The latest gender acronym – QTIPOC Queer, Transgender and Intersex People of Colour.
They had their own pride party in east Londonistan on Sunday. Apparently the London pride march wasn’t diverse enough.

Nominated by Mystic Maven

73 thoughts on “QTIPOC

  1. Bet theyre a wonderful bunch! Not got a chip on their shoulders or a attitude at all!
    Well done good for you!
    Sure every one loves them, big welcome cheer fellas!

  2. …and next week they’ll be called the Carping Uppity Nonce Turd Sandwiches.

    • Just to clarify, sign my petition for reopening of dachau and treblinka!

  3. Wonder how many were from our peaceful guests on this fantastically joyous occasion?
    Can’t believe it hasn’t been celebrated on the BBC or has it?

    • The peacefuls were all at Blackpool Pleasure Beach at the weekend. Myself and Mrs Beemack were there,and I’m convinced we were the only two whiteys in the fucking place. I’ve never seen as many of the cunts.
      Thing that baffles me…when they have their souvenir photo taken on the ride,how do they know which letterbox is them?

  4. Holy shit, this is the ultimate victimhood card, its like the Excalibur of snowflakery legitimized with a recognised acronym and pride party.

  5. What’s the betting David Lammy has a friend who took part, who used to live in Grenfell Tower, and doubtless Saddick Khunt knows a few participating bus drivers.

  6. Degenerates and freaks. Invite one to a party and chuck it off the roof for laugh.

    • Krav tell cuntflap mirrored aviators arent a gay thing!
      Theyre a straight macho thing arent they?
      Told you cuntflap, you berk!
      Now youll wish you had a pair!

      • Next thing we know I’ll have to stop rolling my work shirt sleeves over my shoulders and tying the rest of it in a knot above my navel. How else am I supposed to look so manly?
        I’m off to spray my work boots a different shade of pink just. To be safe.

      • I’ve always envisioned Krav as a ‘smoking jacket and cravat’ type iron, rather than one that was into chaps and aviators.

      • I have an old pair of Rohan ski goggles. Despite removing the leather windshields and replacing the white arms (latter made it impossible to get the bloody things on and off less than two-handedly), people still ask me where my white stick and labrador are.
        Best sunglasses I’ve ever had though.

  7. I accidentally stumbled on an article yesterday which accused a joke about Diane Abbott on Love Island as being “misogynoir”. This is misogyny specifically directed at black women apparently. The writer went on, with a straight face mind, as if this was an actual accepted term, in what , as you can imagine, was the biggest load of leftist bilge I have read in a long time

  8. What about Queer, Trans, Intersex Frogs? ?
    What about our intersectionality? Who’s fighting our corner?
    I want some ATTENTION!!!

    • I think you are above autistic pygmies but below menopausal women of colour in the victimhood hierarchy.

  9. Are chromed aviators a gay thing? Oh for fuck sake! Got some in van!
    They ruin everything for me!
    First biker jackets, then cowboy hats,
    Next youll be telling me i cant wear my leather pants with my arsehole hanging out!

  10. I’ve never yet had BBC, and it’s one of the desires on my bucket list. My only quandary is how I can be sure they’ll stab my shit rather than my chest or face.

  11. Gay Dark Keys!…I had no idea that The Gayness could spread between species.

    No public toilet will be safe. At least white Gays lacked the physical strength and agility to climb over the partition if one was having a shit,but the thought of a sexually-aroused Serena Williams style Silverback, caked in make-up, swinging from the light fixture above ones head is ghastly…it’s great hairy nutsack’ll be like two rugby balls stuffed in a cushion cover…the grunts of….”Shut dat door n gimmee da bank card,Duckie”…Oh Dear Me, No. I’m now going to have to start carrying a bunch of over-ripe bananas as well as a packet of Mr-Kiplings French Fancies to throw as a distraction when hearing someone come into the public toilet as I have a dump.

    I wonder if the Gay Dark Key smears his gerbils in KFC grease to ease insertion up his ring?

    Fuck Off.

    • First the mirrored aviators now the french fancies!
      Im a bandit arent i?
      Just never realised! Fuck you lot!
      Beastly bitches im off for a sob and some Donna summer to cheer myself up.
      Hey who did that knackered fridge nom?
      You jinxed me you fuckin jonah!
      New one arrives today. Waiting in all fuckin day, gutted.

      • I do like a French Fancy – do I now have to join some bender club? I could easily switch to Battenburg?

      • Yeah a guilty secret french fancys!
        I like em as well.
        And Angel cake, but then i am admittedly a right greedy bastard.
        Never saw warning on packet that it could make you a flaming bandit though!

      • Battenburg, or one of his sons (or maybe even Porchester’s son) knows Jeffrey Epstein…

    • PS….At least we can be sure that they can’t swim. Dark Keys’ skin absorbs water and they sink, Gays can’t close their ringpieces so they ship water and sink too.

      • With the Keys I think it might be more to do with the sheer volume of their mass that’s made up of water-bloated chiggun. I’ll use the latter excuse though for my next tall, tanned, lithe swimming instructor.

      • his swimming instructor told him he’d sink if he had to take his finger out of Tom’s arse.

