A real scrapyard cunting please for the Albert Steptoe of politics (not forgetting John McDonnell as ‘Arold) the conniving and dirty old man, whose taste for dictatorship and delusion reaches fresh peaks daily:
This snotty nosed, mealy mouthed old cunt is only too aware that he will never be elected by the public, so he hopes to twist the arms of mad Lib Dems (oh yes Sarah Woolaston has just joined them, which in the political world is as relevant as a monkey farting in the zoo), pansy Labourites at Westminster who have some sort of overwhelming fear of leaving the EU, right on careerist wimmin (Thornberry, Abbott, Phillips, Long-Bailey), and a few disloyal soft as shit Tories like Phil Hammond, 2019s leading pantomime dame. No doubt to mollify the Labour “moderates”, harmless Prince Charming, Dame Keir and Principal Boy Yvette Cooper will be wheeled out on their commodes to reassure everyone that Labour is a moderate party, but we all know what a dissembling bunch of motherfuckers they really are. The only decent principled Labour MPs (Kate Hoey, Frank Field) have been forced out of their own party.
Corbyn seems to be in the first stages of dementia, in that he seems to forget more than half of his MPs either loathe or fear him, Swinson, the leadereene of the Limp Dums has dismissed the idea, and she is a very important lady with her own shit to splatter over the parliamentary benches, and unless Tories like Hammond and Grieve really do have political suicide in mind they are unlikely to support Steptoe.
This is a final desperate throw of the dice by an elderly hypocrite who doesn’t even support the EU. We all know he has always been anti-EU – luckily for him his nancy snowflakes are too young to know anything before two or three years ago.
The only “caretaker” role Corbyn ought to be given is cleaning out the school lavatories in Tower Hamlets. If he behaved himself, we might even give him a lavatory brush.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
The first rule of Dementia Club is:
You do not talk about Chess Club.
Sorry what were you saying? ?
Dementia protest chant.
“What do we want? Fuck knows”
“When do we want it? Want what?”
Or maybe that’s the Pair party new song, the cunts
Spot on cunting W.C Boggs
After misusing the word DEMOCRACY since 2016 these remain CUNTS have eventually found a new word
Government of UNITY?
Unity of what precisely?
I think the word COUP is far more appropriate…..
Unsurprisingly the guardian and independent are making out corbyn to be a HERO?
Yeah, “coup” spelled C-U-N-T.
Saw a clip of him on tv last night and he just comes over as a lost and confused old man operated by his puppet masters.
If I was his GP, I’d be advising him to get the hell out of it. For completely selfish reasons, I want the fucker to stay where he is.
In a few years he will be a drooling cabbage with occasional outbursts about “capitalist imperialists” and reminiscing about long lunches with his friends, the IRA and Hamas. By then he should be ready to take his seat in the Lords.
Fall asleep sitting in a care home, fall asleep sitting in the house of Lords…… Same difference.
I think not. Fall asleep in a care home, pay £305 per day. Fall asleep in the Lords, receive £305 per day + expenses.
What a complete and utter bunch of knobends these remoaners are, whichever party they come from. They spout on and on about democracy while doing everything they can to overturn the largest democratic vote that’s ever taken place in this country. They keep telling us what we didn’t vote for when we did and what we didn’t know when we did. They are lying two faced cunts the fucking lot of them and the more they get on the telly and lie their arses off the more they rack up the votes against them. Desperation has pushed them to fully declare their hands so they won’t get away with it like they did in 2017. They also won’t be up against a useless sack of remoaner shit like Mavis the Magic Dancer.
Every one of them, outside of London and Scotland is going to get their arse and their P45 handed to them the fucking cunts.
As for Steptoe, he’s not even a proper remoaner! No wonder the other traitor cunts don’t want him. Apparently, all these fucking pompous nobodies are going to have really important meetings about how they are going to take over. What a bunch of arseholes! Keep dreaming wankers.
I have to report that today Jo Swinson (the one they call “La Gob”) has said that she has had discussions with Harriet Harman, the
Don’t know what happened there — anyway, Harman, The PIE supporting old cunt married to a MAN who was recruited from an ALL WIMMIN shortlist, (pick the bones pout of that) and Ken Clarke have both very un-selfishly agreed to lead a Govt of national unity. Of course it will be an onerous painful duty for old droopy tits and droopy Y-fronts but they will do it. What heros they are. They are such self-serving bastards. And CUNTS
Vlie cunt leader of the vile cunt party, with the Tories at an all time low you’d expect the opposition to be flying high and preparing for the election that must happen soon.
But no, Labour under Corbyn and McDonnell are not palatable to the average voter, Corbyn cares about dogma, he want’s to force Marxism on an unwilling public,
What a shower of shit Labour are.
You forgot arch-cunt Oliver Letwin.
