A nomination please for that attention-seeking, disingenuous, self-serving, psychosis-inducing, clinically depressing fucking chalice of piss, otherwise known as Gina Miller.
You can always rely on good ol’ banana-mouth to be there whenever something further scuppers Brexit or the intention to leave. There she was this morning, smiling and hugging and joyously flashing her Del Monte approved gob at all he fellow Remainer luvvies as the Supreme Court, with no surprise whatsoever, voted that the PM’s suspension of parliament was unlawful.
I always love the now-standard bollocks response about ‘huh huh you asked fer parlimentary sovereignty, this was just a non-binding referendum uh hu’. Something that Gina Cuntfuck and all the similar remoaning cronies conveniently forget of course is that parliament overwhelmingly VOTED to approve invoking article 50, and subsequently passed the bill through Commons and Lords to do so. That, in any fucking thicko’s book, is what made the decision to leave a parlimentary act.
Once again, this all looks like a bunch of cunts with vested interests seeking to frustrate the process at every opportunity. If Brexit is a fucking mess then it is no small part thanks to cunts like Miller, who have conspired to hamper the process at every fucking step of the way.
I’m so glad that a professional divorcee plucked from the vines of 5th world South America is now such a fundamental and pivotal figure in determining the future of Britain outside of the European Union. Guyana of course, being the then propped-up shithole British Guiana, which nevertheless voted for independence from Britain in the sixties. Even Alanis Morissette would appreciate that fucking level of irony.
Miller might be a staple on the ISAC pages these days, but it is for very good reason. This cunt and others like her are, as far as I am concerned, quislings in the true sense of the word and are truly the enemy of this country.
Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back
When those cunts in Guyana voted for independence did they actually know what they were voting for?
Just asking.
Wish they hadn’t – she would have stayed there. By the way, she has a mongey child (a la Harvey) who has a reading age of 11, despite being an adult. I don’t like to bring people’s children into it, especially if they are backward, but the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree does it?
No it hits the ground an rolls in the mud.
Then some b*stard picks it up and sells it as “organic” at Waitrose!
You’d think therefore that she had better things to be focused on, like her mentally disadvantaged child, rather than sticking her oar into and fucking up democracy.
It’s only democracy when it is aligned with her viewpoint. I fucking hate this bitch with a passion. Couldn’t she be used for bayonet practice by the military instead of a sandbag?
Ordinary people are now being treated like foreigners or war criminals. Through their supplicant foot-soldiers like this wretched cunt, the EU has been masterful at divide-and-conquer.
She’s a useful hussy. An EU whore who’s been well-compensated and told to stick to the script by they-who-hold-the-purse-strings.
It’s the Year Of The Cunt.
You’re correct Cap’n, but What kind of mad-man would want to put his love-wand up the Miller minge?
I would. Have to be a back scuttle, bit afraid of the teeth. I would live through the critique at the all too soon end quite happily.
This woman has defied 17.4 million people’s wishes, condescendingly told them its for their own good and then reacts with shock and horror when she receives in complementary communications.
How far can she get her head up her own arse?
Until she gets stuck, and suffocates.
Wore of Soros.
Thank goodness that I, Gina Miller have selflessly devoted every waking hour (apart from millionaire lunches, beauty parlour visits, luxury holidays, Fortnum & Masons, meetings of Cunt of the Month Club, oh & worshipping myself in the mirror) to correcting your silly mistake, and keeping us in the truly marvellous Millionaires Cunt club, that is the European Union.
The fact that I am a deluded, Elitest, Dog turd faced, shit for brains, dried up husk of a fucking cum stained, piss smelling, privelleged old whole has nothing to do with it.
Au revoir, les enfants – xx Gina
People are still putting their fingers in their ears and repeating ‘the referendum was advisory, it has no basis in law, na-na-na-na’.
Like ECB said, fucking thickos.
I would love to know who is funding (or fucking) this self-important whore. So many times the remainers ask where the Brexiteers money comes from, nobody ever questions this entitled heap of shit.
By the way parliament has decided not to allow a 3 week break next week for the Conservative party conference (lost by 17 votes) just shows how much Marxist cunts like Corbyn want freedom of speech. Boris apparently got into a slanging match with Jess Butch Phillips who “confronted” him according to the BBC. The little gobshite is still upset about the Jo Cox remarks.
sorry 3 day break – not three week. Steptoe is making me as big a daft cunt as he is.
I saw a clip of Jess “Pîkey Blinder” Phillips and could smell the yeasty banshee through the screen. She could be mid-way through a gender alignment programme though Lord only knows knows which way.
