I would like to nominate this doctrine and consign it to the dustbin where it belongs.
There is no patriarchy in the West. Power is money or having back scratchers in high places, both types have been enjoyed by me. Have I ever felt unempowered, abused, owned by men? No.
Maybe back in 1754 had I been the first born daughter of a Lord I would have been pissed off that I couldn’t inherit. Maybe in 1914 I would have been a Suffragette. Maybe in the early 1960s I would have been pissed off about the lack of free and safe abortion. Now it’s 2019 and I have all the rights I need. What patriarchy? Sadly men are having a bad time.
Fuck off feminists like Jess Phillips, except for the ones in backward A rab countries, who usually get whipped or killed.
Nominated by Cuntologist
I’ve noticed in the past year or two that these wimminz (and many soppy lentil-chewing “men”) have almost shat themselves at their sudden ” discovery” of the word “misogyny”. Now its used as much as ” fascist ” or “racist”. The ironic thing is, these horrible people,the likes of Jess Phillips, so-called comedian Jo Brand,and many others,are some of the most hate-filled misandrists on the planet. They make no attempt to hide their hatred of men,in particular whitey, and complain about things like Page 3 and Grid Girls in what can only be described as seething jealousy of these attractive females. Unfortunately the MSM, in particular the Beeb and Channel 4, share this limp-wristed view and direct their right on aganda, terrified of offending wimminz and bummers.
Let’s go back to the 70’s and 80’s when you could still see a cracking bird with her enormous knockers out on prime time TV.
That has given me another idea for a “Pride” day – I give you “Knocker Pride” promoted by the BBC (The Big & Bouncy Corporation). Larger ladies like Emily Thornberry and Jess Phillips bouncing up and down on a trampoline wearing only a big grin and small Speedos. Could a masochist dream of a more pleasant experience? 🙂
Walked in my local last night and noticed a large breasted, long legged stunner sitting in the corner with a strip of Duct tape across her mouth.
Saw my mate at the bar and asked him if he knew her.
He said, “That’s my bird, been seeing her for a few months.”
I said, “Fuck me, you’ve kept that one quiet.”
Bang on cunting Cuntologist, and great picture Admin!
The Fella in the picture is the late Dobri Dobrev from my very own adopted country.
Emma Twatson is an annoyin, smug, personality vacuum. Needs a good kick in the face.
The admin pics are better than my counting. Top work admin.
All these middle class neo liberals, especially the feminazis, love to compare themselves to the Suffragettes. Yeah you call us cunts and nutters, yeah we break the law and you call us criminals but that’s what they said about the Suffragettes and look how people think of them now. There are statues of Mrs Pankhurst etc . We are on the right side of history they crow. I’ve heard this shit so many times.
I just say……well the Suffragettes wanted the right to vote, you want to take that right away from people . You have to know the fucking history before you can be on the right side of it.
At which point they go red in the face start shouting about people didn’t know what they were voting for, lies on the sides of buses (they love that argument) racists, bigots etc etc.
No wonder they all hate me, the fucking idiots.
Fuck the suffregettes. They want to be like them but they don’t believe in terrorism.
Killing innocent people and trying to assassinate the P.M ? (Couldn’t even fucking do that properly) We will just hide that under the table.
We might as well put statues up of Idi dada.
No one ever remembers that the working class as a whole didn’t get the vote. Both men and women, except these selfish cunts only cared about getting votes for their own gender, not their fellow man.
Disgusting animals that need exterminating. It’s a vile trait in humans that needs to be eradicated if we are to function as a society.
It was the Suffragists that got the vote for women, by working with the politicians. Being a suffragette was a pursuit of middle and upper class women. Working class suffragettes were despised, and the well to do suffragettes would stand outside prisons waiting for them to be released, after being arrested for protesting, so they could spit on them. If feminists really cared about the rights of women, they would be approaching places such as Africa and the Middle East. Instead, as before, they just want to maintain their cushy lifestyle.
Excellent cunting! You can’t stick the telly on without some ‘strong female’s character in a role, usually a Male role. Drives me fucking mad. Ten million the arseholes in govt. are spending trying to recruit wimmin bricklayer and builders! What a waste of fucking money. Feminists harping on about women being able to do the same job as a man but I’ve yet to be sent to a job to help two blokes carry a patient out of a house. Plenty of times I’ve been sent to help an all-female crew. My crew mate and I are usually able to carry the patient out ourselves… Two wimmin, Mrs Potato Head Munchetty and Louise ‘Legs’ Minchin? presenting breakfast telly? You won’t see two blokes, will you, though? Female commentators and pundits on male sport? Fuck off. Stan Butler and Jack Harper will be spinning in their fucking graves.
If the libtards are so desperate to find women bricklayers, builders and other ‘man’ jobs just pop over to Russia, there will be plenty there ready for an easy life in the west ?
Ah, Emma Twatson… The Femstapo ladyboy stick insect who is opening a ‘Me Too’ phoneline… Funny that, because the cunt still hasn’t said a word to condemn her old mate, Uncle Harvey… She is a premium cunt… Winker Watson in drag and about as attractive as a bad egg…
I don’t understand their problem. Most women,apart from Lezzas of course,are far happier having a man in charge. Women are OK (if correctly instructed and supervised)at cooking,cleaning and raising whelps…it’s what they’re bred to. It is the Man’s lot to provide board and lodging and correct The Little Lady if she fritters his money away,neglects the housework or gets old or fat and so becomes incapable of fulfilling her wifely duties.
Women are like hounds,they are far happier when they know who their master is. Filling women’s heads with all this feminist crap is unfair on them. Most don’t understand it and really only want an easy life where they can laze around watching telly,eating chocolate and drinking wine.
