So have just renewed my licence for another year of Lefty shite. In fact it’s not even for a year because apparently it expires end of June 2020 even though I renewed today (10.07.19)
For many years I have been debating whether to renew or not; and now I am seriously considering telling the licensing people to go fuck themselves next year.
I don’t watch live TV, and haven’t done so in a long time. And its not just the BBC that you need a licence for, but all the other channels, regardless of terrestrial, cable or satellite. And yes I have TVs, tablets and computers, but I don’t have iPlayer, Sky or Virgin. So basically I tick all their boxes for NOT wanting a TV licence.
So come the end of June 2020 and they crawl back to ask me to renew I will tell them to shove their licence up their shit-chute! And if they come back with a shedload of letters then they can shove those too.
Fuck the BBC and fuck the tax disguised as a TV licence – this is the 21st century, and we have far more choice what we want to watch!
Nominated by Technocunt
Dunno what you lot are on about,
Worth every penny!
Viva the arts!
Long live the BBC!
You forgot to get your coat MNC!
Just wondering how many of em would take the bait and spit the dummy!
Very droll, MNC, very droll…..;)
I’m “doing a Stroker” next year. I shall very much enjoy being witness to the Broadcasters Bumming Children’s well-deserved demise. Fuck ’em.
TV licence is way past it’s sell by date, time it was scrapped
The BBCunts can raise cash from advertising like everyone else.
Even if it were 150p it would still be too much.
Their ‘entertainment’ is an unfunny joke, their news in an insult to impartiality, and even their documentaries are eye-rollingly woke. Fuck the BBC it’s finished.
Me & Mrs Fistula have decided to embark on a more social life rather than pay the TV licence.
We went to a Party last night, I’m afraid we had far too much to drink and got utterly shit faced.
Last time Were going to one of those scat fetish parties.
If it was during pride just be grateful you didn’t get Barrymored.
I see Iran have seized another oil tanker, time to nuke the cunts post-haste. Show them how apostates deal with the true-believers.
Those shifty looking Abdul’s need to be shown how to behave themselves. They have been nothing but trouble ever since the mad Mullahs took over Iran. It’s a den of terrorism.
The only way to save the bbc is reality telly….
Like celebrity death sports….
Problem is though they’d all be fighting from the rainbow corner or squabbling to be on the left side of the screen, but I’m sure there’s a basis for some awesome entertainment there.
Can anyone tell me what it is about Sky that makes cunts shell out £300+ a year to subscribe?
I don’t know, but I know a mate of mine pays £75 a month for his sky subscription. I’ve told him he must be going mad.
Agree, people moan about the BBC License but are prepared to pay double to watch Sly who’s journalists are as left wing pro Corbyn biased if not more than the BBC are.
Afternoon RUFF TUFF.
? Quite so!
Afternoon Fenton.
Because there is always something to watch, and if there isn’t there’s always something recorded and if there isn’t there’s always a boxset available, it’s instant tv for an extortionate price, yet people who have sky are oblivious to what they pay because they see all the latest news, tv, sports and entertainment first and in the same place
Thanks for that GCR. Unsurprisingly there’s nothing there that would tempt me to subscribe.
Nor me, i actually hate sky and everything that it stands for, they’ve raped the soul of football and they’ve made anything that can be filmed into a commodity, im very much of the view of if you can get it for nowt why pay
You’re a man after my own heart GCRR. Not in a gay way, you understand.
Oh no i understand us skinflints crowd together haha, besides I’m not handsome enough for the gays anyway
And you can get it all off Pirate Bay and ezTV.
It’s not even illegal in America to access it like it is here.
Have the people never heard of VPNs? Dozy twats.
One should not need to ask this question RTC.
We are not all commoners like yourself. I would not admit to anyone at my dinner parties that I watch ‘Freeview’. Like all good things in life, one has to pay a premium.
I do know however, that you are not particularly interested in sport.
If I didn’t watch so much sport, then I doubt if I’d subscribe.