    • Summer season local bogs are a no go area. I will piss in the woods till the end of October when everyone fucks off.

    • I wonder if Gay Dark Keys bleach their arseholes the same as white ones? Perhaps that’s why Michael Jackson’s face went white and his nose fell off?…Should have probably used the “junior” version on his little friends before burying his face in there.

      Fuck Off.

      Admin note


  12. That anyone uses public toilets for a shit is fucking beyond me anyway.

    I’d rather shit in my pants. At least I know they are clean (to that point anyway)

    Who gives a fuck if the other diners in Pizza Express start to wonder why the place suddenly stinks of shit. At least I won’t have contracted the bad Aids through the toilet seat.

    Remember when everyone thought that during the 80s? Well, I still do , so there.

    • I’m the incontinent drunk bastard cunt that destroys public lavs splattering them with a port, stout and hogget vindaloo bomb, neglecting to flush after.
      How anyone bent or not would consider fucking in such an environment confounds me.

  13. What the fuck is a ‘person of colour’? I’m a colour for fucks sake.

    • It’s code for a word that chucks you in moderation.

      Why the fuck can’t people say it as it is.

      • Caught out again。The Mods are too efficient on this site ??

        The site has filters and redirects certain words, be inventive use double en-tenders or cockney rhyming, “Egg and spoon” fine, no moderation

      • Kuhns should be ok; highly respected Swiss organ builders, who did the Elsan Bog organ in the Royal Academy of Music.

        Is it ok to mention Uncle Elsan and organs in the same posting ?

  14. **Zoe Ball loses 780,000 listeners from BBC Radio 2 breakfast show**

    But who cares about what people like listening to when we have BBC funded diversity!

    **Ken Bruce’s mid-morning show on Radio 2 becomes the most popular radio programme in the UK**

    Oh just fuck off!

    • Zoe Ball is excellent at what she does, waffling inanely on and on and talking for the fuckin sake of talking. I wonder if she ever stops to think ‘ jeez all I do is play fuckin records and I get ( not earn) loads more money than nurses ‘.

      • If I had to listen to her for the entire length of the show I would have to open an artery as I would have lost the will to live.

  15. Fuck diversity. What this country needs is unity.
    (Example: Rishi Sunak MP, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, who defeated A Snotty Little Girl* on Today this morning, charging on relentlessly through her anti-Brexit expostulations, and getting the message of co-ordinated and energetic action across splendidly.)

    * couldn’t be arsed getting her name. Renta Remoana, probably.

  16. We are well and truly fucked. Booking my ticket for Mars today.

    Fuck off.

  17. Taking into account the demographic, if I’d been on the logo choosing committee, probably wouldn’t have gone with a fist….

    • I think you are referring to “The Bishops rod” Benny. Sends shivers down unreamed choirboys spines. 2 Bishops in bed – which one wears the silk nightie? Why Mrs Bishop of course. Now that sparked a titter back in he day – sadly its likely that Bishops of the gay gene do sleep together and one does wear silk if not both.

  18. What’s going on? All those letters.
    I don’t follow politics, watch the news (don’t watch broadcast television, I do listen to radio, though).
    I don’t know if this was mentioned already. I was in supermarket yesterday and saw a cardboard thing with white bags of skittle sweets and something about being designed by LGBTQIA+ artists.
    What’s that? Why do people want to label themselves, separate themselves?
    Years ago there were separate public toilets and drinking fountains for black people for instance. Then there was a struggle for being the same as everyone else.
    Nowadays people want to separate themselves again. Something like that. I’m not too good with words. I hope you understand.
    Or people want to separate themselves “my life is worse than your life” etc.

    To me, life is confusing enough as it is.

    I wish life was simple like a jam sandwich.

  19. The progressive push for diversity is evermore revealed as the push for division, ever smaller minorities with less power as they isolate themselves. We will all become minorities of one at this rate.

    How the overlords rub their hands.

  20. I can only assume that 99% of Bumdon’s population comprises all these types, plus the white LBGTQN FLCHRS,AND the lefty remoaner snowflakes. Same goes for Brighton.
    In an ideal world, where the majority of a city’s population are normal, there ought to be a backlash against all this cunting bumfoolery and dykefuckery.

  21. Best just to ignore these cunts, once they start swapping postcodes they will self destruct.

    On the plus side with the rise of all these deviant fuckers when the peacefuls take over all us straight white people will be perfectly safe.

  22. Sounds pretty gay.

    Cant see many Brixtonian cllads turning out for that. They arent shy about letting everyone know what they think of homosexualism.

  23. Now if you meet a dark key in a dark alley you won’t know whether you’re going to be stabbed, shit-stabbed or both!

  24. Dating advert
    White male would like to meet
    Lovely Girl Beautiful Thighs Quality Insides Ahhhh

    Or for gay people would like to meet
    Luscious Gay Boy Twink Quite Irresistible Arse.

  25. I think the irony is somewhat lost on these groups that they march quite freely through the streets, to show unity and defiance against all those who so cruelly oppress them at every juncture of their lives.

    Perhaps a holiday in Brunei would offer some perspective…

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