The ethnicity pay gap and BBC spin.
I read the report which puts Chinese and Indians at the top of the pay league, whites in the middle with blacks and Bangladeshis/Pakistanis at the bottom.
This reflects the work and education ethic of the top and the opposite of the bottom I thought. Wrong. I have just watched the Six O’clock News where whites are apparently the beneficiaries and racism the underlying suggestion.
How the performance of Indian and Chinese is explained eluded me.
Good old BBC. Politically correct even when the stance is fucking ridiculous.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Must be profitable running a low hygiene takeaway?
I don’t think it’s possible to cunt BBCunts too often. The flag bearers of cunts everywhere.
I don’t understand why cunters still watch/ listen /allow their piss to be boiled by the BBC or Sky. Switch to LBC – not perfect but it’s far more balanced, informative and entertaining than most.
We don’t get the Lebanon Broadcasting Corporation in our area.
Don’t you get freeview TV channels in your area Bsc? It’s channel 732 if anyone’s interested.
Morning RTC. I’m afraid I can’t tell if it’s available on the Sky platform.
Isn’t it just ironic 732 on Sky is a peaceful’s food channel – HUM Masala – must be about smelly food?
It’s not a Sky channel Bsc. It’s Freeview.
Freeview channels are available on all standard modern TVs.
Maybe you need to retune your TV?
He cant its a communal tv!
He has to ask the other residents!
Afternoon all??
Found it – 0124. All radio on Sky begins with a zero. Not so sure I’d listen though, the way people go on about that O’Shithead guy.
Never heard of him but I reckon he’d probably drive my already high blood pressure through the roof! Imagine it – new dead pool announced. After tuning in to LBC radio just once, poor old Blunty has taken a bullet. A new dead pool now begins. Out of respect for Blunty, Dame Vera Lynn has been dropped from all dead pool noms.
O’Shithead is easily avoided. For the record he’s on between 10am and 1pm Mon – Fri.
Sir Nigel is on at 6pm Mon – Thurs, and on Sundays 10am – 12pm, though he’s currently on holiday.
Good afternoon Miserable. You’re a trouble maker so I’m keeping clear of you.
I’ve already been hit with a £500 fine and a three match ban.
Admin saw right through it Blunty,
Knew im easily led and bit innocent,
Said im only allowed in your company with a responsible adult!
If BSC has money to burn on Sky, he must be considerably richer than yow or I.
Only listens to it to be fair, his eyesights gone!
Warrington magoo.
Good afternoon btw. ?
Yes, I can just picture the local paper’s headlines when my case comes to court.
“ Man fined for not doing his civic duty by owning a tv licence, despite paying a fortune in Sky subscriptions each month.”
Yes, I am considerably rich due to my time in the City, much of it down to insider trading tips from Black and White.
Good show on sky 1 tonight about how to cook with magic mushrooms,
Special guest Arlene foster!
But im not watching it, you Blunty?
Know your not Rtc!?
Drat, Drat and Double Drat!
How many fuckin’ Chinese do you know who work for the BBC?
I suppose there must be at least one for them to be represented. I’d like to get to know them cos they must be minted. They probably work in the canteens cos I sure haven’t seen them on the screen to the extent the Medievils are but I could be Wong about that. Just shows the truth of “lies, damn lies and statistics.”
The Chinese and Indians set up the tech and satellite links because the millennial trustafarians who work for the beeb are too stupid to be trusted with a spoon.
The Bullshit Blather Corporation just about sums up everything wrong in modern day Britain, always looking for racism, sexism and inequality and if they can’t find it they are more than happy to blur the lines….
Fuck them and their liberal leftie bollocks!!
Oh and fuck their feeder The guardian too…..
The BBC employ one chink but because they all look the same we are being brainwashed. Monday works in the canteen, Tuesday in an episode of Casualty, Wednesday….. you get the idea. Think his name is Sum-yun-guy.
I had a job interview last week. The head of HR said, “Can you describe yourself in three words.”
The correct response for people like you (and me) is “efficient.”
I was initially shocked when I at first misread the title of the nom as “Electricity Pay Gap BBC Spin.”
You live in the Home For The Visually Challenged, Knutsford, and I claim my £5000.
Pay the man Blunty.?
It’s funny you say that Komodo, I am literally just about to make an appointment with Specsavers!
