The Good Old Days

I was born in the early 60s – which makes me a Generation X cunt. So my childhood mostly revolved around the 1970s.

Now everyone of a similar age always wax lyrical about the 70s – usually saying it was the best decade ever etc. And will then endorse that with all the usual positives that affirm what a great decade it was (for the record, you could include, heavy metal, punk rock, long hair, flares, Suzi Quatro, Chopper Bikes, TisWas, Old Grey Whistle Test, and other bollocks!)

So when us 70s cunts become old cunts in the here and now, you can bet your bottom dollar we will always bang on about the good old days! “Oh yeah, when I was a lad …. blah blah bleedin’ blah. Kids of today don’t know… blah blah blah….”

But when you look closely those so-called good old days weren’t so fucking good after all, and here’s why:-

militant unions, 3 day week and power cuts
sideburns and perms
platform shoes
pubs shutting at 10:30
shops closing on a Wednesday afternoon, and not at all on a Sunday
Shit TVs with just 3 channels and no remote controls
shocking tastes in fashion and interior design
British Leyland and their godawful rustbuckets and deathmobiles
double digit inflation and interest rates
Glam rock
Vesta ready made meals, that were fucking awful
Unsuspecting perverts and kiddy fiddlers galore
Joining the EEC

In fact the 70s was a pretty shit decade all in all; and yet we look back on it with some fondness. And I would guess older cunts would say similar for the 50s and 60s, and younger cunts for the 80s and 90s

But in truth, the “Good Old Days” never existed – only the best bits, and they were few and far between at that – just like Suzi Quatro’s tits.


Nominated by Technocunt

91 thoughts on “The Good Old Days

  1. Im a similar age to you Techno, 70s kid, and everything you say is spot on, but I cant cunt the 70s!
    Fuckin loved it!

  2. I’ll always look back fondly on those times. My misanthropy hadn’t developed into a full-blown condition,and I was still naive enough to look forward to the future with optimism.

    • A pfilosofical Fiddler!
      A rare insight into the softer side of the great man!
      ps. You didn’t take a look at that naughty man Quivering Quim on the Noms page did you?

      • It’s the ” I’m not even asking you to stop being a cunt, just fucking admit it.” bit that I particularly enjoyed. Why would I deny something in which I take pride?


    • Alright dick? Sounded wistful and bit down, the 70s my dad was a strong young bull, my grandparents were alive, could go in a shop and see a white face behind the counter,
      Wasnt so many fatcunts as no fast food around or kids sat on arses playing on computers, to me everything was better!
      Food, music, comedy, attitude, sport etc Everything!
      But was a kid and admittedly a bear of very little brain.

      • Nah,not down at all, MNC… looking forward to running some very shy prey to earth,hopefully. I’ll have to be lucky,it’s so much clever than this poor thick yokel.

        Tally Ho

      • Good! Shy prey? not the quiet young barmaid started working in your local?
        Shes young enough to be your daughter! Youll do yourself a mischief!
        Pull your back out or worse.
        Whats this yokel thing? Embrace it! Add ‘turnip head’ to your evergrowing title!?
        Happy hunting pal?

  3. I agree about the shit TVs with channels.
    Now we’ve got brilliant TVs with hundreds of channels.

    Although only about three are worth watching.

  4. The nature of nostalgia means that the good bits are always at the forefront of your mind and you can always relive them through music or the magic of YouTube.
    But you never forget the routine of getting up at 5am in January, in a house without central heating, to do a paper round in the pissing rain……..and then finding you’ve got to run it because your bike has a fucking rear wheel puncture.
    Or evenings playing Monopoly by candlelight wearing your coat, scarf, bobble hat and gloves. Happy days.
    It’s that sort of thing that gives me the right to laugh at and take the piss out of the soft as shit younger wankers of today. I earned that right so I intend to enjoy it. The fucking soft, cry baby, snowflake poofs!

      • Ted fucking Heath. Fucking wanker was spending a lot of time with public school sixth formers so wasn’t really running the country at all. That’s when he wasn’t mincing about on his yacht or playing the organ like the phantom of the opera.
        Fucking queerfish.

