It’s about time this group got a right royal cunting.
These fuckwits annoy the shit out of me, constantly posting pictures on Instawank and face fuck on just about everything they do. Who gives a fuck if you ran 10k in 54 minutes and ‘smashed it’? Endless photos of you both at another wedding or christening dressed like cunts. Photos at restaurants posing with your dinner, dressed up in Lycra out on your road bikes….
Come on, stop being cunts and doing things just for ‘social media’. The list is endless and it needs to stop.
Nominated by Cunty mcfuckwit
Yup they suffer from sad bastard syndrom.
Oh look at me I have just hung the washing out.
Get tae fuck.
They’ll probably spend £K20 on their nuptials.
What /oh the costly as fuck divorce proceedings yep.for when one puzzled cunt finds out no ones that perfect.
I’m glad that my thirties happened long before computers, smart phones and other such cuntery.
Where else are we going to see their latest Joe Wickes masterpiece. Or the constant local Facebook requests too recommend a dance class for the kids or a summer activity group for the kids or local activity group for the kids or a goat adoption group for the kids.
Goat adoption? I don’t like the sound of that. Is that a thing these days?
It’s just for the kids Freddie.
Anyone know where my coat is?
Can you really adopt goats?
Peacefuls will be all over that!
Especially if they are a looker.
Yeah, peacefuls like shagging kids……they’re not that bothered about the species.
Dunno if i like my goats slim or curvy?
Its one or the udder.
Last time social services were called,
Sick of the Nanny state…TAXI!!
Not a peaceful taxi I hope!
You know its not freddy!
At least it’s not the Billy State otherwise things just got more complicated
Goat adoption is just for Peacefuls. Ask the cunts at ISIS RSPCA if interested.
Jeezus what a catalogue of fucking horrors!
Lets face it, these cunts were probably brought up on social media, and don’t know what the real world is about. As far as they’re concerned if it doesn’t happen on Shitbook or Twatter then it never happened!
Insecure cunts at best, and their off-spring will be a shitload worse because their parents won’t have a clue about parenting other than throw a tablet or phone at their “special darlings” to shut them the fuck up!
Give it a couple more generations and the evolution of man…. oops, I mean “non gender specifics”, will be regressing rather than progressing.
They could do a reality check one like :- ” Heres mummy being bangpounded by a tradesman on a Saturday Morning as daddy is off riding bikes in lycra with his ex uni mates” Like.
Yep the human race is getting dummer by the day /out with old fashioned values that used to mran something now their brains shut down after 30 seconds /more akin to the morlocks and eloi .
Run them over with a steamroller whilst humming Rule Brittania.
I would love to make a home movie with Justin Biber.
Brokebum Mountain?
The Gays…..The Bad and The Ugly?
12 spunkeys?
The Magnificent Seven Inches.
The queerhunter?
The Hunt for Brown October?
I much prefer ted bundys approach myself.
Check this Beiber track
I am a 30 something, there is a reason I’m not on any social media
Your not a cunt .
You need to choose your partner wisely. I was having second thoughts as early as the honeymoon, as we spent a day riding on the beach.
The wifes horse suddenly stumbled, she hit it round the head and said, “That’s once” and then rode off.
Seemed a little strange but I forgot about it until it happened again and she yanked the horse’s head round and shouted, “That’s twice.”
When the horse stumbled for a third time she shouted, “That’s three fucking times now,” jumped off the horse, walked up the beach and returned with a huge stick and started to beat the horse around the head until it was dead.
I screamed, “What the fuck are you doing, what are you, some fucking psycho crazy bitch..?”
She snapped her head round, looked me straight in the eye and said, “That’s once”….
Sounds delightfull /i didnt know they still did day release
Fuck social media, think mrs miserable did me a facefuck page for my business, never been on it!
That shites dangerous, causes trouble and im not interested in catching up with people, theyre not in my life for a reason.
Only site i go on is ebay an ISAC, dont even know how to put a link on here!
Well done miserable i ljke your style
Its more anti style with me Anne!
You still in the attic?
Im only hiding in.plain sight mate although i got substantially more than what i put in my fucking diary
Haha yeah!????
Do eBay do you Mnc? #MeToo.
Here’s something you might be interested in. You and Mrs Miserable could wear them in bed:
They’ve revolutionised my and Lady Creampuff’s grisly sex life no end!