…. and of course Dominic Grieve, yet again on Wireless 4 last evening on PM pontificating on the choice of Corbyn and No Deal. And in “his judgement”…….. well, on the one hand, but on the other hand. Dissembling old cunt, the shitstain on the underpants of the conservative party.
Corbyn is a disingenuous, Marxist cunt. The only reason he wants to pull this stunt is to get his grubby little digits on the levers of power, so he can inflict his socialist utopia wet dream onto an already disenfranchised public.
He has not a jot of interest in staying in the EU. He was dead set against it. Only now, the associated unrest at Westminster gives him a chance of slipping under the radar.
The likes of the Grievous Cadaver should be hanged for treason. At the very least Boris should shoe his scrawny arse out of the Tory Party after 31st October.
Fuck off Corbyn and fuck the socialist Trojan Horse you rode in on.
What a duplicitous, Marxist cunt. Not fit for purpose by any stretch.
“ grievous cadaver “ Priceless!!
Apparently The Hammong is facing a vote of no confidence in his cuntstituency. There was a pic of him looking considerably less smug than usual…
I’m also sure I’ve seen a photo of syphilitic goat’s genitals where his face was clearly visible; like Flabbott’s BO is clearly identifiable in a smega-bucket of chiggun…
Absolutely bang on..”Socialist Trojan Horse”. Fortunately, the majority of his supporters are either wet behind the ears and still getting aroused over their sixth form politics with absolutely no idea of the world, or they’re completely thick as fuck, believing all this shite about a smear campaign against Jezbollah and his band of Marxist commie cunts.
To be honest though, Jezbollah doesn’t need a smear campaign, as he’s doing a pretty piss poor job of hiding his true intentions anyway. Then again, with two grade Es at A-Level, and having dropped out of one of the shittest polytechnics in the UK, should his thick-as-fuck followers expect anything more? Yet they do.
Just from memory..
1. Supporting a clearly anti-Jewish mural, and then saying “oh I didn’t realise.” For fuck’s sake it looked like it was taken from 1930s Germany. So either he’s a completely thick twat, or he actually hates Jews, or both. I would say both.
2. Laying wreaths at terrorists graves.
3. Speaking on Iranian state television.
4. Calling terrorist cunts his friends and appearing on stage with them.
5. Calling for a parliamentary petition demanding that Leon Trotsky be “Completely Rehabilitated” by the Russian state. But he’s not a communist, honestly.
6. Writing articles for the Morning Star. But he’s not a communist, honestly.
After that awful Grenfell Tower disaster, the cunt was on TV advocating the seizing of vacant properties in London – sounds a bit commie fishy to me. Now he’s going on about seizing vacant shops on the high street.
If anyone seriously thinks that this idea of him honestly wanting to help the public by attempting to stop a no-deal brexit is anything other than a blatant attempt at trying to grab power and put his communist shit on the country, then they need to be fucking sectioned. Corbyn’s politburo member, McDonnell, going to Scotland and telling them they can have another “once in a lifetime” referendum, just to get Kranky’s support prior to announcing that they are going to try and topple the government, is so transparent that it hurts my brain. Isn’t it clear that they don’t give a shit either for the UK, or for the people in their constituencies that voted to leave? They merely care about “getting their grubby little digits on the levers of power”.
I don’t think that anyone deserves to be cunted as much as him.
I really dont understand how anyone could take Labour seriously whether old labour new labour or Magic Grandpas barking mad commie labour. Not just cunts but delusional thick as fuck cunts.
These cunts are fucking losing all sense of reality
The idea of a government of national unity is for the birds, we have gone from the Brighton Barnpot and her all wimminz cabinet to Steptoe and the lunatics taking over the asylum and now Swinson and a arbitrary stand in leader.
The EU must be thinking ‘fuck off and the sooner the better’
A gang of 10 aged 13 to 30 arrested after police officer was killed.
Sounds like maybe an oppressed minority that may ‘travel’ the country. In which case Jeremy will tell us that they need our ‘understanding’ and are victims of heavy handed police tactics.
Could be wrong mind you.
Yeah, first thing I thought…….pikeys!
Mrs Swindler is possibly the most useless one of the lot. I wouldn’t send her out to do the shopping the scatty bitch. In political terms she is Special Needs. Where the fuck did she come up with the idea of Hush Puppy Man or Harperson as PM? I’ve never heard such a load of fucking tosh in my life. The cow needs sectioning.
I heard (umuna was saying) it was the ‘mother’ and ‘father’ of the house who should take over Clarke and Beckett. But no its Clarke and Harriet. Uncle Ken and Auntie Harriet should be renamed. See its the grown ups taking over. Isn’t Swinson the ‘baby’ of the house? She might be there. Anyway, what a family of cunts.
Family? Charlie Manson had a saner family than this bunch of fucking fantasists.
Helter Skelter!
Death to pigs.