  5. The Sixties…
    Bands on stage preaching Red Revolution while trousering millions.
    The decade of hypocrisy but I love most of the music. Hippy cunts… ?

    • Actually most bands didn’t make anything like millions in the 1960s. Even big names like the Beatles and Stones were ripped off royally by their record companies and management.

      And they made a lot less from concerts, ticket prices were very reasonable. Remember seeing Alice Cooper and Roxy Music at Wembley in 1971 for £1.00.

      • Small faces got paid in clothes, ripped off by Don Arden!
        Sharon Osbournes dodgy dad

      • Small Faces. Newcastle Majestic, price 4/6 ! (25p) Brilliant play of “Watcha gonna do about it “

      • My dad took me to see the Beatles in 1963. Believe the tickets were 3/- (15p). Barely heard a note due to all the screaming. Got so excited at one point I hid under the seat!

      • I saw Lindisfarne Genesis and Van der Graaf Generator all on the same bill at Brighton Dome for 3 Bob in 1970.
        Happy days.
        Afternoon Ruff Tuff

      • Afternoon Fenton.

        Saw Genesis and Caravan at Suffolk College in 1972. Caravan were fucking awesome! Don’t recall the ticket price.

    • Saw Caravan on September 29th 1972 with two friends. I set off for Durham University the next day. That night is crystal clear in my memory even though I am unable to remember what I had for breakfast this morning.

  6. The saddest thing is walking round charity shops and you suddenly get a reminder. I remember ‘Timeslip’ the book of the television series. And slipped back. Under the fence they slipped. Then I came across the Botherhood of Man (the album) (in Oxfam). Their little dance? To quote Larkin- ‘Never such innocence again’. Then I came upon the book of ‘The Towering Inferno’ another slip back. When it was raging? I remember when it was all the rage. Finally ‘Enter the Dragon’ (video of). I remember we couldn’t enter the cinema. X rated it was. ‘Oh, but missus, these films won’t be around when we’re old enough?’ ‘TOUGH’.

  7. Hmmm. Grant you the rose-tinted spectacles, but looking at the country today, I’d welcome a time machine to revisit the fading afterglow of a cohesive society, a lack of bleeding-edge tech, mostly secure jobs, decent music, no SUV’s or mobile phones and even nearly-affordable housing. Oh, and while Afghan black was still available, developing nations hadn’t started sending us their surplus architects.
    The past was a different country.

    • Much agree Komodo. I see relatively few positive developments in our march down the years, but in particular, your mention of “a more cohesive society”. Yes we were, and that was then, but not now. Regretably.

  8. When you get to my age, one decade blurs into another!
    Wasn’t there a group to do with that or was it later?
    Must go – medication to take.

  9. I wouldn’t mind being back in the 70s – I was 40 fucking years younger with no arthritis or cataracts. Only 3 TV channels but we had Steptoe & Son, now they have fuck all. Yes we had those old cunts Val Doonican and Rolf Harris but at least we didn’t have that camp old cunt Simon Cowell, and half witted motherfuckers dancing on TV every Saturday night wearing fucking Bisto on their putrid faces.

    Mrs Boggs only had Coronation Street twice a week, and the other old shit like Emmerdale Farm was relegated to lunchtimes when I was at work, where they and I belonged.

    Best of all there were no fucking mobile phones, with wimmin whose mouths were as big as their arses bellowing into them all day long, and a time when wimmin, like kids were usually seen and not heard. Wimmins Hour was all about homemaking and baking and looking good for when the old man got home, not whinging about wimmins rights in Mongolia and lesbianism. It was a better time – nobody had heard of Anthony Blair or Wedgewood-Benn’s fucking awful son with a daughters name.

  10. We always fondly hark back to our childhood but if you scratch the surface the truth is uglier; the 70s were abysmal. Technology has its downsides but it’s improved many facets.

    Nevertheless, the binbag mountains of the strikes in the 70s have been replaced by the binbag people of the 21st century. The smell remains the same.

