I knew I should have stayed in bed.
Got up, had brekkie, got my shit together and had a quick blimp at MSN News before trying to flog my clothing shit online as per, and already my tits are steaming, before they day has even begun.
Apparently, Canada are not happy at all with the UK and have accused us of shirking our responsibilities and ‘offloading’ them, after the Home Office making the decision to strip the cunt that is Jack Letts, aka ‘Jihadi Jack’ of his British Citizenship.
Read all abaaaat it! here:
The Home Office had the ability to smoothly do this as the cunt has dual UK/Canadian Nationality, so in other words, he can get straight to fuck as he is not considered stateless if we kick his arse out…..
…..however, Canada have now thrown their toys out of the pram as he has now become THEIR problem to sort out and deal with in a manner they see fit, which appears to be ‘Investigating, arresting, charging and prosecuting any Canadian involved in Terrorism’. They are basically pissed off on an epic scale that we have dumped a terrorist on their doorstep.
Well tough fucking moose shit.
What did they expect us to do as a nation? We did what any non-pandering country with balls would do (for a refreshing change) which is not accept back a known terrorist after he saw no issue with departing from these shores to become a traitor. As we cannot leave him stateless and he won’t be, job done, but as far as Canada are concerned, we have passed the buck. In the interests of ‘entente cordiale’ we should have not been so inconsiderate as to palm a terrorist off on them.
Oh dear. How very dare we!
I also nominate the cunt’s parents, John Letts and Sally Lane for a monumental and very heartfelt cunting because, as the old adage goes, ‘Denial is not just a river in Egypt’.
These hippy fuckheads are also unimpressed by the Home Office for making the decision to kick their terrorist son out of the UK. They have accused Sajid Javid of being a ‘coward’ and leaving their son in ‘a legal black hole’. They complain that ‘British citizens have certain rights’ and that ‘Justice doesn’t seem to be able to happen here’. Their son is apparently ‘Innocent until proven guilty’.
It all becomes clear now exactly WHY their brat child turned out the way he did. Mum and Daddy see no wrong in him at all, despite intelligence to prove otherwise and despite the fact they THEY THEMSELVES were convicted of funding terrorism, but they STILL maintain that he has not done anything wrong and should be welcomed back with open arms.
How blinkered and retarded can you possibly be?
Their own son has admitted that he is NOT innocent and should be dealt with appropriately, so on that premise, they are calling their child a liar. It is truly incredible, were it it not so pathetic. Well ‘dealt with’ the fucker has been. The fact that he is now Canada’s shit to scrape off of their shoes is not our problem.
Fuck Canada, fuck that terrorist scum and fuck his doting parents.
Nominated by Nurse Cunty
The Letts family are all solid gold cunts.
Young Jack decides to go and become a jihadi, under the guise of studying Islam in the Middle East. His fucktard parents wish him on his merry way, and the cunt ends up in Syria fighting for ISIS. When he phones home, he confesses to his mum what he’s up to, and asks for a bit of cash. Being a martyr ain’t cheap, and his parents duly send the cunt some dosh. Then the little cunt gets captured by the Kurds, and phones home again, more cash please, and can you get the British government to come and rescue me. By now, the parents have had their collars felt, and are charged with funding terrorism.
Narrowly missing a prison sentence, they embark on a crusade to get their little cunt freed, saying he’s a bit of a mong, it’s not his fault, blah blah. Sajid Javid, in his final act as Home Secretary, strips little Jack of his British passport, saying fuck you, we don’t want you back. This pisses off the Canadians, as he has dual nationality with them because his organic farmer dad is one, and they don’t want the little cunt either.
Today, his dippy fucking mother, who looks like she has a whiff of piss about her, is telling anyone who will listen that her son deserves sympathy. I really don’t think she understands what he was doing out there……
Nominated by Gutstick Japseye
Can we permanently deport the parents for being Cunts? Failing that, can we deport them for supplying the seed and incubator that created said nominated cunt?
