Stupid Cunts Who Don’t Listen!

So we have had a bit of a heatwave and all of a sudden there’s mass hysteria in the streets about being too hot, and what should we do to keep cool?

Well the experts will tell you a number of preventative: don’t sit out in the sun too long; don’t drink booze in the sun before driving; wear sunscreen, take it easy; and don’t go swimming in pools, rivers and lakes to cool off!

And then you have the stupid cunts on social media, who tell you the complete opposite by saying “What the fuck do the experts know? You might get killed tomorrow, so do what the fuck you want today!”

A couple of days later, we see news item after news item, concerning some stupid cunt who wanted to cool off in a river “and got into difficulties and drowned”, or some cunt ends up in A&E with heat stroke, heat exhaustion or excessive sunburn, or a few months later, skin moles turn malignant and cancerous due to too much sun exposure!

And its not just hot weather that dumb cunts don’t heed advice on, but warnings to expectant mothers not to drink. smoke or do drugs while preggers, or not to use a hair dryer plugged into the mains while taking a bath, or to wear goggles when chopping wood or cutting through stone, or to use an electric cable finder when drilling through walls, or don’t go rambling up hills without the proper gear etc….. the list of warnings goes on and on, and yet people still do the fucking opposite, only to find themselves in shit street when it all goes tits up, and then they demand immediate attention from the local GP or A&E!

It’s as if some people think they’re immortal – totally immune from danger to want to be so reckless with their actions…and yet what really bugs me is the less than gracious attitude after the event when they complain about not being told about the warnings, or the hospital wasn’t good enough, or this that and the fucking other.

But they never point the finger at themselves – their stupidity is always someone else’s fault!

Nominated by Technocunt

71 thoughts on “Stupid Cunts Who Don’t Listen!

  1. Everyones a victim, its never their fault,
    Someone should of told me it was loaded! Nobody told me it was highly flammable!
    Like little kids.
    Dont remember people being this way?
    If the second World war was happening now, all Hitler would need is a panzer tank and ten men to take the uk!
    Luckily the p@kis and ladyboys would put up a bit of a fight.

  2. Here’s some other cunts who don’t listen – the Police.
    For donkey’s years, the poor put-upon general public have been telling the Filth to do something about the disgraceful sub-human bog-trotting pikies who, quite literally, have led people to suicide when they turn up to a beautiful location with their caravans and untaxed, uninsured Transit vans, stealing anything they possibly can, vandalising property and leaving a huge stiking mess when they move on.
    Now that one of their own (PC Andrew Harper) has been bumped off by a group of these gyppo cunts, maybe now they’ll take the threat seriously and start tazing traveller types.
    It’s a shame that the copper is dead, but the pigs wouldn’t give the tiniest little shit if it was one of the people who pay their wages that had been murdered.

    • That was the immaculate conception of replies and I bow to you, not to much as I have a bad back.

    • A family friend reported a group of traveller folk to the local constabulary after theyd been trying to steal his son-in-law’s car. He saw which way they’d gone and told the police officers (one male and one female, both youngish). They insisted they check ’round the back’ of the property. The friend said ‘No! No! Ive seen them leave 5 minutes ago. They went that way (down the road). The security light wouldve been on! You might be able to catch up with them.’
      They still went to check the back of the property.

      Useless plod.

    • They are truly fuckin orrible arent they? Think they can do whatever they want, hurt the vulnerable, leave a shithole where they stayed.
      Then scream and cry when some old guy stabs or shoots one of the cunts!
      Said it before, 39-45 solution for these cunts, not some police liaison officer playing them the Dubliners on acoustic guitar.

      • I can’t remember his name, but that farmer in Norfolk knew how to deal with the pickelets.
        The police did nothing, as he was robbed time and time again. Then when he took the law into his own hands, he was prosecuted and sent down.
        It’s a tragedy that copper has lost his life, to reptiles who value scrap metal more than a man’s life.
        But as TtCE rightly says, had it not happened they would have put the pikelets right to do as they please, above the right of decent people to be protected by the law.

    • It’s hard to know who to despise more out of travelling tinkers, kiddie-fiddling camel botherers or gorilla-esque chiggun loving knife-wielders. As MNC says, there needs to be some sort of solution. A “final” solution, if you will…

      • If they haven’t got the stomach for the final solution, how about the penultimate one, where it’s just the pikeys that end up in the shower. Not that those cunts know what a shower is.

    • My post about this was deleted a couple of hours ago. Perhaps because O used the word P1k3ys?

      • Worse than Müslims. We should be reading a nomination for Pîkeys [10] but I doubt we will.

      • Everyone hates them Stinky.
        Their hated in every nation around the world especially Eastern Europe.

    • Could not agree more Mr Cunt Engine.

      That cop’s murder is the inevitable result of the police policy of pikéy appeasement, allowing pikéys to believe they’re above the law and free to blight the lives of ordinary law abiding people with indemnity.

      There’s a phone-in on LBC right now where they’re talking about pikéys as “members of the public”. More PC madness, burying their heads in the sand.

    • It’s like a lot of things the police deal with, the law isn’t on their side. Pikie rights are paramount. The police know they are low life cunts, anyone that’s ever had to put up with em knows they are low life cunts.

