Ken Clarke (4)

Ken Clarke, the stupid old twat, has said that he would support a Labour government led by Cuntbyn if it would prevent a No-deal Brexit, but only as long as he wouldn’t introduce any of the more extreme Labour policies.

So what do you think he would do if he became PM, you daft old cunt?

Nominated by Mystic Maven

51 thoughts on “Ken Clarke (4)

  1. I trust Corbyn as much as a Nigerian bank teller.

    Ken Clark is clearly dementing….

    Come on Boris!

    • I will be surprised if Boris turns out to be anything other than a total let down.

      Don’t think leaving with a no deal is on his agenda, we will be offered Mays shite deal with minor tweakings which will gladly be accepted and voted through.


      • Doesn’t matter what he puts in front of them they will vote it down. Remoan means remoan. They will have to find some other dirty trick or they are fucked.

      • Except that May’s (EU dictated) deal keeps the UK tied to the EU even tighter than remaining!

        The Remoaners /Remainers will bite Johnson’s hand off when he next offers them BRINO, rather than risk going out on no-deal.

      • Yes Ruff Tuff, I’m beginning to think as well that by the end of October they will grab May’s deal with both hands. It all makes sense now.

      • Agree Willie, but if Boris does manage to pull this huge gamble off and get us out by the 31st with a half decent deal or no deal , the later being the one I prefer, he will be the biggest hero since Churchill.
        (Dream on Fenton)

    • Not so much “Ken Clark is clearly dementing.”
      Rather Ken Clark is clearly fermenting ( must be the whisky)

  2. Looking at that Sleeping Beauty cunt in the background really does hack me off!

    I don’t know much these cunts earn or claim on expenses, but they really don’t set a good example of British democracy in action – as fucked as it is these days!

    In my school days my teacher would often clip me round the ear if I fell asleep in class; pity someone can’t whack that dozy cunt with something hard and extremely painful!

    As for Clarke – a pointless yesterday man trying to make out he still has influence and people are willing to listen to his words of wisdom.

    Well if the pic is anything to go by clearly not!

  3. Whenever I’ve bothered to watch parliament live old cuntasaurus Ken has been waffling on about something or another, this old relic from the Cretaceous period can spend a full 10 minutes saying something that anybody else could in a minute or two , it’s about time this dithery old cunt got sent on his way , stick him in the house of waxworks with all the other geriatrics

    • Sorry Forget to mention….
      In the headline photograph not only has cuntasaurus sent the M.P. Behind him to sleep it appears like a fucking horse CLARKE has mastered the art of being able to stand whilst sleeping!!
      CLARKE’s actually fallen asleep listening to himself! …

      • If the Yanks ever want to get the towelheads imprisoned in Guantanemo Bay to confess they could sent this waffling old cunt over to break them with his thoughts on the Irish backstop.

  4. The guy who’s asleep might be knackered but did he have to choose the fat cunt’s shoulder to fall asleep on?

    • Morning RTCP…..
      CLARKE just rambles on and on, similar to that absolute cunt Hillary benn, even when Neil schooled them they still carried on talking shite……

  5. So a senior MP of the Tory party would be happy to support the opposition if it meant the EU gravy train could continue. Stupid, fat, old, cunt. The only positive out of this is that it’s shown up that gormless prick Swinson after saying she wouldn’t support a temporary government run by cuntbyn, and backed boring bastard Clarke to lead instead.

    Shows just how much work Clarke is willing to do, he was backed by a ‘leader’ of another party and he still doesn’t want any responsibility, work shy cunt.

    • Not forgetting after she asked a second referendum ( PV) apparently because it’s the democratic thing , followed that up by saying if leave won again she would continue to oppose Brexit?
      She’s a fucking gift for leave….. ?

      • Exactly like Lucarse.
        x more refs, and they might get to drip at the right bollock of Druncker.

  6. Wouldn’t that action immediately exclude Cuntasourus Clarke from the Tory party, as per Alistair Cuntbell with the Labour Party?

    He can then go and join Sourberries and Grieve in political limbo until they get kicked out in the next election!


  7. Hush puppy man is so old and out of touch, before the Swindler woman brushed the dust off him, everybody thought the old traitor was dead.
    Imagine all those right ons in the street demonstrating in favour of this fucking half dead old wanker. Bring on the revolution! ?

    • I had him in my Dead Pool for months… removed him cos I couldn’t bear to be reminded of the fat fuck.

