccentricity. Might not be a cunt, but rather hard to be sure.

        Keith Moon was a childish bellend, a shit drummer, a narcissistic show-off, a screamingly morbid alcoholic and a total buffoon, although The Who were better than the sum of its parts. Definitely a cunt.

        If any other serious suggestions come in, I’ll hopefully critique those tomorrow, if I get the time (he said cuntishly). I very much doubt there are any non-cunts, living or dead, other than Dibnah, but I await with interest the suggestions of the experts in the field here on IsAC /WASAC (wazzock?)


      • Bold i certainly am mr sheen!
        Mad Jack churchill stormed the beach at normandy waving a claymore sword and walking into the line of fire playing bagpipes, he also killed a german officer with a longbow, please could you reconsider?
        This man is a ‘boys own’ type of hero!
        If not, we can put it to a ISAC vote?

      • No, DF, let’s not. Let’s see who comes up with a ubiquitously accepted Good Egg (ie person free from any cuntishness whatsoever).

        To Mr Creampuff, you are very sharp this evening! Back on the alkaloids, perhaps?

        But yes: as Fred Dibnah was the only unalloyed non-cunt who came to my mind (who might possibly enjoy uniform approbation) and – as you correctly point out – because he is no longer climbing chimneys my enquiry must therefore include dead putative non-cunts, who by rights belong on the parallel website WAC.

        Thanks for the timely clarification RTC.


      • It is possible, Bertie.
        I think if Earth reaches maximum capacity of people, they’ll eventually do the same on other planets.

    • The people make up 5.2×10-12% of the weight of the planet. It’s not even the equivalent of a zit.

      • I should have just said ‘a tiny percentage’, it would certainly have made my post easier and saved me looking up stuff.

  2. I agree with Miles with regards to consumerism driven by unfettered capitalism.

    But the bigger picture is that globalists love both communism and capitalism equally.

    Communism sees everyone as a worker unit, controlled by the state, driven by the foolish notion of equality of outcome (not forgetting that some people – the elites – are more equal than others).

    Capitalism sees everyone as a retail unit, controlled by big business (especially tech giants), driven by the foolish notion that more shit – usually debt fuelled – makes you more important. The elites can buy the most shit, and are therefore most important.

    The likes of Greta Thunderpants, AOC and “the squad”, our own Green Party’s Caroline Lucunt, Owen “cunt” Jones and Lammy, et. al., are merely useful idiots to the globalists who use them as pawns in their self-serving game of world domination chess!

    Just as all roads lead back to Rome in antiquity, the funding of all useful idiots (whether directly or indirectly) lead back to George Soros and his ilk.

    Anything which divides the plebian masses into smaller and smaller groups is promoted by these global elite cunts so that no one group remains big enough to overthrow them (Romanov style), when the curtain is finally drawn back and we have a clear view of exactly who is pulling the world’s strings.

    And by then it will be too late, and the demographics of the West (particularly) so transformed, that no one will care.

    Those that do care will have no voice (after the continued political erosion of free speech and free will) and will be disappeared, while the rest are fed statutory happy pills and told how great their meaningless lives are.

    Just keep working.

    Just keep buying.

    That’s all we are to them, Eloi!


    • “That’s all we are to them, Eloi!”

      Good call and a fair summation. Funnily enough I’ve just finished an ‘on the bog’ re-read of The Time Machine 8-}

  3. Do China, Russia or India actually give a flying fuck about the environment?


    I think that is the sign of things to come then folks. What happens when we reach the leeward side of bum island and what sanctions could be taken against these vast superpowers?

    Send in Greta. Great idea, Maskinback – lets get her on a rubber dinghy tomorrow!

    • Spot on PM!!
      According to reports once this spoon faced ( previous posters description) bore gives America her message she is travelling back to Sweden on a raft made exclusively from coconuts for a week with her family before setting sail for England on a small plank of wood ( obviously sustainable resourced)

  4. i agree we need to cut the population. are there any scientists here? i ‘m certainly not one so this question may be a bit naive. C02 makes up .004% of the atmosphere, man made C02 is a tiny tiny % of that .004%. can someone explain why such a tiny tiny % is supposed to have such a dramatic effect on the climate?

      • Nobody bothers with figures they just scare the shit out of people with floods, drought, famine, killer heatwaves and of course shoehorn Brexit in if possible.

    • Yes I can; it’s because every disseminated climate prediction knowingly omits the effect (or even to acknowledge the very presence!) of the principal planetary insulator – water vapour – which is responsible for between 92 and 95% of the so called “greenhouse” effect and about which we can do absolutely fuck all.
      Here’s a nice non technical take apart of the numbers

  5. slight correction. the % of c02 in the atmosphere is .0391% or to put it another way 391 parts per million but the man made part of that is still a tiny % . so say man made co2 was 200 parts per million ( it’s not and will never be ) that would still only make c02 500 parts per million. what is the mechanism that makes that soooooo dangerous?

    • Best ask moggie pal, I’ve not a fuckin clue, im a poet not a environmental boffin.
      I thought c02 was a leisure cruiser.

      • Not me mate. All I know about CO2 is we breathe it out and you can get it in fire extinguishers. It’s all I reckon I’ll ever need to know, if even that.

  6. I will not listen to any cunt on these issues until they mention the massive overpopulation, which is growing exponentially. Capitalism requires consumers, and religion requires followers, so both will be against any measures that reduce that supply.
    The science that confirms climate change is contestable, and it relies on a short period of recorded time, which is less than the blink of an eye. It is also intellectually beyond me to process, so I have to have faith in the cunts who say it is happening, or those that deny it. And I don’t do faith, that gets you nowhere. However, pollution is quantifiable, and the mess that we are making of earth is obvious for any cunt to see. Too many people need too much shit, whether it’s fridges or firewood. So, until population is brought into the equation, we are fucked.

