
A big cunting for ‘Globohomo’, or globalised homogeneity, please.

The narcissistic belief co-opted by big tech, multinationals, corporate media and supranational organisations like the EU that the disparate cultures of the world can come together and live in harmony of a liberal democratic, post-industrial consumer society celebrating liberal, cultural relativist causes such as open borders and LGBT rights, but pursuing aggressive imperialist wars and wage slavery abroad and authoritarian security and policing at home to suppress dissent from the fairytale.

Globohomo philosophy is exemplified during events such as Glastonbury and opening ceremonies of sports events, and espoused by outlets such as The BBC, New York Times, Independent and The Times. Figureheads include the Clintons, Tony Blair and Barack Obama. The mainly young adherents show no awareness of history, geopolitics, local/traditional cultures or any non-western POV. The narrative was popular consensus in the 90s, with philosopher Francis Fukuyama calling it ‘the end of history’, but has since been exposed as wishful thinking by 9/11, failures in Iraq, the financial crisis, Brexit and the election of Trump.

Nominated by Cuntamus Prime

32 thoughts on “Globohomo

  1. Those buses in Manchester fuck me off… Rainbow hearts all over the fuckers… Never mind improving the service or the cunts even turning up on time once every year… Nah! Let’s spend taxpayer’s whalley on painting the buses in lovely hearts that are effectively LGBT swastikas… Something as mundane as a bus service being used to shove PC propaganda down people’s throats? It’s worse than the Village in The Prisoner… Leftism is the new fascism and Burnham is a colossal cunt…

  2. ?
    I’d like to buy the world a coke
    And keep it company
    That’s the real thing… ?


  3. The Rainbow Mafia can fucking do one. This place is truly mental.
    Maybe it’s the start of the end of the world. I might stop paying my bills….

    In other news…

    Had my first experience of one of those budget supermarkets.

    Strange beer to the left of me,
    Strange biscuits to the right, here I am
    Stuck in the Lidl with you….

  4. These wars are wars on tribes and communities. It is a total lie that it is about stealing oil. There is more oil now than there has every been. They pretend it is scarce so as to rip everyone off, artificial scarcity.

    These wars are about breaking up countries and cultures and mixing them into half-caste, pointless serfs. No culture, no history, no ties to the land, no sense of belonging. Just disposable lost souls living in a technocratic police state. There is a massive, well funded programme to move the people around, once the wars have uprooted them. You destroy their countries and culture with your bombs, then you destroy your own country and culture through mass immigration. Two birds with one stone.

  5. Globohomo? What the fuck is that? Sounds like some kind of agenda that our resident gays could explain. Is the headquarters in Brighton? I don’t think I want any part of it. I’ve never felt comfortable being one of a species called Homo Sapiens. The sapiens part is ok, homo not so much.

    • At first I thought it was ‘Gobohomo’ – a cocksucking service provided by the LBGin and tonic community.


    A former MP who was jailed for lying about a speeding offence has been struck off as a solicitor.

    Fiona Onasanya was sentenced to three months in prison in January after being convicted of perverting the course of justice. She served 28 days.

    The 35-year-old, who subsequently lost her seat as Peterborough MP, had worked in commercial property law.

    She was struck off at a disciplinary tribunal which found she had “failed to act with integrity”.

    The panel of three people said she failed to “uphold the rule of law and proper administration of justice” and “acted dishonestly”.

    Wonder whether she will sue as clearly racially motivated and a hate crime.

    Nasty bitch.

  7. Saw something the other day about some benders bash in LA. Nothing unusual about that of course. But this one featured a 9 year old drag queen. That’s NINE years old. Naturally his “proud” mother had plenty to say about “letting kids be what they want to be” and “progressive gender identities.”
    The picture of the poor kid was every paedos wet dream. Just when you think the world can’t get any more fucked up some cunt pulls up yet another surprise.

  8. Great cunting. Globohomo is indeed a threat to civil liberties and to the traditional nation state. Together with its intellectual handmaiden, so called “Liberalism” and dominance of the media, universities and political parties, it won’t stop until it’s stamped out the nation state and outlawed everything enjoyable on the basis that it might damage your health.

    As Rousseau said, man is born free but everywhere he is enchained by cunts.

    Cunters of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but cunts.

    Fuck off.

  9. “Globohomo “- good shorthand for what ails us, but risks alienating The Gayness. Ok, that might be intended, but it’s gratuitous. The cunting isn’t about The Gayness, and the picture at the top is misleading. It’s about the systemafic erasure of national identity and enforced uniformity of thought and opinion – precisely the charges levelled by capitalists at Communism, if you think about it. “Corpcom”, perhaps? Corporate communism?

    I’ll stick with NWO until something better comes along, but endorse the cunting itself 100%

    • Exactly. Which is what Gorbachev was alluding to when he said that the most surprising trend in recent years has been the re- creation of the old Soviet Union in Western Europe.

      • Ironically enough, The Times reports today that the only independent polling outfit in Russia has found a majority of Russians would prefer the Soviet system under Brezhnev to Putin’s modern Russia..

      • No doubt we’ll be saying the same thing about the EU after we’ve had a few years of Brexit. ?

    • Cheers Komodo, the picture is a bit misleading but in some way sumes up the newrst phase of global homogenity.
      I have no beef with the Gays but for corporations to pretend to give two fucks about gay and trans rights is laughable.
      I dont want asset stripping, war-mongering, cultureless corporate cunts telling me or their poor bastard wage slave employees what social issues i should ‘get behind’ or ‘we all just want the same thing, maaan’.

      Clearly we dont.

  10. If it was genuine sentiment, it would be (not much, but a bit) more acceptable, but this is nothing but sheep following sheep and a cynical marketing ploy to be seen to be ‘inclusive’.

    The number of even high street names that have been doing this rainbow flag shit is staggering. I was on the ‘Boots’ website t’other day to search for some foundation reminiscent of ‘Polyfilla Smoothover’ for my facial wrinkles…..even they had changed their logo to the rainbow flag…..I mean, what the actual fuck???

    It is bloody vomit-inducing.

    I have nothing against gay people…..nowt. My cousin is a lesbian for the sake of fuck and in my lifetime I seem to have been somewhat of a ‘Fag Hag’ with a fair few gay friends and acquaintances over the years, but this constant shoving of gay acknowledgement and inclusivity down our throats, which has now expanded into gender inclusivity, is really beyond the pale now and totally over the top.

  11. Nothing says oppressed than every single corporate and political entity flying your flag and singing your praises.
    Even Paddy Power have joined the bum bum brigade in the battle against bigotry not sure what odds you’d have got on that a year ago.

  12. When did a rainbow become symbolic of homosexuality?
    Homosexuality was a thing behind closed doors. Why is it mentioned so much these days beit advertising, parades etc?

  13. Does this mean we can cunt Barclays for turning their banking app into a rainbow eagle ?

    Bunch of virtue signalling twats.

    And the fucking donkeys who follow them and praise them. The daft fuckers don’t realise Barclays on it care about 1 objective: profit. And they are playing the idiotic masses like a finely tuned piano.

    I would imagine it’s the heterosexual Caucasian millenial cunts who are policing this.

    • Donkeys is the right fucking name for them, given the braying they do on social media.
      Plenty of them around my way, the cunts.

    • I give up. Why is your idea of diversity different to the government’s idea of diversity?

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