  11. I cannot thank God enough that I was born in 1953. Mainly cos I’m an atheist.

    But 1950s to the 1980s was the best time ever to be young and alive… in my subjective opinion.

  12. ‘The Good Old Days’ was a tv programme that I never watched. In reality there’s no such thing as the good old days, they were all shit, it’s just that today’s days are such crap, we try to remember when it was better. And it wasn’t. We’re kidding ourselves, it’s pitiful. When you realize how shit it all is, you just want to climb into the coffin and pull the lid down.
    Writing this has cheered me up no end.

    • It may have been just as shit then, but it was simpler, and less subject to change for change’s sake. It was easier to deal with new shit as it arrived. And I could change the plugs on my (British, by modern standards crap, but we knew no better and cared less) motorcycle without having to take off the seat, tank and radiator to get at them.

      • My mate still does, he has a ‘67 triumph T100. I’ve ridden it, and it’s definitely fun, but going a ton up with those brakes? Definitely for real men.?

      • Funnily enough I was thinking of my slightly-modified 5TA, which had a worse frame than the T100 and tended to bend gracefully round corners. That and the SLS front brake should have ensured my early death, but God is a biker, and was merciful.

      • He wants an older bike, so I imagine it won’t have brakes at all, just a heavy weight on a rope that you throw over your shoulder.

    • Fuckin ell Allen cheer up pal!
      Not that bad surely!
      Its come to something when the most cheerful is someone called miserable cunt!
      Go have a beer with family or friends spot of sunday lunch, stick ‘blazing saddles on!
      Always something to raise a grin if you look mate, ??

    • When you are in perfect health Allan, you can face anything, however bad, but the good outweighed the bad for me. My little son as he was then still thought I was clever and useful and not like the useless old cunt I am now. Mrs Boggs didn’t look like fucking Giant Haystacks in drag in those days either.

      Of course pre 1973 we wasn’t in the EU nee EEC and there were fewer poofters in parliament *demanding* we be in it. I dare say there were irons, but they didn’t make that their main reason for existing their sexuality, and we certainly didn’t have the likes of Lammy and Sadiq Khan.

      • Plentitudinous posts on this thread. Multitudinous posters. Catenatory (being connected in series like a chain) Mountebankery.

        Sorry just googled Leonard Sachs from The Good Old Days.

  13. I remember the power cuts. We used to go to the Crystal Palace pub with candles on the bar. The winters were bitter,no central heating. I was a young buck then and now I’m a old cunt who walks around with a shopping bag.

  14. Mid sixties cunt myself, so a similar age, and I agree it was probably a shit time to be an adult. But, as a kid, it wasn’t half bad, and in no way do I envy the following generations. Sure, they had it easier, but I don’t think it generally makes better adults. We had to use our imagination to have fun in the 70s, now you don’t need one, as there are games and activities where all the thinking is done for them, and they just enjoy the payoff. Also, everyone I knew carried a knife, but no one ever got stabbed, because they were never carried for that reason.
    Another thing, being a man back then meant being able to hold your drink, and you would see blind drunk guys arguing that they were sober, usually as the getting into the Maxi to drive home. By the time my drinking era had come in the eighties, being a man was about ‘how fackin pissed I was’ and I’m not sure that was progress.

  15. All nominations are excellent. This one particular, for me, definetly rings a bell.

    I think there are good parts that I like and parts that I don’t like about the time of year growing up. I do look back on things with rose tinted glasses of some things but then I realise I can’t go back and re-live those times.
    This nomination really gets me thinking about the past.

    Anyone here, if you don’t mind me asking, and the nominator doesn’t mind of course, would you want to re-live some bits of the past?

    • 88 to 95, best years of my life. I knew it at the time so I didn’t waste a moment.

      • Yes spoons id happily trade in a few years to go back and listen to my grandads war stories or eat my nanas hotpot one last time?

    • Not if you mean in the kind of school reunion way. Nothing sadder than a bunch of Cunts trying to hark back to The Glory Days.
      I would if it meant that I got to fuck Mandy H. again,before she got old and fat.