  7. The one point of agreement that comes across from this nom is the urgent need to control population. Achieving this, however, is as far away as ever, set against the backdrop of a religious group intent on achieving world domination by the proliferation in their numbers.

  8. I hope big don gives her a teddy bear and an ice cream , pats her on the head and sends her off to Disneyland .

  9. Its all fucking bollox, want to get more money out of the plebs, make some shit up and tax the cunts for the privilege
    have the cunts fixed the ozone layer yet?

  10. Let me see… British housing, schools, health services and town centres are overrun with dooska dooshkas, bogo bogos, and peacefuls with a fear soap and deodorant… None of these bastards work, the cunts don’t -and won’t – even speak the language… Yet money and homes, interpreters and solicitors, hospital beds and specialists are lavished on them without question for years that turn into decades and thousands that will become millions (if not billions) of both people and pounds… Yet snowflake ‘protestor’ cunts in Blighty are more concerned about climate and the gospel according to St Greta of Windowlickerberg?! Get the fuck out of here! She is the latest virtue signaling PC pet, like that Bake Off peaceful from a while back or St Jo of the Blessed Cox (and her odious cunt of a husband) or that Malala gobshite (But.. But she was shot! We should let her and her relatives live here for free forever!)… Also, like those other ‘saints’ like Geldof and Malala, I dare say Greta and her parents will soon be set up for life… Nice fucking ‘work’ if you can fucking get it, eh?….

  11. I notice St Greta of Windowlickerberg has not yet mentioned the infestation of Sweden and its neighbouring lands by peaceful types, about how Malmo is now called the rape capital of Europe, the way Germany has become a peaceful free for all, how Paris is now a Third World shithole, and how UK towns like Manchester and London have peaceful terror attacks and the likes of Rotherham and Rochdale are peaceful rape epicenters…

    I wonder why?….

  12. I watched Greta getting off the boat in New York and all the idiots holding up placards and worshipping this second coming. The poor girl looked totally bewildered, which is hardly surprising. She’s a lonely, not very bright, little girl who has read a couple of books and, through no fault of her own, has been thrust into the limelight by cunts who want to use her for their own purposes.
    In this day and age when we are constantly told about the importance of mental health (thank you, your Royal Highnesses Baldy and Gingerbollocks) nobody gives a fuck what’s going on in Greta’s little brain.

  13. What is well sickening about this kid’s ‘campaign’ is the self serving celebricunts she will attract… The piss poor Buzzcocks that are the 1975 for a start…. Then there will be the American variety: twats like Tom Wanks, Kilary Clinton, Natalie Porkman, and Scarlett Johansscunt will no doubt want to be ‘buddies’ (on camera at least) with the young ‘un… And I have no doubt that both Bonio and that Markle Mare will attach themselves to the Greta bandwagon soon enough…

    When we all know if she was just an ‘ordinary’ kid on the street these cunts would cross the road and get into their limos to avoid the ‘ree-tard’…. Celebrities are cunts…

    • Those trollops Slagbag Delegvine, Tiltess Swift, Miley Cyrus, Rita Oral, Kunty Perry, Kim Kardashian and Emily Ratashagbag will also all probably want a photo opp with the ‘novelty’ that is Greta… The kid is a virtue signaler’s human craze….

  14. Greta is getting some serious snowflake mania and arselicking… But can you imagine if the kid was black?…. She’d be elevated to god status by these cunt trombones….

  15. Some mong on social media has asked: Which dead famous people are you still kinda mourning a little bit?

    Err… Why mourn any fucker you have never met or don’t know? And why do they have to be famous? The moronic bollocks of the Twitter generation in a nutshell…

    Anyway, just wind the cunts up and say Adolf Hitler….

  16. Carbon dioxide? get fucked! Carbon di-fucking-baxide if you ask me and which incidentally is the orifice from which this Mongbird chooses to issue her scripted monotonic schtick. I wonder perhaps if she’s aware of…
    the 11 yr solar cycle
    the 21,000 yr equinoctial precession cycle
    the 41,000 yr cycle of the Earth’s +/- 1.5deg wobble in its axial tilt or…
    the 100,000 yr cycle of its varying elliptical orbit around the Sun

    …and has everyone forgotten the revelations contained in the “Harry_read_me.txt” files discovered when The Univ of East Anglia’s Climate ‘Research’ Unit had its server hacked to fuck!

    …the misplaced data sets replaced with baseless extrapolations, uncatalogued station/cell lats and longs, unfathomable cobbled together coding, the blatant admissions of manipulation of said shit program coding to accomodate outlying and ‘orphaned’ (ie completely unattributable) data sets, reliance on unproven and ludicrously isolated proxies… the list of collusions and errors was/is jaw dropping and at a stroke undermines anything that any ‘climate scientist’ might ever say on the matter. Find me one single scientist who believes in their wildest dreams that it’s possible for humans at our present state of technoligical achievement to even contemplate the methodology by which it might be possible to terraform a planetary atmosphere and you’ll have found yourself a right lying cunt.

  17. Is this irony or sarcasm?
    Since Saga Noren I never imagined that Nordic girls with aspergers would look like this.
    Anyway her keepers have had a wasted journey.
    Epstein is dead.

  18. Where did my comment go?
    All I said was she’ll soon toe the line once she’s had a good seeing to……..

  19. Shouldn’t this silly doris not just be getting fingered and smoking fags behind the bike sheds ffs lifes too short love, go and have some fucking fun, daft cunt.

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