      • If you get the chance pop him in again Creampuff, when taking a break from fucking over the country, he might take cricket ball to his wobbling jowls if Ben Stokes smashes a six into the posh seats at the next Ashes test.

    • Brexit sure has brought all old cunts out many of whom the population probably believed were dead! CLARKE was definitely one of those but the cunt that shocked the nation was Hezeltine!
      Apparently when he made his first public intervention on Brexit there were gasps of disbelief from those attending, a few ran screaming believing they had witnessed a ghost/ zombie/ cunt in their midst……
      Then sky raised the bar when they wheeled out that hideous toe sucking creature
      The MELEPHANT MAN ……….

      • You were certainly not alone M63 …
        allegedly the House of Lords was undergoing a spring clean, wiping all the piss of the seats etc when a cleaning lady saw a giant cobweb in the corner, inside it was hezeltine !!

  8. Clarke was a joke thirty years ago and he’s still a joke.
    A symptom of a broken, corrupt system, a miserable scab upon the body politics. You can almost see the cobwebs over his mouth as he speaks.

  9. A proper traitor needs booting out of the Conservative Party as soon as possible or deselecting which ever the sooner Vote Leave means Leave Ken This hypocrite hates referendums especially when they don’t go the way he wants them to An ardent remainer & fat lazy fucker who thinks he knows better then the rest of us plebs why would you want this prick as your local MP?

  10. His agenda is to stop Brexit. No deal is another excuse along with the Irish border to deny the referendum in support of ‘democracy’
    Fucking hypocrite along with a few hundred others in our pay.

  11. Four dinghies containing 50 scroungers picked up near Dover this morning. A fifth dinghy , number of scroungers unknown, also apprehended.

    More voters for the remoaners.

      • Go Directly to Hotel Mayfair.
        Do Not Worry.
        Do not cross the Channel again.
        Collect a few grand to tide you over. This month.
        Do go to free college.
        Do collect Race Card asap.
        And please, no stabbing or raping Sunday through to Tuesday.

  12. I love the phrases the libtards use, ‘a government of national unity’ with the silly old cunt Ken at the helm, what a joke.

    Where was the national unity when 17.4 million people voted to say fuck off to the EU.

    • ‘Government of national unity’ is classic Orwell doublespeak.

      What they really mean is: ‘Government of Remoaner unity’.

      • ‘The Peoples Vote’ is a favourite, aligning themselves to some mythical army of ignored and marginalised group. Otherwise known to right-minded thinking people as butt hurt wankers.

      • Yup, that’s another good example LL. We really are living in dangerous times.

      • The left are very good at holding conflicting views and role out whicher one fits at any particular time.

        Caroline Lucas.
        ‘You cant have too much democracy’
        ‘I wouldnt accept a vote to leave’

      • Ditto swinson ……
        another fucking gem

        “ democracy isn’t a moment in time”
        Yeh not when it goes against you Heidi Allen , forked tongued cunt……

        If Allen really believes that than maybe she should stand in a by election?
        As she’s changed parties and maybe her constituents have changed their minds about her representing them?

        Thought not …….

        And umunna soubry and co ……….

    • Government of national unity, and what about us 17.4 million people who they won’t unite? Since when did the majority become the minority? How the fuck will denying brexit unite the country? The reason we have referendums is that it’s been deemed (although not sure it is) the fairest solution to these issues in a democracy. But it only works if you actually go along with the result.

  13. I saw this Cunt on the telly yesterday. He’s usually all bucolic, cheeks glowing like a Belisha Beacon, but yesterday he looked almost healthy. The inconsiderate Cunt. It looks like he could go on and on and on and on for yonks yet.
    That’s a bit of a bastard.
    Get To Fuck.

  14. I regularly see the old duffer in Morrison’s in West Bridgford. Since his wife died he does seem to have gone downhill a fair bit. I admit to quite liking him as a person; always happy to talk about cricket or football . As for his role in the current debacle, the less said the better. But he is far from being the biggest cunt in Parliament.

  15. Ken Clarke is a slug of a politician, a slug of a Remainer, and a slug of a human being. Pour some fucking salt on the fat beast.

    Hoo-ee, what a slug.

  16. Everything these days seems like political satire.
    Like something out of The Thick of It.

    Where’s the Malcolm Tucker character when you need him?
    Fuckity bye!

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