You can just picture her and Angela Eagle rolling round the hearth-rug in their undies, spanking each other at the Lesbian Labour Ladies Social Group Wrestling Club
She’s a fucking beast alright. The kind of monster that could drive a man toward the gayness. I’d rather suck the shit from a mans bellend than get within a foot of that ogre.
Jesus Shagga! Eurgh, can see why cadburys sacked you from the advertising campaign!
Even I recoiled at that!
All her beauty must be on the inside.
Let’s turn the fucker inside out and check.
Soros and Boris!
Can’t stand that mouthy Brummie slag. I hope Boris told her to fuck off. He’s certainly growing in popularity (well, outside the M25) after yesterday’s performance. I hope he continues to be rude and obnoxious to these libtard bastards.
There you have it – it’s only London/South East who want to stay in. I live near London and I fucking hate it. I hate going on the tube and being a foreigner in my own fucking country everywhere I go. All the fucking dooshkas, letter boxes and peacefuls. Whatever day of the week you go to Westfield or the like, it is full up with them – don’t the cunts work? Londoners love their cheap foreign Labour – they care more about being European than British. I say we cut off the South East and sail it to fucking France. Let me get of first.
Totally agree. I am in London and use buses and get fed up with the stink of dirty clothes and curry and Dark Key wimmin with big hair jabbering away non-stop on their mobile phones. Get off the bus and you see the chinks gobbing on the pavement. I bet Saddick Kunt never sees that.
Those cunts don’t need a phone. Shouting so loudly the people they are talking to in Abuja or wherever can hear them.
Loud cunts.
They really are a bunch of loudmouth foghorn cunts. Even the wimmin. Maybe cos they’re allowed to say fuck all in Ramalamadingdongabad. Or in the house.
Mrs Beemack and myself went to London a few years ago. We got to Gatwick airport, then had to travel by bus, train, and finally tram. There were transport strikes at the time, so all vehicles were packed, and me and her were the only two whiteys on the fucking things. Plenty of spear chuckers, letterboxes and towelheads. From journeys beginning to it’s end. That was 2016/17,fuck knows what it’s like now.
Just a small point of order LC the South East voted almost identically in percentage terms as the referendum result as a whole to leave at 51.8% leave and 5 boroughs of London also voted to leave and a few were very close in votes. Looking at the demographics of London you can almost see the leavers pain. The rich and the migrants mostly backed remain.
Not wanting to upset fellow cunters just feel the leave voters deserve a fair deal, they must be so frustrated and irritated having to suffer the smug remainers every day.
Whites only should have the vote!
Do people know what happens when push comes to shove?
You wont understand the text but the pictures are self explanatory, rod one of the EU exiles from 91.
And yes we did build that bunker, pull up a sandbag at the White Boar and many a tale could be told about the good old days.
Strange that the weaknesses in the remoaners’ case are never addressed in the MSM with the same care as TECB has demonstrated. Still and all, let’s throw some more spanners into the works.
Either the queen is or is not obliged to act on the advice of the PM. If she is, why is Parliament not obliged to act on the ‘advice’ -as some claim it to be – of the people? If the Sovereign is subject to checks on her sovereignty, why is not Parliamentary sovereignty also subject to restraint?
If the Queen is not so obliged, she is an accessory to an unlawful act, which raises further constitutional questions. However, the act was deemed unlawful by 11 devious cunts making it up as they went along after the event. It infringes no pre-existing statutes except a very old one stating that the monarch must not act unlawfully – and she didn’t: the act was not then unlawful. It should not have retrospective force.
Hell, that sounds like a lawyer. I hate most in others what I fear in myself…BTW, how much did those four lawyer-strewn actions against democracy cost, and who was paying? MSM silent on this one.
David Starkey was on the radio today saying the last time that the British constitution was vandalised like it has been it led to civil war:
Breaking news-someones just got arrested at pinup girl Jess Philips constituency offices banging on windows an doors shouting ‘fascist!’
Not a fellow cunter is it?
Perhaps one day Bulldyke Jessie will have a Princess Diana “accident” – perhaps on the day when she is giving Dame Keir and Hilary a lift…
She was on Peston last night,
Her Ears are fucking enormous!!
So she is pig with lipstick!!!!!
And a cunt.
You haven’t got a white van for work by any chance Miserable? Drive it past Thornpiggy with a little England flag in the window and she might self combust.
I do have a white van!
And if she lived near me would definitely consider winding her up!
Park on her drive with SS flags?
Or weightwatchers advertising?