I’d sooner give my money to Jeff Stelling than the Linnicunt.
You’re not wrong about me and sport Bsc… never even heard of Jeff Stelling, had to Google the cunt!
PS: You have dinner parties? Fuck me, how the other half lives…
Yeh, I find Jeff Stelling the perfect antidote to the Linnicunt.
Only a tenth of the footballer Linnicunt was but a hundred times more of a human being. Yes, we’re having Jeff round this evening for our latest soirée.
In my experience the perfect antidote to Linnecunt is not to watch Linnecunt.
Btw, Lady Creampuff is devastated we’ve not been invited to your latest soirée.
Please remember me to Jeff.
Hes in Warrington, dont get excited!
Just be pot noodles.
Evening chaps!
We pay £40 per month to get access to channels we can’t get for free. It’s pretty much our only real entertainment and, although we love going to the theatre, we get a month’s viewing for the price of a single theatre ticket to a decent show.
Nope, I’m still not sold. And certainly not at £480. What sort of entertainment are we talking here Moggie? Game of Thrones? Must be pretty special whatever it is.
It’s the access to channels like Sky Atlantic, Universal, Animal Planet, National Geographic, Discovery etc we like. I have never seen Game of Thrones and have no clue about it. I choose to pay £40pm for the 95% of viewing I do which is not BBC, for which I am forced to pay nearly £13pm. Not exactly equitable, is it.
Incidentally, I don’t watch the news (except local) or any politics-based programmes on any channel so left-wing, remainer bias passes me by altogether. (Right-wing, Brexit bias is also available but all too rarely encountered on MSM).
Fair do’s Moggie, appreciate the clarification.
Bsc says he has ‘dinner parties’ now moggie says he goes to the ‘theatre’. You listen to Stockhausen you say. I thought you were all just ordiniary straight taking blokes on here. Come to think of it Mr Fiddler said he hums ‘Con Te Patiro’ when he’s about his work. That will be be after his night at the opera! I think I’ll ring Emily up and you can all go round to Islington for a ‘cultured’ evening.
I believe you are a great patron of the arts yourself. Where does your speciality lie?
Afternoon Miles
Miles is passionate about bearded women.
Trust him to have Lady Nougat’s number.
Profoundly middle-brow. Bsc. Maybe a Poirot now and again. Not like you sophisticates.
I would have thought you more a Father Brown man?
And I’m watching Jochum’s 1954 Bayreuth Lohengrin, on gootube.
Or rather I am listening to it. The only visual is a rather nice pic of a swan, which hasn’t moved in over an hour and a half. Not as artful as Dick’s Miley Cyrus gif.
Who said Wagner’s boring ?
Although I suspect swans are tasty; better than wrinkly old sopranos
Haven’t had a TV licence for 3 years now, don’t watch TV apart from the odd show on Netflix. When I told them I wouldn’t be renewing my licence I got the old waste of paper through the door saying they can come round and request to check my property, which my response would be fuck off, and I could be fined thousands of pounds if I was found to be watching live TV. After I ignored them for several weeks I now just get an annual email sheepishly asking me if I need a licence again. Robbing cunts.
May I congratulate Admin. on their continuing use of great pictures to go with the noms. Another great one to go with this.
I would imagine searching for these would take longer than it does to write some of the noms.
Still in Admin’s bad books, eh Bsc? ?
I’m saying nahhfink.
Sat next to a blind girl at a dinner party last night who flirted with me all evening and asked me if I’d I like to meet up for dinner in the week.
Felt awkward after telling her I was seeing someone….
Don’t start with so, for fucks sake.
As I understand it, you only need a licence for all BBC services and any live TV, you don’t need it if you just watch catch up on other channels such as Channel 4 and ITV. I remember at uni someone tried to get money out of us by saying you needed a TV licence for using a games console or a mobile phone. Absolutely ridiculous.
If anyone from the anti British Broadcasting Corporation is reading this: fuck right off you biased lefty sad wankers!
Ahhh, thats made me feel better.