You can’t wear the Flabbott one, that’s raaaay-sist ! Ask Saint Justin, ex King of the Libtards.
Justins a little tinker eh?
Halos slipping a bit?
Love it!
Hope he does a apology in character as papa Lazarou!!
I think it’s probably ok for the missus to wear the Flabbott one cos she’s of Indian descent and has a funny tinge.
Indian eh Mr Puff? When I was about 19/20 I was going out with this Indian bird, Julie Patel was her name. Her old man owned a string of pharmacists and was stinking rich. (well by my standards anyway) She was fucking gorgeous, fantastic tits and arse. I planned to marry that bitch but her cunt of a dad told her to dump me as he had a nice Indian boy lined up for her.
Anyway the last I heard of Julie she had joined one of these Jesus cults and was fucking blokes all over Europe to entice them to join up. Fuck that, I never even got a sniff of her minge!!!
Another ✅ in the losers’ column for poor old Freddie. ??
An all too familiar story Freddie. My wife’s parents pulled every dirty trick in the book to stop their daughter seeing me – they put her through a living Hell for a year until we eventually decided the only way to shut them up was to get married.
All of a sudden I was “our loving son-in-law”. Racist cunts.
PS: Nothing stinking rich about my wife’s parents. Dad was a factory worker, though managed to own his own house somehow. Voted Labour obviously.
Their other daughter married a white American serviceman (more wailing and gnashing of teeth) and their youngest son escaped to Japan and married a gorgeous geisha girl, haha.
Ruff Tuff
Your wife is Indian and you’ve never eaten Daal ?❓⁉❕❔
Holy Poppadum!
I do all the cooking at Creampuff Manor Captain, my Indian based recipes were set in stone long before I met the missus. She’s hopeless at cooking and thinks my curries are equal if not better than her mother’s.
Next time we eat out at the Indian I will order some Daal in your honour.
PS: love poppadums me, never really got them right though.
Evening Ruff Tuff. You’re “bahout pagal” as they say in Hindi.
Have taarka daal with some stuffed naan. “Bahout acha” as they say It’s quite simple to cook, actually.
Tarka daal? Its a little ‘otter’! ?
TAXI!! ??
Halloween costume!
I had a Facebook business page for a while and all it brought me was casual acquaintances on the scrounge for something for nothing when the fuckers knew I was hardly making a fortune anyway.
Fuck Facebook…
Haha like em! Teehee!
Might get one to wind her up!
Which one do you wear Rtc???
Neither Mnc.
The time I wore the Corbyn one the missus threw battery acid in my face, fucking ruined it the bitch. In return I smashed her Flabbott till it was a a pulpy red.
Sounds like you &mrs creampuff shouldnt play with masks!
Need some responsibility to calm you both down, adopt a goat!
Apparently its all the rage?
Yeah, Billy creampuff!?
Done it Miserable, got the T-shirt and the crutchless underpants. Check it out:
We should have a whipround and adopt one as a ISAC mascot,
A big black satanic one wi big curved horns!
Lot cooler than Bluntys parrot, we could have it on a lead and wear those masks on our march against labour banning private schools!
Great idea!
Btw, talking of banning private schools, have you seen that latest poll of Labour Party membership’s views? Fuck me…
Haha yeah, 66% say antisemitism isnt a problem? ?
66% are off their tits mental.
Just been watching a bit of the Labour conference,
My old mate red Len mccluskey who cant stop saying “Jeremy corbyn’
And a intoxicated with power cant stop grinning Angela Rayner my hometown girl, she was buzzing about ‘abolishing private schools’!
Wonder if Jeremy went a comprehensive?…
Did he fuckers like!!!
Len McCluskey needs cunting in his own right. Money grabbing cunt.
Len McCluskey akways reminds me of Peppa Pig’s dad with those fat chops and stubble.
Wonder if they are both related.
Compo at the local comp? No way. He might have been more real if he had been. Mind you I expect Jess Philips went to one. Thick a fuck. I should have gone to Eton. No Harrow.
This tickie fairy Miserable do you think it is someone actually taking the time to do all these ticks? Fuck me. Truly get a life.
Woaw! Careful!
Youll anger them!
Ive been leaving offerings out at night Miles, i take to paganism easily im not comfortable in this century, also to my ancestors and the sky god.