      • The only reason to go to school reunion is to see who aged worse than you, so you can feel a little better next time you catch your crumbling reflection, and the possibility that some of the women there are still doable. Or am I missing the point?

      • I’ve only been to one school reunion. It ended in a punch-up….Happy Days.

        Morning GJ.

      • Morning Dick. What was the scrap over? Old school rivalry that wouldn’t lie, or a contest over the hand of a (once) fair maiden? Or, just the usual pissed cunts?

      • I couldn’t even remember the next morning…I blame the Kestrel lager. Got a letter off the organiser calling be a bit of a Cunt basically,and was never invited again.

      • I would never go to one, you can’t turn the clock back. Better to savour those moments when you notice in the obituary column, some Cunt from your yesteryears has carked.
        Fuck them.
        Afternoon Dick.

      • I’d never go to a school reunion. In fact, the majority of people I went to school with, I’d rather NOT know about.

      • My first mates at school is the same mates i go on piss with now!
        Weve always played together, drank together, fought together,we have each others backs, and will probably end up in same old folks home!

    • I’d like to re-live (‘Groundhog Day’ style) the first time I got my hand down the pants of Cathy P**** from Moseley Modern Sec School. Christ she had a bush like a jihadi’s beard even then. Never washed my hand for a week.

  16. Remember this sort of comment from my grandad back in the 60s;
    ‘We used to make our own entertainment in them days’
    (hung about on street corners)
    ‘You could get a joint of top quality beef for half a crown’
    (didn’t have half a crown, lucky to get a bit of scrag end)
    ‘You could leave your front door unlocked’
    (nobody had fuck all worth nicking)
    etc etc

    ‘What about the war, grandad? Getting bombed out, no decent food or clothes? What about polio and diphtheria and no NHS? What about rationing? What about the depression and no welfare state to look after you? What about you working as a paint sprayer for 50 hours a week and getting emphysema? What about damp riddled houses with no central heating, no bathroom or inside loo? What about…’.
    ‘Beer was a ha’penny a pint. We was happy in them days’.

    • Perhaps it’s the outlook that people had back then, just being happy to be alive. Now, cunts get depressed ( now classified as mental illness for fucks sake) if they haven’t got the latest tat, or don’t go abroad on holiday every three weeks. Can you imagine what it’s going to be like when it goes back to being like that? It will be like the Jonestown massacre everywhere, just because the WiFi is down, and they can’t get any likes for their latest soyboy selfie. We definitely had it best, as we know how shit it was for our grandparents, and we know how shit it’s going to be for our grandchildren. That, I find both comforting and hilarious.

      • You’re predicting the WiFi will go down? What’s going to happen to IsAC? Will we see the return of the fax machine?
        Sounds like a nuclear Winter is on its way.

      • Hopefully it’s a couple of years away, so I will be happy sitting in my own piss at some whiffy rest home, where dementia has me in its cruel grasp.

  17. To hell with the strikes and power cuts etc, if i could go back id bloody well stay there. At least it was our country and aside from Saville it was a million times safer on the streets than today. It was thanks to shops being shut on Sundays, TV not running our lives and the lack of profit driven greed that gave most of us a decent family life at the weekend. Besides which, when the pubs closed at 10.30/11 you knew exactly when the pissheads would be barrelling down the road flying blindly in their widow-maker rot boxes with no seat belt on to get home and knock the ol lady about. (ok that bit is bad, but we saw some hilarious drink related domestics where both were pissed on our road in the 70s) Add in the fact that the Eurofilth and the coffee coloured shit rat invasion of Eastern origin hadnt gotten a grip, and its a no brainer for me. You can never find a flux capacitor when you need one. Not that the DeLorean will start……

  18. The new world ….. wouldnt get this back in the 70’s
    In the news this/last week Lincolnshire school kids asked to wear a hijab for a day to show support against discrimination.
    Also in the news, three women in Iran face severe jail sentances for removing the hijab in public and giving out flowers on international womens day.

