
Just a quick cunting for what used to be a fairly enjoyable programme about the countryside and now appears to be some form of leftard, SJW broadcast about whatever “issue” is PC this week.

Finished up by begging the Proles to give Al Beeba more money by wandering the length and breadth of the country for charidee, which apparently raised about 2 million quid last year. How about just giving 2 million quid from the licence fee scam and fucking the fuck off?

Cunts to a man.
Or someone who identifies as a man.
Fuck off.

Nominated by Kunte Kunty

67 thoughts on “Countryfile

  1. Next week on Cuntryfile: gay cows, a history, the struggle of transgender farmers, Brexit, why some Farmers are suicidal and milk is it a poison?

  2. The blonde bird in picture looks quite fuckable, a countryside roll in the hay with her would be very welcome.

  3. On Cuntryfile today:

    – Will Brexit harm the millions made by greedy tax-avoiding farmers employing thousands of cash-in-hand Eurotrash?

    – “Woiy won’t de laaw let me marry moi sister?” Aaasks angry bumpkin.

    – A special report on the dangers of smoking in caravans.

    – and later we’ll be talking to a cuntry peasant from the North who’s aiming to win this year’s trophy of Most Slaughtered Animals In A Day ?. His mother must be so proud. Not so proud of his piss-stained trousers though, ha ha. Over to you, John.


    • I heard that they have live events where you can go and meet the ego-inflated presenters and buy over-priced food & drink. I wonder whether they’ll Soon be intrroducing “Meet a Romanian fruit-picker” and “murder a badger” with some grinning Geordie presenter with no cock.

    • That know all ginger twat Adam Henson He knows fucking everything about everything Another one with acquired wealth from his father then preaches to the rest of us of how things should be done another BBC sponsored expert and hypocrite.

  4. That photo in the header offends me!!!!

    It is represents your typical vicious white middle class collective who exploited the poor, abused children and introduced slavery 300 years ago causing more misery for the poor non-whites who have been abused ever since!

    I shall be writing to my MP to complain about this awful photo. I am in trauma and I need at least £500,000 of white person’s money to recover, along with lots of white folk apologizing for being white, middle class and rich.

    That’s not going to happen here

  5. Gone down the pan now, used to be good.Poor farmer Adam seems to have a jolly old time doing everything but farming.My mate came across the blonde bird when they were filming and said she’s full of her own importance.Then you’ve got dear old John Craven who must have new teeth coz he sounds like he’s shushing people when he talks..Cuntryfile is now a fitting name for this yoghurt knitting programme.

    • Your mate came across her? Lucky bastard. I’d love to come across her, over her face and up her (Sorry, Nurse Cunty, if you’re offended by this). Otherwise, they’re a bunch of cunts.

  6. Indeed the blonde lass is lovely,however she is fully infected with the libtardness and a dreadful case of planetworrying mithering.
    So the whole thing is stinking cunts.

  7. Expect another cunting for this Sunday edition of the One Show soon. Last night they had some old bag wittering on about far-right extremism and ethno-nationalism in the countryside.

    There might very well be. Fuck off back to London.

    • I saw that – it was a load of bollocks. Not a shred of proof for any of the shite they were talking about.

      It was refugee peaceful types last week. Tells you all you need to know really.

  8. Who watches this fucking manure?
    Does manure grow on trees?
    Buy my record cunts
    Eat a vegan a day

  9. There is a brown man presenting it now called Sean Fletcher…obviously to reflect the many black farmers in the industry. I have often thought abaaaaaht making a new life in the country…I have some bold new ideas like Cannnabis farming for CBD oil (all the rage now in town and you can even get a CBD coffee you know) also I could have a lucrative sideline in pimping out all my eastern european bitches to the local farmers after they have done a days works picking the veg etc, I could bring a few dark keys up from London to give the farmers wives a bit of dark meat whilst Farmer Giles is hard at work out in the field and get a few crackheads to nick anything worthy of value whilst the wife is getting a pounding, I could then sit on my arse and get pissed on the local cider whilst counting my ill gotten gain. Its a win win. Go fuck yourselves.

    • Go to Wales and you could pimp out some sheep. Less trouble than EU bitches and cheaper to feed. Think abaaaaht it.

      • Wales is too fine a country for me to pollute it with my evil ways CC. I like sheep as well…but not in that way.

      • You could take over a caravan park in Wales and use the caravans to produce Crystal Meth. Then you could take over some farms and make them into Beastiality brothels.