Arthur conan Doyle believed!
He was away with the fairies ?
Your saying your better than the creator of Sherlock Holmes?
Know as a Catholic it might be bit iffy,
But it works for me, ordered a whickerman off ebay as well!
Corbyn comes from an upper middle class background and went to an independent prep school (Castle House) until age 11, then attended the local grammar school.
Didn’t go to university but began a course in Trade Union Studies at North London Polytechnic but left after a year without a degree following a series of “arguments” with his tutors over the curriculum. ?
Private education and grammar schools ok for Champagne socialists but verboten! for everyone else.
Let’s hope they don’t ban private schools before Flabbott and Shami Kickercuntin’s kids have completed their education…
They’ll also need to find an extra £3.6 billion a year from the taxpayer to integrate the 600,000 pupils currently being educated in private schools into the state system.
No doubt Liebour will think it a price well worth paying for the increased indoctrination possibilities alone.
What weird masks. There is probably a niche fetish for Shadow Cabinet ministers with Compo at his allotment roleplaying the lonely gardener asking the Flabbott to come and inspect his marrows.
Yep, this cuntery is just that. Cuntery.
I have never being able to figure out the muppets who photograph their food. What the actual fuck? Why should anyone care what you are stuffing in your piehole?
The thing that makes me laugh about Facebook is that none of it is reality. People always put stuff on their page that makes them look like they have this blissful life – perfect couples, perfect children, perfect holidays, perfect fucking food, etc. etc. It is like they are trying to show everyone how utterly fabulous they are……and then there are their 2,000,000 Facebook friends, who I am very sure they get around to socialising with on a regular basis……
Everything is about projecting an image and it is all bollocks.
What a laugh, silly cunts.
Nurse Cunty
That thing with sending pictures of food youve eaten is weird isnt it?
Who’d care?
Mine would look like a chippy menu.
Yeah, bloody weird, MNC.
Mine would be a cremated, M&S ‘Count on Us’ low calorie lump of edible poo, fresh from the microwave.
As I have said more than once, I’d be better off eating the flaming box.
Are you not capable of cooking a decent meal Nurse Cunty? No offence meant. ?
None taken, RTC. I’m a shite cook, so no point beating around the bush here. I got into the habit of quick meals when I was nursing….and it has never left me as I am frankly a lazy cow.
In saying that, I DO actually cook fresh meals too, but we are talking the basics – nice cottage pie, few veggies, etc. I only eat the low calorie, microwave shite a couple of times a week, in a vain attempt to counteract the large amount of chocolate I stuff in my piehole.
Can’t quite agree with this cunting.
Main reason being because I fall into this category.
However, unlike a lot of my generation, if someone has a different point of view to my own, I don’t go into meltdown and expect them to be doxed or fired from their job, and dragged through the streets like Colonel Gadaffi.
It was a bit of a shock when I realised that, due to being born in the 80s, I’m classed as a millenial.
I refuse to be tarred with the same brush as these fuckers.
For starters I’m up and out of bed no later than 6 or 7 every morning and don’t expect everything to be handed to me on a plate.
Probably down to being born into a working class family in Yorkshire and wanting a better life for myself and I was prepared to put the work in to get out.
Even lost some friends because of it.
I don’t do all the show off insta-cunt fakery though. I usually piss myself laughing at the people that do and then get robbed when they go away on holiday.
I look at twatter and fake-book because there are some funny pages on there but don’t I follow anyone. It’s like a modern version of when people used to graffiti in public toilet cubicles.
Very similiar to me i gave up (illegal activitys shall we say)10 plus year ago was doing ok before all that .wish id have stayed put in my view should have been married settled down ages ago so got zero time for these posing pricks /and i agree on the work ethic/shop a druggy/letterbox bomber etctoday/and make the world a decent place.
Dont see any good graffiti anymore in bogs do you?
Used to like reading it if having a Eartha kitt.
And dont see gluesniffers anymore either, was big in 80s not one now!
Come on substance abusers, get retro!
Never mind the ‘spice’ get 80s retro!
Get on the evostik!!!
I don’t tend to use public toilets these days if I can help it.
I worry that some junkie is going to be shooting up in them or that the ghost of George Michael is going to be haunting them.