Solid cuntings from both of you.
As I understand it the cunt dad is a born and bred Canadian and the cunt mum has been a Canadian citizen since the age of 14 so what the fuck are they complaining about? I would ask what the fuck they were doing here in the first place, breeding fucking terrorists?
And what are the moose shaggers whining about? That soft cunt Trudeau loves the peacefuls and wants to bring them in by the shipload. We got in first so they’re stuck with it now. Suck it up moose fuckers.
Excellent cuntings Nurse Cunty & Gutstick.
The sooner the Syrians execute this murderous Britain hating cunt the better. Pity they can’t take out his whinging parents too.
Bury him alive with the Begum bitch.
Sorry Canada but we beat you to it..
I’d say UK 1 Canada 0. You snooze you lose. No ”jolly hockey sticks” here my son, out you fuck and good riddance. It’s only a shame someone didn’t out you over in the hell hole you made your home. Daft cunt, be a man for once in your life and suck it up. The parents are just simpletons, they should have had a custodial sentence, not suspended, to have a little think about their role in terrorism. Traitors, all of the family.
Fuck me, the U.K. government has got so right for once.
Bugger me we’ve actually managed to do something decisive with a bit of backbone without the usual suspects bleating and squealing and blocking it, I’m amazed the little shite hawk has been de-Britished.
It would’ve been easier with a few bullets.
I actually think there is racism here. If he was brown there would be great sympathy for him.(From the media). But he is white so there isn’t.
Have to say I haven’t detected any more sympathy for the Begum bitch than for this murderous scumbag. If there has been it was probably because she’s a woman with allegedly dead children, she’s not thought to have chopped anyone’s head off, and went there as a 15 year old “child” and all that rubbish. Media taken in like mugs, but not racism imo…
In moderation. Morning Miles…
but back
Cheers mate. ?
Wonder where where Shamima Begum is now? It’s all gone very quiet about her.
She is (allegedly) still in a camp but they wouldnt let the very shaggable Dolley girl speak to her when she visited the camp.
Look at that photo what a mealy mouthed pair of drips.
Well done Saj, why the fuck would we want this cunt back, Canada are liberal so will be able to accommodate this ‘innocent’ wanker.
And on the subject of wankers, the michael chessum wanker was on the BBC this morning calling for civil disobedience, blocking fucking roads!
He is a cunt, the BBC are cunts and Momentun are cunts.
This twat says No Deal will ruin peoples lives but he is happy to ruin peoples live by causing disruption.
Lovely cunting,thanks.
I’ll be fucking amazed if the traitorous parents don’t go full legal aid to try to get him back in.
Just get rid of these cunts,they are just future problems we don’t need.
Fuck them.
I thought the worlds number one snowflake libtard, Trudeau, would welcome him into Canada as a hero and then make him ‘minister for equalities’ or some such bollox.
We should remember that over the years Canada has been more than a very good friend to this country in times of real crisis, just go and see the memorials at Vimy Ridge and Beaumont Hamel or read The Guns of War by George Blackburn. It is just that their present government led by Justin Trudeau is a complete bunch of fuckwits.
A Scottish judge has refused to order a temporary halt to Boris Johnson’s plan to shut down the UK Parliament.
So whether Brexit happens is coming down to the opinions of a Scottish judge? FFS.
Seeing John Major’s face on the news today has boiled my blood, oxinated my piss, and steam-boiled my turds. I might hurt somebody.
Hoo-ee, what a fucking cunt.
I really wonder why anyone would take the utterances of John Major seriously. He was a disaster as Chancellor of the Exchequer (remember his role in getting us in to the ghastly ERM), a useless PM but most significantly fucked the Edwina Currie. With that track record he should trying to remain anonymous.
I always remember the tory tarts like that Bottomley woman (and probably Currie as well) going all damp and squidgy when Major mentioned his “hard ecu”, but the silly old cunt now looks as demented as the old piss-stained Heseltine, who sounds more and more pissed when they wake him up in the care home to let him ramble on Wireless 4.