      • Puts me in mind of this soulful folk ballad…

        No Sheep Till Buxton

        The only good rural prog in my view was “Out of Town” presented by (everyones favourite Grandad they never had) Jack Hargreaves. Once upbraided those fly fishermen who disparagingly referred to grayling as the “…the Kape Kullered of game/fly fish.” Brilliant bloke from a different time. Fast show totally ripped off the format for their ‘Bob Phlegming’ sketches. Excellent on “How” as well. RIP Jack.

    • Entrepreneurism at its most visionary B&WC!

      Might you be posting from the Conservative Party Conference perchance?

      • I am no Tory RTCP but may well vote for them at next General Election due to being politically homeless. I wonder if Jacob Rees-Mogg might be interested in my plans…he got loads of land somewhere hasn’t he…I bet he’d be all over my bitches like a rash…the dirty bastard.

    • I will be happy to dispose of any THC – contaminated process waste, B&W. Alternatively, may I suggest myself for the post of Quality Control Manager?

      • Of course Komodo, the job is yours on the condition that if it all goes wrong and police catch us…I knew naffink abaaaaht it and its was all your idea.

      • Do you have knowledge/experience in the pimping of our Eastern european neighbours LC?

      • Local Dooshka doss house apparently does it. Also, I knew someone who worked at a recycling plant (not as grand as it sounds – dooshkas hand picking plastic off a conveyor) – coupl of them taken off the line to build a “recreational facility” complete with bed. The female dooshkas got to leave the line early to entertain the supervisor.

  10. Coming soon, ‘”Country-phile”, a nostalgic look at some of the BBC’s most cherished stars and their love of long walks and secluded country homes, with previously unseen footage of BBC legends such as Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, Stuart Hall, Jonathan King, DLT and many more.’

  11. I’m disgusted by the above photograph!

    Has the ABBC not heard of diversity and inclusivity?

    If Jon Snow saw the above the whiteness would mortify him!

    Not one person of colour, not one raspberry, not one niquab in site! I’m fairly confident John Craven is straight but hopefully one or more of the soy boys above are gay and the lassy is a tuppence licker, otherwise what the hell do I pay my license fee for!?!

    Is there no fucking end to the ABBC’s white supremacist programming of Countryfile and Songs of Praise!

    Absolutely shameful!


  12. Always found this shit a bit twee and bland.
    They should present some slaughter houses and intensive pig and chicken farms. Perhaps do an EU edition showing how lovingly the French prepare fois gras and veal.

    • But it’s not the twee vision of the countryside people want. Oh yes, after the BBC have shoed-in a few dark-keys and the like. Having family in Norfolk, I know what the countryside is really like, and it’s not pleasant.

  13. Talking abaaaaht country life…I remember a long term ex of mines Dad lived in the proper countryside. I stayed down there many a time and at first it was a bit different and I remember going in the Pub with him, his WIfe and my then bird and no shit the whole Pub stopped and looked who was coming in…I thought it was like a scene in out of a film. He said evening to them all etc and we sat down and got slowly pissed, I had a great time and once they got to know me were a right laugh, I even thrashed the whole local Pool team, and being used to London prices couldn’t believe how cheap the drinks were. Some good memories there.

  14. I can’t stomach more than two minutes of this inane crap. John Craven is a top bloke but that Baker cunt with the sing-song accent deserves a good kicking with his irritating, robotic personality. The fucker must have graduated from TV Presenter college with a 1st.

  15. A connection which it is forbidden to make:
    1. Thousands of cheap migrant agricultural labourers invading* the countryside, and
    2. Rural ‘far right’ thinking.
    The solution is obvious:
    Stop people thinking.

    *They’re doing the invading. Doesn’t that make them ‘far right’?

  16. I got dragged along to Cuntryfile Live by Lady C over the summer. What a load of old shite. Also had to listen to an addled old cunt called Oz Clarke (remember him?). To boost a flagging career (did he have one?) he’s writtena wine book and it’s all about “climate change”. What a fucking cunt.

  17. Is that Kravdarth next to john Craven in the above picture giving him a wank? Or it is it Mince Pie guy.

  18. Watching the athletics on Al Beeb and the TV panel has 4 people.

    All black.

    Is it illegal for whities to get jobs now at the Beeb?

  19. I am doing this in advance…
    If my lot get their arses handed to them by the Gooners tonight I blame that cunt Lingard…

  20. Watching “pebble mill at 1” with the telly on its side with a temprature from the bedside lamp was more interesting than watching this shite. Fukin onedin line at about seven after a Sunday afternoon of cider and fingering was always a real letdown.

  21. In the new BBC series Capture the main character( White) has a black wife. You don’t often see that . Well done the beeb for being soooooo inclusive. You are smashing people and sooo nice.

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