      The pikies know they can get away with murder literally. We are a paranoid society, we are always one step away from the death camps.

      When it comes to issuing the beatings that are the only thing that these cunts would understand we immediately worry about human rights and becoming Nazis. There’s the paradox, the people who benefit from our commitment to human rights are often those who abuse it the most.

  3. Those MI Thingy cunts don’t listen either… Lee Rigby’s killers were monitored and known about, yet they still butchered the poor bloke… That smelly piece of human filth that bombed the Manchester Arena… Again, known about and on a list… His own mother fucking warned the authorities, yet he still had the freedom of movement to commit mass murder… And they know who the scum in Londonstabistan are who are behind the knife crime epidemic… Yet they do fuck all… ‘But… But… We can’t, it’s racist… What will people on Twitter say?’


  4. So the stupid cunts who make my piss boil most are the cunts who don’t listen when they’re told not to start their nominations with the word “So”.

    Present nominator excepted of course…

    Nice one Technocunt ?

    (sorry about the emoji)

    (sorry for apologising)

  5. It’s the cunts that ignore avalanche warnings and then wonder why they are dead, and place the rescue people at risk. Utter utter selfishness. Ditto cunts in the sea during 60 mph winds. I would let them drown and chalk it up to natural selection.

  6. Cunts who don’t listen say things like:-

    “We simply must have another referendum.”
    “Let’s buy it. I’m sure the area will improve.”
    “Okay Pavel Polanski, you can fit my kitchen.”
    “Right, so you won’t cüm inside me.”
    “I can’t wait to meet this Nigerian princess.”
    “I leave for my cycling tour of the Middle East tomorrow.”
    “I know he’s Romanian but we need a cleaner and he seems friendly.”

  7. My missus won’t fucking listen! She bought a new kitchen bin and I told her last night: “that new bin’s quite lightweight, put a couple of inches of water in the bottom, weight it down a bit so the dog cant pull it over and drag the bin bag out”. Did she listen? Did she fuck the daft cunt. Dog starts fucking belly aching at three in the morning, she goes down to find rubbish all over the show and the dog has shit and pissed everywhere because it’s gorged itself to near death on rancid leftovers. She shouts up trying to get me down to help…fuck off! Get to fuck you daft cunt….back to sleep in seconds.

    Should have fucking listened.

    • You West Cuntry lads don’t think things through. I would suggest to avoid this happening again . . . . .
      1.) Feed your dog
      2) So as not to flood your kitchen, try weighing your bin down with a brick and not water.
      3) Make a compost heap in order to avoid keeping waste food in the kitchen.

      If all this fails change your dog for a gerbil.

  8. Worked with inexperienced Italians in insurance office for about 13 years.

    Would ask my advice on what to do on several occasions and each time willingly helped.

    More often than not they ignored my advice and did things their way with the inevitable result of it going tits up.

    When they came to me afterwards for help in resolving the issue ALWAYS told them they must sort out their own fuck ups. Otherwise they will never learn.

    Should have listened first time of asking,

  9. Unfortunately I have some terrible breaking news. Bellend Owen Jones has been beaten up in London by a gang of ruffians.. Lol!!

    • Is that true my Lord ? If so that news has made my day. I’m going to open a nice bottle of malt in celebration.

      • Aye Fenton my good chap. Knocked to the floor and given a jolly good boot to the head apparently.

  10. Sorry for going off track but that bastard Gary Lineker has put himself forward as caretaker Prime minister.. Yes you heard that right.
    Fuck me this cunt has now developed a God complex.
    The arrogance of these Liberal fuckers is jaw dropping. They all seem to think it’s a given that they can get any Government out and start running the show themselves .

    • Evening Fenton. What’s all the hubbub about a caretaker prime minister? Is there a vacancy? Has Boris resigned?

      FFS, he’s only been in office for a month!

      I don’t remember any talk of caretaker prime ministers when Gordon ‘bigoted woman’ Brown and Mavis ‘Queen Midas in reverse’ May assumed power. Remoaner madness.

      I must be missing something somewhere.

      • I’d like to nominate my arse hair as caretaker Prime Minister.

        About as credible as the offers so far.

      • How about Kate Hoey as caretaker leader of the Labour Party? Over to you Jeremy.

  11. Breaking fucking brilliant news!

    Owen Jones gets his fucking head kicked in.

    Rejoice. Hallelujah.

    However what I’d really like to know is how did he know it was the ‘Far Right’ that attacked him?

    It’s obvious they didn’t say anything otherwise this lickle Nancy boy would be all over it.

    I reckon if this ducky put him self up for a free kicking you’d see the queue from Space.

    What a cunt and well overdue it’s about time these fucking gob shites understand that there is a price to pay for being such an opinionated superior piece of shit.

    • Unfortunately though, he was barely injured.
      Maybe the “thugs” were rival fruits?

      • He blames the far right for everything. Did it not cross his mind that they attacked him for simply being a cunt.

      • Too true Fenton.

        I’m now thinking the little pansy could have staged this.