Yes mnc, a public order offence (probably the all encompassing sec5 so beloved of old bill) it ‘s normally a charge, court, fine and don’t fucking do it again!! but no you can bet your bollocks that this ‘Hood’ will go down for 6mths … or more?
I wasn’t banging on them, I was just trying to match her licking speed!
It was her real Father and he was shouting “fatty”!
The defender of parliamentary democracy AKA STOP BREXIT
I would love to smash those teeth with a brick.
Fucking big brick.
I’d fuck the bint to fuck all 3 holes
Mind the teeth.
I loathe this bitch, the EU’s go to whore for obstructing Brexit, like most whores we won’t know her clients aka where all the money funding all this comes from
Phone the plantation and let them know where she is.
They need to take some links out her chain when she gets back.
Ole man river.
It’s about time the finances of the arrogant, obnoxious bitch (real name Gina Nadira Singh) and her husband Alan Miller (real name Cunt) were investigated. He’s worth £40 million apparently, they live in a £7 million two up two down in Chelsea with an outside bog and they also own a holiday home in France. Nobody seems to know her net worth and the closure of her True and Fair Foundation is equally mysterious. Perhaps the fair and impartial BBC will look into it?
I bet their outside bog is a poorly-paid Romanian immigrunt with gravestone teeth and potty breath.
The bitchcunt is somebody’s puppet, that’s for sure, and a fucking well funded one.
That Brummie Bargewoman needs her cunt kicking in aswell. Two cheeks of the same arsehole.
I don’t know why people are calling her a traitor, she’s nothing of the sort. Her only motivation is to look after her, and her sort, and give her legal pals a payday or two. Ok, so she tells a few porkies, to keep the demented remainers on her side, and I think she’s starting to enjoy this Poundland Bond villain thing she’s got going on, but traitor? Nah, democracy meant nothing to her, so she’s not betraying fuck all. A solid gold cunt to the rest of us though…
Yep this rich dark key has attitude she doesn’t care about the 17.4 million of us who voted to leave the EU she thinks fuck you She has been aided and abetted by the traitor John “Back to Basics” Major This cunt closed Parliament himself to stop cash for questions debate a total fucking hypocrite.
Jess Peaky Blinder Philips Yep she’s an attention seeker of the highest order who the hell would want to fuck that horrible mong if they did they should be awarded a medal another horrible lefty Labourite cunt.Can and does say exactly what she wants but gets very upset when someone says something she doesn’t like lefty slag Parliament is full of these horrible women Leave means Leave get on with it
That Brummie shit cunt did a programme with JR-M where she visited his constuency. She told him she had been brought up to hate tories.
Presumably this is not inflammatory.
Pig faced cunt.
I’d like to fuck her up the wrong-un. Like a demented savage.
She’s on Question Time tonight. I wonder if anyone will have the balls to ask who’s funding her?….
She’s on question time, fucking horrible disgusting cunt I hope she dies.
Typical audience shit shit shit.
Can’t watch that cunt. If I did I would just have a mental fit screaming at the telly.
Horrible anti democratic cunt.
She’s talking shit I hate her more than I thought possible.
As much as I hate that cunt banana gob, I hate that fucking Boney fucking Fiona smelly Cunt Bruce in equal measures, bias BBC bitch
I don’t like her Gud, but I wouldn’t turn down a turn on her. Cleverley has gone up in my estimation even if he did vote for hunchback cunts “deal”
Lit TNT stick up her chuff, banana in her gob….
All the usual tiresome lefty Boris- bashing bollocks on QT. Trump will get his turn as well, no doubt (here in NI we get to see it later than you good folk in the mainland). Is anyone going to bring up the venomous, racist, misandrist language from the likes of Horse Phillips, Flabbot, Fat Lammy etc? And the divisive drivel spewed out by the likes of Owen Jones, Suckdick Khan, Ali Baba Brown etc? Course not, it’s the impartial Al-Beeb.
Why does Gina Miller constantly look like she’s just stepped in dogshite?
She is dogshite
not the white stuff you used to see in the olden days though
White dogshite, that takes me back…
Glad that someone in the audience called the bitch out for trying to delay brexit. All she did was pass the blame on to MPs though. She’s up there on my wall of hate, alongside, Terry Christian and Mark Carney.
In the cauldron in the darkest Congo for that cunt.
Good hard kick in the snatch required, what a cunt…
The person to cunt here, is the fucker who approved her immigration status. Cunt.
The fucking old beast is nearly level pegging with that verminous scrote Blair on my hate list.