I’d imagine that the Chinese and Indian preponderance is influenced by our great financial services industry. Both groups do maths properly at school. The very small lead that white British enjoy over white other may be similarly derived: the financiers possibly don’t employ Romanians to quite the same extent that carwashes do.
A few years ago the infamous ‘Bell Curve’ came out based on IQ. Asians top, whites in middle, blacks at bottom. Since been denounced as racist, naturally.
‘IQ is all about culture blah, blah, blah’
However. We get reverse racism in USA colleges now because Asians invariably come top in achievement to the detriment of the black minority. Of course the goalposts are being moved to get more under performing blacks in. Racist goalposts anyone?
Done extensive research on the subject, European Jews have the highest average IQ (115 according to one study), followed by some Asian populations (Koreans etc.) White British average 100. Sub-Saharan Africans manage 80, with Kalahari bushmen amongst the world’s lowest at 60. Which is the same level as Australian Aborigines. To put that in context, Harvey Price has an IQ of 50 to 60, which may well be higher than his mother. This explains a LOT regarding Diane Abbott and cunt Lammy, but don’t expect the BBC will do a Panorama investigation into thick politicians any time soon.
People are paid what they are worth,unless they’re Public sector employees,of course,who are all overpaid.
Fuck Off
Fuck me, it only do we need to invite them all over here, we now got to ensure they all earn more than the indigenous white population.
I’m going to make my position clear hear, it’s a white country, it should remain a white county and the white British majority should enjoy the benefits of being the indigenous population.
The only cunts who honestly think differently from me are bleeding heart progressives or David Lammy.
The Chinese and Japanese do ok, India is up and coming and Pakistan could match India if not shackled to the Middle Ages by Islam.
I’ve just had to endure some little black kid speaking an African dialect with English subtitles telling me how sad he is Africans can’t get an education without my help.
Fucking news flash cunts, Africa is resource rich, that’s why the Chinese are all over the place investing in infrastructure etc. Africans of the sub Saharan variety are not able to build advanced civilisation unaided.
Back to the point, all races are not created equal in everything, the spread of earnings in the table rightly aligns with the spread of average IQ for each race (ad islam and deduct a few IQ points), maybe this post will be moderated, maybe it will offend a few people.
But it’s the natural order, we are fucking our children’s futures by trying to build false equality of outcome.
The difficulty with your argument is where do people of mixed race fall in your “natural order?”
To proceed from this point would no doubt be regarded as racist by many.
They are mixed race, they will inherit genetics. I don’t get where racism comes into it? You’ll have to explain. Science and facts are not racist, unless you’re a progressive mentalist and believe in nonsense such as hate facts.
Racism is putting artificial barriers in people’s way based on their race, stupidity is trying to enforce equivalencies where none naturally exist and it’s insidious to sell the line that natural averages are the result of racism.
We got to stop losing our voices when the race card is pulled on us. That logic in this case would give evidence that white people see themselves inferior to Asians so we are subservient to them and pay them more on average than we pay ourselves.
I know there will be some cunt out there, possibly in Tottenham that would counter with the argument that we’ve been so busy keeping the blacks down we’ve taken our eyes off the Asians. That’s exactly the sort of twisted logic that’s become prevalent to such a degree it’s become acceptable as fact, whilst provable facts are now hate speech.
The outcome you get should be based on the effort you put in combined with your natural gifts.
If the black bloke next door is better paid than me because he works harder or is smarter I don’t have a problem with it at all. But if he is earning less because he’s unskilled or just not so smart and does a shit job, that’s also fine.
If we had no non white non British folk in the country there would still not be equivalence of outcome and the same bleating SJW cunts would be fanning the class war instead.
An excellent pair of posts SixDog and one of the most concise summaries I’ve read in a long while. If africa thinks it had a rough deal at the hands of the British just wait till the chinese a calling the shots, they certainly won’t put up with their fucking monkeyshines.
“might be regarded as racist by many.”
Not by anyone who’s opinion I give a flying fuck about. I long ago stopped acknowledging the validity of the term in fact I now wear it as a badge of honour! 99% of the time i’ve found the quickest way to shut the wittering gob of anyone who throws that card down is to progress the argument along the lines of…
“OK but first we need a mutually acceptable definition of the word “racism”.
Fold arms, sit back and grin like a Cheshire cat as they fumble their way through a list of disconnected buzzwords and come to a grinding halt in the delusional car crash of their Utopian self contradictions and cognitive dissonance. Takes about 30 seconds and funny as fuck to behold.