        If it was real ‘Far Right’ thugs he’d have had more than just a few scratches to deal with.

      • On Twitter

        My friend
        was tracked then attacked last night by far right thugs. This was a political attack by extremists & yet more tragic evidence of a slide towards fascism.

    • In response to this, Shadow attorney general Shami Chakrabarti said: “This is a very febrile moment in Britain – and I’m sure that everyone, regardless of their politics, will want to send their solidarity to Owen Jones.” Send their solidarity to him? WTF is she on about? I’m keeping my ‘solidarity’ in me pants.

    • Far right my arse! There must be a queue going round the corner of people who want to give that little shitstain a good kicking.

      • Official statistics reveal there were 17.4 million far-right extremists in the UK in 2016. How many more must there be today?

    • Those scratches on his back look more like something his “partner’s” done….

      • One gets the impression, Fenton, that a hamster could happily stroll out of young Mr. Jones’ arsehole whilst balancing upon stilts and wearing a top-hat, without recourse to stooping.

    • He should think himself lucky his Peaceful friends haven’t thrown him off a high building yet.

    • The prick states definitively that this was an assault on him by ‘the far right’ but doesn’t mention how he arrived at this conclusion. Surely if they had said something specific to alert him to this fact, he would have no problem repeating it as proof of reason, however, we should just take his word for it. He whines that they targeted him specifically. Perhaps it’s because he has the most kickable visage in the history of heads that singled him out. I am still hoping it was a couple of shovels that did it, maybe one of those peaceful decency squads that ginger converts join to stop people showing affection in public, or better still, a bunch of chavs, you know, like the ones he defended in his shit book. Sounds bollocks to me, probably staged for a bit of sympathy and point scoring.

      • Coming out of a boozer at 2 am in London. Could happen to anyone for no reason at all. Being a bunch of gays will definitely increase the chances. Go and tell your mate Suckdick about it, see what he says.

      • It has to be ‘the far right’. Stands to reason. Just about everyone in the country is ‘far right’ according to this little wankstain. What a supercilious little shithouse he is.

  12. Fucking stooopid cuuuunts what don’t listen…

    Bloody GPs receptionists. Again. Had to lie to get myself an “emergency” GP appt. yesterday to get repeat prescription sorted out. She asked me if it was an emergency. Yes, it bloody well is, as I’ve been without a repeat item for the last week. And it’s the second time in 3 weeks it’s happened. A feckin waste of NHS time and money.
    And all because the ladies on the front desk are a load of subhuman, toxic clinical waste, who can’t even pass the most straightforward message on.
    If you want a job doing quickly and efficiently, ask someone who’s busy, ie a medic.
    And I did ask to see the practice manager first, but as it was Friday, she’d fucked off early.

      • I cunted GP Receptionists a few years back so you have my sympathy, HBH. We should put those cold,-blooded, stone-hearted tyrants in charge of Brexit negotiations. Those bitches bleed mustard.

      • I knew one who was a gossip, everyone’s business is val lorries business, we used to say.

        Fucking worse job for a gossip, her son told the school one of the guys had to have an ball removed after a bicycle crash!


      • Mustard GAS, more likely…
        As for the reflux… I may end up with Komodo-like abilities.
        Or I may just treat their office as a commode.
        Verminscum, as my great unc used to say. Followed by a Peter Dominic’s Military Gin – fuelled chant of “Hanging’s too good for them” from Gran.
        The good old days.
        Thanks for the kind thoughts, and the same to fellow sufferers of anything.

    • ‘If you want something done, ask a woman’.
      Margaret Thatcher.
      Flabbott the Hutt, will you please get to fuck??

  13. I’m glad those “experts” told me to drink plenty of water during an heatwave, who’d a thunk that

    the cunts

  14. A dishonourable mention for the XXXXL cow who got on the bus at the hospital, and proceeded to snack continuously all the way home; chocolate, rustling packets of corn products, huge swigs of sugary drink, etc. She occupied 1.5 seats, and overhung into the aisle. I can’t think how she could spend half a minute in a hospital without being informed about her severe adiposity and the probability of diabetes, heart attacks, even cystitis (Nurse Cunty can no doubt add to the list). Nah. Not listenin’. Gargantuan stupid cunt.

    • The state could reclaim past paid benefits for this land whale and others by selling it’s carcass to a rendering plant to make candles, soap and dog food.

  15. I wish I had the final solution to the snoring pissed up cunt mate of mine on my settee!!!!!!! All the way through the running man.

  16. Classic photo of the peerless ‘Gordon Cole’.

    Whassat Coop, eh whassat?!!

    PS which ISAC KOd Owen Jones last night?!

  17. What delightful news that the Jones cunt has been given a kicking. Clearly nothing to do with the “far right” as they would have done a proper job. He’s clearly taken a leaf from the book of Lammy and orchestrated it himself and been bitch slapped a bit by some of his shirtlifting soy boy mates.

    • Still wondering what the far right could be doing in Islington…maybe it goes there for the craft beer and a cheeky edamame wrap*?

      * No, I don’t know what that is, either. I stole it from ‘It’s Grim Up North London’ in Private Eye. Ignorance is probably bliss.

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