Fuck Off.
“Women are like hounds…” and best kept in the kennel.
Salutations, Dick.
Pretty much Peter Hitchens’ argument in his ‘sexism is rational’ chapter.
Women are generally much more miserable now they have to work, usually in poorly paid jobs, coming home to an empty flat they struggle to pay for, cut off from networks of friends and family unless via social media, gossiping bitchy ‘friends’ at work, befriended and abused by creeps online, and made to feel weak failures by a media industry obsessed with fantastical imagery of women who do it all/have it all/ raise a family without any help from men.
It’s a dangerous fucking delusion.
So, what do modern “suffragettes” do? Hurl themselves in front of a galloping Jess Phillips??
She certainly has the teeth for it. Champion steeplechaser, our Jess – she would leap over every dyke (allegedly)
More leftie shite bollocks.
Fuck the lot of ’em:cunts.
Why is it that everywhere I look on TV, I see something fronted by some ultra smug power wimmin type and they are normally flanked by some effeminate, castrated beta male type?
It’s because you have a TV. Deny the cunts the oxygen of publicity – bin the box!
There is no patriarchy in tbe west and there are no true feminists.
All the feminists are fighting ISIS or taking off their hijabs in Tehran.
Feminism- as seen on Twitter – is just a hobby for rich middle-class white girls trying to excuse their personal failings and blame men for everything. Sadly there so many emasculated little castrati out there who go along with the crap, if only because it’s their only hope of getting anywhere near a vag’.
Sad cunts of both genders.
Here, here. Women are not oppressed, by law, in the West so what are the modern feminazis bitching about? If you’re smart and determined, you can do well for yourself regardless of your gender. I’ve found that people tend to respect you based on what you do.
Women in Iran etc well that’s different.
Drowning us in bullshit. We prove we are the sheep they think we are by allowing this bulllshit to go unopposed. We really do live in an age where down is up and up is down.
I think I’ll have a drink this evening. As the power grid begins to fail across the nation, we may get riots and looting tonight, some of our imported cultural enrichment showing us the way down into the sewers
Maybe the zombie apocalypse is nigh………..halal human flesh all the rage in Bradford eh.
Time for that drink……
Just wait until our terrorist minded chums finally figure out that rather than blowing themselves up and taking a handful of bystanders with them to eternal glory they could coordinate a large scale attack of the electricity grid and bring a city to its knees.
Maybe on 21st December, the cold, wet shortest day of the year, BOOM, a coordinated attack of the electricity supply to London. just as the sun sets.
Shops can no longer function, all the cunts that think its groovy to pay by card for everything are fucked, no streetlights, no trains, no TV, no traffic lights, no takeaways or restaurants, hospitals and Police are fucked (unless their back up actually works).
So it gets darker and darker, colder and colder, no-one can work, no-one can buy anything, movement is restricted as the roads are jammed and the trains don’t move, domestic heating doesn’t work as there is nothing to power them, people get scared, opportunists are everywhere and within hours large scale riots and looting in what is supposed to be a civilized city. I could go on but you get the gist.
Khan will, of course, blame it all on Brexit
Before you ask I am in a cheery mood tonight.
I remember when having a seminar at uni and the seminar tutor was harping on about white privilege and used an example of a Asian/black female doctor who is racially abused by someone who is homeless, this doctor doesn’t have the power however the homeless person is able to exercise his white and male privilege and looking down at the said doctor due to their racial and gender identity. I said to him well at least this doctor is able to go home to her lovely nice warm home and have somewhere comfortable to sleep. But hey must be so traumatic for her. I also said I wonder how many homeless people actually go out of their way to abuse people when they have other things to worry about like where they will sleep and be able to eat next. He went quiet and then said I should read more about the chapter where they explain it further so I understand. I said I understood well and that it was a very narrow way of looking at things. I also asked if doctors cannot be prejudice towards the homeless and their power holds in proving access to medical treatment. He didn’t answer. I didn’t read as it was a load of bullshit. These are the idiots the universities churn out.
All this talk about Jess Phillips has inspired me to go on twitter to remind her she is a cunt. Told her dozens of times now but the cuntery never ceases. Later cunters.
The picture above says it all. You just have to know where you are on the totem pole òf oppression/victimhood.
For cis, het white guys (whatever the fuck that means) we’re well below the totem’s foundation stone!
And we’re sat atop old white people who should die much quicker so their resources and estates can be gifted to much more deserving, 5 minutes in the country, middle East and Africa cockroaches.
But hey, it’s more votes for Comrade Steptoe’s socialist (communist) utopia!
Fuck me I would love to be a bird. Do a few years of full time work, then drop a couple of chavvies out over let’s say four years. Barely do a days work during them four years and then after that work part time for the rest of your days while bleating about doing housework all day. I ask my mrs what she does all day and she says hoovering and washing yet come Saturday morning she asks me if I could stick that (load of washing) in the machine and give the hoover a quick run round. It takes me twenty minutes tops. Fuck me you want equality let us blokes look after the chavvies and work part time and you do the full 9 to 5 shift till your 67 to 68. That would be equality but that bit of equality seems to be overlooked.
What i would really like is for one of the feministas/libtards to take the time to explain to me how I am privileged. I have a nagging feeling that I may be missing out on some type of privilege. Can you apply to the DWP for some kind of privilege benefit or something, coupons would do. I must be missing out on something because a constant parade of rich for no reason cunts keeps claiming me and my kind are privileged. Just an aside many members of the Harry Potter bollocks appear to still be under the cuntish spell one would have thought the mighty dumblecunt would have removed the spell when filming finished. Anyway alcohol is beckoning must stagger good night.