    The 60’sand 70’s were fine, 80’s, 90’s …… trying to work out when the world went to shit!

      • Anthony Blair, Peter Mangledbum, the red rose (though a pink pansy would have been more appropriate given the rise of the Gayness at Westminster). Mind you, John Major wasn’t much better.

  19. I hope the weather predictions were more accurate back then. I almost just wrote up a nomination for weather forecast technology.

    Yesterday: Warm, dry, sunny.
    Today: It’s rained for the last three hours, sometimes sideways.

    Psh. Thank goodness we didn’t go blackberrying.

    I hope those poor, hungry refugees braving the English Channel are safe and don’t get their smartphones/new trainers wet

    • Well now ive got all nostalgic for the 70s and youve choked me up missing my grandad, im going the pub with mrs miserable and ms miserable jr!
      A hearty sunday lunch and ale, and raise a toast to those who’ve gone & are missed!
      Have a good sunday all!????

  20. as a kid of the 70s I didn’t give a shit about the politics, the strikes, the interest rates and all that adult shite!

    for me it was waking up on a Saturday morning and tuning into ATV and watching Tiswas, and more accurately oggling the tits and arse on Sally James dressed either as a St Trinian’s schoolgirl get covered in custard; or wearing tight jeans and t-shirt and getting covered in cold water – fucking hell you could hang bookshelves off her erect nips after that!

    I also recall those public information films: the Green Cross Code man (played by the Darth Vadar actor); Rolf Harris and his thing with kids swimming in a river; and Charlie the cat telling kids not to talk to strangers etc.

    Then there was the queen’s silver jubilee in 77, which was only good because of the street parties; and one awesome moment when the Concorde flew to America in 76 (I think) at twice the speed of sound! I still think Concorde is the best aircraft ever – shame it was a filthy polluting rust bucket.

    Also had the hots for Ann Nightingale on the TOGWT – nice nips in very tight t-shirts. I think I must have wanked myself silly back in the day; no wonder I have arthritis now!

  21. Still better than today. East Europeans nicely tucked up in the Soviet Bloc, not as many foreigners, London full of Londoners, etc..

    • Now you can’t walk twenty yards without hearing, “Dooshka-dooshka, korrrva-korrrva.”

  22. All this talk of the pubs closing at 11.

    The pubs also shut at 2 in the afternoon….definitely not a good time.

    • Two o ‘ clock shutting on a Sunday. Didn’t matter to us, our landlord let the regulars stay behind and locked the door. It would be 5 o ‘ clock before we staggered home, the least drunk of The Brethren would drive the old retired gamekeeper ( who ‘ d been playing the piano all afternoon for free beer ), back to the old folks home.
      Fucking loved it.
      Oh yeah.

  23. You could park your car without having to take out a mortgage. Any parking meters you had to use actually took coins – none of this only accepts phone payments shit. I hate the world now. I’d go back in an instant.

    • Me and all… I’d go back to being a foot soldier in Doc’s Red Army for a start… Mcr was great back then… Granada TV, Piccadilly 261, the orange buses, the underground market, Pips, Rotters, the Mayfair Cinema, scores of decent pubs, great looking birds who liked a laugh, the Electric Circus, the big Woolie’s store, Cromford Court, students who weren’t snowflakes or cunts, no Eastern Europe gibberish on every street…. I fucking loved it, me…

  24. Still, on the plus side…

    Pubs that actually existed and were open

    No tattooed skanks or permatanned slags

    Hardly any peaceful or dooska dooshka cunts

    No social media or the mongs who infest it

    Flims and TV without forced ‘diversity’ and Femstapo crap

    No transbender worship

    No Me Too bollocks

    No mobile phones or phone zombie cunts

    Proper football with proper teams managers and supporters, instead of today’s corrupt poofery

    Celebrities (apart from that Redgrave bint) kept their gobs shut about political and social matters

    No offended by anything softarses and ‘hate crime’ shite

    No tidal wave of gimmigrant human filth

    People could still smoke

    High streets not full of cash generators, dooshka dooshka stores and chicken takeaways

    Cozzers chased real criminals and not people telling jokes on social media

    Ace telly: like Steptoe & Son, Callan, Sweeney, Rising Damp, Budgie, Professionals,70s Corrie etc

    Ace music: like Pink Floyd, The Who, Deep Purple, Free, Genesis, Joy Division, Buzzcocks etc

    No wimmin’s fucking football (It is bollocks! End of!)