Phantom George careless whispering in trap two, leaving ectopasm on toilet seat…??
“He slimed me”
I’m wary. Ever since the day I heard a bloke in another cubicle having a conversation with his knob.
Time to Fuck Off ………
But there ain’t many public bogs left anymore. I remember years ago I was having a shit, I think it might have been in Scotland, or somewhere oop north. I noticed on the wall it said “If you’ve got a motorbike, a leather jacket or a 9” cock phone ………..”
I happened to have a pen on me so I wrote….” i’ve got all three you fucking cunt but you can fuck off queerboy.” Or something like that.
Happy days.
Who is Armitage ?
And what is Shanking ?
Get To Fuck.
I saw ‘Bolan lives’ on the wall of a pub bog in Chichester.
Kilroy was here
We’re surely getting to the time when they all start putting pictures of their big curly turds on Facefuck with the comment of ‘oh look babes, my shits have really improved since i went vegan, yeAH?
I hate facebook and its ilk. It makes me think of this…
“Dad, what attracted you to Mum?”
I wonder how many of these vacuous cunts got “hooked up” because they thought their opposite number looked good on FaceCunt “current status” pictures?
All these pictures of great events and fantastic locations and not one iota of knowledge about each other.
I’ve had cups of tea deeper than most of these cunts!
Don’t just book it,Thomas Cook it: Not any more!
Yes that went well.
The daft cunts.
A man is now under investigation by Sussex Police after distributing anti Jewish hate literature at the Labour conference.
Why am I not surprised?
The Fakestinian hate promoter they invited was denied a visa. I do not agree with disinviting speakers but object to foreign hate spewers coming to the UK to make trouble for my tribe.
The Jews if my grandparents generation who founded and ran the party, who fought Mosley in Cable Street would turn in their graves to see what Labour has become: A vile rabid Jew hating cabal of Marxist-Lenninst anti monarchist , religion of hate promoting thought police.
Fuck Labour.
They are destroying themselves quicker than I hoped for.
Corbyn and co would DESTROY the UK.
God Save the Queen!
And, Justin Bieber!
They do hate jews dont they Krav?
They dont seem to get the irony considering anyone with a different opinion they label ‘nazi’.
They hate public schoolboys as well,
And the Royals,
I dont get it, i enjoyed the show, little slice of Manchester family life,
Labour party? My arse!
I saw a load of lycra clad cunts while I was out on my motorbike yesterday, I intentionally blasted past scaring the shit out of them. Silly cunts, want to ride a bike? Get one with an engine.
Got a pair of Akrapovics on my Tuono – really good for frightening Lycra clad cunts, children and horses. And 30 somethings on their phones. Bunch of cunts.
R to fucking right
I know lots of these smug couples and this cunting is thoroughly deserved.
Pictures of them and Angkor Wat, looking smug.
Pictures of them at Machu Picchu looking smug.
Pictures of them in Tokyo/Sydney/Reljavik, looking smug.
Wedding photo, still smug, with smug fuck-haired tosser guests.
The beard speccy dork husband pulling a soy face in nearly every other photo, or pulling a people’s eyebrow, and a duckface from the woman on her hen night with her entourage of basic cunt mates.
Bore off, you mediocre cunts.
A brief understanding of sociology.
You are all multiple persona.
To your child you are the adult.
To your parent you are the child
To your employee you are the boss
to your employer you are an employee.
social media blurs these parameters, as with you all I have had a mixed and varied life.
Taking people from these different parts of my life and putting them all in a room together (facebook) turned out to be a very bad idea as not surprisingly they do not get on.
I closed my account.
One of the reasons I stopped using Facebook was because of a couple I know who you’ve just received to a tee. The cycling/lycra…the lot.
Absolutely nauseating twats.
They were both pretty normal people until the explosion of ‘soshul mejia’. Then they became narcissistic bellends of the highest order.
I am neither in my 30’s, nor a couple.
I deleted my ‘facebook’ account about 6 years ago. Not that I ever used it much before then.
Despite this, half the websites I visit ask me to ‘sign in’ with my facebook profile, otherwise I’m not allowed to view their ‘valuable’ content….
..Well I told facebook to get fucked and you can get fucked as well. I read what I want…. I join what I want…. and I’m not interested in ‘posting’ the stop the press news about my latest shit
Get to fuck