Oliver Lewtin has joined the affray this morning. I worry about the underhanded tactics of this festering heap of remoaner shit. Who would ever have though a tory would have aided an elderly commie to get into No 10. If Corbyn becomes PM it will be down to motherfuckers like Letwin, Grieve and the curry-shagger. Let’s hope Fuehrer Steptoe has them up against the wall first.
This dual Nationality shit needs addressing You are either English or Canadian one or the other not both I’m of the personal opinion that if you are English and you take up arms against this country you are a traitor and should face UK Law as such that’s 25 years in prison with no possible parole.When you join a death cult such as ISIS and leave this Country to fight for terrorists and killers you lose all rights that your former Country offered you because are an unlawful combatant plus you are a total cunt
On the subject of Jack and his parents, cunt Jack for all his worth which isn’t much, but I do have some slight sympathy for the parents as one myself. If my Mark had got himself into trouble in his teens or twenties I would have coughed up £221, which is all they sent him. It’s a dad thing. I think it was a bit of an over-reaction for the courts to say they “financed terrorism” – £221 would have hardly paid for the vindaloo that night. I can’t really cunt them – especially when we have mega cunts like Owen Jones, McDonnell and winson to deal with.
*Swinson – my “s” is stuck – I will have to borrow some of Owen Jones KY jelly to lubricate it.
A quick price check on the £221.
Chinese ak47 =$15 USD
Russian ak47 = $39 USD
Russian ak74 + $74 USD
so 3 top notch Kalashnikov’s or 17 crappy Chinese ones although I understand that they are cheaper in Ethiopia.
Costings based on Greek weapons dealer 1992 all equipment pre loved but functional. (scary shit when you know the wholesale price of weapons and some twat offers you a replica for £300)
Czech and East German ones are best, comrade.
I was offered a second citizenship but refused it on the grounds that I didn’t trust the cunts enough to give up the thin veil of protection that the UK offers.
Being a diplomatic cunt when I declined the offer I was asked why and countered with “Would you take Somalian citizenship?” you can imagine the response but I think we understood each other.
I also recall a dual nationality American who ended up in a particularly nasty place and there was fuck all the yanks could do about it.
I bet he knows what cock tastes like, and feels like.
Is ISIS lgbt approved krav? Last i heard they chuck gays off of tall buildings and stone or shoot the remains or are you just projecting here?!
As I asked two pro Palestinian’s last week in London: “When is the next Gay pride in Gaza?” As Milo said:”Gay’s for Palestine. Probably the stupidest people ever to walk the face of the earth”
educational addition.
Tikkun olam krav, interesting informations sir
“Fuck canada” come on now nurse cunty lets not say something you’ll later regret but i agree this situation is cunty to say the least and i wish they just put this jihadi john cunt in a gulag or bring back the death penalty for murderous cunts like this
Naah, I won’t regret it TitSlapper. They could do what we have done but choose to bitch about us instead.
Fuck ’em with knobs on.
Fuck Canada… They’re all garlic eating froggies anyway, the cunts….
Oh, and Margaret Trudeau is a massive slag….
Nurse cunty replace Fuck canada with fuck Israel and guess what? By saying that you are by definition a anti-Semite. So when you said fuck canada that means your a anti-canuckite congratulations youve now committed a hate speech how do you feel nurse cunty?
Norm not all of canada is french just Quebec mostly its very mixed but it is a former colony of Britannia no disagreements about Margaret trudeau
To the tune of ‘My Darling Clementine’:
Build a bonfire
Build a bonfire
Jihadi Jack up on the top
Then we’ll throw on his fucking parents
and we’ll burn the fucking lot
The parents of all murdering terrorists should do a little prison time, the mosque they devil-worshiped in should be closed and every cunt who attended tattooed on the forehead with a pigs snout, the fighting age males in the family all hung from the neck.