    • A great summary of the nom….

      And you could whistle at a nice looking bird in a short skirt without being locked up.

      • Ah yes, I still remember the mini-skirt from the late 60s and just about hanging on into the early 70s.

        I always recall my days at the local comprehensive school from the mid 70s and standing at the foot of a flight of stairs and upskirting all the female teachers and 6th formers on the stairs above!

        That was the only good reason for being at school back then!

  25. If someone said in the 70s how it would turn out: all this PC bollocks, Doctor Who becomes a woman and full of right on misandrist drivel, peaceful rapists and killers running riot and being appeased, wolf whistling or a joke is a ‘hate crime’, any debate is shut down by pulling the racist or sexist cards, 007 becomes a black woman, parasitic illegals treated better than British citizens and taxpayers (those Grenfell cunts), refusal to accept the result of a democratic referendum, foreign banana gob slags telling British people what to do and how to vote, an ugly talentless cunt like Ed Sheercunt seen as a genius, the football league title bought by an arab fascist regime… Transbenders favoured over real women, schoolboys turning into ‘Prom Queens’, the white heterosexual working man demonised and the BBC turned into a hive of freaks and deviants…

    One would have thought it was either insane or some sort of terrible dystopia… Turns out it’s both…

  26. What about the good old days of buying houses for a fraction of the price of which they are valued today ? You cant even day its inflation. At least that generation had something to rely on (unknowing to them). Getting a career was a lot easier as well from the stories I hear. Not like today’s shite of 1 telephone interview, a psych evaluation, maths and spreadsheet test. Then, two subsequent interviews.

    We won’t even have a fucking pension left the way it’s going. Oh and by the way your retirement age has changed to n-2 on your predicted death day.

    I wish I could trade my time. I certainly will be saying the 90s and the first 5 years of the millennium were alright. But after that; remember the shit old fucking days.

  27. I was born in the eighties and it was vaguely shit. The nineties was also quite often shit. Most of the fun ive had occured between 1998 and the mid noughties, but they were fairly shit years. Then there was the financial crisis, the rise of identity wank and authoritarianism in the name of islamosexual terrorism, then ‘feelings’, and we really are living in an age of shit.

    • fucking hell, you may as well top yourself now rather than spending another 40 odd years of more shit!

      • I’ll let the cosmos decide. If i do get really bored i’ll get a kickstarter going to fund a trip to Dignitas.

  28. Never mattered to me about Suzi’s chest – I was, and always will be a LEG man, so, yes, I would have!

    • So would I… The difference in the quality of birds then and birds now…
      Back then it was Suzi Q, Kiki Dee, Olivia Newton John, the Abba girls, Linda Rondstadt, Sheena Easton, Debbie Harry, Lynda Carter, Annie Haslam…

      Now it’s minging turds like Ladyboy Gaga, Titless Swift, Ariana Grande-Cunt, Miley Cyrus, Little Mix, Florence fucking Welch, Paloma Horseface, Lana Del Cunt… Not one fit ‘un amongst those cunts…

      • I am reminded of Pan’s People and Legs and Co, flaunting themselves on TotP. The show itself was pretty awful given that all the bands were miming, and the clueless young people dancing on the studio floor looked like they had been dragged in off the street and forced to dance and smile at the camera with a gun pointing at them off-camera!

        I also remember those “clacker” things – essentially two hard balls attached to pieces of string and knotted in the middle, and you just shook your hand up and down so that they “clacked” until of the balls exploded in your face!

        Happier times before the days of H&S killed any hint of risk to kids

      • Modern porn entertainers are also pretty dire. All Kardashian lookalikes with more tatoos than an Irish navvie, fake tits, trout pouts and orange tans.

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