Rtc’s the devil! And hes here to do the devils work!
Jeremy Corbyn
Top Clown for Clown World
What a fuckin’ strange world we live in!
The elders like Harperson and Clarke are supposedly “trusted” to lead us politically, yet geriatrics like these know fuck all about climate change. For this, we need to turn to Greta Grungeberg and her considerable “life experience.”
Corbyn is the greatest weapon the Tories have. I want him to stay leader forever. Thankfully, he will never be PM.
Boris has accused these cunts of working for the EU and he is right.
The more no-deal gets pushed aside the less likely the EU are to re-negotiate. And the more likely we are to stay in. Which is what he majority of MPs want, even though the majority of MPs represent Leave constituencies. And the cynical ploy of promising wee Krankie another once in a generation referendum on independence shows contempt for the UK.
And if any Scots are reading this, be careful what you wish for:-
Bailed out by the EU and a vassal state
Hard border
Independent? Get tae fuck.
Any man who can pork Diane Abbott and live to tell the tale is a Warrior.
Fuck Off.
Let’s face it, she’s always been anybody’s for a bucket of KFC.
Yeah, but look what it did to him, the cunt thinks he’s invincible now.
I bet the wicked Cunt hasn’t even been Bar Mitzvahed.
Every time I see this cunt he looks like he has just rolled out of bed and straight out of a homeless shelter. He is unlike any politician, never mind Leader of the Opposition that has existed in history (mind you, Michael Foot comes a very close second)
Scruffy hair and rank beard.
Clothing that he has pulled out of the Oxfam bargain bin.
Wears a fucking grubby ANORAK to a ceremony such as the Remembrance Day service. (Any thick cunt with an IQ in minus figures could tell you that is disrespectful and inappropriate)
Has teeth like Albert Steptoe that would go into shock if a toothbrush came near them.
Now ok, this may all be very superficial and unimportant in the great scheme of things, but is it though really?? To me it smacks of his general lack of giving a political shit or solid commitment to anything or anyone, beyond pushing his own terrorist sympathising agenda. It also smacks to me of someone who has a permanent middle finger up to the establishment and the public.
This is someone who should simply NOT be a politician, a potential leader or in fact in the public eye AT ALL. The fact he is still where he is is beyond me.
He really has not got a fucking clue what he is doing…..not that I really give a fuck about that. The longer he remains their leader, the longer the libtard fucktards stay down where they belong.
The trouble is he knows exactly what hes doing!its how very dangerous they will become whether in power or not /look at boris slready lining up trade with america
Sick and tired of hearing these fucking politicians and there oh so sincere tributes to the dead copper. If you didn’t let fucking dirty pikeys in and weren’t as soft as shit he might be alive now you pathetic fucking cunts!
You can see the old pathetic cunt now in the not so distant future in the Basket Weavers Hotel wearing Ermin covered in a thick layer of dust smelling of shit and piss.
Corbyn truly is a figure of fun the cunt.
Very popular at Glastonbury though.
And among students (when he’s promising to refund their tuition fees)
Uncle Joe Stalin must be laughing his cossacks off somewhere.
Fucking snivelling communist cunts.
Get fucked.
Steptoe not all bad. Thanks to him, Labour have haemorraghed 46,000 members over the past year. ?
My grounds for thinking Corbyn’s a cunt include the notion that he was responsible for attracting those members in the first place, and has wasted the opportunity they gave him. Still, there’s not much anyone can do against a sustained, business-backed media smear campaign, and I’ have to grant him that.
A little surprised that he’s getting cunted for wanting power. No politician of any colour, at any level, is in the game for anything else. He’s a cunt for temporising and then reversing his historical position on the EU, but he’s far from the only cunt who’s changed his opinion to suit his apparent electability. He’s a monster cunt for not clearing out the Blairites before doing anything else. I can’t cunt him for not being a capitalist – socialist was what it always said on his tin.
Corbyn is a National Cunt.
Ken Clarke should be hung from the nearest lamp post Never trust anyone who wears brown hush puppies . Corbyn is a very dangerous person never underestimate this devious old cunt
Wake up you cunt, let’s face it your the most delusied politicians ever, all them fucking Alistair Ds, let’s face it, you’re no TD and he was the cunt of all cunts.
Wake up Labour is no longer fucking labour, but some bullshit middle class cunts that dispize the government, but play the game, for cunts like you to run the fucked up country. No more TBs, give us a workers party. Jeremy you are going to be a bigger cunt than TB, THE PEOPLE HAVE HAD THEIR SAY ON EUROPE, after 3 years you created the shit, the people have spoken, give them what their voted for, then you may be primister, let’s face it you still be a lefty cunt, but you yeah made it.
At the end of each day I known I have done more for the citizens of this country than you have and at the end I get a shit pension, to thick I have worked for 40 years to serve cunts like you.
Well said Brickshithouse.